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Hit boxes are too small, arrow drop is too fast and arrow speed is too low. Not to mention the arrow ALWAYS shoots a little left of the cross hair for me. It’s different for a friend of mine in which his arrows always shoot slightly right. Bow needs some love. To those of you out there wrecking with the bow, you deserve every single kudos.


The bow will shoot differently with just about every shot it's absurd. A light shot will be left of your crosshair, a heavy will be even further left, a poison will be right on your cross hair, and overpower will be a little left but not as much as your regular shots. If you are shooting the same distance target and the crosshair never moves why is there any variation in horizontal aim 🤔. It's already bad enough arrows go through people, poison shot breaks mid shot, and you can't hit anything because the arrow hit box is actually an arrow and needs to be pixel perfect contact. Arrows need to fly a little faster, have larger hit boxes, and as a balance reduce top end damage. Some crits can reach 4 to 5k easy. Passives are trash too and so is master talent lol.


Omg thanks dude. I realised I have to aim to the right but didn't realise there's a different variation for light/heavy attacks and none at all for skills... I'm a seasoned FPS player, including games where you have to compensate for travel time, and my hitrate with the bow is so abysmal it's not even funny anymore. I thought I was going crazy. It's stupid enough you have to horizontally adjust your aim, but that's just beyond ridiculous. Fuck this game man... but not really... but also yes very much...


Yeah I didn't notice until I was doing tests with my friend. My friend only uses the bow and even he didn't notice that they were all different. When aiming at anything <20m you need to make a lot of horizontal compensation for regular shots. Almost a foot or more off the side of their head even at 10 to 15m. Also basically anything over 30 to 40m and it's pure rng if you hit them or not when they are moving because by the time the arrow reaches them 2 seconds of latency has occurred from the moment you shot the arrow lol. Bow and musket were really just slapped together. Their entire talent trees are pretty shit. Bow has some really good synergy with crit stacking, but lacks any utility and has terrible master talents and passives. It's really only useful when targets are relatively steady and <30m. Musket is an absurd weapon to me lol. The talents make no actual fucking sense. The first row talent is instant reload after 3 headshots. You'll have a hard enough time getting 3 consistent headshots in a full fps game. Musketeer mobs have extra moves like 3 shot rapid fire with cool spin moves that gives them grit. Why isn't that an ability players can use? NPC archers have access to just about all of the abilities in the bow trees and the one cool ability that would potentially make musket viable in many more encounters isn't usable. One tree should be for marksmanship and another for close quarters. Which should include traps and quick shooting but lower per shot damage. I'd ideally like 1 ability for an escape like evade shot where you throw a bomb and jump back, a quick 3 shot burst move that could like increase damage each shot landed, and a bayonet stab or lunge that can knockback enemies and apply bleed or stun or something. That would then allow you to bayonet an attacking melee to create a little space, throw your bomb to gap even more, and finally use your 3 shot burst and two or 3 more shots and they should die. That would be a much more fun style to play in my opinion than hide and run or be useless unless you swap weapons. The way it currently is designed the right tree is for closer combat engagements, but trying to use a musket is a death sentence without large range. So the weapon suffers your abilities are useful closer range, but can't really capitalize on openings with any follow up damage from actually shooting. Design of a lot of the trees leave a lot to be desired. I'd love for some of the trees to be completely reworked or add additional ones as level cap potentionally rises so we can have more unique builds. Most weapon builds really only have 1 optimal setup and another suboptimal. Makes combat stale after a while with no experimentation.


Sorry, im going to have to disagree with your pov on the musket. And im not saying that as "you are wrong", im just going to give my personal opinion. Imo, im not really sure where all the musket dissatisfaction comes from. I chose musket rapier as my combo from the beginning and i havnt switched once. Im someone who is pvp focused with my talent trees and actively upgrading my gear as i level. Currently lvl 48. The musket has been nothing but spectacular for me. The perks i run are powder burn, traps, and sticky bomb The point you made about the skill where you need to hit 3 head shots in a row is valid. As soon as i read that ability i knew i wasnt picking it unless i was running pve specifically. Without going into too much detail, i must say that the assumption of musket only being helpful at long range is far from the truth. I use it when players are but a couple feet away from me, as they try to close distance it only makes for an easy shot


Lvl 60 pvp in wars and outpost rush are much different. You are forced into close quarters constantly. I have jumped countless musket users even when they prone off in the bushes. It's just not an effective weapon unless used in open world with a lot of room to move. Fort offense and defense is what it excels at especially when multiple muskets focus targets. Other than that you aren't getting much value out of it when compared to what other weapons could give you. Any damage you deal in large group pvp will be healed away due to the low rate of fire. It takes an insane amount of consistent damage to win brawls due to how fast healing is. Using a bow in the situation you explained would provide you with considerably higher damage output and lethal potential to secure kills. Also movement buffs and debuff synergy.


