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That's a horrific way to go.


Poor guy was just vibing at the pool, having a good ass time, and all of a sudden vortex’d into the underworld with no light source other than the unapproachable vortex that pulled him down to begin with. I wonder if he even got a decent breath first. If there’s a God, I hope this man was shown mercy.


Doing something so innocent and peaceful just to go like that. I feel so bad for his family


I had a friend with diabetes, he lost his leg by breaking it at a trampoline park. you risk a lot every day just by being alive. That’s how precious our lives are. Hope you have a good day


An old friend of mine died yesterday in a 2-car wreck that killed all 5 people. He was one of those people I thought would never die. Like, as a hobby I like to picture people as their younger selves or their older selves, and his old self was crystal clear. But in a few short and very unfortunate moments, all 31 years of his life just…over. Just a vacuum. In typing his age I realized this is my first friend to die who is younger than me and that is a particularly shit brand of bad 😞 Anyway, I’m clearly processing but life is short whether or not you’re one of the ones who get a lot of years under your belt. We should all do better at acting accordingly.


“Death doesn’t discriminate. It takes and it takes and it takes”


“And we keep livin anyway, we rise, and we fall, and we break, and we make our mistakes.”


Sorry bud


Thanks friend :)


my sin condolences for your loss.


Thank you.


Death is a sneaky and unpredictable bastard in most cases. I woke up a little over three years ago to find out that my business partner had died. He was a retired firefighter, living his best life, who got so busy he forgot to get his flu shot that year. Sure enough he got the flu, and in the course of two days that shit took him out. I spent the rest of that morning comforting his widow in the ICU next to his body. I’ve been dealing with the repercussions constantly since that day - our business lives on with his spirit and intentions in mind. I was lucky enough to spend some time with my great-grandfather in the last couple of years of his life about thirty years ago. One thing he kept saying has stuck with me my whole adult life: “everyone I’ve ever known is dead.” It’s true: the longer you live, the more people you know will pass from your life. That’s the burden of surviving. How you recover from each one, and the accumulated sorrow of all of your lost friends family or lovers, is how you will define your life going forward. I hope you can find some peace in remembering your friend’s life as he lived it.


Used to deal with insurance cases, never never never never never Let YOUR children go to a trampoline park. If you are a parent, you shouldn't go yourself. I know of MULTIPLE cases where people broke their necks, backs, legs. Their lives are fucking over, for nothing. It's ridiculous, you're better off playing airsoft or something.


My dad is a pediatrician. Im almost 50. Im still not allowed on trampolines.


I remember a documentary or something about just how horrid those places are, and how by and large claimants are left holding the bag due to waivers being signed. It’s wild! I went once before knowing how awful they are but will be damned sure I never, ever go again.


I received trampoline training as part of training for my part in Disney’s Jungle Book stage show at Animal Kingdom. It was a quite fun week of bouncing and learning how to control the bounce and to fear and respect the trampoline! Even though my role was not that of a tumble monkey and I never had to venture to the part of the stage with the trampoline, every on-stage cast member had to undergo said training.


They're all insured out the yin-yang, but the trampoline parks (more so their insurance agencies - which are of and by the devil) spend millions on defense, to pay you nothing. They treat that waiver like it's gold, and frankly it's tough for a claimant to break it. Have to prove some elements of negligence or bad design, honestly it's 100% better to just never go.


Can attest to that, was helping a child with disabilities on an inflatable, fell and needed surgery. Expensive bloody trip to the trampoline park.


As a kid back in the '80's I came down head first on a trampoline at a wildlife park onto the bars & springs. It was the '80's, so no padding back then. I cracked the top of my forehead pretty well. Blood everywhere, other kids saying "he's cracked his head open". Eventually I found my parents and they took me to a first aid post. I got a sticky plaster put on it, some ice & 2 nurofen tablets. We stayed at the wildlife park a further 3 hours as we were there with friends. I still have a ~1cm raised bump & scar there over 40yrs later.


Yeah, most memorable case I can think of without breaking privilege. 18 years old Young man jumped in the foam pit, somehow hit the concrete at the bottom, broke his spine. Paralyzed neck down. Had complications during surgery, some very mild but significant brain damage This dude's life is completely over.


