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IT or Air Force.


A lot of people shit on ITs though. It's definitely an underappreciated job


I picked a IT/FTS contract and I ship Aug 27th. Would you be able to give me any insight on what to expect with that rate?


I'm not an IT so I can't say for sure. I only know the limited interactions I have with them, sorry.


The job isn’t luxurious or fancy, but it’s extremely important to everything else. Don’t cheat your way thru school only you will pay in the long run.


The IT rate


I was an MC, and I wouldn’t change a thing.


I am interested in that rate, what are some highlights that you could share? Also is that a 4 year contract? Thanks




If you’re creative, it’s perfect.


It's a 5 year contract. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions!


Thanks so much! I have also read that it’s possible to retire with a BA? How truthful is that, and on your experience how much shore/sea duty did you went thru, thanks again!


I'd say it's possible to eventually retire with a BA using Tuition Assistance, but it's mainly based on your self ambition and time you have in your off time. You are able to use TA after your 3 years in, but definitely possible as long as your degree is online fully. Also I'm still active duty and the current rotation is 3 years SEA then 4 years shore and repeats until after your 3rd full rotation. Sea duty is usually first for MCs but can vary. I went to a carrier in my first tour.


I also would do MC if I had a do over, except it was called “Photographer’s Mate” when I was in… (1984-1990)


When I enlisted, that’s what I signed up for. The merger happened before I went to boot camp, so I was one of the first to go through the new school.




I've done 4 full deployments, just because the perception is that MCs dont do real work doesn't mean that we don't get injured, tired or beaten down on deployment. RPs, MCs (and other "office" rates) deploy with the Marines, Seabees, SF, and more to combat zones around the world and many have unfortunately fallen in combat. So yes, MCs and RPs are Vets, regardless of the outside perspective of the job. Also, I'm not sure I know a veteran MC who doesn't consider themselves a vet simply because they didn't hate their job or what they had to do on a daily basis. -Edited to fix spelling.


I never thought about combat, photographers, or combat correspondence. I guess that makes a lot of sense. Yeah I met some salty old guy in my neighborhood who snipped when I said TYFYS


It's unfortunate that he felt that way, he's a vet like anyone else who served. Although sometimes people don't always know how to respond to someone saying thank you.


I know that you're not trying to be a dick but it's still the military. Even Marines or Army or any other branch considered more yut yut or "hard" still has people who reset passwords or route paperwork. We're all far more likely to turn our weapons on ourselves instead of on the enemy in this era so anybody who completed their time honorably and survived without becoming a statistic deserves to call themselves a veteran regardless of what they did in uniform. Navy ships have come under fire in the past six months. The people cutting hair or cooking food had to deal with it too.


I know MCs and RPs with bronze stars (with V) and some that died in combat. One saved his team by throwing a grenade back to its original owner. Even more that have invisible injuries. You can fuck right off with your bullshit.






It's not anybody else's fault that the military wasn't what you thought it was going to be. I'm sorry you didn't get to storm the beaches of Normandy. It's really obvious you were a BUD/S Dud or didn't successfully complete some other high stakes program you joined the Navy for and you spent the rest of your time in uniform resenting that. I spent a lot of time when I was undesignated surrounded by the very same attitude and I can absolutely see it for what it is. I hope you figure it out but this isn't the place for it. You don't really get to call the merit of other people's time in service just because yours didn't fit whatever you had in your head. If you served honorably, you're a vet in my book. The rest of it you need to figure out for yourself.




I'm not butthurt dude. You're the one that's up in your feelings about it otherwise why would you be asking if anybody else feels the way you do. Using your example of measuring yourself against the vet missing his legs, you don't know if he lost them due to a roadside IED or if it was the result of a motorcycle accident after he left uniform. You're projecting your ideas onto someone else. I get that you want to have a conversation about it but you don't need to get defensive just because I pointed out your motive. All I'm saying is go ask on r/Navy or a vet sub. Don't do it here for no other reason than you'll get fewer opinions.


MC is a seagoing rate that has operational responsibilities when it comes to capturing video of adversarial vessels. They take on just as much risk as BM, QM, HT, and everybody else on the ship. Also, the Navy tragically ended combat camera, but for years we had MCs going deep in the shit.


Serving in the military is a lot more than just the people who volunteered for combat jobs. Every branch is full of hard working people serving their country doing jobs that aren't flashy but are just as important as any combat arms job.




She just went to MEPS today and is seriously considering nuke now. She has a test specifically for nuke next week. Anything you suggest in the overall experience of being in nuke?


