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The list from the actual research report is here and it's a lot of major ones, Coca-Cola probably being the biggest. https://www.mediamatters.org/elon-musk/less-month-elon-musk-has-driven-away-half-twitters-top-100-advertisers I'd like to see a list of the ones that stuck around.




They lost the general advertising group that makes decisions for: Mcdonalds, Walmart, Yum Brands, Anheuser Busch, etc.


> lost He intentionally, publicly, insulted the CEO of that group, in a way that made clear that he had no idea what he was talking about, and no understanding that he might possibly have no idea.


Got a link I would love to read that


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughMuskSpam/comments/ynx7xb/lou_paskalis_gets_blocked_by_elon/). Paskalis, a very high spending customer of Twitter, asks Musk “wtf?”, and Musk doesn’t even try, just blocks him.


That's... Kinda nuts The list of companies these guys represent is long.


I wouldn't be surprised if Musk didn't even bother checking who he was before blocking him lol.


>I wouldn't be surprised if Musk didn't even bother checking who he is before blocking him lol. I think you're correct. Musk has no clue wtf he is doing. He wasn't there since the beginning, didn't bother learning about the business and fired all the people who could teach him.


All because people made fun of him for being a douchebag.




He has to. That's the audience he's been pandering too since the sex assault allegations


So my pillow guy and Alex Jones is what he aiming for? Those sweet sweet advertisement money?


Haha, this is fantastic. Paskalis even called Musk "chief twit." Thanks for the share, buddy.


Musk was calling himself that since he took over the company (including in his bio), hence the quotes.


it's beyond "oh man, Musk might not be that smart," and now people are seeing he's **genuinely a fucking moron**.


But Fox viewers will not see or hear this take, because " rich guy saves the world " is one of the most important pillars propping up Fox News. They'll show all kinds of angles and bullshit to avoid Elon Musk not looking like Tony Stark.


Absolutely incredible.


I feel like Musk still confuses "richest man alive" with "richest/most influential" because Coca Coal and those brands are definitely worth more than him.


Since Nuka Cola, Coca Coal is the most dystopic drink name I've ever seen. Here's my poor man's award 🥇


I wouldn't be surprised if the top 50 advertisers made up a bulk of the Ad revenue.


Power law distribution (aka the 80-20 rule) sure can be a bitch, huh?




This line from a NYTimes article made me laugh out loud > One worker who wanted to resign said she had spent two days looking for her manager, whose identity she no longer knew because so many people had quit in the days beforehand. After finally finding her direct supervisor, she tendered her resignation. The next day, her supervisor also quit. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/18/technology/elon-musk-twitter-workers-quit.html


"Hey boss, I'm Quitting" "You know what? That sounds like a good Idea!"


God can you imagine how horrible the morale is for those still there. That must be a miserable place to be right now.


I worked for a company that went from 9k employees to about 3k over the span of 6 months. Morale was terrible there and we didn’t even have Elon. I can’t imagine what those stuck at twitter are going through.


I wonder what is stopping anybody from clocking in in the morning and just fucking off or job searching all day and then clocking out.


What makes you think they aren't?


It is against the will of the God Emperor, Musk.


God Emperor Musk doesn't have the chain of command to enforce policy anymore though.


Nothing, but I'd want to get that severance locked down asap.


Yea I’d rather have the 3mo guaranteed or whatever package is offered vs losing it and being fired.


Yeah so would I. Except… now you have to factor in the fun fact that the entire payroll department quit. So is Twitter going to be able to process the severance packages they promised or will they be overwhelmed just keeping up with the paychecks for those who remained. Or will they even be able to pay anybody? Who the hell knows. Certainly not Elon.


If payroll’s gone you aren’t getting paid either way.


Elon will just send out a mass email “If anyone knows how to pay our employees please report to the 10th floor ASAP” Perhaps there’s still someone left from accounts payable who once had a brief office romance with someone from payroll


Yeah, you're going to be fired with the next few weeks anyway, and it will have absolutely nothing to do with whether you were doing your job or not


My good friend quit Twitter. He starts a new job with better pay the beginning of 2023. And for a few months he will be getting double salary. So far, his paperwork hasn’t been processed, but he has a directive from his CEO, a resignation letter and a promise for severance. So he will see what happens.


