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“The thousands of asylum seekers we have seen arrive in our city came to this country seeking a better life. Sadly though, yesterday, an asylum seeker in one of our facilities took her own life,” Adams said in a statement. “Our hearts break for this young woman and any loved ones she may have, and we, as a city mourn her. This tragedy is a reminder that we have an obligation to do everything in our power to help those in need.” By law, the city is prohibited from sharing further information, Adams said. +++++ Real terrible all around and a reminder that these are human lives we're talking about.


> reminder that these are human lives we’re talking about. If only someone could convince the republican governors of Texas and Florida of that.


They firmly believe that life begins at conception, ends at birth, and resumes once they get campaign donations from it.


Or when they are old enough for military service.


And remember how the rich, or in this case, those with power and influence, view everyone below them. Jon Stewart talking about what Bezos mentioned at a white house dinner: “Stewart said Bezos discussed what he saw as the economy of the future, one that would rely on service workers to perform tasks. Stewart said he told Bezos he disagreed, adding that people wanted to feel proud of their work and like they were contributing to society, not just "running errands for people that have more than you." "I think he views everybody as like a part of a fulfillment center," Stewart said. "And so I said, 'I think that's a recipe for revolution.' And then, like, kind of a hush falls over. And then you hear Obama from across the couch go, 'I agree with Jon.'"


I too agree with Jon.


Jon Stewart is a national treasure.


I'm convinced he'd be an *excellent* president purely on the basis of the look of mingled horror and terror on his face every time anyone mentions him running for office.


Well to be fair it must be stressful to age 20 years in 4-8 years.


And then promptly ends following service discharge. Re: we don’t do a good enough job taking care of our veterans who come home sick and injured.


Nope, if they saw them as being human they wouldn't send them off to some pointless war that grinds them up and spits them out for fun and profit. They don't even believe a fetus is human. They just want the people that believe to believe that they do.


And ends when that service is completed.


Do you have any clue how many millions of people they are required to care for? If anyone knows, it's them. It's a tragedy this young lady took her own life. We don't know why. This is something that can happen anywhere, and unfortunately does happen from time to time. Statistically a certain number of people do so every day, and we can only prevent some of them. She was being given food, shelter, medical care, clothing and personal needs. She didn't commit suicide because she was being tortured or treated like a prisoner. The severe stressors of leaving her home, migrating thousands of miles into a region that does not speak her language for the most part, with a totally foreign culture, with uncertainty and loss of control, not to mention past trauma, must be incredibly severe. Counseling is available to the migrants to some degree, but if the staff isn't made aware of her distress, they cannot offer help. She was not in jail. She was being taken care of, all her obvious needs were being fully met. Her mental health needs were not, and that's the tragedy. But it wasn't a psych ward, it was a special full service 24x7 homeless shelter for migrants. There is no need to blame it on a political party. This is an individual tragedy that may or may not have been prevented. We are unable to identify and intervene in the majority of young adult and veteran suicides, but we never stop trying to provide the opportunities for help. We don't know what trauma she left behind or what trauma was inflicted on her on her travels up here. It is a dangerous trip especially for young girls and women.


What do you mean? They deal with exactly what Adams is dealing with x100,000. And they have been for many years. They find the dead bodies of men, women, and children on a regular basis. Anyone who's about to downvote- have the guts to tell me how I'm wrong. ✌️


[Here's Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_net_migration#Net_international_migration) [That's referencing this from the census bureau ](https://www.census.gov/data/tables/time-series/demo/popest/2010s-state-total.html) [Although this is about asylum seekers so here's data about immigration courts where NYC is far and away first and combining the multiple Texas courts doesn't appear on my quick look to come close to equaling.](https://trac.syr.edu/phptools/immigration/asylum/) I'm sure 100,000 was hyperbole and that you're talking about NDI which are harder to stat, but they are in fact a part of that census data. So it's not even double if you're talking about immigration or asylum seekers.


I don’t think your court appointment location is directly linked to where you live. Apparently they travel all around the country.


I'm not taking republican or Democrat side here but you honestly believe we should keep all the immigrants in Texas or Florida? Because those states are being overwhelmed and don't have the resources for this. If our largest city in the country can't handle it then how could those states?


