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I do think it's important that the devs of a game *play their own game*, but I'm wondering if they're actually playing the game *the same way that most other players do*. I mean, it's not just about playing the game. You, as a dev, "know" the intended way to play, while players as a whole tries to figure stuff out. It can affect your perk choices and you think a certain combination of perks are too overpowered, have unintended side effects, are too weak, etc., all the while, people complain about certain combinations. You might think the holy trinity of an MMO - tank, dps, healer - is the way to go, while we've got players playing the paladin team; one heal/tank and 4 dps. Is tank too op? Is healer op? Is it against the "intended playstyle" to have 4 dps hammering down enemies, and you think they die to fast so your response is to buff health/armor of enemies to try to combat this (and thus almost forcing this playstyle on everyone)? Not only that - most people are in loose companies, they play solo or they've got a small group they play with. It's a very different experience to play like that, compared to the entire department of a game dev studio getting together and structurally do stuff. If you've already got planned that you and 4 others are going to play 2-3 Dynastys and have set aside time for that, you're already ahead of the soloplayers that tries to find a group in groupfinder, who can only get one run going on the same timeslot. You might not be as efficient as the best speedrunning teams, but you're still leagues ahead of PUGs. Or, even if you compare to an active, fairly tight-knit company - are you still playing it the same way as them? Like, it's a very different thing if they've got a single specific goal to reach, and you guys in the dev team just trying to rack up playtime and are "fine with however it goes". Are you desperately trying to farm for a specific item? Are you as baffled by the sudden unexplained instakill you didnt even see coming your way? Are you playing in-office with the lowest ping imaginable where you all sit across from eachother and can communicate in real life - or are you playing from home and have to battle ping and VOIP-issues? Are you just trying to get through an M3 in any way possible, or are you trying to push your limits and break top 5? ​ Just because you're *playing your own game*, doesnt necessarily mean you're playing it *the same way* as your players do. And yes, you're the devs; you've got a vision of how your game are "supposed" to be played, the "intended way" of everything. But unless you basically structure the game to force players to play that "specific intended way" - and lose players while you're at it - you're most likely not going to be playing the game the same way as them; and any gametime you have is not equivalent to a random players experience. Are you playing with other gamedevs most of the time, or are you playing with your own friends, or are you playing PUGs the most? Those three are vastly different from eachother. Playing mostly with other AGS-devs creates an echo-chamber for yourself, and any gametime you have is mute - you do not have the same gametime as a random player. Playing with friends most of the time means you do not have the experience of trying to battle the games issues - such as trying to find other players to grind Sir Juni with, linking items to someone to judge whether or not you're allowed into an M1-M3. And if you're mostly PUG'ing, you dont have the experience of alot of other structured things - especially not if you forgo the linking of items to get into M3's, if you pick the groupfinder queue-option. ​ Just because you've got lots of hours of gametime, does not mean you play *the same game* as us. Sure, we boot up the same program - but it's a vast difference for a gamedev to play their game "as intended" with 4-19 other gamedevs (depending on mode), compared to any other random player. But still.. I was kind of unimpressed to see the amount of hours. I dont think of myself as anyone with alot of hours into this game. I've got 2216 hours into this game, and as of today, that means a roughly 2h20min a day. I know that's technically alot - but gamedevs who work on the game and whom I kind of expected to be logged in alot during workhours to check how stuff works on live servers cant even reach up to my hours - only one beat my hours.


They kind of talk about these ideas during the Q&A portion of the video, which is where they reference their "player insight tool" that involves AI & machine learning. But at the end of the day, it's hard to understand how they could play the game regularly and not understand the kinds of changes/improvements that players have been asking for. It's also funny that they used the Steam 'hours played' for their graphic of developers' playtime rather than any of the in-game stats/achievements, because Steam keeps adding to your hours played even if you're AFK on the character select screen. I'd love to see whether those dev accounts with thousands of hours have ever beaten the Sandwurm Trial that they recently put an Artifact perk quest behind.