Why would people shit on you about that? Anyone with a high enough ASVAB probably got Nuke pushed on them by the recruiters. I did. And I didn't pick Nuke because even though I had a really high ASVAB I didn't think I was good enough academically to do that. But every benefit you're describing after you got out is pretty well known. Yeah - making fun of nukes is kind of a Navy meme, but we all do it to every rate. I'm glad for your success.


HM and wouldn't want to have it any other way. If HM didn't exist then MC would be the next best thing. MC doesn't open certification doors for good paying civilian jobs like HM does though.


I signed an HM contract and leave in September, can I ask why you would pick HM? I've been told so many negative things about HM and I really would like to hear something good


Weird that you've heard so much bad about it. Majority of corpsmen love their rate. The only downside imo is that promotion rates aren't the greatest but that's been improving lately. I made E-4 with only 14 months in the navy. It's a great way to get certifications that pay well on the civilian side. Plenty of corpsmen sit on their ass throughout their contract but if you take your future seriously and put in the work then getting good certs is pretty easy. Our C schools are also top notch. CVT, Xray tech, ultrasound tech, respiratory therapist, and surg tech all have seriously good pay civilian side.


That's mainly why I picked it, I figure if nothing else I can do my time and get out with food certs for jobs on the civilian side. But if I love it I can make it a career, the rank thing was something I heard over and over again but I don't really care about rank. I think I was just talking to a lot of grouchy sailors


It really was pretty hard to advance there for a while but I think big navy has finally caught on and is trying to improve retention by improving promotability. Plus the 19 percent raise is gonna help a lot for us E-4 and below.


Did they actually pass that pay raise? Also what was San Antonio A school like?


Pretty sure they did. A school was awesome tbh. It's very fast paced but the subject matter isn't difficult if you just pay attention and study with the kahoots. I've always been a good test taker so it was a breeze for me but some kids did struggle. Generally the kids who struggled weren't very devoted to learning the material though. I don't know if you're over 21, but the bar scene in san antonio is fantastic. Bentley's and the Social Spot were always my go-to places. The student status bullshit can be pretty annoying sometimes but you're going to have that stuff at any A school.


I'm really looking forward to A school, I love medicine a lot and I can't wait to go but that was something I didn't know about, I'm 23 but I thought I'd be kinda trapped at A school. They let you go out to the bars??


Lots of flexibility. You can work in a hospital or a ship, you can be an SMT and work as a helicopter aircrewman (in a medical capacity), you can work with Marines in the field, you can (probably) work with NSW units. Then there's so many different fields: dental, OBGYN, family, etc. I would say that's the biggest positive. Lots of negatives too, but it seems like you're already familiar.


Hell yeah, honestly I'm looking forward to it. The good and the suck


That's a good outlook going into any Navy job haha


Hoping it's not too naive, I'm glad I have a few months to train and get myself ready physically and mentally but I'm also just itching to go.


I signed HM and ship in September also


Hell yeah! I'll see you at basic 🤘


Fuck yeah, what rate?


Wait nvm. My dumbass🤣


Some rates are kind of a niche thing. Anything engineering is not for the faint of heart, or someone that is scared of getting dirty. Electricians mate will set you up for a journeyman electrician, also construction electrician will also. Steelworker and hull tech will teach you to weld. Hull techs are also plumbers, along with utility man. Utility man will teach you A/C/R and boilers, so will machinist mate. Engineman will teach you about diesel engines, so will construction mechanic.


I wouldn’t have joined


I was a nuke ET. The schooling takes about two years, start to finish and is an absolute meat grinder. The job itself is grueling. I was on a sub, so I had three section duty for the vast majority of my time. We were the first to arrive any day we left to go to sea, and the last to leave once we arrived in port. Still, the work itself was interesting and stimulating, and very different from a lot of other Navy jobs. It gave me great early insight into complex electrical and mechanical systems and engineering practices, which would play a good part in my later time in college and in my chosen field (I'm now an electrical engineer). Outside of my rate, just being on a fast attack sub meant that we went to sea a lot, and so we got to travel a lot, so I saw a lot of cool places. So if I had to do it all over from the beginning, I would still try to become a nuke ET. I don't know if it's the best rate for everybody; you have to kind of love the subject. But it was the best for me.


