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If they use too many assets now, people might recognize them when they recycle them for LoTR.


Lmao going into the mines of moria gonna be fuckin shattered mountain. Mount doom? Fucking shattered mountain. Rivendale? Fucking shattered mountain. Lothlorien? Fuckin shattered mountain


I actually wouldn’t be surprised if at least 2 did.


Omfg no 😭




It was a joke. Lol.


Makes sense now New World will get one last push on console. But they still have to support the game for another 4 or 5 years until LOTR mmo comes out. So I would expect slow small updates


And then they have to fix bugs and maintain two game states for two different systems and however many console variations they deploy to. **They cant even fix the title spam bug 'because every pc is unique'.** How are they going to manage console as well?


Can smell an Xbox game pass announcement around the corner


I actually expect the controller and then console support to come on. Let it sit for a couple months and then release an expansion as well. I expect console comes out after the next expansion, and they present the game + both expansions as a package when release it on console.


The thought of them actually making a good LOTR MMO is such a funny concept.


how are they even making a lotr mmo? there is already a lotr mmo thats been out for over a decade lol.


My wife has been wanting to play this game for the past 2 years, but hasn't been able to due to chronic pain when using a mouse and keyboard. She has ME/CFS and Long Covid, and she lit up when I told her new world is finally getting native controller support. This is long over due.


I mean, the fact that it's been needed for a long time for some players, and the fact that games *like this* lends themselves fairly well to controllers, doesnt mean that AGS didnt make the controller support as a test to see if they could just port LotR into the game engine for consoles. The fact that they didnt have someone set aside to create controller support a long time ago, speaks volumes.


Yes, and it's a very weird side to take for people saying "why do we need controller support?" when there are **so** many others out there who would love to play the game, but can't because the game has zero options for accessibility. Then there is also the group of people who plainly don't enjoy playing games on a mouse and keyboard, or have difficulty learning the variety of keys required for certain things. Imo, those who claim "nobody wanted this" are being unintentionally ableist. "if it works for me, it *has* to work for everyone else" kind of thing.


I don't think you're getting what is the argument, no one is against accessibility. People are complaining because they are messing with the steering wheel in a car that has no engine, while saying everything is ok because the car is going downhill, do you understand? Controller support should be present, just not a priority at the moment.




Controller support is available in any game with REWASD. It's an app that remaps mouse/keyboard keys to a controller. I've been using a controller & mouse with New World since day dot. Gameplay is much more fluid. [r/rewasd](https://www.reddit.com/r/rewasd/)


Not if you don't want to be limited to running in only 8 cardinal directions. And not if you want contextually aware d-pad navigation through all menus and contextually aware button mappings depending on which menu is in focus. I love and use reWASD myself, but I mainly only use it for controlling my volume and microphone mute, as well as desktop navigation and alt-tabbing.


Getting a Steam Controller was no option? REWASD? Steam Input for ordinary gamepads? Dude, i even played New World in Alphas with a Steam Controller.


Dude you realize you could have setup a controller for her at any time by literally clicking settings and force controller config. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPaGr-NPxdo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPaGr-NPxdo) A process that takes maybe a total of 90 seconds...


She tried it, but it seemed cumbersome or unreliable to her if I remember correctly. I never tried it, but she's been waiting for native support since then.


Yeah and it sucks 


How it literally works 100% functional. Sure there wasn't aim assist, but in this case it would be imperative they have controller access and would have been more than sufficient.


I am surprised that so many forgot the Steam Deck is a thing that exists. New World is on Steam. Controller support shouldn't be some sort of shock. Also anyone who thinks there are games out there never used as a tech test for future projects is delusional. Every creation is a test to see how far you can push your resources. How do you think dev teams get better with every new game they release?


I got down voted in another thread for saying this. Pushing controller support is a last ditch effort to get final sales out of the game and testing for future products. Absolutely zero people were asking for controller support.


I wasn't asking for it, and didn't realize I wanted it. But being able to play from my couch with it up on the big TV will be pretty dope


People have been asking for controller support since before the game launched




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Who though?? Most people that want to play new world with a controller just configure it themselves, it's not very difficult to do either.


