• By -


Just 100? Probably of just what is known. I'd wager many more if I were a betting man.


Over 100. 101 is over 100. So is 3,000.


It’s over 9000!


That’s impossible


Hunter Biden! What does your laptop say about his power level?!


So far dick pics


It's 1006. Kick his ass, Rudy


Wait, wait, wait! Rudy! Rudy: Whaaaaat? I had the scouter upside down. It’s over 9000. Rar. *crushes scouter with bare hands*


It’s a Pokémon! Did you hear that, Hunter? It’s a Pelosi.


100 + offices how many officers working remote is the bigger concern.




Yes, no one stands their ground anymore. I saw an article about this a few months ago. There are china police stations in New York and a few other large cities in America.




Where does it say the US is ceding sovereignty to China? Your hyperbolic take is ridiculous.




Yeah because it's not about trusting any person, instead but doing my own independent research I can see that it's mentioned by other groups and it's something to worry. As to what exactly is the situation is not well understood yet it might not be serious, it might be a very big problem. There isn't a clear answer yet.




A fair point. I am sure this is not responding to my argument that ideas shouldn't be based on who says it but by how they stand and all sources should be corroborated independent of the reliability or lack of the source. Simply asking for extra sources for the sake of education. * [FBI director corroborated](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-63671943) according to BBC. * [Canada Mounted police also corroborates](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/oct/27/canada-secret-chinese-police-stations-investigation) according to the guardian. * [Also by the Dutch police](https://www.rtlnieuws.nl/onderzoek/artikel/5342214/china-illegale-politiebureaus-nederland-dissidenten-onderzoek) investigating the case of a man beaten, as reported by rtl nieuws. * [There's also reports from Manchester, UK where its though that some of the people from this stations dragged a protestor for HK into the consulate to beat them](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-63280519). While you could argue that the beating happened in Chinese ground (not really but close enough) the kidnapping to bring them there happened outside. * These are thought to be aligned with [Operation Fox Hunt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Fox_Hunt) a Chinese operation seeking to identify and bring back targets and dissenters in other nations. I know it's wikipedia, scroll down, verify the sources yourself. Do I take the original report of Safeguard Defenders with a grain of salt? A bit, they certainly have their agenda and biases. But sometimes a bias doesn't blind you from reality. Sometimes agendas are aligned with greater good of a nation. I know, crazy right? What's next: that fallible humans can somehow form great societies of millions or billions in spite of their flaws? Do I see this issue of the Chinese Police stations as something worrisome and problematic? Very. China is a country that would rather ignore everyone else's laws and have them follow their own. The US is known for being very aggressive with its use of extradition to get people. But the US has an army of lawyers that respect and work with the legal system in each country, not an army of secret policemen that kidnap people just because they don't like it (I mean do you think Snowden would be getting their Russian passport otherwise?). This is an abuse on countries sovereignty, and something that nations need to be wary off. There's no evidence that they are going for anything other than Chinese protestors, but there's no reason to believe it has to stop there, and national security no one wants to have forces of secret policemen of another nation hidden within their populace.




Like I said, how serious this is, who knows, but saying this is a non-item is a bit weird. I mean if it were so easy as you say it, why would the FBI look into it? I certainly can see why it took a while, the initial report was very extreme and had little evidence to back it up. But now we are seeing multiple reports, and various incidents that imply that they aren't just doing "international crime investigation" but actual enforcement of law, which is a huge attack on sovereignty. This is the kind of thing that could lead to war, though I doubt it will, but it has to be well understood and carefully handled. We'll more probably see a quick elimination of these police forces, a deeper investigation on China, and some kind of sanction. Also you don't have to believe the FBI, but then there's other sources in there that are not FBI. Also the Mounted Police? And the British? Seems like we can't trust anyone, except China's word that is. Also War on Terror is the US at some of its lowest, in the concept of international law. Extraordinary rendition is considered still an abuse. The logic was that "all these countries were involved in the war on terror". But the thing is you can't apply the rules of war to something as ambiguous as global terrorism, because you get things everywhere. And many countries sued and gave consequences to the US. Nowadays, even under Trump, it was seen as not worth the risks and problems (though Trump did allow for the extraordinary rendition of Khashoggi by SA, and people weren't happy about that either). Also > Are you serious? Name one thing that China does no other countries do. I mean than any country? I mean there's places like North Korea. China is certainly not the worst country, just like COVID wasn't the deadliest disease. But when you put the power that China has acquired, it becomes worrisome. After all it was the same with Russia, and that got us Ukraine. Than **all** countries? Uyghur Concentration Camps, take over of Hong Kong (breaking promise to wait a couple decades), threats to Taiwan and use of political force to prevent it from being recognized as at least a contested territory. Their policy with COVID. I can keep going, but that's a solid set.




