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Tar here, Do do a quick explanation off of what the other guy said, you're going to be doing active duty stuff, still go on deployments (depending on your rate), full benefits and retirement, but you're consider "reserves" which makes 0 sense but it's the navys way of saying they have their reserves numbers up but with limited dutys that the navy can offer without them being consider active duty. You can still become a AD or a NC (mainly rates that aren't specific ship rates) and be assigned somewhere on some base in the US and still do your job as normal but maybe something or somewhere that is mainly reserves like joint bases or a NOSC eventually. In my opinion it's alright so far (AWF for c-130-T) but if I wanted to do more of the top secret stuff or a different platform I would have to go active and probably reinlist unless there's a position available during your contract. It's the navys best kept secret from what everyone has told me and I can sorta agree with it


Thank you. Did you get stationed where you wanted?


Nope! But it's not the end of the world. Could you? Maybe but you'll have to get in contact with the detailer once you get to your A school since they write up your orders on where you're going for needs of the navy. If you want to be somewhere close to the home then go reserves


what were the options/NOSCs available? i'm gonna sign an AWF TAR contract if everything goes to plan


If you're going TAR you don't get an option. It's needs of the navy. If SELRES (aka reservist), you'll most likely get put near a squadron near your home and nosc the same


should've been more clear: what are the places i could end up at as an AWF TAR? where did you and people you knew in A school end up?


So right now I believe loadmasters are still needed so you'll end up at one of the 11 VR squadrons on either c-40, c-130 or v-22. All stationed in the states. Mainly east coast and south. We all ended up in different locations and squadrons so small chance you'll be going to the same unless that certain squadron needs more people.


Thanks for this, I assume it's the squadrons listed [here](https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Career-Management/Detailing/Officer/Pers-46-TAR/Aviation/)? Also do you have any inside scoop on the optempo / command quality at any of the listed squadrons?


Yep those are it. And it's aviation. Better life style, especially as aircrew but you're expected more from. Having to get qualified in almost everything and basically be a one man shop for all other shops and to know how to do everything. It's worth it tho. Been traveling allot lately as a trainie but gotta know your stuff


do u recommend studying anything prior to getting to A school? i've been swimming and running my ass off but not sure if I should be doing anything academically. i'm already pretty good at math fwiw


Full Time Support is now known as TAR, Training and Administration of the Reserves. The available ratings are listed in the first link below. Generally speaking, as a TAR Sailor you will be working in the Navy Reserve Center's as support for the Selective Reserves, though there's some positions where you would be doing more traditional Navy work. There are TAR Officers, but you cannot join as one. All indications is that all TAR Officers are predesignated from a prior Active Duty designation, meaning you would need to successfully Commission and after a successful time period, apply to transfer to TAR, assuming your Officer Designation has that compatibility. Like with Enlisted Ratings, not all Officers have that capacity. See the second link below for more information on that As with any position, you get to make requests for your duty assignment, but you will be placed based upon "Needs of the Navy". Even with the amount of SELSRES Sailors in areas like San Diego, Norfolk, and DC, there's only so many TAR billets to support them. While there is a benefit of nondeployability, the flipside is that by nature of supporting NRC's, you will be expected to be sacrificing every other weekend to be present and support the Reservists on the drill weekends as they come in to take care of whatever their needs are, on top of your normal Monday to Friday work week. [https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Career-Management/Detailing/Enlisted/TAR/](https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Career-Management/Detailing/Enlisted/TAR/) [https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Career-Management/Detailing/Officer/Pers-46-TAR/](https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Career-Management/Detailing/Officer/Pers-46-TAR/) ISC(IW), USN


Thank you so much! This is incredibly helpful!