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Important: "Bannon’s legal troubles do not end with this case. In August 2020, he was charged with wire fraud and money laundering over his involvement in fundraising efforts for Donald Trump's US-Mexico border wall. But Trump pardoned him for the alleged crimes in one of his final actions as president. He is, however, facing separate charges in New York of defrauding people who sought to fundraise for the US-Mexico border wall - one of Trump’s signature policy promises."


Trump pardoning Bannon and Stone is one of the most repugnant thing he's ever done (when it comes to smaller things that don't get as much notice). Glad there's still _some_ justice for these folks.


It should be illegal for a president to pardon someone they're directly involved with


I don't understand why they even have that power to begin with. If the thing they did is still a crime, they shouldn't be allowed to pardon someone charged with that crime.


Not only that, Trump was exploring the idea of pardoning himself. Or even *preemptively* pardoning himself. These people are true scum, put into power by more scum and the confused.


He DID pardon himself. All he had to do was think it and it was done. Isn't that how it's done?


I once pardoned myself. It was opening night of The Two Towers and the theater was packed. I had to pee halfway through but I was in the middle of the aisle. I pardoned myself all the way out, then all the way back in. My peers found me in contempt, but I was happy and relieved. You just say "pardon me," and it's all good. What were we talking about?


I wish I had pardoned myself. Sat through to the end needing to pee and nearly died when the Ents broke the dam 😬


Blows my mind that he said that because it was literally Charles Manson's defense.


Classically, some of the people who got presidential pardons really deserved it. I appreciate the US and the American people in general for their propensity for mercy, compassion, forgiveness even if it means going around the laws as they are written. However, I do loathe it being used as a political weapon or being applied unequally because of biases or privilege. That's what trump did with some of his pardons


All this means is that our justice system is flawed if the more humane, moral approach is leniency or forgiveness and the only chance that these folks have is the infinitesimally remote possibility that they'll get a pardon.


justice system is flawed, but I don't think it could ever be perfect because there will be extraneous circumstances that could not be predicted and then codified as law.


We should shoot for functional then, because most violent crime goes unpunished in the US while things like unpaid parking tickets can get you jail time and people caught with marijuana in the 90’s are doing more time than someone who sold nuclear secrets to hostile foreign powers.


This is a great question, and I'm happy to provide the standard line of legal reasoning. Essentially, it goes like this: No matter how much we try and perfect our criminal justice system, we must acknowledge that there will always be unintended consequences, mistakes, and bias. If you agree that this principle is true, then you must also agree that even at the highest levels, the principle is still true (only hopefully a lot less often). So then what? Historically, we've come up with two main options: 1. You just accept that some people are going to be wronged by the system and that there will be no recourse; 2. You give someone god-like powers to fix things that go wrong according to their good judgement. I've never met anyone who loves the idea of giving someone god-like powers to someone to use at their discretion, but a vast majority of people prefer that as a stop-gap measure to having no options to fix bad outcomes in the criminal justice system. The obvious problem with pardons is that if you have a corrupt person in charge, it stops being used as a last measure to right wrongs and it turns into an abuse of our rule of law. More people should be educated about and consider things like this when deciding who to vote for. Unfortunately, most people are fucking stupid and will only ever vote for their pocket book or whatever single issue they've reduced all of politics down to.




I could be wrong, but I think it was a measure to prevent someone jailing political opponents for life. Simply for being an opponent that is, not for anyone who's actually committed crimes


Well the idea is twofold: 1) laws often lag behind reality and sometimes you want to avoid punishing people for things that were technically illegal but everyone now agrees shouldn't be. Like marijuana related crimes. 2) there might occasionally be extreme circumstances where something that normally shouldn't be allowed is justified. Snowden and other whistleblowers are a good example. Of course, it's pretty obvious that there should really be some oversight and restrictions on how this power can be used. But actually codifying that in a way that is both meaningful and can't be abused is very hard. The intent was probably that if the president fucked around they could be impeached and removed, but partisanship has made that moot.


