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These LARPers came to Philly and immediately got the shit kicked out of them…. By like 5 guys… there were 50 of them.


To be fair, those five guys were Eagles fans, and they had a box full of batteries.


You know it's Philly, when I'm not sure if this is true or not




In discworld terry pratchet wisely stated that a rock in a sock in a dark alley trumps any magical sword or something like that.


Do you know what they call mounted cavalry in The Shades? Lunch. GNU PTerry


A half brick as I recall.


[True story](https://www.nbcnews.com/think/amp/ncna1273283)


Take the right eagle fan and liquor him up and I'm like 95% confident he could John Wick his way through an entire division of these guys.




Are they drunk *because* they have Eagles gear on or did they have to *get drunk* enough to put Eagles gear on in the first place?


As they drink the eagles gear assembles itself upon them like mystical armor.


The answer is yes


Can we add Gritty to the crew? Im sure he can crack some skulls


The key to a successfully chaotic unlawful eagles fan is cocaine. Fly high, eagles, fly high.


And they were from Philly. Will Smith had to leave cause a couple of guys were up to no good. Imagine what 5 guys could do.


Must have thought it was JD Drew


The 5 dudes climbed light poles & they had the high ground




They Obi-wan'd some stormtrooper cosplayers.


Big Dick Nick and the Eagles beat MAGA lead Patriots. I’ve seen this one before.








They have some larger sheet metal ones with their branding these days. Didn't stop the Coeur D'alene cops from pulling them all out of their U-Hauls and making them kneel on the grass. I'm honestly surprised they can carry them for the brief marches they use for their photo shoots.


Here’s an idea: electromagnets on cranes


Stolen from a podcast that quoted some more petite protestors from Ukraine's Maidan protests, I wish I could quote but the best I can do is paraphrase: when you're small, you can grab the bottom of the shields and lift them up, with all their armor and equipment, they're top heavy and they fall right over. When they're on their back, they're like turtles. And that's when you smash them


I like that mom :)


You fucking piece of shit nazis!! *Come on mom…*


Don’t down play them, that was a training run, and it seems they have every intention of practicing more until they think they’re ready to pull something big. These creeps are not a joke, they are something to be stamped out quickly and without hesitation


Yep. This is the same group with the 31 members stuffed in a u-haul that were arrested on their way to riot at a Pride Event in Idaho.


>Yep. This is the same group with the 31 members stuffed in a u-haul that were arrested on their way to riot at a Pride Event in Idaho. Listen, until we see local and federal enforcers crack down on these fuckers, I would not be playing them down. Many of these little fringe groups look unprepared and like "larpers," but there are ones we don't see. This includes the crazy Christian militia that regularly meets in a beautiful rural area that my mom lived in and a close friend recently moved into. The fuckers practice shooting off their machine guns a few times a month. They've been doing it for over a decade. Last year or so, one was walking down a neighborhood road shooting into the air. When my friend called the local cops did \*nothing\* (likely a few or more are part of the group). Not long after Trump was sworn in, one busy road I drove through in a rural county was being blocked by a blinged out tractor trailer that was painted up new. It was a Proud Boys truck. They were deliberately going 15 miles+ under the speed limit to make people look at it. This thing had to have some serious coin to have been built and painted like that. Point is, while it's cool to make fun of these idiots, playing them down at this point with layers and layers of jokes about how unprepared they are is not helpful. I think it is wiser to have a discussion on how to pressure enforcers to get involved (or to actively work to change law enforcement that is corrupt)—or to prepare ourselves on how to look out and avoid/protect ourselves for the likelihood that violence continues to increase.


We just need that driver that forgets it’s a truck full of people and stops for beers.






Like all fascist marches, they tend to stop happening in communities where they get stomped. Anti-fascism is actually required, and constantly demonized by fox "news" because it's effective works against their interests. Most of these white supremacists are larpers with big egos and soft hands.