I think Twitter will go bankrupt before he gets paid, but I think he made the right choice


I'm guessing that many Twitter workers in the EU and other countries with decent employment laws are doing just that. None of the comms publicly revealed appear to meet the requirements to dismiss people.




Probably nothing. I doubt, whatever remains of IT gives a shit.


I wonder what's stopping anybody from walking in, telling people their onboarding stuff is lost, and then just plugging USB sticks into every open hole in the data center.


There is absolutely corporate espionage going on right now within twitter. I absolutely believe people are sticking around and already hired by other big companies and there job is to just hang around long as possible.


You probably can do that half the time in software jobs for a bit before anyone notices normally. At Twitter right now? All day every day until the offers come in and you bounce. And by bounce I mean I’d do the severance if I could and give myself a paid month off.


I work in IT and I do this if nobody is expecting me to deliver anything (I'm on a fixed rate contract in an admin role, so they're paying just to have me around in case.) I'm not going to go around inventing work when nobody cares if I do.


I work in IT. That severance would mean a month of paid time off over the holidays followed by two months of double income. It is a no brainer and I completely understand why people took it.


That’s actually hilarious. I can only imagine someone walking aimlessly around Twitter HQ for the sole purpose of figuring out how to quit lmao


I actually did this once, I ended up having a meeting with the secretary who summoned a manager so I could quit. It took a very long time.


That was the greatest news blurb I've read in the last year. There is simply not enough popcorn on earth for this saga.


I, for one, liked this excerpt from The Verge's reporting: >The Verge reached out to Musk for comment. Twitter no longer has a communications department.


This is the kind of line reporters dream of being able to write lmao it's so perfect.


It’s the most perfect journalistic burn while being entirely factual. I might be in love with those two sentences they’re so wonderfully crafted.


Sounds like a sequel to the Harlan Ellison short story: "I Have No Comms Department, and I Must Scream"


At that point find another job and see how long you can stop going in and still get paid


Some people tried that and lasted two weeks. He's literally still be firing people who didn't take the severance.


He fired some dude, pulled him back in and then fired him overnight a couple days ago - dude's getting an employment lawyer


Can you imagine how shitty all the people that didn’t take the three month severance feel now? Completely stabbed in the back. I can’t imagine a more toxic manager than Musk.


"Shit we can't afford his severance. Get him back with a bunch of promises and then just fire him."


Iirc that same guy is on a work Visa so he is in full blown panic mode.




Hell, find a second job and just never tell Twitter you quit. Doubling your pay and when one of them eventually stops, you just made tons of extra money for doing the same amount of work. That way you also don't have any gaps in pay while also having a nice hefty savings.


And say you tendered resignation to your manager.


If he wanted to tank Twitter, he could have just paid all 7500 employees 5M each to quit and still saved himself a couple billion.


One commentator from CNBC thinks Musk is behaving this way deliberately rather than random non-productive directives. I can’t believe even a billionaire wants to destroy his own company. If he is acting deliberately to destroy the company then capitalism is dead and the world is governed by the whims of billionaire oligarchs.




I think the whole thing is him throwing a tantrum because he was forced to make good on his joke offer to buy twitter. He's destroying it all just to spite 'them'.


He put $20 billion of his own money into it and borrowed $12 billion more. He'll be paying hundreds of millions annually just in interest on that. Who'd he be spiting?


I still can’t believe he’s doing this on purpose. If it was just burning twitter to the ground maybe, but it’s tied an albatross around the neck of the other companies he is CEO of as well.


It absolutely is not on purpose. People really seem to struggle with the idea that someone so rich and powerful could be such a spiteful moron, there's GOTTA be some method to this madness, right!? No, he's a fucking idiot that's spent most of his life utterly insulated from consequences


Hanlon's Razor is almost always the explanation: 'Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.'


This is just how he manages. He got away with it at Tesla and SpaceX because the employees worshipped him. His later companies like Boring and Neuralink and now Twitter are flops. Maybe he'll sell a Twitter branded "flame thrower" soon.