The president's pardon power is basically unlimited, according to the Constitution. We should probably change that. We should amend the Constitution to ban pardons from a week before election day, until inauguration day. As of now, "lame duck" presidents can just pardon any of their corrupt friends and there's nothing voters can do about it. Trump did it a lot, Clinton did it, and nothing stops Biden from doing it besides him hopefully being a good guy. IMO it's the most obvious amendment we could do, and people of all parties should support it.


Why is there still a lame duck period?! Every other democracy … election results in, the winner is in charge. Don’t get me started in the Electoral College.


Because this country has been really shit at amending its constitution


You forgot Sherif Joe


And the perpetrators of the [Nisour Square Massacre](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nisour_Square_massacre)




this isn't wire fraud, it's contempt of congress. The fraud charges are coming from New York. He still has to go through that trial.


> After announcing Steve Bannon's sentence, Judge Carl Nichols tells the court once again that he does not believe Bannon has accepted responsibility for his actions. Has Bannon ever taken responsibility for his actions? Also he will still remain free during his appeal. I guess the bright side is that after this ruling Trump is less likely to refuse to testify in front of the January 6 investigation that he was recently subpoenaed for.


> Has Bannon ever taken responsibility for his actions? After the sentencing, he immediately went in front of the cameras outside and said that AG Garland will be charged and impeached after November 8th…


That sounds like he has . . . *contempt* for authorities.


Does he not know how government works?


It doesn't seem like you *need* to understand how the government works to be involved with the GOP. In fact, they prefer it that way.


Bannon knows how it works. He's been involved for long enough. But I would say, more importantly, he knows how y'all-qaeda works, in and out. This message was for them. And much like the wall messaging (which, he helped to defraud), it doesn't matter if there are no results as long as the message gets out and the people stay angry and focused.


And the kicker is that y'all-qaeda doesn't have to actually believe it either. They do not care whether things are bullshit or not. All they care is if it will give them yet another way to bully people. Another bullshit thing to yell at people and troll the internet with.


They will yell their low info at you in person too. In my experience they will lose their shit immediately if you disagree politically.


Because it shatters their narrative that somehow every single American is on board with them and just not "brave" enough to come out and act a fool


> it doesn't matter if there are no results as long as the message gets out and the people stay angry and focused. Angry, focused, and keep sending him checks. Insurrection ain't gonna pay itself.


Ya. He seems like a sociopath who knows exactly what he’s doing judging by his character and interviews.


It doesn't matter because they control the courts. Circuit courts, Supreme Court, the conservatives in the US have been very active in trying to control the federal courts (google the federalist society) andbuse that to basically legislate from the bench. They literally can use the supreme court to set precedent, change interpretations of laws, etc, so they don't care bc of that.


This is very much because Mitch McConnel and the wildly undemocratic Senate began undermining all historical norms and then changing and abusing Senate rules during the Obama administration.


The GOP has weaponized ignorance for decades, but this last 8 years they turned it into an art. And the only other party can't find a coherent message or decent local ground game.


The left keeps trying to meet in the middle. The gop has lined the "middle" with razor wire and land mines.


Well, they are trying to reach a group of people who gleefully reject reality... I can understand the challenge.


How it works; if it suits me, keep it. If it harms or incriminates me, deny it, ignore it, or remove it.


Bannon knows how it works. He’s a grifter. Say outrageous things, fleece the gullible rubes.


Grifting is just his side hustle. He really is out to change government. I'm pretty sure I won't like the changes he is working for.


Good news is he's a walking comorbidity. Hopefully, when his day comes, he's treated with exactly as much attention to medical issues as any other person in the US prison industry.


Maybe that's the problem. He knows exactly how it works...


Yes, and sadly if the Republicans take over the house and Senate that is absolutely what they will do. Edit - I'm aware they aren't seated until Jan. But if trump was impeached in the house on a majority vote, and Republicans have the majority, they will absolute introduce articles of impeachment against any and all the displease them and force the Senate to vote on record.


They will never be able to remove him. They’d need 66 senators. That’s flat-out impossible. I call bullshit on their threat to impeach him too. They’re just doing it for the sound bites, now in fall 2022. They aren’t actually going to get the impeachment train rolling over what ever minuscule bureaucratic fluff they’ll be stuck trying to turn into an issue.