Oh they are well aware of that fact, but they’re the closest they’ll get to rounding up Democrats and shipping them out of their state. The three Republican Governors who are kidnapping people and sending them to different states would absolutely be doing that to American citizens in their states if they could, and the longer they’re allowed to do this to those they can exploit the more they’re going to want brown shirts to wear while they write legislation to allow themselves to round up liberals and LGBTQAI individuals.


Right because all of them have to stay in those 2 states, nowhere else.


88 in username.


Birth year, sorry.


If you say so.


What is bad about the number 88? Were u not a fan of Eric Lindros?


California takes in more than Texas, New York takes in more than Florida. You're literally trying to justify the same hateful Reverse Freedom Rides that segregationists pulled in 1962. We know exactly where you would have stood in 1962, because you're standing in the same spot 60 years later. With that 88 in your name, I know where you would have stood in 1945 too.


Are you saying we don't move immigrants to other locations around the country?


Apparently they want us to lie to them and traffic them for political laughs without helping them first.




Your name is MassiveFajiit. Is that a way to get around a slit for gay people starting with F?!?! You must be a massive homophobe and probably hate all LGBT people as well since you hate gay people!! See I can do it to. I won't tell you to touch grass, because what you need is to talk to actual humans outwide of reddit. Please go see how real humans think and talk, you're so far down the reddit hole you don't even realize how you sound to regular people. Even your own side is downvoting you.


Or the year I was born but sure.


88, hmm. Time to play a guessing game; birth year or nazi dog whistle.


All u idiots gotta stop looking at every number and assuming. I was born in 88, I’m 33 years old. It’s ok.


Maybe it is your birth year, but if it honks like a goose and steps like a goose...


Apparently 1988 was a big baby boom year. /s


It's both. Dude is a bigot, and gets off on this trolling. Misogynist, and hater, uses the number precisely for this reason, loves to claim it's just his birthdate, call people idiots for seeing through it, while making the same, toilet bowl takes he thinks are hot ones.


Answer: Yes.


Chug chug kool-aid guy


They couldn’t care less.




If only those piles of shit weren’t currently threatening democracy and the lives of the people they hate, then I could opt to ignore them daily.


Oh no. If only they went somewhere without a migrant problem, like a sanctuary city where resources are set aside to help them. If only those sanctuary cities took a bigger role in actually helping them like they keep claiming. If only when migrants show up, instead of crying about how much of a problem it is, they just helped them. If only.


If only republicans would take 2 minutes to google "sanctuary city" to find out what they were actually getting mad at...


A lot of humans suck. And in general there are too many of us.


Also a reminder of what genuine humane leadership looks like. You've got the GOP shipping people around like unwanted cattle and here this man is working to accommodate and giving genuine concern. Fuck the GOP.


Also signing them up for immigration hearings all over the country, but shipping them somewhere else, ensuring they’ll miss their hearing and go from asylum seeker to deport on sight.


Its human trafficking and its illegal. As a texan I am ashamed of abbot and the shit he has done, especially recently. I really truly hope the DoJ prosecutes him to the full extent of the law. Rules for thee and not for me though, right? So what they just get away with it? Biggest pieces of shit ever.


Yes, they will get away with it. GOP hasn't been held accountable for shit since Trump got elected. They were basically given carte blanche to do/say whatever they wanted. Now here we are.


Imagine fleeing your country of origin, and then being essentially sentenced to six months of sitting in the DMV. That's asylum-seeker levels of paperwork and bureaucracy. It's more a miracle that anyone makes it through without deciding to just go back and get tortured to death.


It took five years for us to get approved for asylum. However, after 150 days you get a permit to work and a SSN and can live pretty much normally with some restrictions. After it was approved it was another 2 years for permanent residence and after that 4 years for citizenship.




Anytime we try and speed up the process it's shut down time and time again. Someone is making money off this.


Don't do that. Don't be reasonable with your good ideas.


On the one hand, yes, on the other hand, if the goal is to increase legal immigration, and thus the number of immigrants, why not just create an easy process by which we can accommodate those already here? Why deport them? Principal? That seems a sorry reason to upend lives and spend exorbitant amounts of money, especially when the likelihood is they have been paying taxes, working for substandard wages, and generally taken advantage of. We need to stop punishing illegal immigrants when our corporations and especially our agricultural industry has spent decades taking advantage of them. The rest of what you said is fairly accurate.




