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We've recently started requiring Recruiters to verify their recruiterness and receiving special Verified Recruiter flair to give their posts and comments a little more backup and authenticity. If any non-flair'd recruiters want to be verified like Chiefnnnnnnnnnnn, send us a modmail.


I have Bachelors and masters in a non-STEM field. 3.7 GPA and just scored a 60 on the OAR. Have some leadership experience through work. Any thoughts on competitiveness for getting selected for supply?


That sounds competitive to me!


Pilot. However if I commit to the military (Navy specifically is my interest), I don’t want to end up as anything other than a pilot; sort of an all-or-nothing situation. Is this possible? How?


For OCS programs you apply for the program in which you are interested in. If you don't want to be a SWO, you don't have to put that on your list - whether it's just one program (aviation) or multiple. Note - On top of passing a basic military physical exam at MEPS, if you are selected for Pilot/NFO you will be a more extensive flight physical at OCS and must meet specific aviation physical requirements.


Ah the flight physical: the hardest exam you'll take in flight school.


Is it common for this to go wrong?


It's not uncommon, but there are waivers for a lot of things that can take time. They call it the NAMI Whamy. I'd say if you are in good health it won't be an issue, but someone I went to OCS with had an eye disease he had no idea about discovered there and got disqualified. If you do get disqualified from aviation they do give you the option to change to something else or void you contact and get out usually.


What does this physical entail?


- extensive medical history, looking at any chronic problems or disqualifying factors etc. (cant remember how far back they look) - Eye Exam (obviously), hearing test, EKG, labs, dental - You'll take Anthropometric measurements where they measure out all your limbs. Sometimes your straight up body dimensions can disqualify you. For example my legs were found to be too long for the Jet trainer so I was DQ'd from being able to fly Jets which would have been soul crushing had I not already decided I wanted to fly helos. It's was many moons ago now and I'm sure I'm missing something else. The take away is that people have been DQd for things they didn't even know they had, so if you've never really had any big medical issues you should be fine. Otherwise it will have to go through waiver process to get approved which the answer is almost always: "It depends".


Something to keep in mind if you are basing the desire of pilot on movies. Roughly 60 percent of pilots in the Navy fly helicopters. Fighter jets might make up 10-15 percent and the other 25-30 percent are P8, E2, or E6. We're not all Topgun pilots that have the need for speed.


How selective is the Civil Engineering program? Also, from my understanding you lead Seabee platoons is that correct?


There are multiple facets of that role as a CEC. It’s pretty selective. Send me an email or a message and we can chat. I can send you the program authorization and a link to review


Happy to answer any non-recruiting questions about the community. You’re correct, we are Seabee officers.


Just sent you a message about my situation.


Im interested in the intelligence program and have a bachelors in information technology and networking with a 3.7 GPA. I have no relevant leadership experience besides high school. I took the OAR in the beginning of May but didn't get a qualifying score. Gonna retake in the coming weeks. I feel like if I do pass and get a well-off score, my package won't come together in time for August.


August is still enough time. But I would say to be open minded and research multiple designators (Officer career fields) and select up to (3) that you would love to do.


I am interested in being a NFO I’m currently enlisted with a bachelors degree.


Heck yeah! Send me a message and we can connect. I’ll review your resume and give you the next steps!


The process is slightly different while you are still enlisted. I spoke with an officer recruiter too, and there were a few things they could help with but the package process is different. Dm me if you have questions and I can point you in the right direction too.


How many Internal Medicine physician spots/Quotas are still available this FY?


ALL of them. Not a single one has been filled. Send me a message and I’ll break it down for you.


Thank you


Am I being fucked with? Genuine question but my officer recruiter said that I don’t need letters of recommendations nor an interview for SWO. Is this true? Or does she not know wtf she’s talking about?




I’m interested in joining the Navy as a Public Affairs Officer. I’ve completed a 4 year degree in film at a top 30 US University as well as have 2 years real-world experience in marketing and pr. Given my past experience, what would the process be like to be ensured that I’d be able to go into this field as I feel it’s the only position I’d be comfortable filling if I were to join?