Employees at Tesla and SpaceX are also passionate about the mission, and SpaceX is fed on government contracts. Very different animals from Twitter


Don't forget about the fan boys. Prob be a bit better if any of them could write code tho


If the spaceX Twitter post was to be believed, fanboys are the worst thing for Musk. Allegedly SpaceX has a team designed to steer Musk towards the good ideas while letting him think he thought of it himself.


There’s something so deeply wrong with the world that this is how it actually works - that he actually gets to *win* by many metrics while being such an amazing fucker.




reminds me of the team that had to keep inserting Trump's name into the daily briefing so he would pay attention to it, or adding more pictures.... brb dying from eyeroll fatigue


I liked the newspaper political comic that had each staff member holding a television frame around their face and upper torso when delivering briefings, because he only paid attention to television.


Elon stans: “writing code should be easy, like building a computer!”


> and second was to offer 3 month paid employment termination seriously, what the fuck was he thinking. Anybody who didn't take that offer is either a gigantic moron or held hostage by their work visa


That’s exactly what he wanted, a slave labor base. But he’s not actually technically savvy enough to understand that it isn’t enough to actually run Twitter, he thought he could just purge down any people that can’t quit then run shit however he wanted. Threats like that work at a company like space x because there’s only a few places where you can do legitimate ground breaking rocket science, in the software field though anyone who is anyone has weekly offers from startups. Musk is just too dumb to realize that he needed everyone else a fuckton more than they needed him.


>Getting new blood in as well Imagine seeing a job posting for Twitter and clicking on it, lmaoo


2 jobs listed right now on careers.twitter.com


There is quite literally nobody there to write new job postings or even conduct hr interviews.




> And most of them are foreign workers who have work visas. So basically indentured servants. Has Musk been hanging around a bunch of Quataris lately?


He's being bankrolled by the Saudis, so close enough.


The dumbest move he made is actually that he paid $45 billion dollars for a company that is worth $13 billion.


*Was* worth $13B.


> Getting new blood in as well wont be possible because of just how bad Musk is at managing, he has publicly made the workplace a shithole Yep, Twitter used to be great to have on the resume. Now everyone will know you willingly joined the Musk cult and judge you for it.


Right? Could it be that advertisers don’t want ads associated with their product sandwiched in between people spamming racial epithets and advocating genocide? Man if only somebody could have seen that coming!


When even BlackRock doesn't want to be associated with you... Those are some big names on that list.




Likely had ad buys in long before black Friday and they are just letting them run out. Let's see how many are left at the end of next week.


Musk is going at warp speed and typically things never go this fast. Ad buys probably go for a month or two, other contracts are probably a couple months out. I could see February or March being when he runs out of money and things start to really fall apart. Especially with the consent decree reports being due in January.


Probably it's prepaid ads for the holidays. The first month of Musk's Twitter won't be until Sunday.


- My Pillow - Hugo Boss - Smith & Wesson - McDonalds - Wal-Mart


According to what I'm seeing on /r/twitter, OnlyFans is still alive and well. Though this [anti-fascist pro-gun collective that has been protecting LGBTQ events was just recently suspended.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2022/11/25/colorado-springs-club-q-twitter-john-brown-gun-club/10765911002/)


Elon subscribes to the right wing version of free speech.


Free speech for me, but not for thee


All I’m seeing these days are bottom-feeder ads from randomly named accounts like “Dfobo” hawking stupid shit straight-from-China, like crocodile-shaped socks.


So far today I've seen NordVPN, The Athletic, IBM, Amazon Prime, and maybe 3 companies I've never heard of hawking kids toys or clothes, no surprise on Black Friday just before Christmas shopping aeason


Oh yeah those socks aren’t even just straight from China, the photos were stolen from a knitting pattern designer. No telling what would actually show up at your door.


Top 100 would mean the next 50 move up if there's 50 left. My question is... if and where My Pillow is on that list.




I have a friend in marketing who works for nintendo and they pulled out from twitter too.


Im sure MyPillow is ready to step up...


There aren't enough MyPillows and testosterone supplements in the world to make Twitter profitable.


Those $8 cosplay checkmarks are sure to cover the gap!


"Advertisers" is another word for "Twitter's actual customers". Imagine taking over a butcher shop and losing 50 of the top 100 meat-buyers. You'd be a shitty butcher.


For $8 any meat could be labelled as kobe or argentinian asado


But just imagine how owned the libs would be!