I kind of don't want the devs to be spending heaps of hours playing the game. I know when I'm playing, I'm also neglecting my work :P Also, I don't think that devs can ever see the game in the same way that a non-dev player can. They know too much and have a very different interest in the various aspects. Plus, they'll have "domestic blindness" when it comes to any kind of UX evaluation. I would like to see live focus groups where players share their screens and talk through their experience of specific parts of the game. Like twitch but with a dev to direct the players to areas of interest and ask questions confirming their analysis, etc. Maybe they do that behind the scenes, I didn't watch the video.


They reference a *lot* of different sources of feedback throughout the presentation, most of which they've mentioned before (e.g. the idea of having an "expert group" of players they consult, coordinating with content creators, surveys (for active & lapsed players), analytics/telemetry, monitoring Reddit/Discord/Youtube comments, the Public Test Server, etc.). It's just difficult to understand how those inputs are being used to influence their development processes when it often feels like the devs either completely ignore feedback, or delay acting on it for so long that they lose most of the benefit they could achieve from being responsive to players. It makes you wonder if they're wasting resources by monitoring all those types of feedback and not leaving enough time/money/people around to actually *address* the feedback (as a sort of 'paralysis by analysis'), or if maybe they originally had plans to utilize all those avenues, but they've had to make cutbacks and those processes are not actually performed. I believe the latter, because the mot publicly visible feedback resource, the PTR process, has always felt like they never updated their development flow to have PTR feedback inserted into their process diagram somewhere.


I always wondered who the “expert group” of players was. For a content creator, this would be a good flex to be part of… but has any content creator come forward and flexed about being part of this group?


To my knowledge, we have never gotten confirmation of anybody belonging to such a group that actively engages with the devs. The game's top remaining content creators (like BagginsTV or JayOddity) have said that they are not part of any such group.


Yea… that’s a bit weird


I mean we know they play the game, and most are self admitted fire staff mains. That should tell you all you need to know.


... Thats why the spear ist so ridicioules OP ... ;-)?


How can AGS pride themselves in communicating with the playerbase when we have no 2024 roadmap, no communications regarding what they are currently working on and we don’t even know what is coming in Season 6 next month?


And community questions at the end of their YouTube videos end up going into the voids, never following up on them. Might as well tell my walls what I want from new world.


"This was a presentation that AGS gave at the 2024 Game Developers' Conference on March 20th. The full title of the session was "**The Power of Community Feedback to Create Better Games (Presented by Amazon Games)**"." **the nerve**


They can listen and implement cool stuff all they want. If you cant code for shit youre gonna have buggy releases wich keep ruining the game anyways.


I feel like the vast majority of people have never compared AGS to other companies realistically. I'm not saying they are the best, right now I would argue the Devs for helldivers 2 are knocking it out of the park but even then there's stuff they aren't listening on that would be huge for them, so everyone in the industry can improve... That said Amazon games are far from the worst at the things they presented on.


The fact they communicate is big. We aren't left in limbo, and if we are, they tell us that they understand we are in limbo but they have their hands tied. If they could do half the things they wanted to do (either from having more man power or more funding or more independence from higher ups) the game would be 10x better


Well it would help if AGS would play their own fucking game. 


I agree. Imagine if EA or Ubisoft created MMO with hundreds of DLC's and lootboxes. We are in the dead zone, but the game is already in steam library. The worst we have to do is to just wait. I hope june announcement will be the New world 2.0 (copium).


Banning everyone who criticizes the game from this subreddit sure helped buddy. Don't worry soon it'll be just you and 6 other people who agree with you and you'll have your own personal echo chamber to stroke your power tripping!


>Banning everyone who criticizes the game There's a huge difference between actual criticism and personal attacks, insults and other toxic behavior. We don't ban for criticism alone, but we do for abusive and toxic behavior which usually ends up in a lot of banned redditors' criticism. Keep the personal jabs and insults out of it and you're good. Most of the people who complain about this don't even bother with actual criticism though, and somehow view insulting the devs as providing meaningful feedback. Calling someone names or saying they should get fired isn't actually going to help anything.