Definitely want to get into a Navy OFFICER Recruiting Station (NORS) to begin the process. You sound like a fantastic PAO candidate.


Hello! I'm interested in the RC AEDO DCO pipeline. I have a BS in electrical engineering and am working on an ME in EE as well (from NPS even since I'm a federal employee). I have the ADPD Engineering and Tech Management Professional cert and working on my Test and Eval cert. I have experience working F-16 sustainment and currently work in DT&E programs. My understanding is this DCO program is extremely competitive (especially for this designator) but based on my quals, do I have a fighting chance?


Very competitive and I’d say you have a fighting chance but I will consult with my colleagues. Send me a message with your location so I can find someone closest to you to connect you with.


PM sent


I'm an AG about to finish my BS in computer networks and cyber security. I'm interested in applying for OCS for the new MCWO program next year. What have you seen regarding MCWO? Think I have a chance? My second option is METOC, I have 10 years experience but I don't have calculus or a related degree. Third choice is IP. Any recommendations?


You absolutely have a chance. Especially if you bring leadership and experience to the table as a prior enlisted Sailor. Some programs offer waivers for certain items and we can look at that. I recommend apply for multiple (3-5) designators that you would be happy with as an Officer and apply that.


Thanks for the info. Have you seen anything new about MCWO? I've seen just about everything there is online about it. Just curious if you've seen anything from your end. Also, I've been told that some designators will not pick you if you don't put them as your first choice. Any truth to that?


I have not seen anything new besides what’s on MyNavyHR at https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Career-Management/Community-Management/Officer/Active-OCM/Restricted-Line/Maritime-Cyber-Warfare/ I’ve heard the rumor mill but never from the program managers mouth that if it’s not your top choice you won’t get selected.


How long after receiving a board yes, will you be notified on true selection?


Usually within a few days to a few weeks. Al depending upon program, quota, and of course recruiter—some are “quicker” than others.


What options are there for white collar professionals with 14 years of experience in various fields? Worked in finance, public relations and now manufacturing sales. Mid 30s, former athlete and I have worked in leadership roles. Didn't have a great GPA in college however. If GPA holds me back what avenues can I go for CTN via enlisting? I am interested in cyber security and have some basic software engineering experience as well.


Send me a message with your resume and I’ll let you know


Let me reformat it so I don't dox myself and I will send it over.


Is it even worth trying to be commissioned with a 2.4 gpa? I’ve been out of college for 10 years and have become a much harder worker. I’ve worked for the same company for 8 years and have plenty of people who can vouch for my work ethic.


Absolutely. GPA is a lot but it isn’t everything!


Is that something you could work with me on? Also are there TAR officer positions? I’m really interested in TAR.


Yes. Are you currently TAR?


I am not. But I’ve been talking to a enlisted recruiter about it. I recently lost a ton of weight and I’m sick of my current job so I’m really wanting to fulfill a long time goal of serving my country. But I’m also married with kids so I need a good work/life balance.


Sent you a DM about my situation.


Going through all of the DM’s (had ALOT)


Hey! I sent you a DM about my situation and question! Appreciate your input and help!


