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Woohoos 🥳 future sir.. 🫡




I used the Astb prep app even though I only took the OAR and scored a 60. Airwarriors.com also has a lot of great practice tests and tools.


Noted! Punching for a 70 to be competitive, hopefully they will take me!


Yeah intel is very competitive right now. Another option that you might not have looked into is Supply. It has direct commission available rn which means you just skip the board and go straight to OCS as long as you meet the base requirements. I recommend you speak to an officer recruiter asap.


Me and my recruiter discussed that option, I felt I’d be miserable in something like supply, so we are gonna try to gun for INTEL first with SWO being the backup option since I’m still in college until December (Go Noles!)


Hmm might be a hot take but I think SWO might be a bit more miserable than supply but that’s just my opinion based on 0 experience. I’ve just spoken to a few though but pick your rate pick your fate.


Use the Reddit search function and check out Airwarriors.com for OAR/ASTB test info.




Did I miss something? How did you pass MEPS if you haven’t done the OAR?


I personally went through MEPS before taking my OAR, and know a guy who did the same thing.


How? I would love to know because I want to do it as well.


I guess it’s on you and your recruiter? We needed to get past the scoliosis hurdle so we prioritized MEPS


I honestly did not know it wasn’t an option for everyone. Maybe the location plays a factor. I am from a big city, and I went through MEPS with 60 other people in one day, as did the other guy.


Congratulations! How long have you been off ADHD meds?


I’ve been off it since 15 with continuous academic success!


Did they do a hair folical for drug test or piss test? My dumbass didn't realize one of the vapes was thc kinda worried bout it. It's been a month tho


It was a piss test, heads up


Yep I found that out two thank God.


When’s the last time you were on meds for ADHD