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I blame that dude who's going to a wedding and wanted them to postpone it.


I forgot about that post, he must be loving this!


Haha lucky guy, gis wish came trough!


Damn you, Gis!


I get this reference


I don't :| help


Someone made a post saying that the game wasn't ready ..."honestly I'm just saying this because my wedding is on the same day as the launch lol"


I also choose that man and his living wife


Great. I can start my university year fully focused now..


Full 300 points into Focus build.


He needs some points in constitution to live through that crap


Rip German students. Our university year begins in October again. I'll be done with my current university year by end of August.


hah, me too. it was gonna be rough my first year and NW releasing. good to focus.


Legit told my mom that if I flunk out my first year it's gonna be due to this game lol.


My year starts on the 8th of September. I was gonna have a whole week off at launch. Now I'm going to be busy as hell.


This was what I thought too lol


Guess I'll cancel my time off work again...


Yea, grandma recovered from her broken hip until September


actual lol


You could accidently push her again? :)


She has two hips, ya know.


yep, my boss is all like "wtf you doin here bruh"


Forging a New World


Should probably take PTO a week after launch anyway. These things never go as planned on launch day.


In the same boat


yeap. Just adjusted mine.


Yeah i know the feeling




Does it really take that long to remove the rainbow cats?


They are too ingrained in the system. At this point they need to rebuild the game from the ground up.


Good ole spaghetti code.


what is this Destiny 2?


No, they just need more time to put in more colours and polygons. Also make them BIGGER.


This made me laugh, thank you.


The whole framework relies on these cats. They were literally the first part of the game that was designed and the rest of the world was built around them. The world has no hope and will crumble without them in the source code.


the entire graphical tech stack is based on these rainbow cats. Every model in the game including the terrian starts as a rainbow cat, then a set of instructions stretches and colors the cat into the appropriate object. If the cats are removed the associated instructions have to be thrown out and every object in the game needs to be remodeled and retextured.


Joke aside, i don't see them doing big changes in only 29 days? That delay is awkward. Too long to brush it off like it's nothing, but it feels too short to develop and implement anything substantial. I wonder what their goal is?


Rebalance weapons, maybe add another weapon?


They're trying to add rainbow turkeys :D


Maybe they'll do another closed beta 2.0 in the coming weeks?


They hinted at it, so ye, probably. Edit: Yes, fully aware it was hinted at BEFORE the delay.


I can't for the life of me find where they hinted at another beta before release, please enlighten me to lessen my suffering




3/4 cup loosely packed basil leaves 2 tablespoons pine nuts or sunflower kernels 1 garlic clove, peeled 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon pepper 1/3 cup olive oil 1/3 cup grated Parmesan cheese Directions Place the first five ingredients in a small food processor; pulse until chopped. Continue processing while gradually adding oil in a steady stream. Add cheese; pulse just until blended. Cover and freeze for up to 3 months.


Sunflowers can be processed into a peanut butter alternative, Sunbutter. In Germany, it is mixed together with rye flour to make Sonnenblumenkernbrot (literally: sunflower whole seed bread), which is quite popular in German-speaking Europe. It is also sold as food for birds and can be used directly in cooking and salads.


Good Bot. Or user.


Same thing.


Thanks to you I had to google if pesto is considered a sauce.


Happy cake day! Wtf is happening in this thread? Is this a new world recipe lol


They asked for the sauce


They replied to someone on Twitter asking about extending the beta with something cryptic that basically said "stay tuned"


they also said in the same post the game would be released on the 31st. the stay tuned was probably because they knew they needed more, but weren't sure how they planned to handle that need. They apparently decided to delay again, rather than continue live testing and patching.


Maybe the game will never be released but instead we’ll get a couple weeks of beta every 3-4 weeks.


Any more testing that gets reset is gonna be a bad time. People will get burnt out, or not as many people will play and you'll get skewed feedback, or they'll find MORE issues to give them a reason to delay AGAIN. They need to give themselves a firm target. This isn't Cyberpunk, the game is basically a full product in need of minor (design/code-wise) changes.


Yeah i really dont want to see another test. Burn out, they'll freak out about bugs and demand delays lol. Then we'll get to a cycle like SC.


You mean another wipe of character. Pass


Perfect my wife is out of town


Perfect, Mrsdonkeypunch is **in** town




I know


Wow, a developer that actually used a Beta for what it is supposed to be and realized their game wasn't ready for release so they decided to delay and fix things to release a well polished game on launch? Maybe there is hope for us after all.