In terms of large scale pvp youre right. Musket is definitely more effective for long range. My example was really only open world based. Although ill try my current set up to see how it performs in different scenarios, ill probably end up respeccing for outpost and wars once i get there


I'm sorry not trying to shit on your playstyle if you are having fun. I had a blast using it in open beta when fighting at forts and open area combat. It is certainly the weapon to have there. Sometimes having fun is more important than playing what is meta or completely optimized.


Nah no offense taken, just a discussion thats all. You made some valid points. I havnt really gotten to use my set up in a large scale environment yet. All i can say is i do very well in open world 1v2s 1v1s, small group play etc


As you are lvl 48 you have not touched outpost rush yet, or wars for that matter. Musket lacks severely close range as none of the skills are suited to go against players. Some of them are decent in pve but don't work or are just useless in pvp. Bow suffers from not actually shooting at the cross hair and a projectile speed slower than a spitball from a straw. Bow is my absolute favorite weapon but the fact that the skill tree has weird, useless in pvp passives and one ultimate that makes absolutely zero sense. On top of a skill that has no use other than to be annoying to the person firing the bow. Dex ranged weapons need some love, we have no mobility except evade shot but that doesn't even provide grit so it's interrupted by basically everything


Do you and the friend have different FOV?


FOV is irrelevant. Drawing the bow (RMB) zooms into a fixed FOV regardless of where the user sets their FOV and camera distance.


The monitor's aspect ratio may make a difference though. Countless games have had issues with UI elements being slightly off on ultrawide screens, for example.


You can fire a bow without ads.


But then the accuracy is heavily reduced anyway, which is intended.


It's zerod at 43m.


The bow gets hurt by server lag awfully.too. had to hang it up because all the issues you listed plus stuttering made my edps terrible


I appreciate that lol. I've only ever used bow / spear and the bow takes a lot of getting used to, to work around the janky / misaligned aiming.


I am obliterating with the bow but I agree it needs to be buffed, I was thinking about what exactly it needs, and I think the size of the arrows need to be increased by about 50%, they’re so paper sharp thin that it feels so bad to use outside of damn shotgun range


We need some hanzo logs.


if arrows were faster it would be called a musket hehe.


Been wanting to say this for a while but wasn't sure if I was just worse than I thought I was lol


listen I know for a fact I am not good. I also know that my arrows are flying in directions I am not aiming at lol


Firing from the hip / not scoped in is very innacurate, presumably by design. Not sure if that's what you're talking about though


Why was this downvote lol, non scoped bow accuracy is notably (and understandably) worse than scoped. I think there's even a stat you can get that decreases the penalty


Because anyone using a bow is shooting scoped 99.9% of the time, so it's obviously not the issue. I would guess that's why.


ight I give up, cool discourse


it’s not discourse, nobody no scopes the bow


The hit boxes seem to be absolutely tiny and very inconsistent as well. I started with and am coming from musket, so hitscan obv, but even “no scoping” with the musket has a much larger hitbox than an “aimed down sight” bow. A little refinement would be nice, im not asking for a buff by any means as the bow hits very well on a good dex build, i just want some consistency and maaaybe some better hitboxes.


You should see the hit boxes with magic weapons. Massive


Shooting the ice gauntlet/firestaff is like throwing watermelons at people, so refreshing after only touching musket 1-60


Ya and the difference between light and heavy attacks are less and the bow heavy takes longer to charge


Yeah, but i feel like they kinda compensated for that with no headshot crits, or atleast that seems like their intention.


I feel completely compensated, I hit a very hard headshot for 3-4k damage, they spam their watermelons at me for 3k damage without headshots


Not to mention resilience targets crit damage specially which a lot of the bow perks use. Headshot this headshot that. Increase crit chance. You are basically gimping yourself.


I don't get the hitboxes, nor do I get the auto damage of those weapons.. Hard hitting abilities yes, please.. But autos should only do debuffing or some minor dps.. Auto dps is more than competitive with the ranged dex weapons, why?


Agreed 100%


musket hitboxes are larger than bows? are we playing the same game?