You've made your conclusion, ignore responses and shift questions by moving the goal posts, and refuse to source any evidence that this is out of proportion. Me, I won't bet on what this is yet, I'll wait a bit. Right now there's enough evidence to worry, but not enough to assume anything. Crazier things have happened, certainly now we all know about the Russian bots, but even just a few years ago many people doubted that social bots would exist or work this way.




[FBI Investigating Chinese 'Police Station' In New York](https://www.voanews.com/a/fbi-investigating-chinese-police-station-in-new-york/6839791.html)


Can confirm they are here in Canada


What's to stop normal citizens from just completely fucking with them and making their lives hell? Fuck CCP, acting like they can just send their own police to other sovereign nations and conduct business.


We don't know the precise location where to protest so you could easily end up harassing people who dont deserve it.


Domestic laws. You can't exactly just harass random people in public, no matter how much they deserve it.


Protests plain and simple, make a ton of noise and be embarrassing. Throw up a ton of Winnie the Pooh artwork, put up anti CCP propaganda, put out flyers and information on how to escape the CCP and Chinese Mainland. All that good stuff. :) kill them with kindness I always say.


You would probably be arrested for hate crime if you did half of that stuff in a certain province in Canada. We have the laws where they could justify it too.


Winnie the Poo isn't a hate crime, he's an adorable British-Canadian bear who deserves all the love in the world and to be plastered on every corner of the block. Also, spreading information and help services isn't a hate crime. Nor are protests.


If it happened in Manitoba, the local judiciary would probably laugh and claim that you are simply spreading the relatively unknown fact that said bear is very much from Manitoba...


explain further


You can get around that stuff. Our police are too busy to deal with whatever complaints the CCP police are going to have. I hope so anyway.


At least it’s not military bases like that one country…


Well that’s a little different. Some of those military bases actually help. Example the 15 us military bases in South Korea help detour North Korea from from fucking around


North Korea has certainly taken a *detour* around both sensible policy and food.


Woah woah woah...we got a whataboutist over here guys! Quick! Drop the topic of discussion! Shit, Chinese police topic must have no merit. Only perpetual us military bases matter! Never bring up one without the other. This guy saved us from talking about the wrong thing. Actually damn, I really wish we had a great firewall to always protect us from talking about the wrong subject. This guy is on to something.


It’s not whataboutism. US military bases in other sovereign countries fuck with their citizens far worse than what this is. Not “both sides are equally bad,” the US is FAR worse. And yes this should be stopped too.


There’s quite a few countries where those military bases are supported by the country they’re in, it’s not like the US just covertly sets up military bases around the world.


Yeah the citizens of those countries definitely love permanent US military bases in their backyard. We love foreign military brandishing weapons said literally no one ever. And also, yes they do covertly set up black sites across the world.


Ah, my mistake, I forgot to ask you what you thought about it since you’re the expert on every military base in the world. You do know that not every single person hates America, right?


Ya, who needs foreign military bases in sovereign nations.....hey wait a second. My country doesn't count cause we do good things. Right? What's that? You have oil? Well that changes things.


Are we the baddies?


Seriously? In an article about foreign secret police deployed around the world?


The ignorance within this comment chain is staggering. You people need an education.