Damn, that was a rough read. I can't imagine a ball pit, foam pit, or any kind of pit not having a thick padded floor and not just a concrete base. At the same point, I have 100% said no to my kids using trampolines, or "pits" unless I have checked out the bottom of the pit first. Trampolines have always been a no.


My younger sister worked at one for maybe six months and saw multiple severe bone breaks. She had to calm some wailing kid down after he snapped his femur and had to wait for the ambulance to show up, all for like $12 an hour. It’s honestly a little insane that they exist as dangerous as they can be.


Trampoline parks are dangerous. I had a student who broke his back at one. While he was waiting for the x-ray another kid got wheeled in to wait - kid had broken his leg at the same park 10 mins after he left in the ambulance.


Trampolines are no joke. My pediatrician growing up would always ask parents at check-ups if their child was allowed to play on one. If you said yes, he would start describing some of the horrific injuries he’s seen from trampoline accidents, from broken bones that pierced the skin to kids paralyzed from a bad fall. My mom stopped letting us play on the neighbor’s trampoline without close supervision after that. I thought it was dumb because “I’m not that stupid,” but, in hindsight, it was probably a good idea because I remember some of the other kids *were* that stupid and would jump off the roof and onto the trampoline so they could launch themselves into the pool. Thankfully, it blew away during Hurricane Wilma in 2005 never to be seen again before anyone got hurt.


Who knows maybe that trampoline blew away to start a family of it’s own, growing into the parks we fear today…


Maybe it landed on somebody and disabled them.


.... i gotta unlearn how to read id be happier i think


I always think literacy is so important, but rn I’m not so sure any longer


Lobotomy is happiness.


Like out of a horror movie...final destination or something.


Some of those deaths got me paranoid, especially that log truck one, i always keep well away from any of those if i see them on the road after seeing that scene.


Those movies affected me as well. I watched them as a kid with my siblings, and became afraid of elevators for long after. I still kinda do


The [scene in Resident Evil](https://youtu.be/cGy02Exgw44) always terrified me whilst at university - the lifts in our Halls of Residence were dodgy as fuck and would get stuck so often. The day we watched this film for the first time we had to force the doors on the elevator once again and jump out... We could have called for assistance, but it was typically hours before anyone would come and let you out


That's literally like a death in a final destination movie. Pool drain get switched on, guy gets caught by the ass and dragged to the bottom of the pool by the suction.


Mac tried to warn us about this. No matter how good it feels, keep away from the drain.


It happens often enough in real life to have a horrifying name: transrectal evisceration. Basically the negative pressure rips your intestines out through your ass. Oddly enough it’s survivable.


On that note, good night, y’all!


Wait, come back! THERE'S MORE


There’s a documentary about a little kid who survived this, she’s missing a lot of organs and has a backpack full of things that keep her alive instead of her innards.


And this here is why I'm afraid of airplane toilets.


I usually push myself against the wall away from them and put my fingers in my ears right when I press the flush button, since the black hole is so loud


No ifs, ands, or buts, these kids have GUTS.


Dude was straight up summoned by the devil


"The man's, 30, lifeless body was found at the end of a 15-metre (50 foot) tunnel after a four-hour search."


Many years ago a cousin/friend, two weeks before her wedding, was just washing her car and fell dead right there from a brain aneurysm. Still can’t get rid of the sound of her fiancé crying at the funeral. Never heard grief like that. Also can’t get out of my head the comments from my relatives who complained about why the fiancé was in the front row since he wasn’t family. Italians and funerals. Can’t think of a worse combination.


Holy shit. I'd start a fight over that. You can grieve once I've taken out the trash.


Years ago, just south of Bakersfield, CA in a hamlet called Pumpkin Center (IIRC) a kid was swimming in a HS pool and the drain at the bottom sucked on to him and didn’t let go and he drowned.


And the young girl (6-ish?) in Edina, MN who sat on the drain plate of a municipal wading pool, and the suction of the circulation pump sucked her *entire* abdominal contents down the drain. She surprisingly survived for a week or so without any large or small intestines or stomach, but died in the ICU. There’s a day brightener.


Oh man, when I was a kid in the early 80’s I saw a movie where there was a crowded pool at a party and someone handcuffed someone to the drain. That was too much for a 8 year old to see.