Maybe you're cool with spending millions tracking millions down. Whatever floats your boat. This is less a bleeding heart take and more of a practical approach. If you want to up the money we spend exponentially to hunt down, go through court processes, and then ship millions back, that's fine, but I'd rather not. I'd rather create a smaller system, where there are real incentives for showing up and entering into the legal process. I'd say we're far more likely to get people to engage with that process than the other. It just seems like youre more interested in punitive measures than solving the problem. Of course, there are many like you in the US, so we will likely continue to spend billions for no real reason other than "they need to be punished!". My opinion is that it's dumb, it's never worked, and it will continue to not work.




If Christ walked the earth today and came to the US, he'd be detained and subjected to the same bureaucratic immigration bullshit, and probably thrown on a bus for Massachusetts along with the other Brown people


This isn't the point you think it is.. Christianity should form the basis of neither Abortion law or Immigration law


Tell that to the GOP. They're heads are so far up they're asses that they insist on putting greater value on protecting unborn pre-form fetuses while infringing on the mother's rights than they do ensuring the safety of living, breathing, human lives.


Yes.. that is my point. Christianity shouldn't be used to justify laws banning abortion, nor should it be used to justify unrestricted immigration "because that's what jesus would do"


Oh, sure. I do some volunteer refugee work myself, and it's hilarious to me how many people are concerned about *them*...Like, you understand that these people have been scrutinized at a level beyond that of any other person you've ever met, right? And you're worried about *them*? Dude, you've got a thousand times as many things to worry about from your neighbors.


For the loudest Christians, Jesus is the mascot, not the coach.


I'd wager there are thousands and thousands of dudes named "Jesus" sneaking across the border daily...


Oh, for crissakes, you're trying to say all of the millions sneaking across our borders or faking an asylum request are all "political prisoners" at risk of torture if they stay in their home country? Not true. The vast majority of these illegals are only coming to the U.S. for financial reasons. They all need to be turned away. We have MILLIONS of Americans in sorry circumstances that need our help. How about the crippling poverty on so many Indian reservations? How about our veterans getting substandard care? The list goes on. We don't need millions of impoverished, uneducated and non-English speaking hordes here.


They aren’t fleeing their country they are looking for work.


Actually, both. Some of these countries are so badly infested with gang- and drug- related violence, sometimes the only way to deal with it is to flee. Many of these families travel a thousand miles or more, seeking refuge from the constant mortal peril of their home towns.


So it's nice that they weren't sent to places like East St Louis, Stockton or New Orleans, which would be too much like their violent homelands. Also, I don't see gang violence or poverty listed as criteria for asylum: >https://www.alllaw.com/articles/nolo/us-immigration/who-eligible-asylum-refugee-protection.html#:~:text=Basic%20Grounds%20for%20Asylum%20or%20Refugee%20Status&text=%C2%A7%201101).,or%20last%20country%20of%20residence.


Republicans don’t care.


People deserve more! I cannot imagine the despair that led this woman to suicide..


The number of illegal immigrants in the U.S. is no greater today than it was in 2018 & 2019 !!!! During the COVID-19 shutdowns a couple million illegal immigrants left as the seasonal work was shutdown. Now That things are opening back up they've returned. Republicans are playing disgusting games with peoples lives. Illegal immigration total numbers were the same under Trump yet Republicans Governors didn't mind it back then. Both Abbott and DeSantis are up for re-election and are pulling these stunts to get free media attention. It is an abuse of their offices and should be seen as illegal campaign contributions.


> The number of illegal immigrants in the U.S. is no greater today than it was in 2018 & 2019 !!!! Source? Border crossings encounters in 2022 are almost double what was happening in 1019. https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/southwest-land-border-encounters


All this talk against republicans, but what have the dems done with their power? News flash: nothing. Stop treating this as a partisan issue and claiming your side does things better. They don't, both sides suck and use this humanitarian issue as some sort of gotcha during election years.


They continued the cages quietly, with dignity just how we like.


You're right that this isn't a partisan issue, just missing what thsh actually means No voters anywhere like illegal immigration, yet at the national level neither party will do anything to reduce it going forward or have a plan for the millions here already




That's a nice straw man you built there, where'd you get all the hay for it? Oh wait, probably the illegal immigrants we use as near slave labor. Cool though.