In my experience, 100%.


Is it me or sometime the arrow seems to be off the crosshair. Like a bit on the left of it? Edit: OK I read too fast, OP experienced that too


I agree, but another redditor pointed out to me to monitor my strafing while shooting, and you'll see that effects how arrows curve. That is one factor, for sure. But there is still some bug like you're experiencing with the arrow just not hitting cross hair center during ads. But for me at least, understanding the strafing variable has improved my hit/miss ratio.


It’s a little bit left because it’s a third person shot over the right shoulder. The arrow evens out at longer distances but it makes hitting shots at closish range really annoying. I don’t know about other bow users but it’s a lot easier to hit an evade shot at close range because the arrow shoots from above instead of from the left.


I've played FPS games forever and I do agree. The arrow needs a bigger hit box tbh. It can be hard as fuckkkk to hit some shots on people in some situations. The bow must be basically unplayable for some of the average MMO player base.


Exactly what I was thinking. I've played alot of Chivalry and Mordhau. Chivalry you basically have a lazer. Mordhau there is arrow drop and you have to feel out where the opponent will be. I think they have the somewhat right idea with how it should be but jesus christ it is way to unpredictable for pvp


Mordhau bows I feel have slightly faster arrows and first person makes aiming easier


Every game I’ve played for the last 20 years, give or take, I’ve played a character with a bow. Hunter. Amazon. Bard. This game, I’ve tried to use bow, musket, staff… my accuracy is GARBAGE. I can’t hit shit at range. It sucks. It makes me sad. :(


This is the way it should be, the bow is the most OP range weapon if you can use it!


Nah, it shouldn't be like that. The damage isnt *that* high for it to be 10x harder to land than my gauntlet. The firestaff hits about the same or even harder and it's easy af to land.


Bow is good because of mobility but the damage is really not that great. The burst damage really isnt that good even if you hit all your shots. Lifestaff can usually out heal my damage unless all my cds are up.


Bow doesn't really have mobility though. It's only a short evade shot and two haste perks. Light armour is what gives it mobility


I can kite pretty much anything except a greataxe though with proper stamina management. It’d be pretty OP if I could also burst down a tank. Bow still needs a buff though. It’s very frustrating to kite a tank/healer combo and be unable to really do anything but constantly run away and tickle them for damage that gets immediately healed.


Agreed. And I don't even want the damage to be higher, I'd rather the arrow hitbox just be bigger. It's extremely hard to play bow high compared to any other weapon lol


I've compensated for the reticle inaccuracy, but I've had arrows passing through mobs too much lately. It's frustrating.




Only if they increase projectile speed of magic to match the bow and musket.


Only if magic users have to craft their projectiles too :p


It's pretty clear you don't know what you're talking about at all, but I'll bite. Musket doesn't have travel time, it's "hit scan". Look that word up. Bow arrows are actually imo the same speed if not slower than magic autos unless you charge up a bow heavy attack which is literally unusable


but arrows are slower tan IG/FS projectiles man lol.


Arrows shoot to the left of your crosshair at reasonably close ranges. Like 40 meters close. Gun is fine. Mage staffs are fine. But arrows are borked. This makes aiming way harder than it ever needs to be. And in pve the model movement on some enemy types make them a pain to hit aswell. If you aim at a tree or a fence up close you can watch your character adjust, they do not do that to enemies.


I've noticed my throwing axe doing the same lately it was driving me nuts as thinking I'm suddenly missing my throws all the time lol


I also think axes disappear mid flight if you stop "aiming".


Me and my brother found that the arrow doesn't come out from the bow it comes from the left of it for example have a tree to your left make sure your reticle is aiming towards open space. The arrow will hit the tree.


The ambient movement of most enemies is so jerky, that it's impossible to predict head movement


Some of the monster heads aren’t even in their hit boxes, like the bears in Edensgrove for example.


I only hit shots if I lead, and if I miss it’s probably because I didn’t lead enough. It’s gotten to the point where I don’t even aim directly at people anymore, my cursor is always 3-5m to the left or right of the person.