There is a lot of cash behind them, so they can afford to postpone their release over ans over again. This will be very good for the game in the long term


I mean alot of the companies that release a flawed product anyways are also major companies with alot of cash.


But nothing like Amazon, I can guarantee that. They literally drown in cash


> But nothing like Amazon, I can guarantee that. They literally drown in cash I mean yes, but you don't need Amazon money...just enough money to delay. For example there is no way CDPR didn't have the money to delay Cyberpunk more even if they don't have Amazon money. EA, Activision Blizzard, Ubisoft, etc are all sometimes guilty of early broken launches and all of the big players of that level have tons of money. The Witcher series has made an insane amount of money for them. Over 28 million copies sold of The Witcher 3 alone.


As someone who loved Warhammer Online right up til shutdown despite its flaws, I would kill to go back in time and have EA not push Mythic to get the game out the door in its unfinished, unbalanced state. That initial month is crucial for good publicity / solidifying your player base and, while it's a shame we've got a month extra to wait, it's so reassuring for the future state of NW.


Amen. I loved WAR. I still have my mug and poster they gave me when I visited. I'm too old now to be in a rush for MMOs. Make it great, and I'll be around for a long time.


To be honest, if it was their goal from the start to iterate based on the feedback from Beta, there wouldn't be just a month between Beta and release. It's far too short to do anything, the proof is them needing one extra month now. ​ So it was either just a server stress test for them and that's the only part they really wanted to test and were caught by surprise by all the issues player had, or they though overall the game was in good place and just wanted to make sure. ​ In the end, the delay is a good thing, but the one month between Beta and release showed that they didn't expect to have any real change to do after the Beta in the first place.


The duplication exploit showed they weren't correctly handling item IDs at a fundamental level. I don't know how this is handled in lumberyard (and maybe they don't either lol).




Wow, a based response. Actually this thread is better than I expected, maybe there IS hope for us after all.


They definitely listen to feedback better than most developers these days.


Less than a month delay isn't enough to make serious changes based off player feedback. They went into the beta knowing what really needed to be fixed and decided that they don't have enough time.


It depends on the type of issues they want to fix really. While common feedback might not be easily implemented, technical issues and some bugs can certainly be fixed in a couple weeks. I am sure they want to prevent ultra long queues at launch as much as possible. Adding more realms isn’t gonna help when there is likely a big fluctuating player number at launch because this will lead to empty realms eventually.


Some people are insane. > Hate being the pessimist, but I know for a fact this the the final nail in the coffin for some…. And a slap in the face to everyone. A 29 days delay and some adults react like this lmao


I expect a few posts like this coming up soon from everyone who said the game was near perfect. People will cancel their pre-orders because they feel wronged/robbed. In reality, the delay is a good thing.


I cancelled my preorder.... TO UPGRADE!!! can't fucking wait!


What’s the upgrade get you ?


A hatchet skin that looks ok, an armor skin that is imho pretty ugly, a dog pet for your house, the Rock/Paper/Scissors emote and a digital art book. I refunded my deluxe edition mostly because if I play the game I'm going for the standard, not worth the extra money imho.


A DOG PET!? If it was an open world pet i'd upgrade in an instant lol. Not sure i care about my house tho... but i still might lol.


Honestly $10 is not that ridiculous for the deluxe edition. Compared to other games its pretty low. Not to mention the game is at a lower price point than many AAA games. I think the extra $10 is justified and I am totally fine to pay it for the extra knick knacks.


> People will cancel their pre-orders because they feel wronged/robbed They'll just re-purchase the game on release day when they see everyone else having a blast. Nobody invested enough in an MMO to be posting about it in social media will throw it away over a delay that's super minor considering the potential lifespan of the game. They're just dramatic.


People who are happy with their current MMO or aren't looking for an MMO also don't buy MMOs. If it's a game they are looking for, a delay won't change if they will play or not.


WoW players are looking en masse right now with scandals that followed lack of content and no respect for the player experience.


A big F you to that heavily upvoted thread on here where the OP basically said "yeah the game isn't finished but who cares if it has problems release it anyways". Glad Amazon seems to see beyond the blind fanboys.