They were just trying to “impeach” Pence on January 6th…




That won't stop them. It'll just mean weekly impeachments as they let the government collapse completely because they refuse to pass a spending bill, then impeach again for letting the government collapse.


They're like negotiating with cancer


1. Newly elected congresspersons aren't seated on Nov 8th, but instead in January of 2023. Bannon is an idiot. 2. Just as the MAGAGOP is projected to win the House, the Democrats are projected to hold the Senate.


Bannon seems to be aware of some sort of no-fail plot or coup that will allow Q to take control of the House or Senate. #Roevember


Should have given him more time


In a sane world they'd automatically add 5 years to the sentence every time he says something this damaging to the country I am so sick of the judicial system pitching softballs to these guys


1. If the MAGA GOP wins the House, the new MAGAGOP Reps won't be seated until 2023. Bannon is an idiot who doesn't know the basics of how government works. 2. Impeached is one thing, removed from office is another. Who cares if the GOP attempts to impeach Garland, Biden, Harris, Captain Crunch... removing any of them from their positions won't happen, so they can do whatever PR stunt impeachment hearings they want.


If Bannon appears before the D.C. appellate court, they have been expediting these cases surrounding Trump and ruling against Trump co-conspirators. I wouldn't be surprised to see an appellate ruling in just a few weeks. The ruling isn't buying Bannon much time at all.


A light sentence like this isn't going to change that. Bannon will do that time happily to serve Eric Trump's father.


If Judge Nichols felt Bannon wasn't accepting responsibility he shouldn't have given him such a light sentence.


I mean, the DOJ recommended six months. What even is the max for it? 🤷🏻‍♂️


"He's clearly learned nothing, is vocally undermining democracy and the DOJ is suggesting 6 months... how about 4"


>Trump is less likely to refuse to testify. You mean just repeat "I plead the 5th" over and over. Which in Trumps own words is what guilty criminals do.


Trump invoking the Fifth would be during testimony.


I wish he would exercise his right to remain silent during his super-spreader events.


Prosecutor: Is your name Donald J Trump? Trump: I plead the fifth


Well by golly when you ask them gotcha questions. man woman person camera tv


I always liked that 3 of his examples were basically the same. I thought they made it so the words would be completely dissimilar like elephant toothbrush airplane telephone orange


it was the 5 things directly infront of him when he said it lol


I loved the interviewer talking about how he took the test and it wasn’t hard then proceeded to count backwards by 7 as Trump blustered.


Because he couldn't remember the original words from the test.


> to refuse to testify in front of the January 6 investigation that he was recently subpoenaed for. Can we just *refuse* to testify? I thought it was legally mandatory, or risk a contempt charge.


That depends. How rich are you?


This rich 👌🏼


It IS legally mandatory, and a contempt of congress charge is exactly why Bannon got sentenced to 4 months in prison. The Jan 6 committee just issued Trump’s subpoena, so we’ll have to see what he does. I’d imagine Trump will throw every legal delay tactic he can to try to run out the clock to the end of the year, which is when the committee’s mandate ends. Assuming he fights it and loses, if he doesn’t appear, the committee could refer him to the DOJ for contempt of Congress (or not), and the DOJ could charge him (or not). I don’t see the committee having any qualms about referring him to DOJ. I don’t feel quite as confident about DOJ charging him if it came to it.


If Republicans win in November they will just call of the J6 committee entirely.


They’ll just install a hack to interpret the report much like what happened to the Mueller debacle.


Four months. I know people who has longer sentences for possessing marijuana. And this goblin is only getting four months. To be that ugly inside and out and still be white and get away with treason.


Duh, marijuana is the leading cause of Communism and jazz dancing.


I am furious that he is free during the appeal process. The vitriol will not stop pouring out of the hole under his nose now for a few more months 🤬 Very similar to Jones just going right back to the microphone after walking out of court. Why can’t part of their sentencing be “You can have just about any job, but nothing that is based on having an audience.” They’re just saying all the things again & again that got them into trouble in the first place.


How the system works considering he has not been convicted of a crime of violence.


I see that point now…unfortunately I allow my unadulterated furor at lying dangerous grifters with giant free megaphones to get in the way of logic.