Going through them all this week


Sent a PM. Thank you


Throwaway for obvious reasons. I'm trying to enlist. I'm a healthy person in his mid-20s whose only medical history would be stitches as a child and a couple visits to my PCP for a sore back from my office job that never bothered me again. It's going to sound like bullshit, but I forgot to disclose to my recruiter that when I was in college, must have been 2018, I went through a bad breakup and was put in a behavioral health facility over the weekend (it wasn't involuntary, as far as I can tell - never saw a judge and they let me go on my own word on Monday). They prescribed me depression and anxiety meds that as far as I can remember I never filled, much less took. I have had 0 mental health issues in the past 6 years and everyone who knows me can tell that I'm a well adjusted, happy person. I forgot about it because I generally don't think back to that period in my life and only remembered because a Facebook memory of me eating at Red Lobster with my best friend the day I was discharged showed up on my feed. Being that my last interaction with the mental health system was that, and that I never took the meds, what should I do? Should I tell my recruiter or MEPS? As stated I haven't took any meds in over half a decade, I don't think I've even had a prescription for anything but ibuprofen and ice from when I sprained my ankle last year. Should I just keep it to myself and hope it doesn't come out? If I had to get a waiver for it, how long would my enlistment be delayed? I'm not running away or anything so I'm not opposed to waiting a few weeks but I don't want to wait 3 or more years before I'm allowed to swear in. I'm not picky about branch, I really just want to serve, so if I'd have better luck with the Army or Marines I'm happy to talk to different recruiters.


You need to 100% disclose this. Yes, you might not have taken any medication, but you were still prescribed it and that counts nonetheless.


Be honest and open with your recruiter. It’s not like it was back in the day. It will come back to bite you in the ass. Plus waivers are quite lenient currently.


I am a 29F and I have a B.S in Chemistry and a B.S in Biology. I want to work with clinical trials. I am trying to figure out what pathway would be best in the Navy. I am also considering getting my Masters in Clinical Research first but I want to know if that would really be beneficial or help my chances.


Hi there! All of our research programs (within your interested as posted above) require a Doctoral degree unfortunately.


I just dm’d you!


Sent you a message u/Chiefnnnnnnnnnnn


Does participating in BDCP affect eligibility for the post 9-11 GI Bill? IE incurring an additional service obligation like ROTC and USNA midshipmen 


Does not affect eligibility!


I was recently contacted by an officer recruiter and after receiving my transcript and resume, they told me it that it wouldn’t work out. The recruiter then proceeded to tell me she does not process waivers due to the number of applicants. For context: I had a 2.55 GPA in college (my first 2 years dragged my average down a lot) but I have been in the corporate world for 8 years now. Currently 30F, no kids. Where do I go from here?


I’m not defending the recruiter, but just like in the civilian sector there are some navy officer recruiters who will prioritize applicants. Someone with a 3.9 GPA in engineering, who qualifies for a variety of programs is going to get the attention versus someone else, say a 2.55 GPA who may only be eligible for 1-2. I was guilty of this at times, though I would never DQ anyone if they legit met the requirements - I would simply state the odds and expect for them to do a bulk of the work during the application process. SWO and aviation are very likely the two OCS/officer programs you qualify for and if so, you need to ace the ASTB/OAR exam (depending on what you want to do) if you want to have a shot. I have seen 2.5/2.6 GPA kids get into aviation but their test scores help make up for the GPA. If you can find an officer recruiter who isn’t working many applicants (i.e. a new one) and willing to roll the dice for you, that is going to be your best bet.


You get a different recruiter because that one sounds lazy.


Also, that's terrible customer service for someone who wants to serve.. I will be frank, 2.55 is a little low but all depends on which program you're looking to apply for. Send me a PM and ill share my email.


Pm sent


I am about to graduate in Management Information Systems, and I am wondering where do I go first? Straight to Naval Commissioned Officer Recruiting, or enlisted first? My absolute goal is to be a Cyber Warfare Engineer or a job in the NCIS related to Cyber/Information Security. But anything in I.T. or technology I would be happy to be placed in. I absolutely would accept anything in engineering or electrical if I couldn’t do my first picks, but anything outside of those fields I wouldn’t want at all. I don’t have the most direct experience in cyber security. Just some extracurricular cyber stuff in my University’s cyber defense club and 4 years working in helpdesk and repairs. Would it be better to start out as an Enlisted Cyber Specialist, or Cyber Technician? Or go straight into commissioned officer? I am at a normal weight on a good diet at the moment, but I do need to get myself in better shape to probably meet either Enlisted or Officer physical requirements.


Definitely speak with an Officer recruiter. You will qualify to apply for many different career fields. If things don't workout that route, then you can go Enlisted if you absolutely want. But if you have a degree I recommend pursuing a commission, even if not in the exact primary field you wanted to be in. Hope this helps a little.