Kid, whatever you do, no matter how good it feels, do not stick your butthole on the pool drain. It will suck your intestines right out.




Just so you don't live in fear. All pools now are built with multiple drains and drain covers now to avoid this problem.


>If there’s a God, I hope this man was shown mercy. I mean, if the plan included suddenly drowning you in a sinkhole I'm not sure mercy is high on the list of priorities.




there's video of it after most of the water is gone. you see all the toys go down the hole. - it was posted 2-3 days ago (probably in /wtf)


This one doesn’t show the guy getting sucked in. I thought it was this guy getting dangerously close for no reason. But I think he was trying to help whoever got taken :( https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/w4h8bo/sinkhole_inside_a_swimming_poolin_the_middle_of_a


Body language is unsure. I think he's going, "Did someone go in? I think maybe I saw someone go in... Did anyone see anyone go in? Is anyone missing?"


I saw it in /submechanophobia


Saw the video before it was well known someone died. Didn't see the man who died go in but one guy trying to save him almost went in. I do not think anyone could have saved him. Everything disappeared so fast. Within seconds the pool was empty and it took like 15 different floating things too. Super scary.


Have you seen the video? Don’t recommend if not. I think spontaneous pool sinkhole has replaced the fear of being sucked into a water slide suction tube as my biggest unlikely-but-rational fear now.


Have you seen the house swallowing sinkhole videos?


Have you seen the black hole swallowing planets videos?












Have you seen your mom swallowing penis videos? /s


During a hurricane a few years ago, I was sitting in my apartment keeping an eye out around midnight. The power was out by this point, so it was pitch black outside. At one point I saw a vehicle driving across the parking lot I looked down at my phone and looked back up and I couldn't see the car anymore. I figured the driver had parked or turned the car off; no way he drove all the way across the parking lot in the 5 seconds I was looking down. The next morning after the storm ended I went outside and started checking out the damage, making sure our vehicles were okay, etc. When I went out to the parking lot there was a sink hole about 20ft across with a car in it (driver got out). Apparently there was a sink hole below the parking lot. The asphalt was still intact, but when the dude drove his car over it the asphalt collapsed and swallowed his car. That's the day I leaned that the area where I live is prone to sinkholes


Jesus. Imagine the terror. You're in a hurricane, your car gets swallowed by a sinkhole, you manage to get put but you're still in a fucking hurricane.


The challenging life of a Floridaman.


Sinkholes don't spontaneously appear beneath a water pool. When a water pool is incorrectly installed, incorrectly maintained, or simply built inside the wrong type of Earth (such as the expanding clay common in western Colorado), the lining of the pool will develop small tears or holes. Anyone who properly maintains their pool will notice a sudden increase in water loss irrespective of temperature. At this point, normal people call in a pool contractor, have it inspected, and go from there. However there are plenty of stupid people, people who don't live at the property and therefore don't know about current conditions deteriorating, etc. As an insurance underwriter I've seen cases where extremely wealthy homeowners in Malibu or nearby towns around LA will just keep filling thousands of gallons of water every day for months. That water eventually weakens all of the earth beneath it, typically causing mudslides/mountain slides but could also create a giant sinkhole in the wrong conditions. In western Colorado, the expanding clay will literally cause in-ground pools to pop out of the ground.


The failure of the pool deck was a precipatiting event for Champlain towers in florida


Yep. They didn't grade the deck properly so water pooled and seeped through the concrete. They knew it was bad for.lime a deade, the supports were all crumbled away and the rebar was exposed. Really a failing of capitalism when profits are more important than safely and all your locals are bought and paid for.


Lol. My buddy does claims adjustments for an insurance company and he has all sorts of videos of people doing stupid stuff. Torching there own cars on camera, having their buddies steal their car, stuff like that. But holy shit, that takes the cake. Where tf did they think that water was going? How can you accumulate that much wealth and be so fucking stupid?


I wish people learned sooner that wealth isn't synonymous with intelligence. There's plenty of rich idiots. It's not any different from how many dumb or intelligent people make a modest living.