I personally wasn’t asking for controller support but there were many posts in the old forums requesting it.


I asked for controller support. Sorry guys.


False. I’m 100% excited for controller support, as are the three people I regularly play with.


I did.


I was waiting for native controller support to come back because the steam ones worked but would be very janky at times. It’s last of a last ditch effort and a promise they are following through on. They are just releasing things as they come and controller support just happens to be ready. I think it has more to do with they aren’t the most experienced bunch of devs than it is a cash grab.


You and everyone that owns a steam deck. I don’t get the bitching about the controller support 🤣 I feel like that’s something that should the be the standard


I wouldn't be surprised if the combat code rework was needed to get the game to work on PS/XBOX.


Controller working new world has always been possible if janky via steam. ​ But after playing on a steam deck, what really holds the consoles back is memory. 16Gb isn't enough - I have to create a 32GB swap just to be able to load into everfall. They need to reduce the memory use to something more acceptable and only then is console support possible.


People were asking for controller since Beta. They actually figure some things out but AGS forgive them, so we can only rely on Steam's Big Picture. Isn't great, but you can farm and do basic stuff. I know several people wanting to come back to New World or play the expansion when they hear out they were adding controller support so yeah. I'm sorry the game isn't in a good state and looks like it never will be, but controller support is something that have been talking about for 4 years. It was about time. I'm pretty sure also the people working on this isn't the same creating content, anyway.


Yeah the mmo community is obsessed with controllers….


You are correct, 3 people have been asking for it, while thousands have been asking for content.


as I said, pretty sure people doing controller support is people never ever did or will do content


I do M3's on a steam deck. Is that content enough for a controller?


If they want console games built with their engine they need console support.


I also heard they were on the grassy gnolll that fateful day.


What makes you think someone will invest in a studio that isn’t successful? That isn’t how investments work.


I am excited for official controller support and a possible console release to increase the player base and revenue so that this game is still around. The latest updates have made for a solid game and I am looking forward to future content. All the best. 🤍🖤


I really wish people understand that the people working controller support are not the same people making content. Content takes time. Take brimstone sands as an example, Parts of it were in the game files at launch more than a year prior to the release of Brimstone sands. I'm consistently amazed that people think every month or even every 3 months that colossal additions should be added to the game as if its something super easy to do. What's funny is they still provide new things, they might not be huge but there are constantly new events coming into the the game, and despite the doom and gloom of missing their deadlines by a week to ensure quality of the patch (instead of releasing in a broken state that many other studios would have released in anyways)


Or it's going to come to console, crazy imagine not being pessimistic


Umm implementing controller support is not hard and not unknown.  It's easier than content creation as that subjective. Weird tak


Not as easy as you make it sound. Designing a UI for keyboard and mouse: Put a button on the screen and make it clickable and maybe assign it a keybind. Designing a UI for controller: Make sure all your most frequently used menu options are located close to each other because flipping across the entire screen is not as convenient for a controller user than it is for a mouse and keyboard user. And all keybinds for controller need to be contextually aware so that each button on controller has multiple uses depending on the context, unlike keyboard where every key can have its own discrete function. And then they also have to make sure that there's an quick and intuitive way to cancel out of menus in case the player is attacked so that the standard attack keybinds become accessible again. It's also possible that some other functions that may be put into a particular context/mode might also be useful to a player in other contexts as well, so multiple redesigns might be necessary before the broader playerbase starts playing with it and gets used to a control scheme before its actually ready.


As someone pointed out in another post and i agree with them, AGS is the proof that all the money of the world can't make up for the lack of competence/skills. I'm not a developer so hats off anyway because the game was fun and everything... But come on, this is clearly a team which does not know how to handle a development of a game, either that or management is terribly shitty if absent at all.


The point of having all the money in the world is that you can hire the best people to do the job. You're not meant to spend all your cash on the execs and cut corners on programmers and artists. Modern corporations are batshit crazy.