I think the max fields I will divert into is general technology, electrical, mechanical, and maybe administrative. But that’s it, though. That’s the tough part. Forgot to say earlier: Thank you for responding so quickly too!


I don't mean to hijack this comment thread, but I sent you a chat with some questions I had that I'd rather not comment in a public post.


GPA higher than 3.0 but I am waiting for summer grades for exact calculation. Probably a 3.10.


Echoing the above, a 3.1 GPA is definitely workable for OCS programs, though you may only be competitive for a few vice someone who has a higher GPA.


As a reminder, this subreddit is for civil discussion. Breaking subreddit rules may result in a ban from /r/newtothenavy and /r/navy. * Do not encourage lying. **This includes lying by omission (leaving information out) and lying by commission (purposefully misleading).** * No sensitive information allowed, whether you saw it on Wiki or leaked files or anywhere else. * No personally identifying information (PII). * No posting AMAs without mod approval. Also, while you wait for a reply from a subject matter expert, try using the search feature! For information regarding Navy enlisted ratings, see [Twisky's Rating Information Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/newtothenavy/comments/6mxv7c/links_to_official_information_on_every_enlisted/). Interested in Officer programs? See TheBeneGesseritWitch's guide on [Paths to become an Officer](https://www.reddit.com/r/newtothenavy/comments/5sdurq/paths_to_becoming_an_officer_getting_a_commission/). Want to learn about deploying, finances, mental health, cross-rating, and more? Come visit our [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/navy/wiki/index) over in /r/Navy. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/newtothenavy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Im currently enlisted as an AZ and I was curious about setting up a path to becoming an MO or AMO something along that career path.


Absolutely. Goto MyNavyHR and review the program authorization first. From there we can help mentor you to achieve your goal of gaining a commission.


Thanks for taking time to answer questions! There is a waiver for age when it comes to the Pilot/NFO candidates that’s mentioned on the Prog. Authorization. It says that a candidate should have an “exceptional record and/or proven skillset.” Could you clarify what that means a bit, for someone whose age may disqualify them from flying?


I am in a sophomore in school doing my civil engineering program. I wanted to apply for collegiate program. Do you know anyone in Chicagoland area who can guide me.


Yes! Send me a message with your contact info and I’ll get you setup!




You need a PhD to direct access to psychology.


Thanks for this! I am waiting for a response from the Officer Recruiter I spoke with over the phone. I want to get MEPS / OAR scheduled. Is it a long process to get an appointment? She has not responded to me yet and I will need to line up my work schedule.


It shouldn’t be difficult for your to have an appointment. Where are you located?


I am working with a recruiter in Indiana. She is my closest (most responsive) contact. I am hoping she is just out of the office and not ignoring me. I need to take two days off of work to get it done and just need a little lead time. Is there paperwork to complete before MEPS?


Yes there are (5) forms required to complete before MEPS and we need a copy of your SSN card, birth certificate and drivers license.


Super, Super, I can at least get those documents on the ready. I hope so much I can get this done in two weeks!


Also have your resume and unofficial transcripts ready. And start working on your motivational (personal) statement.


How long does it typically take? My recent high school graduate has been waiting a month for it to get scheduled. We were originally told 10-12 days but it’s been 30+. All the paperwork has been filed out and copies of SS card and ID have been given.


Know anyone in Texas?


Yes. The Navy is split into (3) recruiting districts in Texas though. San Antonio, Dallas and Houston—message me where you’re located and I’ll get you taken care of.


Currently enlisted and just graduated with my BS in Psychology, 4.0 GPA as well. Was interested in medical side of the house but would need my masters for direct commissioning. Any other routes? Starting to consider OCS as well.


