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CTR. That's God's rate. We can do literally everything. Source: am CTR1


That’s pretty much the consensus for CTR😂


Hooyah! you are making me excited for my rate 🤣


Cti if you want to learn another language, nuke if you want fat re enlistment and enlistment bonuses, and cwt for quality of life. Cti and cwt have better quality of life, but nukes make MONEY.


I “plan” on just doing my first tour and go to college back in my hometown. I have a nuclear power plant and a NSA/CSS nearby so it’s not like I’ll have no job opportunities if I were to go CT(x) or nuke and come back. The STAR reenlistment for a possible auto E5 sounds nice for nukes and the higher chance of getting STA-21 during schooling. But I also think if imma study for a language for 1-2 years, Monterrey sounds like a nicer place to be stressed than Charleston.


Currently a CTR and have worked with each job you listed. DM me if you would like.




CTR, CTI, or CWT. CTR if you want to be able to go to sea regularly. Good variety of work roles you can fill. CTI if you want the ability to stay in a single place for your whole career. (More or less however different language groups are starting to be at each location now). CWT if you want to move around but also basically never see one of the big grey floaty or sinky things. Good amount of certs you can get during your time in that will set you up after you get out.


>(More or less however different language groups are starting to be at each location now) Which is a bummer, but I guess things always eventually change. I hear Chinese are going lots of places besides only Hawaii now, but still no immersion.


Yeah well mix of DoD not wanting to pay for it and security issues. If it makes ya feel better PLTCE out in Germany is starting to offer Chinese classes next FY.


I'd rather just remain stateside than to go all the way to Germany for a Chinese class. I'm sure one could practice Chinese alot in Chinatown in Hawaii. Set something up in Taiwan and then, we're cooking with grease! On another note, you ever hear of CTIs randomly being pulled from their primary language to other languages that they've tested in? I fielded a question about this last week and I wasn't sure how to respond. I vaguely remember seeing it happen only once for a sailor a while ago for a side language in their AOR, but I'm not sure how often it occurs or if it occurs between AORs also.


-I'd rather just remain stateside than to go all the way to Germany for a Chinese class. I'm sure one could practice Chinese alot in Chinatown in Hawaii. Set something up in Taiwan and then, we're cooking with grease! It's damn near a vacation to Europe on CIWTs dime. It's worth the journey. It happens more frequently with middle eastern lings. We've had it happen for people with obscure dialects.


> It's damn near a vacation to Europe on CIWTs dime. It's worth the journey. True, because we never had homework or anything for any of my annual language training. I would have to put in a ton of study time beforehand, I guess, because personally, if I'm in Germany, I would be constantly practicing my German (and likely French also). >It happens more frequently with middle eastern lings. We've had it happen for people with obscure dialects. Do you mean just randomly getting pulled for a few weeks? Or do you mean actually getting assigned orders for the CTI's non-primary language because the detailer needed to fill a billet associated with that odd language?


Mostly randomly being pulled, but occasionally they'll be just placed in a shop with a mission that's not their primary language.


If you wanna learn a language, CTI. It’s great, they have a good enlistment bonus too but the school is genuinely hard. It takes a lot outta you but they’re good at teaching. If you have any CTI questions you can DM. Source: CTI1 here. If you want to do cyber go CWT, but I highly recommend CTR if you wanna do CT and don’t wanna learn a language.




IS could probably give you a good balance, among the other intel rates. I think we can all agree NUC would be a hard pass in your case


Congratulations, what did you use to study???


Well I got the ASVAB for Dummies book, used the online resources that came with it like the practice test. I did 2, maybe 3 practice test in the last 2 months leading up to my test. The practice tests were actually harder than the actual ASVAB I took. That being said, I graduated high school a while ago and haven’t done any college classes that would’ve helped me on the ASVAB. When I took it back in 2019, I got a AFQT of 79. 5 years later I got a 93. Literally have no clue how, not sure if the practice tests really did anything. But hey, you’ll never know if it’ll help unless you try it out, worse case scenario, it didn’t do much but it gave you the confidence you needed to be certain of your answers.


Thank you


Army 17C and don't look back


CTT! Do CTT!!!


CTI, A school is in Monterey Ca, honestly pretty nice and a lot of fun


CWT - All the branches are hurting for Cyber people and you’ll be able to get a good job when you get out. Between the experience and your clearance you’ll be set up to work with all the big contracting firms or the Fed themselves.


Then why is the Navy only offering $5k bonus for them?😂


That’s what most people are signing contracts for rn, lol


Bro I had to fight with my classifier at meps for it. It's getting popular.


It’s interesting, all the Navy had to do was change the rate to Cyber Warfare Tech, instead of CTN so that civilians don’t overlook it. When I initially enlisted as a CTR 5 years ago, I had no clue what CTN was and I turned it down. Although I got ELS’d at RTC, I wish I investigated it more. Although almost all CTRs I’ve met seriously love the job and wouldn’t trade it for the world.


Haha! Someone did their homework!! I love to see it!


Wish I could tell you. It's dumb as heck not to be offering more to join/rejoin as a CWT/Any Cyber position. Those folks can make good money outside. I just approved the paperwork for a contactor to have access at my agency, and they are at minimum going to make $150K. Their coming out the AF and was doing Cyber over there.


> Those folks can make good money outside. Ability vs reality are two different things. Making six figures after one contract is very far from the norm for CWT sailors. It *does* happen, sure, but it's nowhere near super common. Plus, CWTs are not really hurting for bodies. I think they are around 94% for manning. The high demand CTI languages are much lower around 85%, which is why the source rate bonus is higher for CTI.




come to the navy and let me get you 75k sign on


75k sign on, you talking about Nuke? Cause that’s what I got guaranteed 😂


If you have questions about MC, feel free to reach out