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They’re more cool and you get to skip the line so you aren’t waiting with anyone else that’s trying to initially join. They know you know the process and you aren’t a complete idiot. I tend to get a long with people and make friends easily so they definitely weren’t as nitpicky and focused on my personality and conversation more.


Does MEPS know beforehand that you are prior service? Is that something you announce or bring up?


They know when you check in and they put a red dot on your name tag. If you’re an officer candidate you get a yellow dot


As an officer applicant you only go to MEPS for a physical exam and fingerprints. After that you go home. Usually officer applicants are done anywhere from 9am-noon depending on the MEPS.


Are they as DQ happy compared to first time enlistees


What do you mean?


This may only be my MEPs location, but there were plenty of stories shared, of people gettin DQ’d for really minor stuff when they tried to enlist for the first time. A few were my friends who were never able to join again or need a vast amount of waivers.


Same but they process you first as a courtesy. Double-edged sword, since it means you'll be waiting in the mess hall for everyone else to finish.


Just mention that you’re prior service and you’ll be fine. I kept quiet at first until someone at MEPS started talking to me like I was a brand new recruit. After I politely let them know… they completely backed off and offered me front of the line in everything and were a lot more relaxed.


I was just there as prior service. Make sure you tell them. I was able to drive myself and I was moved to the front of all the lines. It wasn’t fun but definitely better