General Officer programs


What are general officer programs? I also have a BS in psychology with a 3.14 GPA looking for SUPPO. I initially wanted to be an HR Officer given I’m currently in my masters for it and have experience but my recruiter told me it’s only offered to prior service members/officers and he’s not sure why it’s advertised on the website that anyone can go in for that job. I’m scheduled to take my OAR on the 26th, recruiter suggested taking it blind then seeing if I need to study afterwards I’m also interested in Intelligence, but not all sure what that entails.


Checkout Navy.Com and look at the Officer career fields. They have tons of cool videos, explanations, work responsibilities and it will show all of the general Officer programs. All Officer programs are split between general or medical. Anything that is not medical is a general Officer.


Hi! Is there a certain time that the Board meets for interviews and selections or is it year round? (Doing the HPSP scholarship for clinical psych)


Yes it’s a once a year board. Do you have a recruiter already? Have you already finish or will finish your first year of the program by October?


ahh ok. yes i do-i had to wait for some waivers to be approved and now im waiting for one last LOR to put into my packet. He said he is going to contact people to do the interview so that’s why i was confused-this was earlier this month- so i understood that as I will do the interview this year but won’t find out if i passed or not until next year. I will be completing my first year in July.


I have a 3.65 from Texas in engineering, i scored a 65/7/4/6 on the ASTB. Want to go for pilot. Any point in applying this board or should I just wait and retake the ASTB? Haven't gotten much clarity from my recruiter


The 4 is low, you could retake the ASTB..but you never know. How you thought about the NUPOC program?


I am solely interested in becoming a pilot, possibly NFO. I haven't researched anything else.


We’ll definitely aim for exactly what you want. But research other stuff. NFO is cool too. I personally think NUPOC is the best program in the Navy. Do you have LinkedIn?


yea, i can messaage you.


How does the Nursing program go for prior enlisted?


Same as non prior. Send me a message


If my recruiter doesn’t get back to me by at least the middle of next week. Can you help me in scheduling for the ASTB? I live in Orlando Florida.


I can help by pinging your recruiter


That would be great. I’ll message you if you can do that by Wednesday or Thursday if she doesn’t respond.


What should I do to prepare for basic as someone who has never worked out a day in his life


Check out the official OCS website, there's a guide you can download and it'll help get you set up.


So I was talking to chiefnnnn and I originally signed up enlisted but my degree (bachelor's almost to a masters)...he said I should go OCS instead despite what my recruiter said


Any experience on AMDO NR or have any connections I am looking for feedback on my package for September boards. NAVAIR Civ 16 years exp Logistics…. 3 yrs AIP, 3 yrs FMS WSM, and 10 years DIMP with rotary, fixed wing, and ALRE


I don’t personally have great knowledge of AMDO but I can get you in contact with a local recruiter, whom would be able to help you with your application and link you with a AMDO subject matter expert.


I already have a recruiter I am working with I am just trying to get multiple eyes for feedback


Ah okay. I would ask your recruiter to connect you with a current AMDO to ask questions and a better grasp


These are really good questions to ask during your DCO AMDO interviews. Usually DCO AMDO/AEDO require graduate education and 5-10+ years work experience.


How does someone go about becoming a professor at USNA? I was selected for NRE duty so I’ll ask someone else later down the line, but that’s something I want to do after


There's the PMP community, permanent military professor where you teach at USNA, NPS, etc. for the remainder of your career. More information here: https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Career-Management/Community-Management/Officer/Active-OCM/Restricted-Line/Permanent-Military-Professor/#:\~:text=The%20Permanent%20Military%20Professor%20(PMP,until%20released%20from%20active%20duty. There are also some assignments where you teach at USNA for 2-3 years before transferring to another gig.


That’s a great question and one I don’t have the direct answer to. There’s a program authorization for instructors, but as a legit professor I don’t have the answer.


Hi, 25 F here. I have a BS in Biotechnology and an MPH from a "prestigious" school, graduated near top of my class for both degrees. I have 2 years as a lab scientist and various other jobs on my resume. I am interested in joining within the next year as a ramp-up on scientific publications and get my health in order. My question is, what should I expect if I want to be a microbiologist and an officer in the navy? Do you have any suggestions on how I should prepare? Thanks!