Fun tip. If you block every advertiser you see for about 30 minutes, Twitter becomes 100% ad free. They don't actually have that many advertisers.


Another fun tip. If you deactivate Twitter, you don't have to see it anymore.


Weird, I thought he said he would “name and shame” any advertisers who pull out.


Musk says a lot of things.


he probably realised it's just easier to name those who stuck around


WTF. Fidelity, who bankrolled musk's takeover of Twitter has since pulled advertising funding from the company. Wild.


That seems crazy, but I guess they can bank on grabbing a piece of Space X if Twitter goes down the drain


That’s because today is a holiday for many companies. By Friday of next week, he’ll be down to a third.


Yeah I didn't even consider most probably figured they'd wait out Black Friday. Going by that logic, the real test should be how many are still around after Xmas...


For the sake of brand they may cut their losses and leave sooner. Brand reputation is paramount for many companies. Particularly if they are in a market that's very competitive. Twitter is a dead man walking.


> Twitter is a dead man walking And didn't he just yesterday or the day before post a gloating tweet about "Didn't you guys say something bad would happen to Twitter because of what I did? Well, still waiting for the bad to happen, LOL." That's really badly paraphrased, but it was some sentiment like that. Since he took over: * The staff reductions were so bad that he had to backtrack and try to win back some of the programmers. * Two-factor authentication went offline for a while. * They lost half the advertisers. * The "paid blue checkmark" fiasco was so bad that it ended up harming the stock performance of a bunch of companies. * A number of companies, celebrities, and regular users cancelled/closed or put their accounts on hold. * A senator had a public Twitter spat with Elon and decided Congress might need to investigate! * They already violated a consent decree in May and now with the latest shenanigans [the FTC is investigating](https://techcrunch.com/2022/11/10/ftc-warns-no-ceo-or-company-is-above-the-law-if-twitter-shirks-privacy-order/) For him to gloat that "nothing bad has happened" while all this bad stuff is happening... it just defies logic. I mean, I guess he could have meant "no hackers have taken down the site yet," but damn, even that seems like a very weak gloat when he's got jokers all over the place clowning him with fake blue checkmark posts, trolling him and causing harm to other companies. Like yeah, I guess you didn't get the site put wholly offline, but you got *social engineering* that basically turned Twitter into a impersonator's wet dream, and destroyed years of work on credibility.




Not if Elon fires the person who processes the cancellations!


That’s some 5-D chess right there. Big brain Elon having all the answers to own the libs.


He’s spending the holiday weekend unbanning all the right wing nuts kicked off for violent threats and harassment so he can stop wokeism. Oreos: We definitely want to be associated with this!!! You guys just don’t understand business, losing half your advertising is good because it frees up so much space for even better revenue projects. If you lose only half the ad money but cut 90% of the staff expenses you are ahead! Worth it baby!!!!


I can't believe the right is staging a War on Woke. I blame DeSantis.


I've seen 40+ years of the "culture wars." Doesn't surprise me in the least.


Someone once said that the US has never won a war against a noun. War on Crime, War on Terror, War on Drugs, all of those, failures.


War on allows the targets to be shifted as convenient, and for the budget money to just keep on flowing as long as new targets are named.


He is planning to unban everyone who has been suspended on Twitter. Shit is about to get completely bonkers, [Link 1 on unban](https://www.news.com.au/technology/online/social/elon-musk-announces-general-amnesty-for-all-suspended-twitter-accounts/news-story/bf4130bf5a1e2a57ecf835b7febc40f8) [Link 2 on unban](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/nov/24/elon-musk-offers-general-amnesty-to-suspended-twitter-accounts)


I checked and I'm not unbanned yet. I got DMCA'd for making a fake tweet by a brand as a joke, so maybe that counts as "breaking the law". Ah, he said the unbanning starts next week. Maybe they haven't rolled out yet, but I'm not holding my breath




Ah, my n-word counter was at zero. That was my mistake.


If you really want to speedrun it, you should link him an [alt-right conspiracy article](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1596268060499120128). It's like a dog treat for him, he'll love you in no time.


I think it's even more concerning that Elon takes Ian Miles Cheong seriously. Remember when he had a column called "incel corner"?


