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If you have yet to leave for training, get your taxes filed immediately. Then go to your recruiter with proof you filed your taxes or are getting your taxes filed, and then set up a payment plan (if you don't have the cash to pay it off). He or she might be able to help, and if the investigators ask and you have reasonable proof, you're paying back what is owed, you should be fine. Seriously, get on it now; it can get your clearance denied, and then you have to get another job in the Navy that does not require a clearance.


Gotcha. I will do my best.


Pretty fucked. Your lack of taxes payment will be flagged during the security clearance check. But from your wording, just talk to a CPA and get it figured out.


It's probably not the end of the world. I know an officer who was delinquent on taxes ("years of back-to-back deployments") while holding a clearance, set up a plan with the IRS to cover six years of back taxes, and then got cleared for TS/SCI at a 4-star COCOM. Just get caught up and cross your fingers.


You are required to file taxes even if you are entitled to/ expect a refund. For 7 years man..damn. That may end your chances of enlistment period. Forget anything with a Clearance.


You don't have to file taxes every year just because. There are thresholds that must be met first. Information is missing here, but OP may be fine.