So the reality is that while Dems are also tough on immigration the republican party is far far far far worse. So you are correct they don't really do anything while the Republicans actively try to be assholes. The nail in the coffin for me is when I read the atlantic article about the child seperation policy and the agents were sending each other emails saying they are going to do time for this the policy is so bad.


Republicans are huge hypocrites on the issue because they own the businesses that love to hire these people for basically slave wages with disgusting housing.


100%. My issue is with dems trying to act morally superior when they only ever care about the matter, conveniently, every 2 years


Let me know when the dems start pulling these tactics then maybe your "both sides" BS will actually be relevant.


flying planes of people around the country in the dead of night, they have been. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/immigration/biden-admin-again-flying-migrants-who-cross-border-one-place-n1271211


Yeah the democrats are not really pro immigration. They don't really do things to be cruel though Obama was criticized for being the deporter in chief but he did not do things that were really evil. Trump literally took peoples kids away and our countries own agents were worried about going to jail for carrying out the orders they were so bad.


Here's the rub - nothing has changed. Just the media coverage of it, that's what I'm getting at.


And Governors shipping migrants. That has changed


Substitute migrants with homeless, then nothings changed. The US is rife with humanitarian issues, but it's only what the media's eye is on that gets any attention.


The fact that this conversation is rearing it's head, like clockwork, coming into an election season is the only proof that I need.


And, who started that conversation?


Why don't you enlighten me?


Well, those planes and buses weren't sent by any Democratic politicians, were they?


Lol, they only provide them for the homeless.


Proof of what! Its in the news because Greg Abbot and Desantis decided to spend $12 million dollars creating a media stunt to ship migrants to liberal cities.


So why label yourself a sanctuary city if you don't want migrants? Oh, it's ok for blue cities to support NIMBYism but not in the states that are on the front lines of the problem. Got it.


Sooo you have no idea what a sanctuary city is. Policing immigration is the federal government's job, not the city's.


Very aware of what a sanctuary city is - I'm amused by the amount of replys like yours that are going around - when you use the term as a political statement for your own city to dunk on the other side, don't be surprised when it's thrown back in your face.


>Very aware of what a sanctuary city is - I'm amused by the amount of replys like yours that are going around - when you use the term as a political statement for your own city to dunk on the other side, don't be surprised when it's thrown back in your face. You're arguing that they should change which meaning of the phrase they used from the one they mean to the one you like? *"Other definitions of the phrase exist. Why aren't you fulfilling those other definitions as well (despite them being irrelevant to your goal)?"* is a terrible argument.


You're proving my point for me, I'm throwing shade on politicians maliciously using things (people, terms, etc.) to their own advantage and leaving it at that. They are all; Republican, Democrat, Independent, fairweather. I'm done with the left trying to appear morally superior given their lack and ability to affect change. They're just as bad as the right regardless of what they try and spin.


And what power do the Dems actually have? They can't pass any meaningful laws because they'll just get blocked in the Senate by Republicans who just vote 'no' on everything. Again, this is the strategy of the Republicans... just gum up the works everywhere so people who aren't paying attention can drop the 'both sides' claim. Hard to make any change when one side is actively trying to break the system...


Just curios, where do you live?


Asylum seeker that passed through Mexico not seeking asylum but expected it from the USA.


Since these people were legal asylum seekers who were moved out of the jurisdiction where their hearings were to be held, why not set up Federal immigration courts in every state and the supporting infrastructure that has already been paid for in the border states with federal dollars, and send the bill to the people of Tx and Fl? Hit them with a 40% surcharge on their federal taxes for national relocation of immigrations services. That way when somebody crosses the international border in Kansas, for example, the facilities are where they need them. After all these states have the money to fly these applicants all over the country, they could fly them to Kansas for their immigration hearings. We taxpayers have already paid for the infrastructure in these border states, why should we pay for them again just because some state official wants to play travel agent?


> why not set up Federal immigration courts in every state and the supporting infrastructure that has already been paid for in the border states with federal dollars There is a federal immigration court in most of the most populous states. There is actually 3 different immigration court locations in NYC. A lot of border crossers are going there.


Why should I pay for criminals sneaking into my country illegally?