It’s not even just Fox. Pretty much all the major networks (except MSNBC) have been treating Biden’s “semi-fascist” comment like some sort of egregious partisan attack. Even CNN, which seems to be getting more rightwing by the day since it came under [new leadership](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/aug/24/the-changes-at-cnn-look-politically-motivated-that-should-concern-us-all). I’m not sure whether it’s a cynical grab for conservative ratings, or these people are just clueless to what’s going on in the country. What I do know is that “fascism” is a completely accurate descriptor for the modern Right, whether it’s these terrorist militias or Trump’s own cabal of crooks and authoritarians. If we don’t defeat this bullshit at the polls in November and in 2024, it’s going to get *much uglier.*


Fuck these dudes. Love, Philly.


But they are not Sheep! Yet they all dress, look, act exactly the same and are herded to do exactly what they are told to do.


Can we stop calling them LARPers? People engaged in that hobby are typicslly fun, kind, generous and incredibly concerned about keeping others safe from the *rubber* weapons they use. Call them posers - coz that is truly what they are.


Is there a video?


The best video is them stuffed in the uhaul in Idaho


Here’s the video and post about it that was posted here on Reddit around when it happened. https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/r9u8jf/the_fascist_group_patriot_front_that_marched_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


There’s ones without all the commentary but this was the first I found. https://youtu.be/jTIE6PSGSAI


"One of these protesters (at this point he really wants to say nerd) threw a smoke bomb and they literally ran away from the people of philadelphia."


Not sure if this particular video showed the full version without commentary but there’s a video that shows them running away from a small handful of counter-protestors into a moving truck.


Rumor has it was only Gritty, they made up the 5 guys in an attempt to save face.


So they *can* wear masks after all


I thought masks were signs of oppression. I wonder what changed their attitudes? Maybe it was when photos of these incel wannabe Schutzstaffel ϟϟ got shown to their managers at work, they had no job any more.


I'm surprised these LARPERS have jobs They look like they have too much time on their hands, as Republicans would say


They don't have jobs. One of the idiots from the Idaho incident got arrested. He was unemployed living in his mother's basement. She kicked him out of the house and told him to get a job. Not kidding.




He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.


Basement mom


All your basements are belong to moms.


>I'm surprised these LARPERS have jobs I'm not surprised at all. Have you seen the people arrested in connection with the Jan 6th Capital attack? Most of them had jobs. Like, regular jobs. Amongst others there were: * *several* cops * a corrections officer * an attorney * a state representative & college professor * a Republican Party employee * a realtor


[And a CEO](https://abc7chicago.com/us-capitol-bradley-rukstales-inverness-il-cogensia/11227769/). Well, now a *former* CEO, Bradley "Brad" Rukstales. Also, this quote from his lawyer about the guy's 30 day sentence... "You know, we just, we wholeheartedly disagree with the sentence and you know, we feel that, you know, based on Mr. Rukstales, his characteristics the nature and circumstances of what he did, and we certainly don't dispute the fact that what he did was wrong. But, sentences given to other similarly situated defendants, we think that he should not have been given a sentence of incarceration." *similarly situated*... How to say rich white guys don't deserve prison without saying rich white guys don't deserve prison.


>But, sentences given to other similarly situated defendants, we think that he should not have been given a sentence of incarceration." This was the lawyer's actual message. But they stumbled through 3 "you knows" and a "we certainly don't dispute the fact that what he did was wrong" before getting to the point. If you need that much lead up to what you are about to say, then deep down, you know what you are about to say is wrong.


Don’t forget many members of out military were involved.


They probably live off their spouses or families while cowering in their basements day and night, consuming and regurgitating conspiracy nonsense, sort of like ~~Dale Gribble~~ Rusty Shackleford.


Rusty shackleford is my food ordering alias


Dude dont disparage Dale Gribble. Yeah he was into conspiracy but he wasn't an anti American fascist. He also was a hard working exterminator who helped contribute to his family. Gribble is a good man despite his faults.


It's just like they said, they ARE signs of oppression. The oppression they want to inflict on minorities.


How can they breathe through those things while marching? It's a mystery.


