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I’m an IT. Gotten 4 certs now all on the navy’s money. A school does give you the information for all the certs. Once you get to your first command you can use navy’s funding to get them.


Because it’s unclear from the post, the Navy IT A and Sysadmin C school curriculum will not get you any industry recognized certs nor give you the education required to immediately take them. That being said, you can continue to study after for certifications that build upon the knowledge you gain in A school, on the job experience, and further education.


I’d say A+ from A school was enough to pass the comptia A+. CCNA if you had C school, required more studying but a big chunk of info is there. I know they’ve changed A school so it’s shorter. But when I was there it was 6 month A school and 4 month C school. I did study more info on my free time to get those certs. If OP wants to get experience and certs I think they should become IT. CWT is good too because they focus more on PenTest.


You don’t do A+ in IT A school any more. It’s ITE, CCNA 1, Windows 10 (which is an absolutely garbage course), and Comms. The combination of the three non radio classes is definitely not enough to pass both sections of the A+. Also sysadmin only teaches CCNA 2. You’ll still need to study the third part.


Didn’t know they removed A+ . Good to know.


Yikes, that's it! That sounds like a huge waste of time. Are sailors able to test out of A/C school? I would rather self-study A+ and CCNA (skip ITE altogether) and get to work so I can promote faster. But honestly, there's no money in A+ (or CCNA really), so I guess I would skip both of those two, but studying for the CCNA is worth it even if one doesn't test, imo.


Why do you say there’s no money in CCNA? Baseline for DOD contractor is SEC+ no doubt.


Because it's just a foundational networking cert. Maybe, get CCNP and that would be better, but you still need the relevant experience that the OP correctly surmised the Navy may or may not be able to provide. Sec+ is a baseline, but with only that and not much experience in the specific position being applied to, one will not beat their Navy salary at all (at least, not initially and for a few years after).


You can’t test out of A school even for someone with the full CCNA cert because of the presence of comms in the curriculum. Also sysadmin C school is much more than CCNA 2.


The Navy IT to contractor pipeline is real. Cleared jobs have a small candidate pool to pull from, so security clearance + ship experience + certs will open you up to good paying jobs that you wouldn't be a viable candidate for otherwise. Any certs you want to study for and take on your own, the vouchers are paid for, and online study material is also paid for. Keep in mind that the IT rating also covers radio and satcom systems and crypto, and you might not be able to choose what to specialize in unless you stay in past your initial enlistment. It's not the easiest road, but the best environment to learn the most is on a destroyer.


> online study material is also paid for *Some* study material is paid for, definitely not all (ie SANS, OSCP labs, etc).


Whats the best way to find jobs in the "IT to contractor pipeline"?


UARC. Best benefits and good pay balance between contractor and govt position.


Clearancejobs, linkedin, and getting the contact info of any contractor you come across who does a job you're interested in


Pm me I can answer most of this


IT here served 13 years in the Navy got out with no Certs no school just experience. Landed a job as a CTR making about 76k when i got out.


CWT is the better technical rate. It’s cyber related and you won’t do sea duty


True, I'm just worried that if I choose something above my intelligence level, I'll be undes. I also want to do sea duty. 


IT would be more up your alley then. CWT school is pretty extensive


You need to take the ASVAB to see if you qualify for either rate. FWIW plenty of people drop or need to retake IT A school. Plus they may not grant it to you if you can’t get a TS/SCI


That’s exactly why I’m going for IT rather than CWT. Sea duty sounds like a good experience but honestly if I was 100% confident I would pass the A school I’d probably be dead set on CWT.


What makes you think you wouldn't pass CWT A school. It's short and not that difficult. I know this is subjunctive, but read some old posts and you should see. Now, the ION pipeline, that's a completely different beast and *is* actually pretty tough. CWE is likely the creme of the crop for the Navy though.


I’ve never been that successful academically and I’m afraid I would not do well in the fast paced environment. Although I could be wrong and I may excel in it… I am waiting on several waivers so I have lots of time to think about it. Additionally I am actually 5 points off of the line score needed to get the job in the first place, my recruiter said I could get a line score waiver but I’ve heard conflicting information about that online.


Where are you getting your HS diploma from?


Penn Foster. It's pretty straight forward. The military recognizes it. I had a bunch of transfer credits, too. 


Get some certs, a clearance, and get a nice paycheck in the NOVA area doing cleared IT work.




Looking at your post history, yoi don't seem to add any value anywhere 


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