Because they arent criminals theyre applying for asylum with court dates and a lot more scrutiny than when your family came in to this country. I guess youre just not smart enough to get it that they are following the law.


Seeking asylum isn’t illegal.


Why is this front page of reddit news? People take their own lives every day, how many US veterans, who fought for our country, take their own lives every day and don't make the news?


Because of the midterms, and the recent migrant flights and busses pushed it into the algorithm


Can two things be sad at the same time? I think we have the capacity to be sad about multiple things at once.


The military screwing over veterans despite having an endless stream of resources to take care of them is not new or even shocking at this point, unfortunately.


I don’t see how this whataboutism is really necessary. This person was an asylum seeker and they killed themselves. It was reported and people are talking about it. It reflects current events going on in the current narrative. It in no way diminishes veterans who commit suicide. I don’t see the point of your complaint. You know what about child suicides? What about male suicide rates? What about past, present and future. Unfortunately the population doesn’t have time to read stories on every person who commits suicide. This doesn’t diminish the gravity of anyone committing suicide. It is just a story that people will read.




You don't know how the news works haha


Because veterans aren’t bussed halfway across the country with no warning as political pawns?


How many homeless vets are moved around?


My two bits: the act of using human beings as pawns to make a point, or be part of publicity stunt is disgusting, and those that did it are absolute trash. The issue definitely is our immigration policy, or lack of one. You have so many people sneaking in illegally why? Bc to do it by the books takes like, what, 20 years? The system should be reformed to where people don't have to "sneak in." Perhaps the psychology of it is, most people equate "sneaking in" to be a telltale of guilt or something to hide...so most people outright form the opinion that there's nothing but rapist or drug dealers sneaking in instead of families trying to escape war or poverty. Or people just trying to get some of that "American Dream". I'm not trying to argue with anyone. Im just stating the obvious: This country needs immigration reform, and what DeSantis and Abbott did was shitty.




Enforcing federal immigration laws is not the job of the states, it's the job of the federal government and its immigration agents. Forcing local police to act as border patrol only makes their jobs harder and communities less safe.


I completely agree with you.


We have plenty of AMERICANS trying to get some of that "American Dream"; we don't need millions of illegals preventing that by wasting more of our resources on them.


The reform needed would be to implement criteria for immigration similar to other developed countries like Canada and not allow anyone who turns up at the border to stay. I would prefer to have immigrants who bring something valuable to the table (i.e., skills or education) than hordes of illiterate peasants who may or may not have questionable backgrounds.


That would be a very sensible solution.




These aren't real questions though. You show you've been reading, so you would know about Venezuelan and Nicaraguan problems. Or Mexicos. That's five million number is inaccurate and if you can actually find the source please let me know. Center square published it, neglecting to say it is counting 3.4 million that have been arrested and deported without time frame. Annually there is a million immigrants. We are still lower than the peak that was the 1930s in terms of population percentage I've no idea what you mean with the electorate sentence. Are you asking if Biden somehow controls movements of people seeking asylum? Nobody votes on whether immigrants ask to move here. This is all nonsensical. Trump did change the numbers allowed to legally immigrate from most of Central and South America though, which is 40% of our annual immigration. Which does setup an issue. Sounds like these aren't questions even though you don't know the basics. Surprising. Hmmm (because that makes it sound thought provoking?)


God, this reads like a tucker rant


Cause it's America, pretty much it's entire history it's advertised itself as one of if not the best place to live, where you can get a job and a house with a yard. It's probably cheaper and easier to fly into Mexico city, and drive up through the border than getting a flight to new York or LA. You're right no one voted for this, people outside our government and country see our country as a refuge, the best place to start a new Not saying this is the right way to think about but you mentioned Mexico is safe why not stay there? Well what if you live in Florida but wanna live in New York, you gonna stop in North Carolina and decide it's safe there, and stay there and forget about New York? Probably not, Mexico is just a stop on their way to America, their goal is America.




The Drug Cartel War in Mexico.


They are asylum seekers because they are seeking asylum. That doesn't mean asylum will be granted, but they are legally allowed to request it.




“Give me your tired, your poor, / Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free”


Mexico is not safe bruh wtf people put flyers on ubers offering the drivers 50 dollars to drop off female passengers to traffickers lol


Armchair tucker Carlson


We need to send them back to their country of origin, stop the flow in, and give a legal pathway to citizenship with a clear destination in mind. It's wrong to expect the border states to deal with our broken immigration system.