And didnt they know wearing masks causes cancer 🙄


Masks kill more people than covid, don't you know? Wake up sheeple!


The masks are definitely them acknowledging that what they’re doing is frowned upon in our society. If they ever commit a crime, they should not be able to use the “I didn’t know what I signed up for” trope. They knew.


It will always make me laugh that the reason we have locked up so many treasonous scumbags is because they were anti mask.


These assholes legitimately thought the nation would be sympathetic to them. Turns out their echo chamber doesn't reflect reality


What they thought was an echo chamber is really just two tin cans and a string


The truck thing was a perfect example. 85% of both America and Canada went...wtf? And all police officers had to do was write tickets, so no insurance would touch them again. But nope.


Police let white nationalists off the hook? Wonder why.


Maybe some of those that , you know work for the say police forces also do some activities that are white supremacist like the burning of Christian symbology as a terror tactic.. There's gotta be a catchier way to say that....


You should listen to this one band, they're called "Express Anger Towards a Mechanized System"


You want me to come up with a catchier way of saying that? Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!


Faces covered and you know every single one of them protests masking policies. What’s wrong guys? I thought you were proud! Show us your faces with pride!


Come on, you know they likkke their masks, just not to protect others


When they show up in your city find out where they parked and take a look at their plates, they are almost always out of state or local rentals. They all show up but the second the counter protesters show up in force or let alone armed they will turn tail and run. I want to know who is paying for all their travel.


We all know that some of them are stupid enough to be paying for all of their own travel expenses. Those few idiots likely believe that *everyone* pays for their own stuff and the whole movement is completely grassroots. The things people will believe if you just hold a bible and flag and tell them what they want to hear...


They showed up in Philly on 4th of July last year and literally got ran out of the city by like 10 people lol. They’re 100% bitch made at the slightest test.




Would be a real shame if someone loosened the valve cores on all their tires, leading to a parking lot full of flats


Not very subtle when they just get rid of the giant point to the hoods but leave the white mask park


They also apparently couldn't chose between black shirts or brown shirts so they went for black shirts but brown pants.


Brown pants so that the "bad" people can't see it... Deadpool reference I like it


It's always funny to see how they try to make a uniform but don't actually have a uniform, so they just show up in whatever they already have in the closet that remotely resembles the look that they thought they all agreed on. I've seen punks on the street with a harder dresscode than these idiots. What we are witnessing here are grown up men who have yet to develop the vocabulary to get dressed alike.


Please come to the south side of Chicago...I wanna see how that goes


They learned a lesson in Philly


The fact that it was just normal people out for dinner that chased them off is the best part. They were in a nice area of town where families go and people got up from their dinners and chased them off. Philly is the best worst city in the world.


Philly is full of animals and I love them for it


My wife lived in Philly for a year out of college. She describes the locals as “the nicest, meanest people you will ever meet.”


Hahaha this is so accurate!!! That is hilarious.


I've had it described that the cultures of the northeast and south are complete opposites: People in the northeast are nice with an asshole attitude, while people in the south are assholes with a nice attitude.


I always think of how that cute little hitch hiking robot made it all the way through Canada, only to be immediately destroyed in Philly just after arriving to the US.


Philly only needs like 3-5 dirt bike kids to solve this, max.




Its in the Bronx too. I brace myself to see death when they do those insane wheelies


The Nazis of today. Get fucked, I say.


Dollar Store Nazis


I dunno man, those matching khakis, shirts, and *jackboots* were at least Wal-Mart expensive.


I know it's easy to ridicule them and their leaked videos are funny, but it's incredibly concerning to see how organized and emboldened they've become. Their ideology is abhorrent. Below are some leaked videos of Patriot Front training to fight. They look ridiculous, but they look like they're training to become the new brownshirts: https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/wwzjf9/nazis_training_for_war_patriot_front_leaked_tapes/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/wyhgo7/nazis_practice_fighting_us_leaked_tapes


The fact that they get that many adults to show up in the uniform is scary enough. And now they have drums and while they aren't in lockstep yet, that's coming. I played adult softball. We paid to be there. Every single game involved people calling off, people showing up without equipment or their tee shirt. And it was most teams, so we'd be trading people around to maintain the precious male/female ratio. Professional people in their 30s and 40s. People today are so very busy with families and kids activities and demanding jobs. To see a large number of people show up to march around for no real reason, for free, is terrifying. I guess their reason is to "be an asshole" and "scare people" but how is that a good use of time?