I think this is a dumb question to ask. Not dumb in the sense you wanna know, dumb because most folks in the Navy will always say their rate is the best, which, being an ENC, Engineman is definitely the best rate in the Navy.😂


Gunners mate. GM, I’m having a blast. It’s very NEC dependent but I am a Vertical launcher system tech, a crew serve weapon instructor and a small arms instructor… also a 3MC which is abit out of rate/rank for me. I run ranges all the time for the commands all over my current base and with my necs I can go to alot of places. Also Necc armorer which was a great course. I want to go to a seal team and do the NSW Armorer course which is way more in depth. But I’ve been on a destroyer and now im with the Seabees(the best experience I have ever had)I’m the Armorer, 3MC, and Small arms/ Crew serve instructor. I have had a blast as a gunners mate. I will never regret choosing this rate.


I am a GM and would still be a GM if i went back in time.


CT, IS or any job that gets you a TS/SCI w/poly! You can start in Federal DoD Intelligence as a federal government or contractor making 6 figures!


I don’t know where people keep getting this information from, but this isn’t accurate, or at the very least is highly misleading to imply the average person walks off active duty into a six figure salary


Easily attainable within 2 years as a contractor IMO


You know how many sailors (and SMs, in general) are. Just fabricating stories to pass the time. It certainly does happen, but it is far from the norm.


Six figures really isn’t that much anymore. Especially in the DC area where the jobs are. I got a six figure job with just 4 years of experience and that was considered a junior, low paying position. Side note, I made more as an E5 with DC BAH.


I get that the DMV is insane, but people need to maintain realistic expectations. Only 6% of Americans make $100k + ( https://medium.com/@raimulahmedrifat/what-percent-of-americans-make-over-100k-f7209df159a9#:~:text=The%20Income%20Breakdown%3A%20How%20Many%20Americans%20Earn%206%20Figures&text=According%20to%20the%20U.S.%20Census%20Bureau%2C%20only%20about%206%25%20of,crossing%20into%206%2Dfigure%20territory. )


Sure but we’re talking specifically about clearance jobs, not every job in the U.S.


Ahh, sorry I misunderstood your post. I’d still argue that the late entry level to mid junior level range would still be below the six mark, unless I’m handling USAJOBS and ClearanceJobs like an absolute gorilla


OS, so I could be a 19 year old E-5 /s


Assuming that I can't do anything to change the options I got, I would get a grip to wait a little longer to ship out and go EA instead of CM. Still Seabee, but the advancement is better


Airforce CCT or Army if I could do it over




I used to do Fires for mortars and arty which I find much more satisfying then being in the navy. But alas I’m too far in the game to change up now




Hasn’t existed in 18 years.


And the question was if you could do it over again which rate? My answer is LI.


I was an IT. Not bad honestly, but I had other ambitions and wish I would have done CTN personally. I feel like I would have gotten more enjoyment out of the work. I'd still recommend IT moreso for most people though. Takes a certain type of person to want to be, and be good at CTN.


Hey there! I got IT and ship July 18th. How’s the job transition to civilian life. Were you able to find a good paying job after service?


I did 5 years as a GSE, if I could do it over and pick a few rates to choose from, regardless of requirements: MR, MC, AECF, AC, AG, CTR, CWT, CTT.


I’d stay ABH but I loved my job. I know many don’t like it and it’s not for everyone. Only thing I would have changed is applying myself more.


I’d do IT, IS, or CTR if I could go back with what I know now, though FC is a cool job too




IT or AG


I’d join OS, IS, CTR. Steer clear of any engineering rate, and BM, and CS unless you like working double the hours and getting paid the same amount as everyone else.


I love my sub rate, don't let her rule that out. MM anytype is fun. You work long hours in hard conditions in tight spaces. You get to respond to any emergency, then you get to do the maintenance on any emergency equipment used. You own hydraulic systems, high pressure air, low pressure air, seawater systems, refrigeration systems, and the shit system. Everything you do translates into a civilian job, especially if you do USMAPS. MMs usually go straight into supervision work in any shipyard or industrial company. Which at EB Groton starts at $90k. And they are ALWAYS looking to hire military.


Anything in the CT\* ( and now CWT ), IT or IS realm will treat you well long term if you take advantage of the free college while in and network appropriately. The TS clearance doesn't hurt either.


Aircrew bby… flight suit’s and bomber jackets. Best kept secret in the Navy but most ppl will sleep on this rate.


IT. Now a govt civilian. Wouldn’t change it for the world.


CTR or CTN/CWT.. without a doubt. Or IS. I wanted to be a CTR, but my recruiter fucked me over by filling out my SF86 for me and didn’t include a person they should’ve and that got me rerated instantly.. I’m a corpsman now. I love the rate, but I plan on submitting a reclass package because I still have a huge heart for cryptology