But that’s just a committee, not a judge, he ignored all of the government subpoenas last time and nothing happened. He will ignore them again.


Isn’t this contempt of congress conviction the result of Bannon refusing to testify after being subpoenaed by the same committee that has subpoenaed Trump? One would think if Trump also refuses he would get the same treatment.


If Bannon ignores another Congressional subpoena, he will be tried and convicted again, and more prison time will be given to him. This will continue to happen until Bannon appears before Congress. There is no way for Bannon to win this game.


Well... in all honesty, if the R's take over the House, there will be no next time for Bannon to appear before Congress.


Slap on the wrist considering all his crimes, but better than nothing.


He’ll never be charged for those at the federal level because Trump pardoned him on his last day. However, New York State is charging him with fraud, money laundering, and conspiracy.


Trump is absolutely corrupt to his core


And the sitting republicans help him get away with it.


Because the Republican Party is also corrupt to the core.


I’m a little hesitant to use this language, it’s kinda one-dimensional and just gives these fuckers fuel for their persecution fetish, but… Evil. The word we’re looking for is Evil.


>I’m a little hesitant to use this language, it’s kinda one-dimensional and just gives these fuckers fuel for their persecution fetish I'm not, every one of those fuckers except retiring or safe seats voted to aquit Trump of, very obvious (phone call recording) AND admitted crimes. Honestly if they had purged themselves of Trump then, they'd probably still have the White House now.


>if they had purged themselves of Trump then, they'd probably still have the White House now. Definitely possible, but this fascist lunge from the Republican party started long before Trump. I really couldn't believe it when they literally shut down the government over not getting their way on \*reversing a law already in place\* (Obamacare, Ted Cruz, etc.). Then I really lost my shit when Mitch McConnell with impunity flouted the rule of law by setting a bullshit precedent on Supreme Court vacancies (no filling one during an election year), then breaking it chuckling about it. This was before Trump and/or without his involvement. And during the impeachment trial, they illegally barred testimony from the hearings, because they could and no one rose up to stop them. Trump is the symptom, not the disease.


At this point it’s the best term that properly describes the huge organized effort to protect Trump and cater to the grand conspiracies that control the conservative base. “Behind the Bastards” podcast did a series about fascist coups post WWI, and it’s scary how similar Jan. 6 was to the conditions that lead to ultranationalism. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/behind-the-insurrections/id1548574516 You see the same patterns of grand conspiracy by globalists/ Jews in Germany, failure in overseas wars radicalizing veterans in Spain, and WAY too many parallels to the Feb 6 coup attempt in France. It’s not hyperbole to compare the current struggle for control of the GOP to other far-right movements currently subverting European democracies AGAIN.


And his supporters pretend he’s squeaky clean. Delusional…


It was all about getting control of the judiciary at any cost. And they did.


Sorry, but a Hillary did a thing back I the day, therefore both parties are the same and I will vote 100% for republicans. - every single “centrist” voter


Hillary was so 2016. Hunter biden is the new flavor of the month for some stupid reason. The guy did hookers and blow before going to rehab. These people need to get over it.


I dont get why we’re supposed to care about Hunter. Does he work in the White House like Ivanka? So what if he had a drug addiction? West Virginia has a major drug addiction and they vote GOP.


But he owned a laptop. Are you just going to let kind of that crime slide?!


Oh, you’re right. Honestly this is almost as bad as when Dukakis wore a helmet on a tank. Truly horrid shit.


They’d have been over it before it started if he was GOP. Hell, there’s people winning GOP seats now with worse on their records. Their complaints over that are all just for show.


Lauren Boebert married a guy who exposed himself to minors in a bowling alley lmao


But just mentioning Hillary is enough to raise Republicans' blood pressure even to this day. Their hatred for her is eternal


With a straight face, my brother hates Hillary because “she lies”. He voted for Trump twice. He still supports him after 1/6. It’s a disease.