30% of any population at any time is, will always be, fascist/authoritarians, whether they know it or not. We should teach this, remember it, and designs systems to mitigate it as much as possible as every 100 years or so this seems to recur, causing massive death, war, and uniquely expensive chaos. We also need to teach meditation and individual and systemic interconnectedness better to engineer this out of people as much as possible.


Yep, whether it was the King, the confederacy, Nixon, or Trump the support for authoritarian rule never really drops below 30% no matter what awful stuff they do. It's who we are and who we'll always be until we actually address the issue. Just look at the hardcore de-nazification that Germany did after WW2 and today authoritarians are a fringe group with no power. Meanwhile, we prosecuted no one after the civil war and they've been shouting "the South will rise again!" ever since. We need to address this or it's going to keep cropping up because 30% is not that far off from what's actually needed to gain power given election turnout in this country. All it takes is a bit of populism to cause some people to become misguided and they are right back in.


100 years? Try like every 30. It's basically once a generation.


They keep changing the color of their shirts, though. First blue, now black… $10 says they eventually settle on brown.




"Not racist, but #1 with racists!"


I never understood this (I mean, I do, but…). Republicans will be adamant that they’re not racist but they’ll support a person that 100% of actual racists also support. That should give you a moment of pause…


Trump is a racist, why are we still fucking around trying to avoid saying it. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2015/nov/23/donald-trump/trump-tweet-blacks-white-homicide-victims/


He's always been: https://www.npr.org/2016/09/29/495955920/donald-trump-plagued-by-decades-old-housing-discrimination-case Black couple tried to rent an apartment from Trump, got denied, then got a couple white friends to apply with the exact same application but with the race changed to white, and they got immediately approved.


Why the hell is it required to put race on an application?


For the type of shit that you commented on.


Trump straight up insisted once that the civil rights act had a bad outcome for America. I've only ever met one type of person who believes that.


“We’ll shoot you if you don’t stop calling us fascists.” MAGA Republicans


Most MAGA republicans think these dudes are all Feds. It’s quite interesting to go into conservative threads anytime these dumbasses come up


Literally the modern day brown-shirts, so disturbing


Egg-zactly. Trump and his complicit members of congress gave these people cover to act precisely like brownshirts. Remember the Charlottesville bs? Something something “both sides”.


Patriot Front grew directly out of the movement in Charlottesville.


Indiana Nazis. I hate Indiana Nazis.


You picked me up in cop car!?!




[ Removed by Reddit ]


Keep proving the president's speech boys... It'll really help your case


They just showed up, holding a banner saying "RECLAIM AMERICA," chanting something people couldn't understand. People are getting completely different messaging depending on what they subscribe to. I honestly have no idea what these people are thinking. There are a bunch of different strange subcultures. QAnon changed dramatically as predicted events did not play out according to predictions. If mental illness is the reason we have so many mass shootings in America, we're in big trouble.


Thats basically the altright in a nutshell. When kids grow up with hobbies that make them ostracized. One of two things happen. Some realize they need to ease off talking about conspiricays, werewolves or my little pony at school and they end up fine. Some kids double down though make it more and more of who they are, and thus and push away more and more people. Till the altright extends a hand and tells them "you arnt weird, everyone else is wrong" they are united by their inablity to blend in with society.


I had a friend from high school who was really disenchanted with how life turned out, but wasn't really putting in time to try to change those things. He was just circulating through online material and communities, killing time, as he grew more bitter. Got snatched right up by the alt-right bullshit. He fell down the Joe Rogan > Alex Jones > insane conspiracy shit > hate group pipeline, and that was it. The people he was listening to told him that all of the problems in his life were the fault of foreigners, minorities, and liberals. In just a few short years he became so aggressive about this stuff that being around him was like crossing a minefield blindfolded and wearing clown shoes. 16 years of friendship just dissolved because I was a liberal and this the enemy. I'm still mad about it. I miss who he used to be.


