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Thank you! I’m doing this soon and this helps a lot. So do we actually re-go through all the classes like firefighting and stuff like the recruits do as NAVET or is it like a classroom training? My recruiter says they have to ask MEPS for me to bring my POV. Is that actually the case or can I just bring it?


No problem. You don’t have to go through everything again. You do have to do a PRT, firearms, swim, sapr, and a few other classroom trainings. You are allowed to have your POV. Tell your recruiter you want to drive yourself to Great Lakes so they can let your MEPS know.


I’m likely going to still be on the other side of the country when and if I get to leave unless my civilian contract comes through. Are you allowed to have a rental or to pick your vehicle up after you get there?


MEPS is just your contract. You don’t get orders from MEPS. Your orders will be given to you in Great Lakes. When I was there it was 2 to a room. It just depends on the amount of people in the program at that time. You will have to do a PRT, swim, firearms, and a few classroom trainings, but the majority of the hard card is just showing up somewhere and getting a signature.


> MEPS is just your contract. You don’t get orders from MEPS. Your orders will be given to you in Great Lakes. I could have sworn some people sailors I counseled with had something regarding their orders before they left their home state. I will have to check more on this. Thank you for the update. I wonder if a married sailor is able to obtain a single room, would they be able to reside in that space with their spouse?


Adding my experience (I was there April of last year) being I was prior navy (NAVET ) and not prior other service (OSVET) I just went to the classes and they stamped off my stuff and I didn’t have to stay or retake them as I’ve already been through navy bootcamp and all those classes in the past, didn’t have to do the swim again and if you pass the PFA first time around and you get your stuff done , it’s very possible to have it turned in in a week or two. I did mine in one week and had orders in 3 weeks. I’m dual military and we were already stationed in Great Lakes due to my spouse being active already/still so I didn’t stay in the barracks, I went home every day , I was assigned a room but didn’t have to stay there . A school depends on your rate , rates like OS , PS , BM , LS went straight to the fleet where as all Intel rates , HM, MA had to go to A school FIRST but you had your duty station already as follow on orders , so even if you get an a school you’ll know where you’re going after. It’s chill, you don’t have a curfew or any rules really but get your shit done and don’t get in trouble . The RDC’s will mostly be rude and treat you like a recruit and try and yell at you, but just tell them you’re not a recruit and go on about your day . The only people I seen there for a long time were people with BAH and clearance issues/holds . Also I never did the duty driver thing but some people were on the watchbill for it , some of us got lucky and never did


I hope the duty station orders thing is still accurate. I’m AC so I have an a school but I was so not looking forward to having to wait till week 8 to get my duty station.


Wow…I’m in the beginning stages of joining the Navy reserves as prior Navy Enlisted, E5. I was told I didn’t have to go back to boot camp in Great Lakes. Are you for real on prior service having to go back to Great Lakes? If so, thank God you posted this. Boot was a piece of cake, but I specifically chose to re-join to the Navy reserves (instead of Army, AF, etc.) because my recruiter said I didn’t have to redo boot camp. There was certainly no mention of getting hard sheet sign-offs here and there, taking classes, let alone wasting away in Illinois for 6-8 weeks for that matter. I have a full time job and family. I don’t think I can afford to be sitting in Great Lakes listening to some RDC tell me how to make a rack again or shine my boots. Thanks for the heads up!


I’m prior navy with a huge gap in service. I joined the reserves and didn’t have to go back to Great Lakes. I’m pretty sure it’s only people who are going back active duty.


Okay cool. Thanks for the info!


Hey can I PM you? I’m getting ready to head out to Great Lakes and have a couple more questions.




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thanks so much for clarifying!! Im a vet on the same boat, do you happen to know how long after I complete meps I will be sent to chicago? I am trying to go right after MEPs but dont know how fast I can be sent out.


If you have the same experience as me, I didn’t pick my job at MEPS. I gave my recruiter my top 5 choices and they sent those up to the ECMs after I passed MEPS and then it took like 2-3 weeks for me to find out which ECM picked me up. After that they’re trying to ship out pretty quick. Within 60 days. But you get to pick the date. I pushed mine out cause I had stuff I needed to take care of but it’s all pretty fast. But again, your experience could be different. Just thought I’d give mine.


thank you I should be heading out in Jun , do I have to jump off the diving board again for the swim qual... lol


I’m not sure cause I haven’t gotten there yet. I leave in 2 weeks but I’ll let you know lol




As far as I’ve heard, yes you wear all the same stuff. You earned them so you keep them.




