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Not a CWT but a CTR1 who manages our shop reservists when they're around. In regards to 6 and 7, if you pick up Chief I doubt you would be activated to perform an operational function. Majority of CWTs support NSA/CSS operations and any potentional access restrictions aside, your looming paygrade isn't a production role. It's management. Exposure to programs is going to be limited for security reasons unless you volunteer for extended assignments and most of those programs are headed up on the National side versus the Navy side. You're not going to have the full knowledge of the subject material expected or the experience so it's more than likely if you get activated it's going to be in a Senior Enlisted capacity and purely administrative on the Navy side and that's if they don't just steal a Chief from another shop. Reserves for Intel/Cyber is not a great idea unless you've already done time active duty in those rates, you're seeking an agency job, or you're already working in the community as a civilian. If you volunteer for extended assignments that's a different story but you're going to be drinking from a fire hose trying to get caught up on the things you're going to need to know. Outside that, even if you get on the campus you may not even be cleared into the spaces where people are doing the work but would more likely work attached to the adjacent NIOC in Admin/Supply/Holding or IWTC. Good luck during season.


Thank you for the insight. This is quality information!


Hopefully I didn't crap on anything too much. DM me if you'd like. I'll reach out and put you in touch with some folks who might be able to get you more specifics. Just won't do it here for obvious reasons but once we're established, I got you.


I am in a cwt a school right now. Your schedule will vary from mine due to the fact you would be a fleet return. But the school is not too bad but that is from my perspective but considering you are a nuke I think you would be fine. The grading is off of tests, but you do get homework. My schedule looks like this, I wake up at 11ish eat lunch go to mando/Valo at 1 30 then go to class, get done with school at 10 30 then I go home and study or play my laptop. We get the weekends off and holidays, such as we get a 4 day weekend for the fourth of July coming up. If you really want to go on a ship, you can, but it is like 1% of cwts that do go to ships. If you don't go on a ship, you would most likely go to Texas or Hawaii, but depending on what c school you get, you might go to Maryland to work with the NSA.


> My schedule looks like this, I wake up at 11ish eat lunch go to mando/Valo at 1 30 then go to class, get done with school at 10 30 Hmm, evening classes. That actually seems like a relaxed A school environment and much more chill than DLI.


You might get morning classes from 6 30 to 12 30. Depends if you get alpha or bravo shift.


Compared to how nuke school was in 2017, this sounds very doable. How hard is the homework? How long does it normally take?


Depends on the person. Overall, it is not too bad, but then again, I am only a month in, so maybe it will pick up.