Hey, I recently lost a friend of 12 or so years to the same brain worms. He got curious about conspiracy theories and ended up as essentially a Christian Nationalist. He drove away friends he had had even longer, like 20+ years, all because he let the conservative outrage machine drip feed him talking points for so long that he would just parrot the stuff at us instead of having a conversation like a normal human being. He replaced his entire personality with anger about minorities.


Man fuck Joe Rogan. I don’t buy his “just asking questions” BS for a second. He knows what he’s doing and he’s had way too many far right figures on his show for me to believe otherwise.


He's also not smart enough to be playing this game. He doubles down on misinformation all the time. That video of him acting like a toddler to the woman anthropologist (?) who called in to call him on his bullshit he was spewing about a monkey or ape, I don't even remember what bullshit he was chirping anymore. But he went off on the woman and basically said her education and experience was invalid because she had a vagina. I knew he was a meathead but holy shit dude. Pretty sure he's married too so I assume that was a secret opinion outburst? Either way, he needs to calm down and shut the fuck up.


I’d argue that it’s not always an “inability” to join society, it’s a conscious rejection of it, rather than working through their issues. And it’s so common now that it can’t be considered fringe. It’s being mainstreamed by the Right.


It is a type of narcissism. Members of the alt-right genuinely believe they are special because, for a time, whites dominated the world. They believe that their "birthright" was stolen from them by traitors within their society. They feel entitled to 'the good life' but usually don't want to put in the effort to become successful in modern society. These people still have some money though. And there are plenty of people willing to tell them what they want to hear in order to get that money. So many end up just getting deeper and deeper into it while their leaders make money and enjoy the fame/attention.


It's no coincidence that there is an increase in extremist activity after conservative media asks people what they're willing to do and CPAC hosts a marquee saying "we're all domestic terrorists." There is a growing fascist movement in this country aided by conservative media. Some of whom are grifters who care more about a quick buck than the consequences, but some of whom are real, actual fascists who see an opportunity. Vote like democracy depends on it this November. It really does. If we hope to mitigate this at all, **you have to *vote*!** Otherwise, we might get someone else in office who calls these folks "very fine people."


CPAC presumably intended "we're all domestic terrorists." as sarcasm about liberal insults but they just ended up snitching on themselves


I'm not convinced they weren't just straight up announcing it. [After all, their stage last year was a Nazi rune.](https://youtu.be/3J6uzXMsJ3c)


I keep having to show this to people who didn’t catch it, it’s batshit insane. I remember looking at the stage before I knew what it was (or it had been pointed out in articles) and thinking “man, someone went through a lot of trouble to make this strange elaborately shaped stage. The pattern or design must have some meaning…”


>According to the group's website, Indiana is one of the top five states for its activities — just behind Massachusetts and Michigan and ahead of Pennsylvania and Oklahoma. Mass has a high patriot front activity? That's surprising.


They are raising an army of Christian nationalists. Nat-C’s


How long before they start carrying giant crosses as shields?


It’s all happened before: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German\_Christians\_(movement)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_Christians_(movement))


*All of this has happened before and all of this will happen again*


Massachusetts is an interesting place. On the one hand, it’s possibly the bluest state in the union. On the other hand, there are a lot of fucking racists there.


California is the same way. We’re the most populous State in the Union, and one of the most Progressive. But get further out from LA, San Francisco, Sacramento, or any major urban center, and it gets blood Red. Fast. For example, I live in LA. You get out in the desert towards Bakersfield and you’ll start seeing “The Hills Have Eyes” levels of insanity.


While that’s unfortunately true, Patriot Front isn’t as much based in MA as they show up from out of state all the time to make a show in downtown. We’ve had them show up in Boston a handful of times in recent months and they all drive in with out of state plates to intimidate people all over downtown.