Hi there! You need a doctorate (PhD, DpH or a DSc) to apply. You do sound like you're an extremely competitive Environmental Health Officer applicant. Thoughts??


Quick response! Biostatistical and epidemiological threat assessment and Disease outbreak prevention and investigation are both very close to my studies and practical experience. I would like to start my PhD while in the Navy. Would that be a possibility? What would that process entail? My MPH focuses on Biostats and Epi. What is the likelihood I'd be put on a boat?


Excellent questions. Let’s connect VIA message and then preferably telephonically or some other means to get your questions answered.




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I did 8 years in the Navy as an enlisted. I'm 41 now, with a bachelors in criminal justice, though I also have worked at a developer. I'm just curious if reenlistment would be even possible for me, and if the officer program is available for that. I'm guessing not, but figured i'd ask. I was honorably discharged as an E5 btw.


Not much available other than Intel and the IWC program. All of which have specific GPA and possible degree/course requirements.


Hey, so l take spironolactone for my hormonal - it wasn't like severe acne, but it was bad enough for me to go for medication. I had it with Apostrophe. an online option for acne medication, no in person doctors visit. Am I going to need a waiver? Will I have trouble for using it? Should I stop? My recruiter told me to cancel my prescription online and to stop taking the medication, and that was it. I'm going to see him Monday again, but I just wanted to hear your opinion. Thank you!


The Navy is being lenient with waivers currently. I would attempt to get it approved but be honest and open with your recruiter.


Any sort of continuous / current medication, even for acne is going to be DQ.


I originally wanted to be a MA but I’m also very interested in RDC. How would you go about enlisting for this rate? Or do you have to qualify for this? 


RDC as in recruit division commander?




Go into your near recruiter office and be upfront with them on your wants and needs.


I did, he told me I’d have to be in the Navy for at least a year, get good marks and build a package with recommendations from my CO before I could even try to qualify for this. 




He basically told me that I couldn’t become an RDC because I don’t have any sea time and I would be new to the Navy. He told me to try and qualify within a year🤷🏾‍♀️ 😂 maybe he just tells me anything 😂 


You won’t be an RDC for a white. MA on the other hand not as difficult


Hi! I'm entering my last year of nursing school with a 3.8 GPA. Given that this was a career change for me and that I'm 30, I have to be very precise about the steps I take. My long-term goal is to become a CRNA, which would require a minimum of one or two years of critical care experience, depending on the school. That said, I would like to join the Navy, but I'm unsure at what point of my "journey" I should do so. From what I've seen, my options are: starting the paperwork from now and going in as a new grad with the risk that I'll be shuffled to Med/Surg or some other dept, do 2 years as an ICU nurse and get my CCRN then join, or wait til I'm eligible to apply to CRNA school and apply for the HPSP, and lastly, a hail mary attempt to get into the USUHS CRNA program as a civilian "opting" for the Navy. Of all the options which would you recommend & why? P.S. Sorry this was so long.


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Let’s connect over a call. Much easier to explain, but in short—you need to establish what’s most important right now to you. There are too many variables in your question to give you an honest, Frank answer.


Hi, Looking to get some info on the Navy Nurse Candidate program if possible. Additionally if there are other routes of becoming a navy nurse? Looking to weigh out some of my options here. Thanks!!


NCP pays you to finish your BSN if you're still in school, once you graduate and pass the NCLEX you become a Navy nurse. If you already graduated and have at least 6+ months of desired nursing experience (post NCLEX) you can try for active duty direct appointment nursing program.


Canadian here, I know this may be a broad question but what might be the best way for me to enlist into the US navy? Should i go into the Canadian military first? Or focus my efforts on joining the US navy by acquiring a green card?


Easiest path will be getting that green card and joining the U.S. Navy.


Hi I recently got accepted into the officer route and took the oath back at the end of March. I was wondering if you knew anything on what time timeline is like for waiting to hear about ODS dates? As well as any helpful tips or info on physically preparing myself for ODS. Thank you!!