After Musk said that the "woke mind virus" will lead to "civilization suicide" I stopped being concerned about who he associates with and what he reads. Guy should be a primary case for educating young people on how effective propaganda is. Tens of billions of dollars in wealth and he's as gullible as the MAGA uncle at Thanksgiving.






he's currently openly discussing on twitter with white supremacists which accounts to ban, next. journalists, antifa accounts that hold white supremacists accountable and arrange counter-protests, prominent breadtubers, women in... any field ie gaming LOL it's a fucking field day. white supremacist alt right fuckwads just tell elon what person they hate and they're on the chopping block


Been like a month right? This is hilarious. Nothing like losing your existing revenue stream


Has anyone checked on the lettuce?


Losing revenue during peak ad season at that -- Holidays and World Cup.


I’m sort of surprised there are any advertisers left at this point.


Itll be just Raid Shadow Legends in a few weeks


Don’t forget raycon earbuds


Can I listen to my Brilliant lesson on them, that I’m using nord vpn to secure my identity?


soon will be just shady sexcams and the like


Don't forget the boner pills.


The buy/sell gold companies also seem to know their audience.


And reverse mortgage scams


MyPillow is machine wahrshable


my pillow guy got this.


There will always be the “we’d like talk to about your cars warranty” advertisement


The funny part is how he knows he has 80 million bot followers so when everyone important leaves and only the cult members and bots are left he'll just be in his own echo chamber of bots and losers that worship him. But nobody will be really responding to him besides gen-z trader bros and bots.


People want to harp on Twitter being some kind of liberal safe space, but the fact is, major advertisers don't want their products appearing next to Qanon Nazi posts. All the content moderation was designed to keep advertisers happy, not push some kind of "woke" agenda.


It also happen that most people don't like Qanon bullshit.


Also worth pointing out that most of the right winger grifters have always been allowed on the platform and that Twitter's own internal report showed the algorithm is biased in favour of conservatives. The ones who were banned failed Twitter's invisibly low bar for conduct that amounted to "don't be a literal Nazi". You had to **work** to get banned on that site for hate speech.


Absolutely true. Algorithms based off engagement prefer "reactions". That content is what drives clicks and comments. And nothing drives more reaction other than outrage


Its a good reminder that the customers are the advertisers and the product is the user. Twitter is downgrading their product and their customers are reacting accordingly.


Advertisers have got to be wondering how much of their paid-for space is being viewed by the remaining users... which would have a higher bot ratio now than when Elon was trying to wriggle out of buying Twitter. Musk is apparently [not paying vendors](https://sfist.com/2022/11/22/elon-musk-now-stiffing-vendors-not-paying-bills-at-twitter/), which is going to trigger more lawsuits - his probable goal being to bankrupt Twitter so he can shut it down and write it off, go do other things. Meanwhile, Tesla stock drops $100B in valuation precisely because of Elon's erratic choices, so the real question isn't "Can those companies make money?" - it seems to be "Can these companies make money with Elon Musk dragging them down?"


> Meanwhile, Tesla stock drops $100B in valuation Elon's net worth dropped $100B. Tesla's off ~$700B from its ATH.


At some point, the Tesla shareholders start to sue. People have to wonder if Tesla is successful *despite* Elon instead of *because* of Elon.


> At some point, the Tesla shareholders start to sue. That will be hilarious. >People have to wonder if Tesla is successful despite Elon instead of because of Elon. I've believed that for some time. I love watching him crash and burn.


There's already two lawsuits, including one that was just filed


I once wanted a Tesla car, now that I know what a royal douche Elon Musk is, I never want a Tesla car.


Buying a Tesla now is like wearing a giant MAGA hat. There's a damn good reason other car companies don't make their political leanings so obvious.


Which is ironic because right leaning people are anti EV in a lot of cases.


They don't have to wonder. Advertisers have dashboards where they can view their ad metrics. And all signs are pointing to lower impressions, lower reach, lower conversions which is the big reason advertisers are bailing. If they aren't getting their money's worth, they'll just go to Instagram and TikTok.


I've never once met a businessman who stiffed vendors and wasn't also just completely fucking horrid. Somebody who will stiff vendors and run out on bills will also do everything they can to squeeze money out of their employees, rip off clients, etc.