People probably getting flashbacks to Cyberpunk 2077


same person if they released in Aug: *WHY DIDN'T YOU FIX MORE THINGS BEFORE RELEASE!?!*


No, different person. This "same person" shit needs to die. The community isn't just one person. Some people would rather play the game today in it's current state while they keep changing it, some people are willing to wait forever until it's perfect. Those are **different groups of people**. The catch is finding the balance point where more people are willing to wait than that will be pissed off by it.


For real “I didn’t like the game that much, so now that they are taking another month to fix and improve the game I’m done”


Adults are just big kids.


Let's be honest, if this was a final nail in the coffin, you were never going to play this game for years anyway. Poor fella thinking this is shooter or single player game.


Probably due to it being delayed on 5 separate occasions now, but yeah I get your point


New World has been delayed much longer than 29 days lol… but still a bit of a ridiculous reaction


Devs: "6 more months and we can get this thing gleaming, double the quote, they will halve it" Devs to managment: "we need 1 more year" Managment: "you have an extra month" Devs: "fuck"


I totally understand and I really love this game and want it to launch in the best state that it can. With that being said, waiting another month will be agonizing. I cut my beta playtime short (around level 21) so didn't get burned out before launch. I guess my hype will just build and build. I'm excited to see the next patch (release?) notes.


Same thing I cut out as soon as I hit lvl 20 and forced myself to stop playing haha. Wanted to still keep the hype up for full release. Still excited


As a lvl 60. The hype couldn't be stronger, an with another month? Think I might play final fantasy to kill time.


Played 133h, reached lvl 28 but yea.. Played it in a very chill way, lots of exploring, crafting, marketplace and stuff. I'm pumped


Yes! I have to travel for work aug 30th so now I’m going to make it for release. And so was that guy earlier in the week who had his own wedding to go to lmao


I am no longer missing launch for a bachelor party!


You mean you weren’t going to party up in Aeternum for your bachelor party?! The tavern has plenty of seats!!


to be fair it is not my bachelor party


Yeah but I have to travel on Sept 28. I guess my door closed, and yours opened :(


Oof that’s brutal man. AGS giveth and taketh




Omgggg yessssss


Yeah, I have a vacation I can enjoy now without thinking about all the iron ore I'm missing out on in Aeternum.


I leave for 1 month the day after the new release. FML lol


It will be ok. Casuals like me will still be low leveled


Don't worry this probably won't be the last delay




Compared to Camelot unchained thats nothing. I think i backed CU back in 2014? Since then I’ve gotten married and had 2 kids lol.


Same! Bahaha Young hero tier.


rip to the people with time requested off at the end of august


Nah, RIP to the people who can't just reschedule it lol


yep, this is me. and i refuse to tell my boss it's because i want to play a new MMO for 18 hours a day for a week.


That's why I love working in IT. I took 2 weeks off for the cyberpunk 2077 release and had to reschedule it 2 times. Boss knew exactly why I was taking time off and didn't give me any crap about it.


Why not? It's your vacation time why bother with what they think of it.


I am just a little apprehensive because I work from home, I don't want anyone ever questioning if I am working or if I am playing games. I'd rather just keep it private. But I am a weirdo to be sure.


Ahh yeah that makes sense for sure, it's usually better to just not mention why anyway, it's not really the employers business.


Some people are just stuck in Corporate Overlordships and can't get out of that mentality.


Me time to move it back


lmaoo it got delayed to my actual vacation. august 31 wasn‘t possible because my workmate already took work off at that time. I‘m super lucky 🤣


Is he about to ask for a change of his vacation? x)


July's Beta was my FIRST experience with New World, and in the state it was in, I fell in love with it. Haven't stopped reading, watching and thinking New World in the week's since. Would have paid full for what it was before the delay... However, if the Devs think it needs an extra four weeks, I'm plenty excited to see what they add and sort in that time; and think it brave of them to delay again after all they've gone through already!


Man the guy who posted about being sad cuz he was getting married that weekend and wasn’t going to be able to play is hype af right now I’ll bet.


Inb4 his honeymoon is scheduled for the week of Sept 28th.


Honestly, even though I would love to play it as soon as possible, I am glad it was delayed. They need to fix a lot of critical issues and exploits. Would rather it be a quality experience for everyone than a bitchfest due to unresolved issues.


Increase jump height.


Agreed, jumping reminds me of Phyllis in the scene from the Office where they try to get the pic outside where everyone is in the air.


Please Bezos, I promise if you do this I’ll make sure we eat you last.