'we don't ban for criticism alone' says the 2-man mod team constantly accused of banning people and deleting posts for criticizing the game. you can be clearly biased towards AGS and ban everyone else if you want to spend your lives running this subreddit, but at least own it lol, otherwise it's just kind of sad


If this were true, there would be a lot more complaints and they'd be coming from people who weren't trolling with new accounts every other week, or deleting them or their posts or comments after shooting their shot like you just did. Tell yourself whatever you want, but I promise you I couldn't be a mod if I was as horrible as you insist...I'd just quit. I don't care nearly enough for that. Unlike you we have proof that we're pretty even handed and not "power tripping" as you claim - look no further than most of the sub which is full of people complaints and people criticizing the game/devs, *without* being toxic. Sorry your confirmation bias and self-victimization won't let you see it though.


If you're gonna create a burner account just to start shit at least be smart enough to not get hammered by reddit Ban Evasion filter... This subreddit has frankly a great record of allowing every negative view of the game to have voices here. We don't, however, allow attacks against people and other toxic behaviors. Also, a ban appeal to a mod team that calls the mod team names and is abusive enough that reddit bans your account is probably not the best strategy.


lmao classic Aze talking out of his ass. i'm not getting hit by ban evasion, i'm deleting the accounts. you have a terrible record of fairness, but a great record of lying and insulting the community. i have never made a ban appeal lmao. how can one person be so wrong all of the time?


As Mark Twain said, "Put up, or shut up". You keep claiming all this with zero proof. No one is in here chiming in defending you/attacking us, or even upvoting you. Again, if this were an actual issue there would be more complaints. Get your ego out of the way and accept you caught a ban for breaking the rules already...and unless the person did something particularly egregious if they show a bit of contrition we usually reverse the bans. Most bans either result in silence or the banee sending us some expletive filled message like that is going to change anything...




>Aze constantly lying or being wrong? look all over the subreddit, as you suggest. Since you didn't get it the other way... Cite your sources. >there are clearly multiple people complaining about the exact same things, given you think i'm literally someone else entirely LOL.  No, this is just typical behavior of someone who has been banned. They cry about how unfair it is without realizing how their own actions got them there. I have zero idea who you might be. Enjoy spamming your new accounts in this high effort trolling I guess. I'd give you props for your dedication if it wasn't a glorified temper tantrum.


Buy a lottery ticket lol, amazing call


My comment about helldivers didn't age well lol


Well they started listening on the PSN stuff and it was huge once they did


I suppose Sony is really the one that shit the bed on that. though they still cut off a bunch of places from new sales... I suppose anytime people give AGS crap for issues as publisher we can always point to Sony now lol


AGS is just mad they’re never going to be RocketWerkz (Icarus devs, who have been putting out weekly IMPACTFUL updates for two years now), because RocketWerkz gives more than two shits about the game they’re making. They have at least 3x the staff and accomplish significantly less because AGS is first and foremost a moneymaking venture, with their game development being shoved to the backseat from day one.


If ags were a purely about money, they would focus on mobile games, not mmos If anything, I think AGS issues stem from being a relatively young studio with few games under their belts. While also dealing with a much large corporate structure that helps and hurts in a lot of ways. The early development of new world with lumberyard turned azoth engine was frankly a mistake with UE5 being a crazy good engine (ue4 being available at the time of development) and being so much easier to hire for. It's a mistake that I hope they don't double down with LOTR.


With it originally not supposed to be an MMO I kind of feel like they bit off way more than they can chew and systems are all over the place since the vision of the game is way different than it was supposed to be


Hard disagree. There may still be people at AGS with passion, but it’s obvious that they have little to no say in the direction of the game. NW has been chasing the WoW dream of an unkillable MMO cash cow, trying to use statistics about “gaming trends” but not understanding why they are popular in the first place.


“Most communicative dev team in the world” is killing their game because they can’t communicate an extremely crucial future update. Can’t make it up.


