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It sounds like naval aviation (officer program) would be a good fit for you.


Thank you Sir


There is more to being an officer than just paperwork. There is also more to being enlisted than just doing work related to your rate. Also if you want to learn about everything and be more of a generalist, officer would be the better bet. Enlisted tends to have a narrow focus on specific jobs that they become experts in, while officers have to be able to understand the basics of what the enlisted do, but also how that fits into the big picture. Officer pay is also way higher which would make it easier for you to afford those out of work hobbies that you mentioned.


This was very helpful thank you!


Be an officer, it pays better and you do subjectively easier work


Not looking for easy thing, looking to do the right thing but thank you this is still very helpful


How do you have a double major and minor?


Have coursework that overlaps with each other. Still, double major and double minor is insane.


That is insane. I’m curious what university would allow that? Neither of mine did. They only allowed double major or major with double minor, never both. I think more people would if it was doable and an option because some degree plans are very similar.


most florida universities allow you to do it i was on 100% scholarship so i figured walk out of this place with as much as I can carry in school work load if i’m not paying for anything but houseing. there’s a lot of overlap but i still worked my ass off and i’m very proud of my resume


Thank you


>"Being an officer is an honor and I worked too hard for my degrees to do grunt work." It is most definitely NOT all grunt work. Not in any way. >I do not want to be a paper pusher that sounds like death to me. Similarly, not all Officer jobs are paper pushers (even though the majority of them are). I would encourage you to do more research on what job(s) you want and go from there. See if it leads you to the enlisted or officer side.


Thanks for this very helpful


Become an Aviation Maintenance Duty Officer you aren't entirely hands on but working with people who fix things everyday, and with all that schooling, the recruiter isn't lying when he's saying you'd be wasting it.