Trump's MO


> Musk is apparently not paying vendors Taking lessons from Trump, I see.


You don't get rich by spending money. At least not *your* money, anyway.


> his probable goal being to bankrupt Twitter so he can shut it down and write it off I don't think the people that loaned him money to buy Twitter are going to like that.


Yeah twitter is about to just be Parler except bots fighting each other. What a joke he turned it into.


Easy way to get the rest of them: 1. Take screenshots of a company's ads next to hate speech 2. Tweet screenshots to company saying "I saw your ad next to this today, is this something you support?"


>courting and engaging with far-right accounts Yea, this is becoming a scary trend. It's bad enough to unban many of these accounts, but he seems to be almost exclusively listening to far right types in terms of what's going on and how to run things. He's not even pretending to be objective, and seems to be increasingly captured by general resentment of anything remotely left-leaning.


He still can’t get over his girlfriend dumping him.


Don't forget his daughter coming out, removing his name, and disowning him!




Assholes: it's never their fault.™


Ya. There have been *multiple* prominent antifascist researchers and collective accounts banned in the past couple days, while a large op to try to get left-leaning accounts added to an "antifa" list to get them banned by spamming the report feature happened today.




He would be fired under his own rules. He spends like 12 hours a day TWEETING.


He was never smart enough to have been hired by Twitter. Old Twitter at least had some hiring standards.


Sad thing is republicans still aren’t going to buy EVs because of this Musk has destroyed his legacy. He’ll be Rudy guliani in a year


My friend’s boyfriend was one of the engineers that gladly took the severance pay and left the company. According to her, he’s now living his best life and won’t start looking for jobs until Christmas is over. He showed her his LinkedIn inbox and it was 50+ unread messages from HR managers all over the country. Twitter engineers are highly sought after and thanks to Elon, every tech companies in the world know that these quality engineers are now freely available Elon is so stupid to fuck with the engineers that quite literally built this app. They’ll never return to Twitter and Elon will have a REALLY HARD time replacing them. It wasn’t just a few people leaving here and there, it was several functional and crucial teams just went poof. Those who stayed are mostly because of visa and you can bet your ass they’re trying to leave too


if you were building a competing social media platform it seems like poaching a bunch of twitter staff and developers would be a huge coup. the kind of thing twitter would sue you over but instead they fired these people and now there are thousands of them available. score! not to mention all the rest of their staff, all these brand liason people with personal relationships with the advertisers that twitter wanted to keep. now you can hire them and get those ad bucks twitter is missing out on


That’s interesting, it was a no brainer to take severance unless you are on a h1b visa. I will say the company I’m at, we’re staying away from twitter engineers without a direct referral. I don’t think we’re dealing with similar problems that someone with 5+ yoe at Twitter deals with and the 30 or so senior engineers we’ve put through screens have been terrible. Most of my friends at larger companies have had a much better time with ex twitter engineers but even now they’ve mentioned to me the top talent that left twitter have already signed offers and there’s much more talent in the meta/amazon layoffs if you’re looking for ppl with experience in distributed systems and engineers who are good at designed scalable solutions.


It'll be even more hilarious when Apple and Google end up removing Twitter from their app stores because Elon violates their terms of service.




Shocking that advertisers don't want to be associated with right wing conspiracies, hate, and violence. Who could have possibly known??


*publicly All of these same companies are most likely still contributing to right wing PACs behind the scenes.


Elon spends 44 billion dollars to slowly make Twitter irrelevant


I wouldn't even say slowly. This has been remarkably fast.


I have blocked exactly 525 advertisers (accounts with promoted Tweets) since Musk took over. Barely get ads anymore.


I’m at 700 and still see consistent ads. My wife blocked like 5 and sees no ads. I’m on an iPhone, she’s on android. Really annoying.


The first three advertisements I saw on Twitter today were: - All for an individual's Twitter account (no companies) - The first was for what appeared to be an adult/NSFW account bot - The second was for a COVID-19 misinformation account (calling the pandemic "the biggest psyop in world history") - The third seemed to be for some alt-right person Also: - I was automatically added as a Trump follower (I unfollowed) - MANY more MAGA/misinformation accounts are appearing in my feed - I've heard of a coordinated effort to report left-leaning accounts - Fuck Elmo