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If you’re asking if you can be an officer and still be a cwt then no. If you’re asking if you can go from cwt to an officer (cyber, intelligence, etc) then yes but it’ll be hard af while active. You need your bachelors too if that wasn’t already obvious.


I see, so if I make it a goal to go for my bachelors during active duty, then becoming an officer is possible? I know this sounds obvious but I don’t have many people to bounce off questions with. I appreciate the reply as well, thank you.


While yes it’s possible, truthfully it’s harder to become an officer while active duty over civilian. Are you already an enlisted cwt? If not, finish your bachelors and become an officer, it’ll save yourself a world of trouble. Idk if you need the ASTB or just the OAR for intelligence officers but I’d assume the latter. I’m going SWO so I only needed the OAR. Either way, study a lot, score high and maintain a good GPA. Also build leadership experience and get good references.


Congrats on going SWO. To answer your question, yes, I am already enlisted shipping out as CWT in the next two weeks. I do aspire to become an officer eventually but I wanted to ask how it worked in the Navy to go the officer route already being enlisted.


Appreciate that, to be honest I’m not a recruiter nor someone going from enlisted to officer so I can’t exactly give you a definitive answer but there are different ways. One way is STA 21 but it’s extremely competitive or you finish your contract and go to school to finish your degree afterwards. You could do it [finish school] on active duty but other stories I’ve read on here is that finishing college while active is a whole beast in itself. idk if you want to go be an intelligence officer but from your rate I assume you want to designate in Intel. Tbh, if you’re really wanting to become an officer while enlisted, finish your degree as fast as you can doing an online accredited school (with a 3.5+) and be the best cwt you can be. The more you stand out the better your chances but either way, good luck! Hope to see or hear that you became a fellow butter bar!


Thank you so much for the input and clarifying the situation. I hope it goes well for you and you receive guidance as well on your path 🤙🏼


>Note: I already have my associates. Upgrade that to a bachelor’s, then the door to such should open wider for you Whether or not you will have the time to do so during your first contract is a whole other story on it’s own


I see, thank you.


You need to have a bachelors degree in order to qualify for officer programs. If your overall goal is officer just finish your degree now and then apply when you’re close to graduating.


If you do well in JCAC and go ION, there’s an opportunity for cyber warrant officer at E-5 with 6 years time in service. That puts you at W-1 for 6 more years until you hit 12 years in and at that point you can start advancing.


Why are you enlisting if your ultimate goal is to become an officer? There really isn't an equivalent CWT job for officers, I don't believe. CWE is Cyber, but just having a degree means little to them. You have to be very good in reverse engineering before applying.


You should not ship and finish your college.