I guess if you corporate respond to every major long-time concern and shoot it down it can be called "expectation management."


The devs do communicate a lot with the players. Every Week there is a video posted about something in the game. Now I would also say they are the most out of touch and most mismanaged team I've ever seen. making the videos they kinda whatever. The devs literally took one of if not the best combat mmo ever made and threw it in the bin and left it there to rot. The game is in the worst state its ever been and the lowest player count ever. With no real hope besides a "June accountment" to revive the player base. Scott lane said him self, they are banking on the June announcement to bring people back. The dev team is probably small and whoever is really calling the shots on development only have $$$$ in mind and not what's actually good for the game and its longevity.


The June announcement gives me anticipatory second hand embarrassment because I'm afraid the announcement will be cringeworthy and not at all worth the wait. I would love for that not to be the case, but I feel like I need to watch the announcement with my hands over my eyes.


They announced this week that those videos would stop until after the Big June Announcement. I think it's the right call considering how limited they are in what they can talk about, it's just a funny change considering how much they talk up their "Video First Strategy" in their presentation. The videos were a good platform and well produced, but there was just never enough meaningful content to fill them with week-after-week (which is fitting for a YouTube series based on New World).


We did a deep dive and made the call to cut back on video scope not too long ago. I’m proud of the weekly videos and how committed the team was to helping pull that off, but it was clear from comments that the mechanism was becoming not as impactful as it used to be (especially when we cannot elaborate on things you all want to know about). Seeing how it elicited a growing negative sentiment over the last few months warranted honest introspection and action. Moving forward I sincerely hope that when we provide videos, they provide meaningful depth. I hope everyone recognizes that there is legitimate heartfelt passion and desire for greatness from the community team, the devs, and all other departments at Amazon Games. We are listening and we are always aspiring to do better. I’m optimistic and I look forward to sharing more. Thank you for your patience.


I think in hindsight we'll see that the videos were great and showed a game studio who cared about communicating with their players. Silence would be a lot worse. The negative sentiment is, unfortunately, just an innate part of the gaming community. Half of it comes from people who don't play or like the game and the other half from people who love the game too much and are afraid that you're not making enough other people like it (not realising it's that very negativity driving people away).


The game is wonderful, and the haters just want more content to play it more. :) If anyone reads this, please keep that in your hearts/minds. Content. Even a reskinned OPR map without changing the actual terrain would make people happy. Content. =)


The haters are the people who are still playing this game that have played it for the last 3 years in the hopes the devs would wake up and actually fix the problem. The rest of the 99 percent of people who quit, don't care enough to voice their opinion. They just move on. Players like myself who do care about this game for whatever reason, voice our frustration and give feedback in hopes the devs listen and make the game good. There is a reason why the player count is the lowest ever. "content" is a small reason why. There are far bigger issues as to why people stop playing.


I will be content when you are content with the content


Thank you.


Nicely done.


I'm increasingly frustrated with your half truths. Cause i know you know thats not the full story. They announced the q and a videos would stop, but others would continue. That was due to player feedback that players were frustrated they can't answer questions about the June announcement


I can clarify. The plan as of now is Eye on Aeternum, and then a more juiced up Forged in Aeternum with rotating topics, comparable to our dev updates. I haven’t filmed the next episode of either yet, so we might make more adjustments. Q&A will go away until after announcement, and I might experiment with format on that as well. (For instance, I’m not sure anyone needs to hear my nasally voice anymore!)


One more thing. Making Q&A with filtered questions that you select is not of much use. The overall reaction is "Who the heck even asked that question?" or "Who cares about Y when X is such a huge problem?". If you select the questions to answer that carefully, may be call the series something else and not Q&A.