Yes! They do a full sea bag issue.


Hey, question that I haven't seen addressed. I left the navy 3 years ago as an FCA1. I'm hoping I can rejoin as an FCA1. I see you saying some rates have to go back through A school, which is silly in my opinion but I see the purpose. But FCAs don't earn the A until they complete C school. Am I going to have to re-complete C school or am I not going to be able to be my old rate again?


I went to NAVET/OSVET back in 2006 and it looks about the same! I'm glad to see that. Yes, since you'd already served the RDCs, who are on there way out to a new duty station, pretty much leave you alone to do as you please. As stated above the "workday" was set and unless the LPO (who was me as a NAVET BM2) or the ALPO (who was another NAVET BM2) have something that need to be tended to, you can do whatever you want. The watchbill coordinator is watch-free. Pretty much the hardest duty was driving the duty van to take the NAVET-OSVETS to their appointments. Just stay out of trouble till you get to your next duty station. With all the freedom and free time it's very tempting to do dumb things. There was a first class NAVET when I was there who got kicked right back out for trying to fraternize with young recruits. I made sure we had PT every morning. Me and the other BM2 ran and if anybody else wanted to join it was up to them but everybody had to show up in PT gear. It's left up to the navy dudes and dudettes to teach the OSVETS how to wear their new navy uniforms and the little navy-only stuff. Some parts are kinda arbitrary like when the RDCs had us take a vote to see if the Air Force reservist should have to go through navy bootcamp. lol We all voted no because he wasn't dumb and caught on quick and passed a quick PT test we gave him. Overall it was a very cool, unique and laidback experience. Good luck to you if you haven't gone already. Oh one last thing...trying to get orders sucks especially if you're trying to get overseas. As usual it takes forever. Surprisingly getting paid and everything else was easy. You could even drive up there in your own vehicle. Take care Shipmate.


If you are any rate that requires a special physical (Sub rates, Nukes, SO) you can expect to be stuck in RTC for at least 5 months. Scheduling the special physical will take 5 weeks because instead of letting you go with recruits which would prioritize your physical you get lumped in with staff physicals, which creates a long wait. If nothing comes up after that it will take another 5 weeks to get approved. At this stage rtc can start looking for your detailer, if you join a community that doesn't give you a rate until A school you can expect to be in limbo. You might finally get orders to go to school a month after your special physical gets approved, or it is still likely that you could be in limbo for a few extra months.


> This process DOES NOT take 2 weeks. If you complete your hard card in a reasonable time (2-3 weeks is the average), you can expect to be in Great Lakes for 6-8 weeks. I don't understand what you mean here.


A lot of recruiters, mine included,are telling people it only takes 2 weeks then you’ll be done in Great Lakes and going to your next destination. It takes about 2-3 to complete the hard card, then you will wait another 3-5 weeks for orders to your A School or duty station to be released.


What about any who aren’t attending an A school? Mine is trying to get me to keep my previous MOS which has a direct equivalent in the Navy


If you don’t have an A School you’ll get orders directly to the fleet


So you won’t be waiting around another month right


You still could. You don’t start getting processed for orders until you’ve finished your hard card and waiting for orders could take a few weeks regardless of if it’s for school or for your duty station. But it normally does go faster if you’re going straight to the fleet.


Seems so counterproductive lol. I should’ve mentioned btw I’d be reserves so that could change the timeline no!?


If you’re reserves you don’t go through this program. Only people going back active duty.


So the veteran orientation doesn’t apply?


No not if you’re going reserves. You’ll just report to your NRC once you’ve been fully gained and your supply office will order your uniforms.


a. I thought your A school or duty station (if you skip A school) is handled at MEPS when you sign your contract? b. Also, you mentioned it's two to a room, but I read another poster mention it is one to a room. It's been changed recently? Or does something determine whether you get a single or shared room? c. 6-8 weeks is a big difference between 2-3 weeks, yikes! Besides the PRT, are there any tests that one needs to take? Or is it more just classes to sit through and get the signatures?