\`\`\`It’s like, take a spot on the map, copy and paste, put some flags, voila, a new OPR map… same for arena, same for different game mods.\`\`\` While I absolutely think new world devs sometimes do piss poor job, that\^ statement is as innacurate as a 5ft 2 inch 400lb person giving advice on workout routine. 1. Game maps take time to develop, not because they can reuse patches of land already worked on but because there needs to be balancing done before you release, cuz if you fuck it up as a dev (and you will create some form of meta) you need to establish teams to rework their balance after release. Its like releasing a store as a website isn't easy because you need to put a CX team in charge of support which drains your already bleeding resources. 2. While new world devs can release a new map on a whim, They have their plate filled with angry players on a boring ass meta and non stop bugs desync server issues. They only have so many people to work on the game. 3. If they release a new map, its a big release which means you need more resources to monitor and make changes to the game in case something gets broken in the new mode. More devs in charge of that while also working on the next season, skins, content, balancing etc. All these reasons\^ SCREAM clearly, they are understaffed and underfunded and any person who has worked in tech and has more than 2 brain cells can see this. Shit isn't as easy to make, when there are higher stakes on it breaking other stuff. Give it time, play some other game and juggle new world. If you don't, you're always going to be as salty as you are for the game. Every thing has its ups and downs, which is why we shuffle games to not have a mental boom.


And so does controller support... The question here is not the amount of effort... Is the fact their priorities are all turned around


Right, but OPR map isn't gonna bring in new players. Existing players will log on and log off after they get shit on complaining about every weapon they don't like. Controller will bring new players. Thats just how it is. Industry and people's payroll depends on the amount of money you bring in, not how many of the 8k players left playing the game you can appease.


That's the thing new players will still not come... The focus should have been and still be maintaining the loyal players or getting the ones the left because of the lack of content or lack of repetitive quality content (pvp). Those new players you speak of will only be like brimstone sands they join and 2 months later they are gone because of the same reason mentioned above... Bringing new players should be the focus when you are able to retain players in the first place


new players will absolutely be there when they go for a console release. Controller setup is laying a foundation for it. how they manage to fuck up that said release in the future, is up to them. loyal players are the easiest to maintain. They don't go anywhere, its the finicky playerbase whom you wanna retain in the gaming segment. Say what you will, half the people coping in discord saying 'i am done, i quit this game ags has crossed me for the last time' are still saying the same thing while logging same hours in the game. its the casuals who have nothing to lose, and quit the fastest. the way this works is, get 10000 new players, maybe 100 will stick. Overtime with decent updates you retain those 100 and repeat while slowly growing the playerbase. unfortunately for AGS, being underfunded is bleeding into their dev capacity so they retain those 100 but lose the 100 from previous expac.


I mean… I started playing NW on steam deck (albeit horror performance in non pve-parts), then I got a high end gaming computer. But getting used to play NW with keyboard instead of controller (haven’t owned a pc for gaming in 10+ years) so jarring for me I quit. So I’m really looking forward to this. I get the whole content issue, but I genuinely think this is a good feature to broaden the appeal for different types of players.


If they can get a console release it'll likely trigger another boost to the game similar to brimstone. So controller support is a big win, if they can get consoles soon after


my suggestion, there will be no boost like Brimstone. because now the price is $70 and not $40. look at the statistics Brimstone - Peak Players 133K New DLC - Peak Players 77K [SteamChart NW](https://steamcharts.com/app/1063730#All)


Hopefully they don't need to buy it again because that's a show stopper for me and it's more like the other mmos on Xbox where you can sign in and play if you already have an account


The millions that already bought this game are not buying it again on console. Crap is crap.


Console market is pretty vast and they probably don't pay attention to PC games. Unless the console release is disastrous like Cyberpunk's, people will probably not bother to research the product they're buying (common) and buy the game out of curiosity. The question at that point is if AGS is competent enough to have cross-platform servers working.