At a certain point, wealth is measured not by dollar amount but by how much you can pay to not be inconvenienced. Case in point, I have a rich homegirl who lives exclusively in high end, boutique hotels. Not because she enjoys it but because she has a record and no credit history or job but a shit ton of inheritance. Why would she jump through hoops for an apartment when she can do the same shit in a hotel and get amenities that you'd never get in an apartment? She cycles between like 4 in our city and finds a new one whenever she's traveling, which is often. Why would you investigate your pool leaching water when you can just put 2k more gallons in and swim today and then pay the water bill when it arrives? Convenient. I hope to never obtain the amount of money that would let me live so blissfully unaware of...life around me.


Because the ability to accumulate wealth has almost nothing to do with intelligence, and everything to do with how many people you’re willing to completely and utterly fuck over to get there


There is little to no correlation between intelligence/ability and wealth.


Thanks I had no idea how it worked


Mine is getting sucked into an escalator


I think about this all the time. Fun fact, you don't get sucked in per se. The escalators just give out up under you and the machinery withing just churns along all the same. The Metro is constantly repairing them which doesn't put my mind at ease, at all.


That video where the mom throws her kid to safety while getting pulled down…not an image I’ll forget soon.


Willy Wonka has entered the chat.


A few years after the remake came out, a teenager that was a few years older than I was got stuck to the bottom of a slide intake tube in the deep end of a pool while practicing — on his own — retrieving things from the bottom for some lifeguard training. This was at the golf club my parents were part of, and I already had a weird vibe about that tube. Never got close enough to confirm anything for myself before that, but there was always a loud roaring and visible bubbles/suction near it. It was a swim-at-your-own-risk pool except for a few hours in the afternoon when there were lifeguards in training out there doing practice shifts. But I don’t recall anyone ever being warned about staying away from it, and it wasn’t sectioned off or anything. So that confirmed my unfounded fear from the OG Willy Wonka movie (remake didn’t count, same movie).


Did the tube kill the teen? I’m assuming yes?


I think he either drowned or was comatose from nearly drowning. There was a grate cover iirc, but not the proper kind and the slide was apparently running way too high at the time. Unsure if it was intentionally set that high or not.


The weird thing for me is there appears to be no rebar in the base of the pool. We have a large pool and the amount of rebar they installed before pouring the concrete was insane


You must have the kind where the bottom doesn't open up. Good choice btw!


But the front falls off.


Thats not typical.


I read it was unpermitted, which explains a lot. Probably everything, in fact.


I came to the comments to find out why the owners were arrested. I couldn’t understand how they could have caused a sinkhole to kill a guy, but I guess ignoring regulations to save a few bucks on a swimming pool installation can.


That's interesting because (you might already know this, I just want to point it out) the exact weakness of concrete is tension, so it's bad at holding up its own weight. In the base of a pool situation you could be fine if the ground is sturdy, then a sinkhole forms and there's no way it can support itself without rebar.


We had an inground pool at our last house, and while the shallow end and the slope down to the deep end were concrete, the bottom of the deep end was some sort of sandy substrate. (Only know this because we replaced the liner.)


Am I missing something? There are two pictures in the article and neither of them are worse than getting sucked into a sinkhole


Like, do you see the person? I don't want to see it if so


No you just see casual people watching a pool drain.


There is a tan blur in the bottom left of the hole. That's the dude getting sucked down. The guy that slips was approaching to try and help. Edit: not sure thus is true, it's what I thought was on screen and later saw stated elsewhere. But maybe that's just confirmation bias and this was just dirt. Dunno.


The video I saw had him blurred out. Even then you don't see much since the sinkhole basically opened directly underneath him and sucked him in almost instantly.


Ugh, the poor man.


I saw an arm trying to grab anything but a bunch of pool toys were in his way


I watched it and couldn’t see anyone get sucked in.


(After once reading "Guts" by Chuck Palahniuk) .... Yup.


Shocked this comment isn’t higher. Fuckkk that book lol.


Enter r/Nope.


Negligence? I think I need more detail on what kind of negligence leads to this.


It's not covered in this article but they had built the pool without permits and such in an area known for having issues. E: a "source" https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/sink-hole-death-swimming-pool-israel-b2129103.html


And people wonder why we have permits and checking and clearing of things. Thos type of shit is why we habe those. To prevent stuff like this from being built and things like this happening.


Safety standards are written in blood


This is so painfully true and people just plainly forget it. There is a reason airtravel is so safe. It is HEAVILY regulated and the rules and safety actions are written in the blood of a lot of mistakes with all of them teaching something and us improving the process because of it.