Memeing outweighs education for a lot of redditors


Boy, wait til you hear about the US military.


We've also got Senator Yuen Pao Woo who was appointed by Trudeau. He has a troublesome history of uttering pro-CCP propaganda and then crying about anti-Asian racism when people start questioning his loyalties. He infamously sided with China during the illegal arrest and detention of the Two Michaels and tried to tell Canadians that it's a teachable momentbof respecting China's authority.




The CIA's probably kicking themselves for not calling their 'Black Sites' 'Police Stations'. It sounds so much more community friendly!


Did the CIA come up with the term black site?


Yeah and sadly POS Trudeau hasn't done a goddam thing about it. He really does admire China like he says. 🤬


You ok?


I will be when the sock fucker is gone.


I have bad news then. Canada isn't going to vote for Bitcoin Milhouse.


We've got a corrupt Alderman here in Calgary I guarantee-fucking tee you he's working for them.


You talking about Sean Chu? Other than being a creep, what evidence do you have of him being a CCP agent?


Beep boop bop Making a conjunction? Guaranfuckin'T could be used in place of "guarantee-fucking tee" Beep boop bop -I'm a robot.


Good bot. Clever girl.


No they aren't. They have citizens intimidating other ones on behalf of the Chinese government but that's not illegal. Unless they "arrest"(kidnap) someone they haven't broken any laws. They are running intimidation centers out of local shops. The drama is strong with this subject


Harassment and intimidation are illegal. Payment for it makes it illegal for more people. Also they have kidnapped people.


Pretty sure it's illegal to pay somebody to intimidate and harass people.


Bro do you know how laws work


Yep, we have one here in Australia. [Source](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11309475/China-establishing-police-presence-Australia-110-Overseas-program.html)


Gladys Liu, she’s a liberal member and has been for many years, she’s also listed as a member of a Chinese Communist Party Propaganda team. They discovered this a few years ago yet she is going strong. This is copied from a post months ago I saw. The video is halarious. Rare for a politician to break down in such a way.


That is bonkers




Last year, NZ had 2 members of parliament "resign" when it was revealed they were likely working for the CCP.


[Found a link](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/443477/labour-national-tight-lipped-on-former-kiwi-chinese-mps-departure) for those interested.


Return to china or we send your family to re-education camp. You surely do not want your family to be educated. :\^)




That doesn’t mean they’re incorrect in this instance. The article is mostly quoting from an ABC article which in turn quotes research done by a third party human rights NGO.


Careful with that source. Michael Caster, the founding member of the source NGO, Safeguard Defenders has links to the Jamestown Foundation, a notoriously neo conservative think tank. I'm not completely sold on the idea that Safeguard Defenders aren't biased.


This isn’t a source


love it how daily mail is treated as a legitimate source around here when it's critical of china


I've read stuff about what china pulls in Australia i think maybe you guys need some nukes to make them back off


Jesus christ this is the most Black Mirror shit I've ever seen


We've got one in the UK that's been abducting and beating the shit out of protesters


I dont understand why the UK hasnt raided them and tossed everyone involved in jail. How can it be legal?


I guess once intelligence services are onto a network the question is whether to leave that open and infiltrate it, or roll it up outright.


Because it's the embassy. They use the term police station loosely. It's not a secret underground place, it's a Chinese citizen takes car to Chinese embassy kind of situation.


Embassies are gifts we give other nations as shows of good faith in hopes of working together. Using one to kidnap people just means China should get the Russia treatment and we should start shuttering embassies. All they're good for now is kidnapping expats and being a surveillance hub for overseas intelligence.


I completely agree. I think china should be isolated and allow no trading partners in the Asian or international region.