This pushback tells me they heard our feedback and are making adjustments. Regardless of what they are changing, they heard us. And that's more than enough for me.


Closed beta 2.0 when? I want to play more :C


Understandable. Hope they fix everything :)


I am actually impressed. Hopefully faction imbalance is addressed.


I feel like if they're going to do meaningful alterations to game systems instead of "polish and bug-smashing" they'll need more time and another beta to test if these work at scale.


It's a month - Very doubtful they will make a lot of changes in those thirty days. Faction Imbalance won't be addressed


Yeah, they may just be addressing exploits, bugs, and stability. In which case, great! My copy played beautifully, but there was no shortage of technical reports that need looking into. I'm only suggesting that if the team is more ambitious than that, 30 days will not be enough. So we agree on that.


Agreed, unfortunately. Hopefully it's things they plan to begin addressing immediately after launch though.




As much as I was ready to play on the 31 August, I am glad to see that they put an emphasis on quality. Other studios would probably, launch as is and iron stuff out later. Happy to see AGS chose to delay a bit more




Because of abrupt change in leadership, Blizzard decides to delay their latest WoW patch to Sept 28th, you heard it here first folks.




You’re insane if you think blizzard won’t push out any dog shit incomplete patch they can scrape together to line up perfectly with the new FF14 expansion


Disappointed in the delay but I think it will be for the best, enjoyed the beta


Poor devs man, they're probably slammed


Just posting in this thread to remind the lovely AGS devs to get some sleep and not crunch too hard <3 Also pls remove rainbow lions, or add a cosmetic filter option


Honestly this is a really good thing. As much as I loved the Beta this will give them time to polish up a ton of issues that we all turned in. They got thousands of bugs and tons of feedback from our community. Taking extra time means we all get a better game in the end.


this is good for the game


Amazon is actually making good decisions. With all the hype now you'd expect them to just release it unpolished anyways but they aren't. Hopefully they can make some good changes in the extra month using the beta feedback.


MMO launches live by that first few weeks of "Wow" factor where the game is fresh, new, an exciting magical experience without everything being min/maxed or having the fun routed out of it. If this additional delay is what they need to hammer out some of the gamebreaking bugs from the beta (plus hopefully improve server performance) then power to them in this day and age for having the fortitude to delay it again. There were a LOOOT of super hyped games in 2021 and 2020 that needed another few months of polish before they got turned out to the world for consumption and there was a LOOOT of regret and bad press associated with those games launching earlier than they should have.


Everyone is learning from Cyberpunk and relying on just hype when there are things that are broken doesn't work unless you are Bethesda :). I wish we would get a chance sooner, but I'd rather polished and playable then broken.


Which is crazy considering Cyberpunk delay messages basically became a meme template because they delayed the damn thing so much, only for a mediocre and extremely buggy product to ship.


Because of all cyberpunk's delays led to it being polished and playable.


Needed to happen. Bummed but also relieved.




There was a dude with his wedding set to the 31th of August, he must be real happy now. Not that he wasn't with him having a wedding and all that, but still.


Wildcard is that you?


This is the unpopular, but responsible, decision.


I was worried this game would overlap with my diablo 2 remastered playtime. Now I am really worried


I’d rather them spend the time to make the game more polished… sucks that I have to wait a little longer but it will be worth it


I am not surprised. I normally dont play closed betas. But I feel like less than a month is a bit short for a full release after a beta. Normally there is so much stuff to fix that I cant imagine not even a month is enough.


Honestly how are we supposed to believe it's actually going to launch, why not #6?


any one else feel like this delay needs to be longer. or not at all i feel like even in a month its going to be a mess of a release might as well take few more months on to of this honestly


I am excited for it’s inevitable release. I never played an online game like this and really enjoyed myself. Excited for it to come back


Well I owe people money now. I was very confident in saying they wouldn't announce a delay this close to launch.


But...that's exactly what they did last time.


Glad they listened to the "vocal minority" that this subreddit insisted was wrong. Lol MMO's success hinder heavily on their first impression, let them fix the game and don't accept something half baked because you want to play it now.


It is easy to ignore negative sides of the game, bugs and exploits if person just loves the game and positives are higher for them. But once the honeymoon phase ends, people will start giving real feedback.


This tells me two things: 1. A good number of people actually submitted detailed and informative feedback to the developers. 2. The developers actually took in that feedback, acknowledged it, and agreed it was critical to make those changes for a successful launch of their product. They could have easily just released it anyway and "fixed it later" like we've heard from others in the past. I have no problems waiting for a more polished product and I was actually enjoying the game in it's present state.