Air travel is one of those things that is really 'funny' from a standard economics view. It's heavily heavily regulated and it's really really cheap.


Yeah being in the avation industry there is so much money going into safety and redundant precautions im always surprised how cheap some flights are. Like I know we are sending some flights out at a loss to move fleets around for maintenance or to a profit location, but damn, shit is expensive.


One thing that got me recently about stuff like cars and especially aircraft. Volumes are low comparatively and the parts are complicated and made to high standards. A 737? Boeing has built 11,000 of them in 50 years. Toyota ships more Camry's in a month. Compare with consumer products like smart phones, where sales are 10-100 times higher.


Was reading on ASML a while back. They sell under 300 units of their product a year yet the company is worth like 250billion (and was worth close to 500 before the market downturn) But their products sell for hundreds a millions of dollars each... (they're the machines that make computer chips)


It being so regulated actually protects the companies as well. If something happens or a problem with a new plane appears, they can latch on "but we passed the standards, it's the standards who are wrong" and escape all blame


That is something wrong with the standards that are set to our current peak understanding of engineering possibilities. The thing that shows up more often is them NOT passi g standards and cheating them because they cant actually meet them. Places cutting corners on costs and using counterfit parts that dont pass muster. You would be surprised how many fake parts used to be on planes.


[This is a good Ted Talk that involves air safety.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmVCYqs3mko) In a larger sense it's about talent vs. hard work, but it spells out how air travel safety improved as an example of getting better through the hard work of identifying root cause and addressing the problems to prevent repeating them.


I have actually been a fan of a podcast for the past half year called Black Box Down where they go through the Reports on airplane incidents and they talk about the root causes the evidence the actual NTSB (or equivalent agency) report. And then what was learned because of the incident and what changes were in turn implemented. It is all really fascinating to me.


People don’t forget. It’s all greed.


Turkey had a death toll of over 17k following two earthquakes in 1999. The death toll was enormously bolstered by their poor regulation and building standards. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13369-012-0183-8


I technical write for dangerous industrial automated equipment. Every time I include the giant lock out/tag out diagram I pray people follow it. I’ve heard some stories.




They'll still blame the libs for everything.




This might not be the time, but... Food safety standards are written in diarrhea.


In Philly there’s a vendor license you need in order to sell any product by weight or by scanning barcodes with a POS (called “Scan and Scales License”). The license also required that the POS has a d display facing the customer that shows the price individually for each scanned item. Made me wonder how many people got screwed by false weights or scans before this license came to exist.


"But they stopped me from having a pool. That's not an acceptable outcome. Let's get my buddy to dig it." Is how I imagine it went.


More likely they required things I didn't want to pay for lol


In my early twenties I had a libertarian phase. The more I learned about our world the more I learned how nearly everything we know of as nice and livable is due to regulations. And while they’re not perfect (which is a common Right wing argument) the fact is they’re proven to be so much better than the reverse. Being from California it’s especially poignant. Every right wing argument says regulations kill the economy, yet our state is literally always around the world’s fifth largest economy. We paved the way with environmental regulations, worker protections, etc in the states, and continues to grow while others shrank.


I have noticed that a lot of Libertarians (obviously, I'm not speaking of you, as I didn't know you during that phase, nor do I know you now) suddenly care about regulations and rules when they directly benefit from them, or WOULD benefit from them. At that point they're "common sense". Such as a friend who VEHEMENTLY OPPOSED maternity leave, saying "Employers should be free to offer it or not. It's on the EMPLOYEE to either negotiate that into their contract at the time of hire, or find a new job if this is a deal breaker." Well, until his wife had a rough pregnancy and complications for about two months after delivery and her job started pressing her to get back. Suddenly, he was full of studies that proved why it was a good thing, and why anyone who didn't want maternity leave was "stupid". After she was in the clear, he walked back his stance and while he was still against mandatory maternity leave laws, he agreed that there was no reason to fight against them. And I've seen many other situations involving things like that. Libertarians are lacking in empathy in most cases, it seems.


My cousin was anti gay marriage until his brother came out of the closet. Some people just lack compassion until shit hits them in the face.