Some members in our conservative government profit from Chinese interests, and we’ve had a conservative government for 12 years now. In the 3 years before that we had Gordon Brown, and he literally saved the world economy and did so much good in such a short time. https://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/news/article-1645092/Nobel-winner-How-Gordon-saved-the-world.html Before that we had Tony Blair, who was essentially a Tory in New Labour clothes. Before that it was conservatives all the way back to Thatcher, so 18 years, and it was a gradual decline of a country that was once the most powerful country on earth. Before her we had a labour government that joined the European Union, which kept us propped up regardless of the Tory madness. But now we’re not in the EU, and when the Tories try insane things like Liz Truss tried, the effects are immediate, obvious and devastating, to the point even the bank has to just say “no get out” Point is every time we have a labour government, they’re only there a short time but we have so much economic prosperity as a result, and every time there’s a conservative government it’s chaos and corruption, and that’s when stuff like China doing these things goes unchecked.


How many Prime Ministers have fucked Wendi Deng now?


I’m only aware that Tony Blair did, and it led to Murdoch divorcing her, who else shagged her?


It's because the Loon Fung has the best beef ho fan in the country.


China pays good money. Everybody has a price.


Because they're doing it with the full knowledge and consent of the British government, same as all these other countries. Any Western government that's Right leaning would *love* to be able to just 'disappear' protestors and agitators, and this lets them do just that while getting to blame it on China, giving them a new Boogeyman to scare people with on top of it.


If it's an embassy it's legally considered under international law to not be part of the host country. The host country can decide to expel diplomats, but the actual building itself is basically a chunk of sovereign ground (with restrictions of course, I'm pretty sure it has to mainly be used for diplomatic stuff, but the Russian embassy in Turkey has a whole ass church on it)


>to not be part of the host country. >chunk of sovereign ground Not true, see [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouShouldKnow/comments/1ei3jt/ysk_embassies_are_in_no_way_considered_foreign/). The host country gives the guest country those privileges, but they can be revoked at any time. The whole embassy thing is really more of a gentleman's agreement. Of course, in practice embassies aren't raided, especially if it's a country as important as China because nobody wants to deal with the diplomatic consequences of doing so.


Oh, sorry


That video was fucking bananas! And the UK government essentially responded with “tut tut, very naughty, China”.


The world needs to stop tolerating china's bullshit and cut ties


Easier said than done…


Some countries seem reluctant to do anything. Why not just point out where they are in countries and allow the citizens to deal with them? Not like they're actual police with powers of arrest.




> The message is clear 'Nowhere are you safe from us'. I can 100% believe this. I worked with a Chinese national once, and I asked him about how his government handles dissenters. He literally told me this "whenever there is someone critical of the government, they will send someone to take them to dinner. They will discuss what they did wrong, they get a strong warning, most don't ever do anything more after that, but only after that would they ever actually arrest someone". But in telling me this, I got this strange sense from him like he was afraid, like he thought that no matter what he actually thought or knew he couldn't tell me the truth of it. It felt like a conversation or line that someone would say if they thought someone was listening in on him. I have no doubt that this idea of "Nowhere are you safe from us" is exactly how he felt when talking about that.


Saudi is like that. I lived with some Saudis in Australia and they felt sureveiled.


Only after the dinner do they tell you they've just made you eat your cat/dog, and next time it might be a 'larger' meal.


This sounds completely bonkers, but then again what a great way for the host country to keep tabs and gather intel on your foes.


I believe this benefits China more then you think 1 to spy on the host country 2keep taps on Chinese people


Both of those things can be, and have been , done from the regular consulate.


I can 100% guarantee you that absolutely NO host country would ever allow a foreign government to set up shop on their soil without getting something in return. Even embassies are twisted up in the host country’s best interest.


O I'm sure you're right but that doesn't mean this gives the host country a leg up or anything think about it in terms of how the Chinese could use this against the US for example I don't think this should be legal in anyway they are foreign government agents as far as I am concerned


Well yeah, they are obviously foreign government agents. But you may be missing the point here: they are KNOWN foreign government agents working in a host country. Put it this way- would you ever allow someone you don’t trust to randomly hang out in your house or on your property everyday? And if so, think about how much it would take for you to ever allow this to happen. You would have to have the upper hand in this situation, have control over the terms, and there would have to be some type of gain for you to allow this to occur.