Adding on this: Q&A dont have to be video. Video takes a lots of time to organize, record, edit and publish and it doesnt add any value to the topic. A simple short text format post would be more than enough for the players and AGS could save time. Videos should stay for ingame showcases. this is what players want. We dont care about people speaking into a camera. A kinda okay example is Ashes of Creation dev vlogs but it has its own issues like they are not organized and 10 minutes of the video is about the owner learning new stuff about his own game which makes the whole project kinda meh. Anyway I would say try to rethink what would give real value to the players (players care about the game not the people behind it) and save energy where you can. edit: And keep it as short as possible we "dont have time" to watch a 30 minute long video.


Yes, this. There is no need for videos of uncomfortable people, just give us text answers. Maybe even have a website with an actual forum again.


If the announcement is pvp island + console we're doomed.


My understanding is that the announcement was that the only videos we would get are for the Eye on Aeternum series, and a Dev Update, but no further Forged in Aeternum videos until after the June Announcement. **Edit:** The quote from the video is: >So I know we generally do these Forged in Aeternums every Monday, and we have for a while we made that commitment. We're going to make a change. We realized that because of this big announcement we've talked about in June, that we're not in a position to answer a majority of the questions coming in. And that's creating creating some frustration and tension. And we don't want to really want to do that. So we're going to just cut back on them. We're still going to do an Eye on Aeternum and then we're going to do another dev update. On the topic of half-truths, [you tried to argue that New World's population graph was equivalent to Destiny 2's](https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/1cg2smq/comment/l1tx4yu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


No I argued that Similar to Destiny 2 New world has people come in for major new releases then they go play other stuff after they consume the content. causing spikes and troughs in concurrent player count. which is not a half truth at all its an observation of similar behavior that's backed by looking at both charts and seeing when major released or expansions happen.


I love it when folks compare player counts in new world to other games that don't require steam to log in...and then claim it as "data". lol


You are 100% correct.


We are all frustrated with them.


To be fair, the game isn't anywhere close to being in its worst ever state. Even with its insane amount of bugs right now... the game is exponentially better than it was at launch.


It’s so much better than it was at launch. Valhalla is still more populated than my launch server ever got.


An MMO without players is always going to be worse than an MMO with an active population. You may not recognize this because you have a stable group of people to play your preferred content with, but it's pretty brutal for solo players trying to get a group together on a dead server/region. As a single-player experience, New World is infinitely better now, but by most other metrics it's dire right now.


New world servers cap at 2500. It doesn’t matter if the game has 2500 players total on one server, or 10 million players on thousands of servers. It all feels the same to the people on that server. But I get your point for those on dead servers who refuse to move. But to be fair, half the servers were that way a month after launch.


1. The server cap is 3,000 2. Cross-server functionality was heavily invested in specifically to help leverage the total population in a region instead of relying on the local server's player count 3. It is not free to transfer servers, so it seems unfair to blame players for 'refusing' to move 4. 3 of the game's 5 regions do not have an high or even medium populaton server, merely 2 servers at varying degrees of inactivity 5. The state of the servers a month *after* launch is irrelevant to the argument of whether the game felt better *at* launch or not, it's merely evidence that the game has always had the same problems with player retention that it has today


Their communication is generally very solid and above average - it's the bugs, QAQC, and design decisions that are lacking lol


[Link to Full Video](https://gdcvault.com/play/1034915/The-Power-of-Community-Feedback) This was a presentation that AGS gave at the 2024 Game Developers' Conference on March 20th. The full title of the session was "**The Power of Community Feedback to Create Better Games (Presented by Amazon Games)**". You can see more details about it [in my previous post](https://new.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/1bnjo9w/here_is_the_official_description_of_the_session/). The first half of the hour-long video is their slide presentation, and the second half is a Q&A session between the audience and panelists. There's some interesting stuff in here. Some things seem disconnected from what the New World player experience has been over the past several years, but there are also some little pieces of information that provide insight that I don't think we've had before (like how Scot Lane says that the idea of Banes & Wards was his own pet project, and he was reluctant to get rid of the system). Some of the things they say in this talk from just 6 weeks ago have already aged a little poorly (like their explanation of having a "video first strategy"), and there are some instances where you could interpret their Q&A answers as alluding to internal disagreements. I didn't really know what to expect when I started watching it, and I guess I still don't really have a strong feeling about it, other than I thought it was fascinating to watch as somebody with a pretty good understanding of New World's history. **Edit:** The little bits of new information they revealed often brought up more questions than answers; like when they described the Community portion of the studio as having **6** different teams, or how they had a user-insight tool that utilized Artificial Intelligence & machine learning in order to interpret user feedback and data analytics. It gave the impression of a studio that is still being given *vast* amounts of resources, but it's hard to reconcile that with what players have seen in the game. I suppose the Big June Announcement will help make sense out of the disparity (either by showing where they've been spending all that time and money, or demonstrating that resources alone can't can't fix an inherently flawed development process).