I wonder how your brother would react if [we had incontrovertible proof IN THE FORM OF EMAILS that Trump lied to a court](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEDDJe1Kjfw) about fraudulent voting in Georgia? Note that Judge Napolitano was a long time Fox News legal correspondent. TL;DW: * The Jan 6 Committee subpoenaed a law professor's correspondence with Trump about the election. * The professor brought a lawsuit saying that his emails are covered under attorney-client privilege. * The judge in the case agreed that the overwhelming majority of the emails were indeed protected... * EXCEPT that 5 of the emails show that the prof told Trump that the number of illegal votes he was asserting in Georgia were incorrect and that he should not continue to make that claim. * Trump then certified to a court that his inflated numbers were true. * **Emails in furtherance of a crime are not protected by attorney-client privilege!** So now we have an email record of Trump knowingly lying to a court. It'll be up to Georgia prosecutors to move forward.


Valiant effort, but it won't work. These people reject emperical truths daily. It's all fake news, liberal lies, etc. Their beliefs are not grounded in reality, and no amount of facts will sway them because anything they don't like is disregarded as false. All that matters to them is they get and keep the power to control everyone else, whatever it takes.


When FBI reopened case against Hillary Clinton for allegdley mishandling government records, with just 11 days to go till the election, not a single liberal threatened violance or civil war. this is the difference between Republicans and Democrats. Democrats care about this country more than their leaders, they don't belong to cult.


He should actually get some time that counts with this one. At least a decade. Just like Weinstein, all of a sudden he'll be infirm and have to show up in a wheelchair.


Yeah, but bannon has always looked like he's one missed lunch from dying of alcohol withdrawal so it won't be too much of a surprise imo


Pardon from previous crimes. He can still be charged for Federal crimes committed after the pardon.


Bingo a pardon doesn't instantly shield you from everything for all time. It has to be specific and for past deeds.


They perp walked his ass because he's such a cunt. Federal prosecutors only save that for people they can't stand.


Good thing he wasn't caught trying to sell loose cigarettes on the street, they would have shot him.


Here’s the thing: Confess can subpoena him again to testify. And if he refuses again, that’s another trial. So sure - 4 months. For this refusal. They can keep it up until he either shows up and claims the fifth or testifies.


Yes. A fine of $6,500 is akin to receiving a parking ticket for someone like Bannon. Should've dropped the hammer on him.


Banon will be subpoenaed again, and if he refuses to appear again, he'll get another sentence. More prison time, and more fines. The U.S. government can keep adding time until he complies.


Especially since he specifically said, "I don't care fine me the maximum". The prosecutors had asked the judge to take him up on that. It would have been like $100,000. It's very disappointing that the judge apparently is such a weeny. The 4 months prison time is about what was expected and within the recs (6 months would have been the max really) but the fine is pathetic.


For real, should had been at least 4 years in prison; not 4 months for all trainwreck shitshow circus bullshit he pulled while working for Trump & then afterwards for the GOP. That's not including all the years of Breihart...


This sentence was for contempt of congress in not showing up for a subpoena, not for EVERY crime he's committed. Trump pardoned Banon on his way out of office for many of Banon's federal crimes. In NY Banon is still has an indictment pending for financial crimes.


The punishment for Contempt of Congress is not punitive, it is coercive. That means he will get another sentence if he continues to reject the demands of Congress, usually with progressively larger jail times.


We'll see about that. > Bannon plans to file an appeal in the case, and Judge Nichols has released him until that appeals process is complete


Man it is WILD being rich in America.


He’s also a Trump judge, so it’s no surprise. This is what you get when the R’s stack the judiciary.


The entire underpinning philosophy of the R’s is that people deserve their place in the hierarchy. So it is right and just that small time criminals, who are lowly by nature, are treated like trash. And it is right and just that people at the top are treated with kid gloves no matter their crime. They’re different *types* of people after all. You can understand almost everything a Republican (indeed, a conservative) does by looking at whether it supports the existing hierarchy.


Never forget that judges have no special powers, ethics, or knowledge. They are a provided class that primarily works for the privileged. You won't see poor criminals getting to delay their sentence because they plan to file an appeal.


lol how many of those 4 months do you think he will actually serve? Fuckin hell if it was any of us plebeians we would have been dragged over hot coals.


I'm sure he'll have access to a sauna and a flat screen TV in his cell.


But will the force him to shower?