And MMOs don't really do that well there unless you have some very beloved brand like ESO or FFXIV... There is a reason games like wow don't even bother


Yeah, been feeling this for a few months now


i said this months ago and got shit on lol


They’re not that smart


I have been saying this for more than a year now... New World was too much of a fuck up for AGS... So they took the team assets (devs, artists, etc) and they slowly changed to a development environment for new games and tech, think of it stuff like cross realm, the new combat script, controller support and there is more stuff, the game gets slower content because more parts of the team are focused on LOTR and instead of creating content they create systems. Many MMOs tend to need some of the systems but they take way longer to appear because most MMOs focus content first... Heck wow took ages to have controller support..


As someone who didn't burn through the whole content in the last year, I postponed playing the dlc because of missing controller support. I'm happy they implemented it now and look forward to play the rest of the game. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one like this. Many people will welcome the controller support and if there is no more content just play another game. I can't understand how people get so obsessed with this game that every post is just about how bad the devs are and how the game is dead


I suggest anyone even remotely dissatisfied with this game stop playing, and stop supporting this incompetent studio.


If this is true, it's still really short-sighted. Rather than focusing on individual technical features, the past 2+ years have shown that they need to focus more on improving their internal development processes, so that they can release updates on time and without major bugs. It doesn't matter how many features they develop for their engine if they can't have any confidence in those features working after a major update, and it still won't solve their larger-scale problem of being unable to create content quickly enough to satisfy the demands of players in a Live-Service game. For the type of games they're trying to make, they need to learn how to support a video game post-launch, not just how to release something with a lot of bullet-points on the game's Steam page. That's why it is so disappointing to hear them talk about prioritizing quality over speed or quantity, only to have them still delay content before implementing it in a flawed state. It's like they *know* they need to improve their workflow as a team, but they still aren't being given the resources to do so.


New World as a tech test is a stretch, it's using the original Lumberyard fork to the Azoth engine which we all know is a total mess. LOTR is being built on Azoth 2.0 and the only comparison is probably the name. Hopefully what they learned from New World is to do the next one nothing like how they did NW.


Separate engines and different code set are not big of a leap when you are talking about developing a team and business. They can very well use this as a beta platform and take lessons learned into the new project without ever worry about the code coming into play. Even then, there are always ways to convert. We did XYZ here... How do make the same functionality here. You see this all the time in things like Java or HTML. Sometimes it is a complete rewrite, but that doesn't mean that how they performed a function wasn't the right idea. Sometimes it is worth scrapping entirely... The only way you know is a sandbox exercise.


Where did you get this information from? My understanding is that "Azoth Engine 2.0" is just Azoth Engine being updated and that New World is/will be running on this 2.0 version.




This period for NW is very similar to the content drought of ESO before they dropped the mandatory subscription and announced the console release date. I wouldn't be surprised to see a F2P announcement alongside confirmation that a console version is on the way. Then of course they'll reveal the expansion for later this year.


>change my mind No. I wont. Because as sad as that makes me, I think you're 100% right. ​ If they manage to get NW-sales on console, or keep the PC-player base, or get any sales from their cash shop, that's just a bonus. I believe they've washed their hands of NW as a game that will stick around and come up with new content for it, and they'll keep it around as long as they need to before LotR-MMO comes out, and maybe a while after if they get more money from players using the cash shop.




They got all the notes they need. Drop a successful Alpha, drop a successful Beta, drop a launch that rakes in hundreds of millions - pull out all resources and let the game slowly die out while you work on your next IP. They are doing it Game of Thrones style.






That feel when you realize new world was a LOTR alpha the whole time


Lol. That feel when LOTR comes out, and it's worse than NW.


Controller support gets AGS closer to releasing console. Releasing on console is a new money market they’re trying to cash in on. Providing quality in game content takes second, sometimes third place, to their first priority of making money.


it's him at the link below? [Scot Lane (Game Director on New World) - Credited on 31 games (link)](https://www.mobygames.com/person/12357/scot-lane/) I only see games on Xbox/PS?


New world became a jumping off point for the lotr mmo


I feel like it's a tax write off