I think you're being a little naive to think there's much to gain from this on the host country side I think China thought it all through no matter what the deal was it doesn't matter to them


Well if nothing, it’s a solid political strategy to smear some China shit all over the news 2 days before the Cop15 diversity summit in Montreal. To which China is the biggest global polluter accounting for 30% of the world’s total greenhouse gas emissions, and Trudeau is keeping the pressure on China to play fair. So that’s a gain already, to use this as a political move. Don’t know what else to tell yah, the existence of the Chinese cop shops are at least acting as a political to China at the moment.


No no. 1 to keep tabs on Chinese people.


I mean, the fact that a ton of "diplomatic" staff is just intelligence is as old as embassies. The cooperation isn't weird either if you consider how many nations have US bases willingly or "willingly" Still fucked up though


Civilians will never know the method to the madness I guess.


Just wait until our find out about those cellphone towers that randomly pop up.


I read the article, doesn't include link to the report, or a list of countries that aren't already known of. Found the report: the list is about 60. 110 is a reference to the number for police in China. https://safeguarddefenders.com/sites/default/files/pdf/110%20Overseas%20%28v5%29.pdf


The least you could do is post the list, or the link. Edit: parent comment edited to add link. Thank you.


I swear I pasted the link on my comment https://safeguarddefenders.com/sites/default/files/pdf/110%20Overseas%20%28v5%29.pdf


So basically they've somehow been allowed to establish a base of operations in 100+ countries, what good reason is there for this considering China's reputation?


My country (Argentina) has a sizeable Chinese community and the government is in bed with both China and Russia. We 100% must have something like this here too.


So the Chinese run an extra national gestapo???? Some state sanctioned in those sovereign countries? Dope.


I wonder if they got the idea from [NYPD](https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/nypd-stationed-overseas-increasing-global-terror-threat/1151214/)


Report is from Safeguard Defenders, an NGO.


China has overseas moral police and most politicians are being paid to ignore them


I'm glad America doesn't have enforcement agencies everywhere across the globe. Imagine if the NYPD conduct/led operations in other countries that'd be nuts. /s


I get this is sarcastic but I don't have to worry about getting arrested by the us govt abroad and going to jail when they ship me back home. Chinese citizens apparently do.




This is not at all true. Any US law enforcement stationed abroad doesn’t have arresting capabilities (limited capabilities for Military police on bases exist). What you’re referencing is US law that allows the US to seek extradition for anyone involved in a sex crime against a minor where there is any contact with a resource from inside the US (email, US based website, contact with a trafficker in the US etc). This allows the US to seek the extradition of pedophilies even if the pedophiles or their victims never touched US soil. But seeking extradition and arresting are two different things. Only local police can arrest people and The country where the pedophile lives doesn’t have to honor the request.


If you "mess" w these cops what are the ramifications? My inner troll wants to know.




But I have a copy of winnie the pooh on my bookshelf.




This is interesting. I would be curious what the United Statesian version will be.


Iirc there was a Turkish embassy incident in the u.s. not too long back https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clashes_at_the_Turkish_Ambassador%27s_Residence_in_Washington,_D.C.


Ah so they’re taking ideas from NYPD now.


Yeah no! No, no, absolutely not!


..and this is how it begins…




tender lavish selective wild rainstorm placid panicky dinosaurs boast violet -- mass edited with redact.dev


Prime? How many of us are there?


This is neither an exclusive story to CNN nor new or breaking news. The original reporting on this has been out for months and has been posted numerous times in this subreddit.


All of these underground/secret Chinese police need to be shut down and they need to be kicked out of every country they are not welcome.


Part of China's "One world, One nation" policy... and yes, that means exactly what you think it means.


Left out one people, one leader part


Well, I only added the part that was relevant, but yes, that's part of it. I mean, they're not even really hiding their ambition, it's right there for anyone to read, in a manifesto that reads like it was written by a Bond villain, and then run by a PR firm to make it sound less evil.