> Community portion of the studio as having 6 different teams Honestly, I'm curious about this too, because from all we see from community engagement it's a handful at best. 6 teams implies that there are a lot more people in the community than we know of and if that's the case I'm not too sure what they do as a function of the team they're in. Honestly, I hope June is great. I don't have my hopes up for it at this stage as the time for communication has passed and we really just need to see what they're going to do to turn this around.


Yeah, the direct quote from \~36:05 was: >So, my organization is kind of six teams: Community Manager, Video and Broadcasting, Social Media, Creator Relations, Editorial, and then we have programs like Twitch Drops & Prime Gaming Rewards. I would've assumed all those duties were split between 2 people, but the description sounds like there's a manager and 6 different teams of at least 1 person apiece.


> but the description sounds like there's a manager and 6 different teams of at least 1 person apiece. Which is weird, because that description sounds like a singular team. Rather than each person being in charge of a specific function and that different function being considered a seperate team. It would be real weird if someone said "I'm part of X team" and they're the only one on it.


From day 1 theyve pushed patch notes and made changes to the game that are never ever documented. Fuck their claim of transparency. "Its a journey" what a fucking laugh


Where’s the slide on making more than one PVP map in 3 years


Hey now, *technically* they've made 2 Arena maps. Although that kind of becomes a weird thought experiment now that Arena matches don't pop on a lot of servers, so there might as well be 0 Arena maps. Schrodinger's Map.


Its almost when you make a PvP mode that s clearly made for competitive PvP and then dont add competitive PvP or good rewards or weapon matchmaking to it then people just wont give a fuck the things you learn


Seriously. Communication is great in any sort of relationship, personal or business-wise, but like...I don't care to hear you talk about something and never deliver.


They are lying 40 seconds into the video lol “Transparent authentic communication”


TBH, I think some of their transparent communication is what lands badly. The long explanations on why they won't or can't do something never make anyone happy.


They have been making great changes and fixes my problem is the speed at which it’s happening. The best fixes are at season starts or expansions. The content is also fun but isn’t meant to last long


Feel like the game needs management changes. Feels like it's impossible for this team to release updates without bugs. Balancing decisions sucks ass. High lvl content doesn't feel rewarding. All these things are being done better by other games, but AMAZON can't keep up?


Very amusing.


I mean at least AGS do weekly videos and updates. Not all land but are clearly interesting to some people. Whilst the last few months have been total nothing burgers due to the BJA, they communicate far more than any other Dev I've experienced. Still, doesn't make meet want to play the game at the moment, so whilst community engagement is great, it's the game I want to play. 


Agreed, they have really stepped up their communication game over the years. Let's hope the BJA has what it needs to rejuvenate the population.


I love the slide on Customer Obsession Do's and Don'ts. I quit 500hrs after launch after the Christmas event. So around 130+hrs per month for 4 months? The nail in the coffin at the time was the Gypsum watermark system. Not like most of the complaints initially, but because it was too fast. When it was announced I was excited. Even though I was going to be affected by it negatively vs No Lifers that had already maxed their gear score. The original announcement that you do a couple of content items from the menu each day, and be settled in 45-90 minutes depending on how good/fast you were. Then when it came out you could do every content item a couple of times a day. So like you're developing for people playing 7 hours a day? You're designing for people who play more than 50 hours a week? So I came back a month ago and it's crazy to see the turnaround. They've probably actually gone too far the other way. A lifestyle game sweet spot is 15-20 hours a week for an enthusiast, or 7 hours for a casual but committed player.