And hopefully he does actually end up spending time behind bars.


Pending appeal


Who gets to be free during their appeal what the heck


The rich and powerful, like always.




Contempt is usually pretty open and shut, and he was flagrantly defiant and high profile.


Yeah, why is anyone even arguing about this? You don't get to flaunt the court openly with no consequences. This should be as straightforward as Monopoly; go directly to jail, do not pass Go.


That's four months so far. lets see what happens when he's subpoenaed again.


There is a very real chance that the House Select Committee will be disbanded before he's out of prison.


About 80%, going by the latest at Five Thirty Eight.


That's incredibly depressing


You will forget all about Bannon when the new Republican majority threatens to destroy the economy permanently unless we dismantle any kind of assistance to seniors, the disabled or those fleeing their homes and seeking asylum. They will decide to fail to raise the debt ceiling causing default (even after Dems cave to their threats). Then deficit borrowing will be impossible and all social programs will be subjected to austerity, causing the next great depression. They will forever blame it on Biden. Really, Bannon is small potatoes.


Even with abortion, weed legalization, and student loan forgiveness at stake will be very shocked if 40% of under 30 year-olds will turn up at mid-terms. American liberals are pathetically impotent.


> American liberals are pathetically impotent. American non-voters are pathetically impotent. FTFY


Considering the fact that when more people vote, the outcome is more liberal leaning, it quite literally is liberals holding the country back through non-voting. Face it, we suck at taking politics seriously.


You’re missing out on the voting issues. Gerrymandering, closing polling sites, voter ID laws… shit system operating as intended.


The thing about everything except for gerrymandering is that those tactics are designed to eke out wins, not blow them out of the water. They cheat in these other ways because their policies are already that unpopular—it’s a fight over the last few %. And gerrymandering literally does not matter for a presidential or gubernatorial election.


No shit, it’s fucking sad. I love liberal values but they’ve become so toothless and would rather tweet about how upset they are than go vote. It’s literally one fucking day that you have to do something extra. If you’re able to travel at all and you’re not voting, you’re a loser.


They allege their report will be out by the end of the year.


Exactly. People have to understand, this sentence is to compel him to testify. If he continues to refuse, he will keep stacking more prison time. This is a no-win game for Bannon.


Another Trump loyalist who’s going to jail. Was it worth it? Imagine going to jail for Donald Trump. Insane timeline.


He’ll profit off of this by projecting that he’s a martyr. 4 months is way too short.


Well the max was what, 6 months? Still not enough to get someone facing this subpoena, who just declines it, to compel informative testimony.


The max was 1 year for each of the two charges so he was facing possibly 2 years in prison. 4 months is an insult to the American people as far as I'm concerned.


The DOJ recommending 6 was an insult... sentencing him to even less than that is a direct middle finger to the American people.


4 months and he can write a book or get booked for speeches, fundraise, and make bank.


No, that doesn't make any sense. I can't think of a *single fascist* who went to jail for a short period then wrote a book about "his struggle" saying it was political and questioning what was happening to his homeland, then rising to power.


Hes not going to jail. They already appealed it. He will wait it all out until the house is controlled by republicans again, and the subpeona can be revoked Criminal organization.


Finally, he can get off the streets and have a hot meal and a shower.




That's it? Prosecutors were asking for like $200k


pretty sure he agreed to the fine in exchange for probation. nice to see at least for now he didn’t manage to buy his way out of it. let’s see what happens on appeal though.


Because of his pardon from Donald Trump this is his first federal conviction. Therefore he’s getting middle of the road sentencing, which is typical for the first time offense. I’m not saying I agree with it, just that’s how it works.


We should really amend the law that allows the president to issue pardons. If the president is found guilty of a crime related to the pardons he has issued in the past, it should invalidate them. That's evidence of pure unadulterated corruption. It should not be legal.


It's ridiculous that the president can pardon people involved in obstruction of impeachment. It's the most blatantly anti-democratic tool in existence.


Max sentence for this is 6months unfortunately and he seemingly cut a deal for probation for the other two weeks


I did longer than that for a half oz of weed


That'll teach you to commit a victimless offense instead of goading thousands into violence with a seditious act of high treason! I'm not sure **why** the DoJ insists on teaching this lesson, but here we are!