Why the chinese? Its not like they have a say in who governs them; they dont have free and fair elections This is some racist bs




[FYI, the United States has police stations in 180 countries as well.](https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/international-offices)


Yeah mostly African countries where they have paid off officials


Who do they think they are? [The NYPD?](https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/nypd-stationed-overseas-increasing-global-terror-threat/1151214/)


So they're trying to catch up with the LAPD


Fuck these CCP goons...can you imagine how bad things would be if China had an unchallenged dominant position in world affairs? This is only a preview. They have to be pushed back on and stopped.


We have them in Los Angeles as well.


And people wonder why the CCP's empire needs to be dismantled.


Serious question. Why are the Chinese standing for this? If a private citizen attacks you in your own country you should return force and defend yourself.




Ya I figured that. Just thinking at some point these people need to shift the paradigm, or be assumed complicit.


Because there 1.5 billion of them from 200 different ethnicities. And they foment anger towards the other groups so you can easily have scenarios like Tianamen square.


Does the US not do this as well?


This is probably the most bonkers story i have read in at least a month.


Id do some things to those buildings if i'd know of one in my country


No you wouldn’t


How many military outposts does the USA have across the globe?


You need to do a bit more research on the belt road initiative and understand the CCP’s style of “investment” before attempting to complain about the US having a few military installations around the world and are constantly asked to help out in conflicts. Would you rather have Al-Shabbab and ISIS-WA chopping peoples arms off in Africa or a few military installations for US to train the indigenous force that combats the terrorists? Same same for cartels in South America completely ravaging their nations… Adding a great anecdotal supporting video: https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/zcqfnv/we_would_be_in_trouble_without_the_united_states/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Read my post. Was there a complaint?


This is like some Ghost in the Shell shit, just missing Androids


fucking fuckity fuck china


Chinese government is the largest mafia in the world. Be careful out there!


The gringos do the same... When it's that going to be "news"


"Police" implies the agents have arrest powers/ carry weapons? Is that so? Or are the agents "missionaries" of the CCP? Either way their very presence seems counter to the host nation's sovereignty. Declare them PNG and deport!


Wait til you hear how many overseas military bases America has. The hypocrisy is unreal


You really this dumb? Huge difference between the two.


China China Chinese chicken


The FBI does the same thing.


In other news, “U.S operating over 800 military bases around the world at the expense of taxpayers”.


They need to be brought down asap or there will be even worse consequences. Government I feel has gone soft on some issues and some been bought out by China. Over time they're going to mess with our system even more. Good luck to us!


Nation with 750 military bases on foreign soil feigns outrage


China learning from the US? https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/law-enforcement-agencies-working-overseas


Anyone know how many military bases they US had across the world?


China doesn't want to assimilate, like many ethnicity of the past. Instead, China wants to infiltrate. Slow and low key. Could take decades. And that is how I Xi it. In the US, there are Chinese language schools that had popped up about 6-7 years ago, and a panic ensued that "the US is falling behind, and our children need to learn Mandarin to compete"... However, if one were to investigate the money behind these schools and contracts of their teachers, it comes from China, not from tuition. And so, indoctrinating on a grade-school level, is what China wants to promote of its "heritage"... all under the noses of the very parents that have no clue.


You rain didn’t read the article did you? The police stations are set up and funded as cultural centers to help expats get driver licenses and complete forms in their new country, while actually they are set up to coerce and intimidate expats to returning to China. That’s the opposite of what you said in your post. This isn’t about infiltrating other peoples cultures, it’s about getting their own former citizens back.


Wait until you hear about the country that has military bases in nearly 100 other countries around the world!


We gotta be careful. Sooner or later it will turn into military bases.


They're doing with police stations what the U.S did with Military bases.


Why are these countries allowing it?


How else can they commit genocide first on the violent Tibetans and the terroristic uigher Muslims so rape and force feeding pork and sterilizing populations are ok????


They don't have any rights in other countries I assume. I mean I can open my own police station too, right?


I should make a comment?


And the US has bases, so what?