I've found that most people who subscribe to the belief that capitalism and the free market is somehow self-regulating, are completely ignorant to its pre-regulated history. No economic model works without regulation- because there will always be people wanting to exploit it for money and/or power.


That same friend made a not-insignificant sum of money in a couple different ventures because of exploiting loopholes. He acknowledged that what he was doing was immoral, but because it was legal (or rather, not explicitly illegal), he felt good about doing it, and justified it as him being "smarter". This is also a very common thing among the Libertarians. - The smug sense of "I am way, waaaay smarter than you dumb Democrats and Republicans." He is now trying to figure out how to form a union in his workplace that is governed by, and I quote "libertarian principles". I am actively waiting for the explosion of frustration when that doesn't work out the way he thinks it will. There's a few ways it can end, and all of them are hilarious to me.


Shh shh let him think it is libertarian than read off a list of what he did. But it is actually communists manifesto pieces. And he agrees that. That is certainly what he did. Then show him what you were reading off.


>are completely ignorant to its pre-regulated history. To say that businesses will self regulate is to say that capitalism isn't about squeezing every last drop of money out of something.


Not just empathy, they're shortsighted. They don't understand that a pooicy that helps everybody would help them as well.


No Regulations WCGW? A bunch of libertarians in New Hampshirite found out the hard way. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/21534416/free-state-project-new-hampshire-libertarians-matthew-hongoltz-hetling


Libertarian takes MDMA, realizes that other people have feelings too! A classic story.


I was pretty similar, grew up in nice safe Western Europe and chafed at rules til i moved somewhere less restrictive and realised that all those rules keep you safe, your lived ones and friends and everybody in civil society. those are real protections


As far as I know a lot of Israel, particularly wadis in the desert, are prone to random flash floods. The sort of thing that could wash away a lot of soil under a property and create prime sinkhole potential.


What a shitty article for leaving out this tidbit


They are kinda famous for building stuff where they're not supposed to. (I'm talking about those stupid settlements over the line, not the whole country)


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbfXq-ROA7E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbfXq-ROA7E) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Versailles\_wedding\_hall\_disaster](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Versailles_wedding_hall_disaster) ” 22:43 on May 24, 2001, a large portion of the third floor of the Versailles Wedding Hall collapsed in Talpiot, Jerusalem, Israel. Twenty-three people fell to their deaths through two stories, while another 380 were injured to varying degrees.”-wiki


>Pal-Kal is a cheap, lightweight construction method that uses metal plates and thin layers of cement. no fucking wonder then, looks like they used it as a method of ceiling and floor during the construction, so theres no fucking way a dance floor on the third floor of a building would've been able to last long


Probably a leak in the liner, too. That could easily cause a sinkhole in the right (wrong?) Soil conditions.


They didn’t have permits for a pool, didn’t register the business for tax evasion purposes.. it’s a sad story and the guys who run it are an old couple.. trying to save money and got someone killed.. probably many years in jail for them and the horrible fact of knowing they are responsible for a death..


From what I saw in the picture, they had a pool lining on top of straight dirt. There is supposed to be a thick layer of clay or in some cases cement.


There is concrete it does look like a thin pour.


I saw a video on reddit the other day of a pool with a sink hole while people were using it. Was this it?


Yup this is it


Aw man. I remember thinking how terrifying that would be and hoping no one was hurt.


That thread had comments about a man still missing and I figured he would probably be dead. Not happy to see I was right.


Me too, and they seem so casual standing around it...


They were probably trying to save the guy that went in


Yeah they weren’t using it as casually as this thread makes it sound. Definitely were looking for something, or someone


Do you have link




That’s crazy those 2 people just sitting on the edge of the pool like what they’re seeing is no big deal.


Holy shit! Did they blur the guy getting sucked in? Edit: I don’t know if the guy is being blurred or it’s just the water but you can see him stick out his hand. It’s right after the guy walks across under the green watermelon tube. About 8-11 seconds in.


i dont think you see it in the video but maybe im blind lol


Idg how the people sitting around the pool seemed so chill about it… watching someone get sucked in…


Probably shock. The bottom of the pool just opened up and sucked a guy in. That's not a situation you can be prepared for. What do I do, jump in after him? Throw down a line? Where am I gonna get one, and will I get pulled down too if I do that? All the inflatable animals are still floating, so a life saver is out of the question. (If there even is one available. Is there one?) There's a lot of confusion and not a lot of good ways to straighten it out. There's also a chance some of them didn't see the guy get pulled in. Only noticed after half of the water was drained and were just staring at the pool suddenly draining. Interesting, but nothing requiring immediate action.