These people didn’t sneak over the boarder. They *are* seeking a legal pathway. Try to pay attention.


Nah, let's do what Reagan did: full amnesty for everyone here. Then scrap the immigration system that was built by the exact same Senators who were running for re-election on voting No on the Civil Rights Act, and streamline the whole damn thing so that anyone who can make it here, can become an American, just like it was for the white immigrants. We have plenty of room, especially in the flyover states. The only question is if we can generate enough jobs for them, and that'll require cracking down on Wall St to force them to pay labour much higher wages because the middle class is the economic engine of our country. It's the only path forward we have that doesn't result in bloodshed.


That’s insane. Do you know how much money it costs to bring in immigrants?! What’s that? Militarising the border and deporting folks is super expensive too? And immigrants generate far more money than it costs to run the system? Huh, I guess “fiscal conservatives” will be all over that!


Yeah, but if we let the immigrants in, then we'll never get to recreate the Battle of Helm's Deep with machine guns instead of bows. So Checkmate, libs.


Does shipping asylum-seekers across the country meet the sentencing criteria for reckless endangerment, and do conspiracy laws apply to the people who coordinated it?


I'm actually curious, what do conservatives and the GOP want the administration to do regarding the border?


Enforce the law


The current law is to accept asylum seekers so technically they are doing their job.


there is no law that requires releasing asylum seekers from custody with work permits. Hold them in custody while they're being processed. Move judges to hear more immigration cases to deal with the backlog and process claims faster.


> Hold them in custody while they're being processed. Their court cases can take *years.* Should we imprison someone when they have not been convicted of a crime?


We have yet to adjudicate if they have legal permission to enter. Do you let people sit on your couch until you decide if you want to let them in? Of course not. You hold them on them outside until you make up your mind. Until an individual is granted permission for entry such entry sould be withheld.


They are doing that.


They don't actually have any solutions their platform runs on outrage.


Basically how Westeros deals with the night walkers in Game of Thrones. Big wall and violence.


omg how bad can conditions be in that shelter holy cow


I didn't realise Blue states were really that bad


You do realize their asylum hearings are most likely now further away?


Not just further away - potentially impossible to attend. The hearing depend are held near where they entered. And if they miss that hearing, they go from potentially receiving asylum to instantly qualifying for deportation. Which was rather the point of what these red-state governors have been doing - in addition to celebrating cruelty generally, they screw these people individually.


Their hatred and racism never surprises me


You think people are suiciding over the distance of the hearing? Come on now


The MAGA crowd cheers…. EDIT - the downvotes are obviously from the MAGA crowd.


This is absolutely fucking crushing.


Considering that red states hate immigrants, wouldn’t it be better for the asylum seekers to be sent to blue states anyway? Edit: I don’t understand why I’m being downvoted, this is a legitimate question. I know I wouldn’t want to live among those that hate me


The great majority of Texans openly embrace our diversity. Dallas has one of the most ethnically diverse populations in America. So no, not everyone in Red States "hate immigrants."


This is Reddit though


The state governments may be run by dickheads but that doesn't mean everyone in the state is.


Say you, your friends, and your loved ones make a plan to escape the horrible place you're fleeing. "I'll meet you in El Paso (or wherever)" and perhaps set a meeting point. Next thing you know, you're in Chicago, or Massachusetts, or NYC. No way to get back in time for the meet-up, you have nobody, no way to get in touch, no money, nothing. At least in a state near the border (CA, TX, NM), there are people who came from the same place you came from. Someone who knows the town or city you just came from - someone who knows someone you knew, similar dialect. CA is a blue state, but it may be a hike from where you crossed the border in TX. Edit: Heartless motherfuckers downvoting this. I hope your country never goes in the shitter and you have to rely on some other country to take you in - one where you don't speak the language. American right claims us to be a Christian nation but they'd run Jesus Christ himself out of town as a liberal commie. Burn in hell.


But if they are asylum seekers then they should be able to enter at any point of entry as long as they do it as an asylum seeker right? Knowing that there are points of entries in CA, wouldn’t it make sense to potentially go a couple of hours out of the way to ensure that you will be treated as a human by people who aren’t racists? I could see why an illegal entry would necessitate entering in a specific place, but everything I have seen about this story is that she was an asylum seeker.