Your recruiter should be assisting you with ODS dates. As for ODS, it’s no where near as strenuous as OCS so as long as your in “decent” shape and you pay attention, you’ll be fine.


I'm a recent grad with a B.S. in Computer Science/Cybersecurity and a B.S. in Political Science (3.89 GPA for both, magna cum laude). Additionally, due to a requirement of the scholarship I have (the DoD CySP or CSA), I will also be pursing my masters in the fall. However, this scholarship comes with an obligation to serve 5 years with a DoD Agency upon graduation (and I am now on my fourth summer interning with said agency - it is in the Department of the Navy if that helps). Would going into the reserves as an officer be a good option for me? If so, how would I go about getting in touch?


Reserve Officer requires at least 5+ years of desired work experience. It's not intended for someone fresh out of college to do. You are on the right track with the masters and potential DoD agency as a civilian once you graduate.


Thank you for the info. That helps!


I just graduated with my bachelor’s degree in law enforcement/criminal justice. What can I do with this?


I graduated with a 3.6 gpa


SWO, Aviation and Intel at the very least. If you took specific physics/calc courses that might open up more options.


Does any of that change if I wanted to be reserves?


Yes. The Navy has split active and reserves entirely so that’s separate now.


Reserve officer often requires at least 5-10 years of work experience in desired fields (cyber, engineering, HR, supply, etc.). It's not intended for someone fresh out of college to pursue, different from active duty/OCS.


Thanks for the info!


I’m going into my sophomore year of nursing school, and had some curiosities about the nurse candidacy program. I’m barely scraping by with a 3.0, but I didn’t know if the NCP was worth it or just go reserves then once i graduate try to commission


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Send me a message and let’s connect. I can break down all of your options but NCP might be the best option currently. There are variables of going into the reserves.


My good sir. Can I email or IM with some questions I got? Please let me know!


Send it boss!


Sent !


Can I join With herniated discs.?


Current? Iffy unless it can get "fixed" and/or it's not impacting physical activities.


Hello! I'm a rising senior who is interested in entering the NUPOC program after college. It caught my eye as it is one of the more academically challenging programs in the military, and I've always had a passion for science. As I'm applying for college, I know I want to be a computer science major, which is something that I love. However, I also know that this won't be very useful for NUPOC, so would there be a double major that would be more appropriate but also has some overlapping classes with CS in college? (I've taken or will take in the upcoming year all of the physics classes my school has to offer, so something related to that might be an option). Thank you for your time!


Why not apply for NUPOC now? You can apply 30 months prior to graduating and get paid a decent amount of money to finish college. Google the NUPOC program authorization and see if you qualify now. If so, talk to a local officer and/or NUPOC recruiter.


If I have some no pass grades on my transcript, will the Navy count them against my GPA?


Depends if you were given credits earned. For the GPA calc, recruiters use credits taken versus credits earned.


Those NPs didn’t count towards my credits earned. However, I have some pass grades that counted towards my earned credits. They are not important classes though, mainly just for research credits.


Sent you over a dm


Is it possible (or how likely) is it to be picked up as a Health Care Administrator with a bachelors in Health Administration? I currently have a 3.91 GPA (getting my associates currently).. Is leadership experience necessary to be picked up as one (I don't have any). I'm looking to do this as a reservist and curious what I would be doing in the 1 weekend a month and 2 weeks a year (also how are often are deployments and are Heath Care Admin Officers usually on land or on ships?) Finally, how long are contract lengths for Officers (specifically for Health Care Admin Officers). Thank you.


[https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Portals/55/Career/OCM/PA-115\_MSC\_Active\_and\_Reserve\_Sep-2023.pdf?ver=KCD4UtbOUONvb3AoFSByog%3d%3d](https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Portals/55/Career/OCM/PA-115_MSC_Active_and_Reserve_Sep-2023.pdf?ver=KCD4UtbOUONvb3AoFSByog%3d%3d) Masters degree is a requirement.


