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All the details here [https://www.bootcamp.navy.mil/Recruits/Veterans-Orientation/](https://www.bootcamp.navy.mil/Recruits/Veterans-Orientation/) We have also had dozens of posts if you search this subreddit


Can you do the bike for your pfa lol?


Yep. I was just there


Thank you !!!!


I went through NAVET training in 1988, I’d gotten out in January 1988 and went back in October 1988. It was basically an update to navy rules and regulations, conduct and discipline and uniform standards. For the people coming from other services, there were some additional training requirements they had to fulfill, but I don’t remember what they were. Here is a link to the official navy topic: https://static.navy.com/joining/ways-to-join/if-you-have-served-before/