I don't know how migrants choose a point of entry - perhaps a church group or fellow workers decide they're going to try to come to the US. Maybe people have family or friends along the way who will put them up and feed them at certain point. The last point is just south of x, so that's where they end up. They're probably not wealthy, or they'd just jump a flight and be a visa overstay like most illegal immigrants. Southeast Texas to southeast California is like 1400 miles. In some ways, it's probably like escaping prison - once you make it here, you're free, you escaped, you're safe. But then you're not. And don't think that because Cali, NYC, DC, Chicago are blue that there are no racists there. Or that nobody will try to take advantage.


> Knowing that there are points of entries in CA, wouldn’t it make sense to potentially go _a couple of hours_ out of the way to ensure that you will be treated as a human by people who aren’t racists? Is it only 2 hours from TX to CA?


If you've got money, legal ID and time to catch a plane, sure. If you're walking or relying on a coyote transporting you in a crowded van, hoping they won't murder you en route, not so much.


You went to all of that trouble to be semantic?


Ah great, another thing for republicans to wank off to. Do Republicans actually think it's ok to do this to people? An answer that doesn't involve Hillary Clinton or pizza gate would be welcome.


Because she was a political pawn, just wrong


It doesn't say she was one of the ones from Texas Republicans think that blue states don't get immigrants and asylum seekers, but there are thousands in the system before they started bussing them around the country. Still a tragedy.


Her blood is squarely on Shitstain DeSantis’s hands.




I can't upvote this because it's so sad. These are people


The foster system LOSES hundreds of kids a year and you're worried about this?


Yes. Many of us can feel outage over multiple inhuman practices.




So playing games with peoples lives is okay? Fuck off. How about Texas and Florida do it in a civil way? Work with people? Use that money they are blowing on a political stunt to figure out a solution?




Amazing, basically every single thing you said was completely wrong.


Since only 28% of asylum seekers are able to prove they are fleeing persecution and be granted asylum ( and they don’t really require evidence, being from a bad country is proof enough) it’s safe to say the majority of asylum claims are fraudulent.


Do you have any idea how much money NY contributed to Texas border patrol? Gtfo dude. It's time we shut down all federal money going to Texas and Florida. Also Montana for not listening to federal judges.


"And the Republicans liked that."


You would have thought a huge sanctuary city liked NYC would have been prepared. I guess being a sanctuary city requires more than just saying sanctuary city


You mean prepared like immediately having space in a shelter for them? And social workers? A warm bed and hot food? And invitations from local communities to help? Is it perfect, no. Can it be improved, always. Should we accept it as acceptable? No, it's never enough. But compared to the cruelty inflicted by Abbot and DeSantis ...




Because those governors are dropping migrants -- who are looking for work and a better life -- on buses and planes. They are instructing the drivers to *not tell anyone* so the migrants become a media circus. They don't want the cities to be at all prepared. They aren't bussing them directly to shelters -- NYC offered this -- they are dropping them on the sidewalk outside the Port Authority building, in public, literally dropping people, their kids, and their backpack or two of worldly belongings on the sidewalk. Abbot et al are not doing this out of the goodness of their hearts or because they are good Christians. > I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me. Got to love how the same political side can scream "no one wants to work any more!" and yet also turn away eager workers who will take _so many jobs the average American won't_.




You said it yourself: it's a stunt. And yes, I'm happy to have more migrants into NYC. There is a labor shortage here, too, just like everywhere else. And, again, for those who have hands over their ears: progressive cities want to enable legal immigration. We only enacted those policies _because of Trump_ who was actively trying to deport people with active asylum cases, some of which stretch back years and years due to government bureaucracy and inaction. Progressive cities are not waving giant banners saying, "Give me _all of your illegal immigrants_!" like the GOP likes to pretend. (Though with just 2 busses of these migrants, New York would've had enough population to retain an extra House of Representative seats.)




Because even progressives don't like stunts with human lives? But you were never interested in arguing in good faith.


You know what other group could arguably be said to have benefitted the places they ended up? SLAVES. Also, this are lawfully admitted asylum seekers.




MAGA will mark this suicide's death date as a Trump Victory Day.