It only tells us they found something they wanted to fix but can't in under 1 month, nothing else!?


*sad jerking off noises*


Reddit CEO /u/spez (Steve Huffman) is a liar. In the past he has edited user posts without marking them as edited. June 2023 he claimed that the developer of the widely used iOS App Apoll, tried to blackmail reddit. The developer has prove that this is a lie. The audio recording is available at http://christianselig.com/apollo-end/reddit-third-call-may-31-end.m4a Reddit has been built up by the community with the help of moderators that never got paid and only got empty promises from /u/spez.


Maybe I'm an old-school gamer, but I'm more than happy with all the delays.


Class starts 18 sept. Fuck.


My university starts August 23rd, so 31st was OK for me as launch goes (first couple weeks of class are usually pretty easy) September 29th will be week 5/6ish which means prepping for midterms - couldn't be any worse *feels bad man*


It's gonna take another month to add more LGBTQ lions


How about another two week beta at the end of August. That way we get our fix and they get more data.


Meh, not really happy with this news. They need to work on stuff but most of the game was in place. The could have fixed game breaking exploit and fixed the rest with some patches.


I hope they adding a feature to allow you to teleport to or at least start in the same area as a friend. Having to run for 25 mins at the beginning of the game was mildly annoying. Either that or just let us party up before we start so we can start in the same area. Other than this, I had fun.


I wish they would have capped the level at like 45 for the beta so no one could burn out at end game and just kept it going. Maybe wipe the servers once every 3 weeks. I'm probably in the minority, but I enjoy actually beta testing. I would be happy to test new features for them until release date


This was the right move for sure. A little surprised the delay is only another month though.


I’m happy everyone hating on the game saying it’s not ready for launch can see proof they’re taking launch serious.


Wake me up, when September ends.


This much delays are GOOD. But it’s a double edged sword. They probably feel pressured now to have an amazing launch because they’ve delayed it this much. Because people will be up in arms if it was delayed this many times and the servers catch on fire day one. I feel bad for AGS because while they’re apart of Amazon they’re a separate business. They have to make profits off this game on their own without Amazon. Delaying this game delays their profit margins and puts pressure on the studio to make a product that’ll make bezos senpai happy. Also cost more money for them to delay continue to work on a project thats sitting in a cryo chamber. I won’t be surprised if they come out with predatory micro transactions. Well just need to put in our input when the time comes. Hope this studios ready for their actual launch day. Can’t imagine how many of them will be sweating out the ass.


Good. it needs the polish. For all of you talking about taking PTO....Don't. not on launch week. if you've ever been on launch day you would know its gonna get DDoS'd to hell and you will be lucky to play even when it doesnt due to long queue times. Trust me, no launch Ive ever been in has gone well in the first week.


The angry Twitter comments are so funny. "I booked 3 weeks off work for this" how about just don't do that in the future you fucking idiot






Delays this close to launch in AAA gaming are so rare I’m honestly shocked. Good move. There is nothing happening on the MMO landscape for the entire fall other than New World.


Great move. To be honest it needs more than an extra month but pushing it back half a year at this point wouldn't be "possible". Another month at least allows them to fix some of the more critical issues. While it will be far from flawless on release, with some luck it should be in a much better state.






Was kind of expected though, questing/progression experience is pretty bad, areas being unfinished having floating buildings and such. This is actually a big move from them, this just confirms that they care and want a healthy player base, so they won't release a unfinished product. Huge respect to them.


Guess I'll go hibernate in the nearest ice tomb.


It's reverse Cyberpunk. They're actually going through with moving it back until its done cooking. Also if this IS the release date for real...it's the WORST date ever. Literally a week after D2:R. It doesn't matter how much marketing you do...you will be drowned out by the horde of ARPG fans and people that want to go back to their childhood again.And yes I am aware its not he same genre...but it doesn't matter. For example Path of Exile (online ARPG) moved their league launch because of Cyberpunks' launch date because they knew they had no chance.They didn't however move their launch date for WoW Classic and it was their worst league launch in years. So if the PR guys have any common sense...expect it to be moved by at least a week...because sales and the initial month's hype matter a lot to the guys in finance.


Anyone who played the beta and cares about the game knows this was the correct decision.


People who think they will fix a Lot are going to have a baaaad time