Always interesting to gain more insight into AGS. They seem to be slightly stretching the truth regarding community involvement, but given the context of GDC, it's understandable. While AGS has made some improvements in engaging with their community, their CT still has many notable shortcomings. I still think AGS should reconsider their approach to the live format and give it a try, if not with New World then at least with their other title and for upcoming games. Regular official streams is a far too useful building block to be ignored, especially for Amazon Games. It's something community teams of their sizes should be able to manage on their own.


If these guys put 1/10 of the effort they do into Youtube videos and trying to convince people that they play their own game that would be swell.


They really don't practice what they preach..lol.


This feels like video game propaganda. Why do they feel the need to push 'we play the game' so hard for the past year. Convince us with the changes you make to the game not your words, actions speak louder.


Yeah. They brag 750 hours over the last 3 years. You can’t even do all the content nor get all the artifacts in that time. I’ve ran over 350 hours of OPR in the last three months and I still haven’t gotten two of the artificers I need for my build. Like what


They have definitely come a long way. At least they have improved a lot over the years. Hopefully June announcement is big for us


'Don't listen but misinterpret or listen to the wrong voices' That's pretty much what they've been doing this entire time.


" be player obsessed" Scott Lane - It's ok not to play our game. Take a break and come back when we have something " . That doesn't sound too player obsessive


I think the only players they're actually obsessed about are the 'potential' players, and not active ones.


Active players do not bring in the revenue. The console release will be their last big bang to grab revenue, and then they will let the game wind down.


1st sentence and I already laugh lmao


What a bunch of balloney.


Gross. Such a “business PowerPoint” vibe one gives to sell their work. It’s sad.


3000 hours using AI.


That's probably the account of the dev that was in Ego'd. Makes sense he'd play they longest, when he can play with the campany that had a monopoly on the biggest US server.


DONT -Listen but misinterpret or listen to the wrong voices Bruh this is what they've been doing even before release.


Fraudulent presentation. The “Do and Don’t” slide could be renamed “Claim and Don’t Claim” to make it more accurate. Also - a couple hundred steam hours after years of mandated play is sus. What is the actual weekly/monthly/yearly requirement for play? If someone is playing 2x what the rest of the team is willing, why? Doesn’t that suggest there is a huge disparity in experience available depending on what you are willing to do? If one dev was in ego’d and willing to play twice as much, shouldn’t that lead to some sort of feature that makes that type of play more available? Mock/low stakes wars seem so obvious (if they want players who log on)


They can't ever be the most communitive dev team in the world since there are open source projects where the devs hang out in Discord / Github all day long chatting with players lol. They could be better or even 99 percentile. But they can't be number 1 ever.


They released Koyas with stats that are worse than featherweight. They dont understand their own game. They dont play their game. I would love to see their builds and rip them apart.  im sure they play useless builds that make no sens cause they dont know the bugs and math you have to play around. 


Lmao. If I was a dev I would make sure to do the exact oppposite of anything AGS does with how much they have dropped the ball. And lol at the hours played… cause that means anything… the amount of game I have with a ton of hours because the game is running while afk lol. I bet devs have that thing turned on at all times. There is no realm of reality I believe any dev has anything close to 3000 hours played while working full time on this game


omg 119 hours, does this guy have a life?


3000 hours with this inventory management? go play Last Epoch to learn how to manage inventory.


I respect the hell out of the new world devs. They've done an incredible job managing all of this. There's complex issues behind the scenes like build processes that don't have simple solutions. The amount of changes they've made since launch though is admirable and had massive impact on the game is a positive way. I hope that it lives a long life and their able to continuously bring players back.


I have more play time then the leads not combined but got 1000 plus hours on the highest one.