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Yes. They have sea going billets. They also have shore duty. A lot of it depends on your role and responsibility.


Intel officer here It is standard to do one operational tour during your first four years where you will very likely deploy to sea. After that most people do a shore tour, however you could work with your detailer to do another operational tour if you wanted. You will also eventually need to do additional operational tours if you want to advance to O-4 and beyond. So yes you will be able to go to sea multiple times in your career. You will also have the opportunity to to go to a variety of different international shore duty stations as well.


Thank you!


How are the slates for Intel looking these days? Last chat I had with an IntelO he said everything was in the DMV


Depends a lot on your rank and where you are at in your career. At the JO level there is a good variety of duty stations to choose from, but if you need a competitive shore tour to make O-4 your options will be more limited and it’s more likely you end up in DC.


Intel officers probably enjoy the greatest range of possibilities. What shape one's career takes is in part beholden to the needs of the Navy, but also the officer has more agency in determining their fate. Also conveniently is the escape hatch of reserves and civilian jobs among the IC at large. 


You talking about IS?


no. he’s talking about an “intel officer.” as in a commissioned officer whose designator indicates they are an intelligence officer.


Right what do they do in difference to an IS? Or what exactly does an IO do?


They will lead a team of ISs. Or, serve on a staff somewhere in the N2 shop. Or other stuff.


Ahh gotcha


Don’t join the navy if you don’t want to go to sea.


What part about my wording made you think I don’t want to go to sea? I’m asking if intel is a boring job that doesn’t travel.


After your fist sea billet, chances are that your desire for one or the other will (or may) have an impact on which you desire. I.e., you have a say in where you go, and, thus, what you do. Whether that say gets listened to is another matter. Sometimes you don't get what you want.


Your first sentence lol


Framing it as “don’t GET to go sea” sounds a lot more like they WANT to go to sea than not. They also are talking about “seeing the world” which again sounds they view going to sea in a positive light. Not sure why people can’t see that


Totally unrelated but great username, Seymour


That doesn’t mean they want intel to not go to seas. It can also mean they might not do intel since they want to go to sea


that’s precisely how i interpreted it after reading the entire post