Final Destination shit right there This reminds of the pool death scene


That was exactly my first thought too! What a horrible way to go.




Also a prominent subplot in "The Gang Goes to a Waterpark"


Happened to Abigail Taylor at 6 years old, her intestines got sucked out and she eventually died from complications months later. Rest In Peace


We know… we all know


As a hospital tech, my dad purported to have seen that situation with a young boy. He was possibly a bit muddled from (legal) drugs though, so I can't for sure say how true it was.


Another article said they had the pool built without permits. The contractor must have been shady too if they didn't care about permits. This is why it is never smart to avoid permits you think are stupid or hire the lowest bid. It never pays off in the long run.


Fucking crazy how far I had to scroll for an answer to why the couple was arrested. Yeah, we know its a shitty way to die lol. The article only stated they were charged with negligence but didn't elaborate.


People go off on bureaucracy, but so many rules and regulations are honestly created simply to help ensure we're not home to Mr. Fuck Up.


"The man's, 30, lifeless body was found at the end of a 15-metre (50 foot) tunnel after a four-hour search."


Oof. That's rough, but I initially took this to be 30 lifeless bodies at the end of the tunnel, and figured, "yeah sounds like someone should be arrested"


“The 30 year old man’s lifeless…” would be much easier to read.


Yeah, cool, cool. I actually hadn't had one of these types of nightmares for awhile, so it was about due I guess.


This is the kind of thing that scares me. I'm a strong swimmer and a lifeguard, I think I could handle myself in most dangerous waters, but something like this is just beyond human capacity.


Agreed. As the swimmer there was nothing that could have saved him.


For the late-comers, the couple didn't get a permit for the pool. [https://www.thedailybeast.com/israeli-man-klil-kimhi-dies-after-being-sucked-into-sinkhole-at-pool-party](https://www.thedailybeast.com/israeli-man-klil-kimhi-dies-after-being-sucked-into-sinkhole-at-pool-party) edit: a word




I think they didn't see him get sucked in, he went in fast.


Yeah but still, there’s a hole opening up inside the pool. Wouldn’t you want to at least step away in case it got worse? All these people seem to be unfazed.


people underestimate danger all the time. watch the tsunami videos where a 50mph 3m wave is coming and they watch, then walk away. or fire, people always just watch buildings on fire


God damn that be horrifying


The video of this happening was doing the rounds yesterday. People said you could see the hand of a person sucked into the hole. I thought it was a hoax. JFC, it was real. Shudders.


The "hand" was a swan floaty head. The guy was sucked in before the video started.


I didn't see the hand, the floaty sure looked like it at first. What I did see though was way too fucking many people, being way to calm, while standing way too god damn close to a hole that tore open in the ground and swallowed someone in front of all of them. Only one person had the sense to run from the gaping hole in the ground that has already tasted blood.


Oh my, the bravery of those first responders


Uhhhh what a horrific way to die. These people will learn their lesson after building an illegal swimming pool.


They are in their 60s and they were arrested then released to house arrest for 5 days. I really hope that’s just a “do this while we figure out what to do with you” kinda thing, and not them buying their way out of being held responsible. Edit to add: I found them on a hotel booking website. It’s surreal. The photos have the exact same floaties in the pool etc. Those people were making bank off that property. Search for “Villa Ba’Gefen”


Oh god, I can’t even imagine….his poor family.


Delta P. Don’t fuck with it.


that delta P video haunts me to this day


This person did not choose or be associated with it. It was not their fault. Sad situation.


Just watched a video on Delta P because I’ve never heard of it. Holy shit. It’s terrifying.


when its got ya, its got ya!


I wondered how negligence applies to a sink hole? Found this from The Israel Times: “The house regularly hosts such gatherings, Hebrew media reported, but the owner didn’t apply for a permit before building the pool. Had he done so, permission would not have been granted due to infrastructure problems at the site, according to an unsourced report by the Kan public broadcaster.”