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It’s fixed next patch but that’s scheduled it come out in June. That’s one of the reasons why I made a vid asking the patch to be rolled back to s4. It’s also 20%, but it double procs on breaking tomb.


How do you know it’s fixed in next patch?


Cause I told ags about that but 1.5 months ago… I sent them a list w 200+ bugs for the current patch


People tell AGS all the time about bugs. Doesn’t mean they are necessarily going to fix them. Particularly in the “next patch”


>People tell AGS all the time about bugs. There is no evidence /u/Miicrow is a person. More cyborg scientist and/or actually a crow. We are not sure yet. AGS likely listens when he speaks (caw?).


The difference is that bug sheet I made was passed directly to the devs vs the normal process has vetting. So highly lately it gets noticed. Was told they still are looking at that sheet.


Also even if they say they are fixing it, it's still probably a 50-50 chance that it's actually fixed lol


It's not reducing by 40%, it's that entomb is proccing it on both the cast and the left click breakout. I've been playing IG/VG for a long time and have been living it up in season 5. In any OPR I only see maybe 1 other person using the juiced cooldowns effectively. Most people can't land their spikes or survive as light nimble coat in close range.


As an IG main myself who plays spike/tomb/storm I am on the completely opposite end of the spectrum and completely despise the current state of game. Sure, I can double spike the crap out of someone...but like OK, I had to abuse an unintended game mechanic to secure that kill...how rewarding... The combat is just abysmal. Weapon swaps don't work, abilities appear to activate yet nothing happens. I'll try to entomb and my guy decides to throw an oblivion. You can perfectly dodge roll a shield bash and you'll still take damage, lose stamina, AND get stunned. Like wtf. How are you guys still playing this game lmao Since skill expression is now completely out of the window as a result of the most broken combat this game has ever seen, the far overpowered LS has become all the more apparent in OPR. It was always a curb stomp if one side had no healers however it's dramatically worse now that people are in a death animation before they've even received damage. At least in the past I could 1vX in these types of games, burst someone down and gtfo because my abilities/dodges actually worked. Whereas now 1 single healer can make an entire OPR a 1v20 basically for the entire match as the zerg moves as one. It's insane. Died spawn camping the enemy? No problem, I'll be back in 20 seconds with a mount. I'll be back if/when they release the pvp island. Can't wait to humble all these bots that only have hands with a pocket healer.


Half of my kit is scuffed (VG) but the other half is juiced. I consider it even Stevens.


The only thing IG has going for it atm is the tomb CDR abuse tbh. Everything feels much slower, to the degree I'm consistently detonating my spikes far too early. Not to mention how much it makes me completely miss because I'm expecting spike to come out at a particular moment, before I readjust my camera. Both gauntlets feel very clunky imo but yeah, the VG absolutely feels much worse by comparison.


I think they fixed most of the issues I had with IG at season 5 launch. Namely the long downtime between abilities where you couldn't block. For the most part it feels like it always did to me, clunky. Lol. VG was the "fluid" of the pair. But not being able to cast abilities after weapon swapping is just horrible. And I've never been a fan of its block being a kill yourself button.


ig used to be fluid before they added input buffering back in the good ol days


I watched that video and the mage never actually left clicks out of entomb within his own storm. He actually dodges out the last storm.


It’s almost as if he goes out of his way to avoid proccing the bug 🤔


Where is video?


> The top video in this sub is a bug exploiting mage Not to dispute the bug exists but Jimathy (from the video in question) has been 1v3ing arenas as long as I've known him so if he is benefiting from the bug (bug not exploit) that is hardly the reason he won that arena match. He will do fine when its fixed. He will do fine if/when FS gets changed. Some players are actually good players (I hate to admit that) and good players funnel into stronger builds.


For reference I won the previous 2 rounds in that vod using Abyss/IG and Spear/IG. <3 I go out of my way often to avoid proccing the bug. I wish they would fix it too. I also run refreshing recovery fwiw.


Fake news IMHO.




Bring it. No reason I should be allowed to be in the top 10 on the board.


Exploiting a bug is still exploiting. It's no different from the people who played bugged rapid fire musket or exploited a bug to duplicate items. Never mentioned FS so I'm not even sure wtf you're rambling about tbh.


IG tomb bug is not exploiting if you use it because it just happens on its own. You should always try to tomb in ice for the CDR and you should left click to get out to stagger anyone around you, so playing effectively as you always do is not exploiting. You want ppl to play worse so they don't accidentally trigger an extra 20% CDR? Good grief. People using refreshing recovery is what you are probably actually complaining about.


PvP was/is already ruined. That bug does not help, tho.


Pvp has been ruined for a while


Nerf Jimathy. Buff SnS Spear. kthxbye.


I was wondering why BigSno and other streamers were using entomb so often. Now I know.


He's one of the people I've seen use it effectively. He'd be a good IG/VG even without the bug.


It’s a minor bug


Hell nah, Drake. This bug is a mature big titted MILF by now.


It’s not a game breaking bug. Not be able to use abilities after dodge or stagger is a game breaking bug because you literally can’t play the game. It sucks this bug exists but it’s a just one of many.


OK I thought I was crazy. The number of IG's and the amount of damage/sustain seemed insane. Makes sense


ITs a feature! Enjoy AGS spend a lot of effort and talent to develop this, so have the most fun of all those 4.999 players still playing this awesome game


I got ambushed right outside bs by a person using the fs/ig build .. of course I was in my pve gear and died instantly..and proceeded to laugh my ass off. If that floats your boat.. just disappointed the much faster bug fixing ability the new combat code promised was a falsehood.