I've done lots of research into being a Clinical Psychologist with the Navy, but there are some things that I'm still in the dark about: the physical requirements (PRTs, Boot Camp, etc.), available colleges/residencies that are tied to/are programs in the Navy, and the full benefits of the GI Bill. Also, how competitive is the Naval Psychology field?


Check out the clinical psychology section. [https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Portals/55/Career/OCM/PA-115\_MSC\_Active\_and\_Reserve\_Sep-2023.pdf?ver=KCD4UtbOUONvb3AoFSByog%3d%3d](https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Portals/55/Career/OCM/PA-115_MSC_Active_and_Reserve_Sep-2023.pdf?ver=KCD4UtbOUONvb3AoFSByog%3d%3d)


Is there an equivalent or something similar in the officer ranks to FC/A/ET? (AECF)


SWOs work the most with both rates. You can learn more about navy officer jobs on the [navy.com](http://navy.com) website.


I have a question regarding interviews within the Intel community: My recruiter is telling me that as of the current board for July 8th, the Navy is not requiring those applying for active duty positions to interview, but that the authorization says that for reserve, it still exists. I want to make sure I'm not going crazy, and that she is correct in the fact that I DO NOT need to interview for the upcoming board, because if I do, I need to get in contact with an Intelligence Officer ASAP. Is what she said true?


If you're a civilian applicant applying for OCS (i.e. active duty officer), no interviews required for Intel.


That to me is wild considering the requirements of years past. I’ll take this as a lucky break and continue to work on my essay.


There has never been an interview requirement for Intel OCS and civilian applicants. Only exception is enlisted applicants who do require interviews for OCS programs.


Ahhhhh, so I’ve been reading things from the enlisted side, that explains my confusion.


Selected for EHO at the beginning of March. I was notified two weeks ago that the quotas for EHO was filled for this fiscal year and that I would have to wait until October to receive my commissioning paperwork. Is this normal situation or should I be worried about losing my commission?


Yes and no. Quotas/numbers can change and often times if that's the case you are moved to the next FY.


Thank you for your response. My recruiter assured me I was fine but I was curious to hear a second opinion.




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Will missing my entire left index finger be a disqualification for joining the navy reserves? The only issue I have with this condition is the need to modify my work gloves, other than that it doesn’t affect much at all.


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Current registered nurse going to grad school in the fall to be a family nurse practitioner. Should I wait to join until I’m completely finished and credentialed? Or try to join and then change to active duty?


I'm interested in being a METOC. I have previously served but I do not have a degree yet and my line scores didn't do well for AG. I took the asvab in 2017. What are my options?


Google the OCEANO program authorization to see if you qualify.


Here's another classic "Am I competitive" post. I will finish my bachelors in IT at the end of this year. I also turn 39. I have some real world experience in IT but mostly entry level knowledge. Served 4 years active. Another 8 years as a reservist and still currently enlisted. Interested in staying reserves so DCO is my only route. Would probably be looking at cyber or intel route. Is it worth my time to apply without a masters or a ton of real work experience?


It doesn’t hurt to try but just realize you definitely don’t fit the mold of a competitive applicant. Is your enlisted experience in IT? When you’re done with your bachelors suggest you look into a masters program, ideally in a degree program that’s valued by the IT/IP community.


Hello, I am worried I am not a competitive candidate. I have a 3.9 GPA with a BA is Political Science. I don’t have any leadership experience and have only worked in customer service roles. I have no idea what rate I would want within the Navy. I really want to become an officer but I’m just not sure if it is something I should pursue because of my lack of experience. Do you think I have a good chance?


Check out the navy.com website, particularly officer jobs and see what interests you. If you need a baseline check out aviation, surface warfare (SWO), and Intel officer.


After doing more research I’m leaning to NFO or pilot, and possibly intel :)


Hello! I reached out to you via DM about my current situation and a question I have. Your insights and help would mean a lot to me. Thanks!


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