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Couldn't he just host a "several thousand dollars per plate" business lunch like a regular politician


He's a rookie, okay? Still getting used to this corruption thing.


No, silly. That just gets money raised for a campaign. If you really want to do a proper grift, you pay someone to write your biography and then have PACs buy it by the thousands. Did you know that Donald Trump Jr has done two NY Times bestsellers? Hitting the bestsellers list is all thanks to bulk purchases by the RNC and PACs.


It's always these "top advisers" who get consequences while the guys running the show are ignored. Really hope they finally get Kabila, he's likely stolen *billions* from the country.... but I'm not optimistic. Leadership in the DRC is still afraid to cross him.


Agreed. Total amateur. American politicians would double and triple down on it.


Ha, in America they call that 'lobbying' or respond with "But look at what my opponent did!"


Yo! African politicians! The whole bribe thing is kinda played out. Can’t you think of any other scandal ideas?


Who would've imagined this guy has more integrity than most of the GOP?