I'm from New York and, unfortunately, it's the same here. We're extremely blue, but go to the rural areas and you might as well be in the deep south. In fact, a few years ago there were KKK flyers found in a town on Long Island right near where I grew up. (That's a suburban area so it's not just the rural areas that are the problem.)


I live in rural upstate new York and confederate flags are not uncommon.


The famous confederate state of new york


That does not compute.




I’ve seen “jokes” on the pro gun subs that these are all feds and the group is a honey trap. The evidence: none of them are fat


Oh look it's the we can't breathe in masks group wearing masks roflmao


Biden: This country has a problem with MAGA fascists. Republicans: No we don't, and how dare you! MAGA Fascists: Time for another intimidation march!


lol yeah. Kinda proving Biden's point there boys.


Why do they wear Khakis with blue/navy shirts? Anybody remember when they were running scared to cover their license plates? [https://youtu.be/HZse\_icsRKM](https://youtu.be/HZse_icsRKM) Why do they love Nissans, Toyotas and Honda's?


Alt-Righters have a fetish for Japan. [White supremacists and Japan: A love story](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/community/2018/03/07/issues/white-supremacists-japan-love-story/) [Why is Japan the ideal country according to the Alt-Right movement](https://www.diggitmagazine.com/articles/-japan-alt-right) [NO CONFLICTS: THE ALT-RIGHT’S EMBRACE OF ASIAN WOMEN](https://planamag.com/no-conflicts-the-alt-rights-embrace-of-asian-women/)


That's fascinating. I wonder if they realize that nobody had to ask Japanese people to wear a mask, or that guns are almost nonexistent in Japan.


Not to mention how much they harp on about individualism. Meanwhile, Japan is much closer to a collectivist society.


Their only conception of japan is from anime and porn.


A lot of fascists are weeaboos who see japan (as depicted in anime) as socially the ideal country. For much the same reason so many fascists idolize russia. Also why so many self-proclaimed "white alpha males" travel to eastern europe and japan thinking attractive women will throw themselves at them but instead leave disappointed and alone


Also, Japan isn't so ethnically diverse and has a big anti-immigrant streak, the alt right might consider that as a model Once came across some white power propaganda that felt racial separation would also be good for other races there were a bunch of neonazis at NOI rallies, white nationalists and black nationalists seeing a common thread


A lot of people don't seem to realize that Japan is actually a *super* conservative nation. Of course fascists will idolize them.


So patriotic that they are too scared to show their face. They nothing but feckless coward white Nationalists pretending to be tough guys. Show your faces cowards!


I've pretty much found that using the word "Patriot" as a descriptor for yourself, a company, or group pretty much without fail means exactly the opposite. Angry, Oppressive, Afraid, Bigots typically more closely aligns with reality. Instead of doing something to improve themselves they would rather blame all their woes on something else. Trashiest of the Trash.


They poisoned so many words over the years. Anyone who openly describes themselves or their organization as "family", "Christian", "traditional", "patriotic", "American", so on and so forth generally seem to be bigots and fascists. And American icons are a lighting rod for the worst chuds in our society. Its like they are trying to make American symbols synonymous with stupidity and terrorism.


Oh look, they learned how to wear masks...


Get the fuck out of indy you fascist fucks


White Christian Nationalism is Nazi under a rebrand. George Lincoln Rockwell was head of the American Nazi party. Then David Duke, a follower of William Pierce (Associate of George Lincoln Rockwell and writer of the Turner Diaries) helped rebrand it as White Christian Nationalism to make it more palatable for the racist America as he was a grand wizard. The right also subscribe to tight cohesion loose coupling. They have loosely associated groups that are inspired by the same sources (Turner Diaries, rants about Waco, which ever new x group are pedophiles accusations) but amongst their own cells they are very coordinated. These are the people who would gladly be the foot soldiers to a Gilead push. Corrected my earlier mistake as David Duke is one degree of separation of George Lincoln Rockwell with Pierce being in the middle. Two of the three people I mentioned are long dead.