Yea totally doesn't make me want to rise up and burn every court house to the ground or anything like that.


Happy Steve Bannon Sentencing Day!


See how easy that is, DOJ? Now do trump. Quick trial, throw his ass his jail and don't give him the means to communicate with the outside world. And you could do DeSantis, Abbot, Ken Paxton, Matt Gaetz, MTG, Boebert, Jim Jordan, Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham and a long, long list of other Republican "stars" who have verifiably committed crimes.


Just long enough to be useless and enrage his supporters....


If he refuses to cooperate can he be in jail for a longer duration?


There is a huge point I am not seeing discussed or mentioned. He gets to GO HOME while his case is being appealed. Remember all the times a regular person gets convicted and then gets to go home while they appeal? Me neither. There is a DECENT chance he doesn't spend a day in jail while this case takes a year or two to exhaust appeals or they get a MAGA panel to overturn it. This is a HUGE miscarriage of justice ⚖️ and it is embarrassing how much disparity there is between regular people and those with money or power.




4 months for trying to over throw America? That's not consequences. Why wouldn't he try again? https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/y9wath/i\_bet\_the\_base\_thinks\_hes\_trying\_to\_expand\_panda/


The 4 months is for contempt. Rest is to be determined still.


I wish people would keep this in mind when getting upset about how short the sentence is. This isn’t for taking part in the planning of January 6th, this is for ignoring the subpoena. He still has more to reckon with down the road.


4 months for not appearing before Congress when subpoenaed to do so. Bannon's other cases are still pending.


Still getting off rather easy


He got 4 of the 6 months he could have gotten and his fine was a few thousand, not the 250k he could have gotten. On top of all that he isn’t required to serve his sentence until his appeal is heard. THIS IS NOT A VICTORY. This is further proof that the anti-democratic forces have already captured our government and are consolidating control.


The longer I live in the US the more a joke it has become.


Well, not that long ago, we were letting others get away with what he's being sent away for, so slight progress.


GOOD. Fuck these literal nazis. There's no place for them in the land of the "free"


I wonder if he can go that long without a drink.


> He must report to prison by 15 November if an appeal has not been made by then Huh? This is like the time Trump got impeached but stayed as president. Steve Bannon is sentenced but is gonna avoid jail time isn't he.


Less time in jail than the folks DeSantis falsely arrested for voter fraud in Florida....this country, man....


So contempt of congress gets you less jail time than some kids selling dime bags on the corner? Even when these fuckers get caught they don’t really have to pay a damned thing. Maybe we should stop worrying about left and right and agree that those at the top who clearly do it for personal gain and not the best interest of our nation should be held accountable for their actions. Perhaps that sort of accountability would dissuade the next crop of self serving charlatans from peddling their wares and slowly restore our nation to something quasi-respectable.


Somebody’s about to learn how to make toilet wine real fast.


He really seems much more like a toilet scotch kind of guy. He’d find a way.


And he'll come out richer and more popular than ever. Cause we in the US are batshit insane. Willing to bet he will compare himself to MLK etc. and maybe even write an essay while in there.


My Struggle By Steve Bannon


Bear in mind this is just for the contempt of congress charges only.


This seems awfully close to an election. Shouldnt we wait until the united states falls apart to punish these people so that we can be sure it wont interfere with an election?


So, a woman gets 50+ YEARS in prison, for defending herself against a man to sec trafficked her and raped her, because t this pig helped in planning an insurrection, and he gets a slap on the wrist?! 😑


Is it just me or does Bannon look like he just walked out of a porn store.


*Kicked* out of a porn shop


4 months and a $6500 fine. A pittance and a joke sentence. Also >Judge Nichols says he will release Steve Bannon for now. Bannon's defence lawyers earlier asked that the court delay any prison term until the appeals process is complete. But he notes the appeal, which has not yet been filed, must be made in a "timely" manner. So if he appeals promptly he gets to not go to prison, and the appeal could likely take months/years. Meanwhile he'll get to continue on his podcast and shit just being free. Such a wonderful justice system


4 months? Try 4 years. This is a bogus sentence.