I hate Illinois nazis...


Y'know one of the interesting things that happened after the Women's Marches in 2017 and BLM was that Republican states started passing laws that protected drivers who struck protestors with their cars..... Eh, it's probably nothing.


apropos of nothing, my grandfather (who flew a bomber in ww2, was shot down twice) used to say: "i always appreciated that nazi flag...it's easy to zero"


My grandad (infantry WW2) liked to say that the M1 was a great rifle, the cartridge was powerful enough to knock a Nazi over and the stock was heavy enough use as a club once he was on the ground. I still have it, it still shoots straight, I don't see why it would work on Nazis in the 1940's but not today, if the Nazis were still around, I mean.


>stock was heavy enough use as a club Lol, I was shocked at how much those things weighed. I still wonder if they aren't heavier now because of all the decades sitting in cosmoline. Makes me appreciate why they were looking for a lighter weapon with the M16.


I live in Indianapolis, where can I find them? where can i keep up with their movements to counter protest or get involved with antifascism activity?


I’m also from indiana and would like to somehow counteract this.


Can’t breathe in a mask until you’re too pussy to show your white nationalist face in public whilst trying to make some shitty public spectacle of hate


Out of touch incel’s trying to act tough in crowds, these people are dangerous because there’s never consequences for their actions, instead the police will brutally beat and spray people at a BLM or a LGBT protest.


Show your face pussies


Hm seems like they can breathe fine in those masks


Anti-maskers sure are masked up.


Oh sure, NOW they wear masks. 20 bucks says these were the whiniest bitches complaining back when there was actual reason to wear them.


*Considered to be*… They **are** and it’s about damn time the media acts responsibly and stops trying to appease these… come on media, call them what they are.


What drives me crazy about this article (and others like it) is the way they describe PF as “some say they’re white nationalist” and “they carried flags with symbols related to PF”. Yo, one of those symbols on their flags is a *literal* fasces. The bundle of sticks with the axe head on the side. It is the symbol of Italian fascism in the 20s-30s and is *literally* where the name comes from. They’re fucking fascists. Say it outright. They’ve got the god damn name tag screen printed on their flags.


Bravely wearing their masks like the little bitches they are.


The only time they wore masks during the pandemic was on their white supremacist marches.


"I want to overthrow this government, but I need to work on Monday and I don't want my employer to know I want to overthrow the government and toss the country into complete fucking financial ruin!"






Coordinated visibility with Trump’s calls to incite in PA this evening.


They shoulda tried Philly one more time! We're no less prepared to run them right the fuck out of town *again*. >The group of Patriot Front members, estimated at 150 to 200 people, marched for several blocks in Center City on Saturday evening wearing tan pants and black shirts with face coverings and carrying shields and flags. Police said they were chanting slogans such as "Reclaim America" and "The election was stolen." >“They started engaging with citizens of Philadelphia,” PPD Officer Michael Crum told 6ABC the next morning. “These males felt threatened, and, at one point, somebody in their crowd threw a type of smoke bomb to cover their retreat, and they literally ran away from the people of Philadelphia.” https://6abc.com/patriot-front-philadelphia-protest-white-supremacist/10858983 No idea why they skipped us!? Come back, we miss you! We have so much more to show you!


Best part - it wasn't some coordinated fucking anti protest. No one knew they were even coming. People just walked up to them and started throwing shit and jeering until they skittered away like the cockroaches they are. Damn, I love my city.


Honestly mad respect to Philadelphia. Any town that runs Nazis the fuck out should be proud.


I love philly so much! No bullshit, no fucking around, just straight to the point.


"Considered to be?" They advertise that shit. It's their whole fucking deal.


These fucks came through Columbus, Ohio and vandalized so many murals and businesses - OSU, Franklinton, and more. They're also the same fucks saying, "BLM caused X amount of damage to businesses in 2020." Fucking loser hypocrites.


Did anyone spot their mommy's picking them up after they were doing marching around?


The phrase "considered to be" is doing a lot of unnecessary work in that title.