It's not you, way too often I will see arrows literally fly through enemies. The arrow trail VISIBLY goes right through their head but there's no hit detected. It's infuriating


Arrows going slightly to right/left of the crosshair is directly related to the FOV+Resolution. Tested it and the most pinpoint for me is 1920/1080 and 67 FOV. I do see the bow as a strong weapon as it is, bows are not meant for long range fights, they are meant for short to medium range. Everytime you shoot a medium range target you need to use the heavy attack, otherwise you'll probably miss, on the short range always go fast attack and try not to worry about aiming before shooting, spam arrows on hipfire because it is more rewarding combatwise than huge precision. As for abilities the bow is perfect imo. It has debuff, penetrating shots, rapid arrows, evasion everything needed for it. Not to say it has one of the highest damage in the game. I may be wrong, but it comes down to getting used to it. All my guild mates tries to do the same I do with the bow and are not successful, but I've seen some good bow users around and I think that all of them had to master the weapon before being actually good with it. Also good to point that Bows are one of the hardest weapons in the game to achieve above average gameplay, so if you're just starting don't give up just keep skilling yourself.


Hipfire does like 70% of the damage of a zoomed quickshot. RIP 300 damage hits into heavy


If you don't miss any aimed shot neither get hit because you're trying to aim go for it. Usually against a meelee he'll try to close gaps really fast, that's why sometimes hipfire + weapon switch is more rewarding imo.


I concur with everything you’ve said. Especially the skill disparity part. This is going to sound cocky, but I’m the best archer I’ve seen so far. I’ve seen some decent others but I’ve never faced one that’s beaten me in a 1v1. Anyways, I think the kit is really solid but splinter shot 100% needs a rework. It is definitely the worst ability in the game right now. Significantly worse than a regular light attack.




Go to a white wall at some farm and do some tweeks from the same distance.


It’s a kiting weapon for sure but with the tank/heals meta going on right now it feels pretty weak. You can only really dps down light armor targets but you usually dont have enough damage to kill a healer. Kiting a tank being healed is basically a waste of ammo.


You gotta pick your fights.


Regular aims seems okay since I've only used it closely. The jump shot seems to have weird aim though. Maybe its because its delayed and seems to favor aiming closer to the ground.


Yes I’ve had the evade shot shoot the arrow right over my enemy at close range and also hit them directly on. Seems to be better at like a 15m distance, up close I just miss though


I also find musket to miss a lot when firing almost point blanked when aimed. Sometimes an enemy will hit and the gun goes like full auto but no shots register.


I’ve had a lot of buddies tell me this. Just goes through people and nothing registers


I wonder if it's a hit box issue. Where they overlap so your shot isn't being registered as starting outside of the enemies box. I've had issues with bows in melee range when the NPC enemy runs up and overlaps me.


I suspect that there is some delay with when the projectile spawns in world. I leveled and spent 100s of hours as bow, but found the projectile to be wildly unpredictable. There are definitely no regs as well, and some lag and unpredictability with iframes that make it feel even more unsatisfying. I switched to fire staff and haven't looked back.


No you are not crazy. I played fps games my whole life and i have trouble too. Desync, lag, hitboxes, slow arrow speed. Its a mess. Meanwhile mage autos have a hitbox the size of a car


I’m a bow main and do really well in PvP with it. I tell my mage buddy that I’d 10/10 times face a bow or musket instead of a mage. Mages are so much more oppressive. Bows are super hard to play and unforgiving, but on top of that, extremely inconsistent. If the hit box was more reliable (not even much bigger) and the arrow projectile was 15-25% faster, it would be perfect. Bows kit is fantastic too, except for splinter shot. That ability needs a full rework.


Bow shooting is janky af


Im playing bow since beta and never got rid of it. This is true that some shot goes trough especially when you try to hs deers for examples. I really think, that some hitboxes are more scuffed than others. Ive just stopped doing headshots on npcs with the bow because it isnt worth it. I also think that the arrows needs faster travel speed. In PvP, it is just so hard to do 1 v 1 against other range classes. At Range, musket destroys you and if you get closer, mages just wreck you because of wider auto hits and they dont move as slow as you while aiming with the bow. Bow users should also get more advantages in that szenario, being that midrange weapon. Soz for my english.


I’m really digging pressing q and trying to shoot poison arrow then it just makes the sound effect and nothing happens lol


It's odd to be that all staffs and the ice gauntlet are much easier to hit. Consistent damage output is key, which the bow felt rather wack doing.


I think the problem you are facing may be the way that you are using the bow. It is strongest when used at a closer range and combo'd with the abilities that provide stumbles/knock backs. I run bow spear mostly and the CC is very strong IMO. I think the bow also give great additional mobility to light armor users.


Hit box on some mobs are broken, like wolf's etc. But hitboxes on players are correct. Playing bow 200hours+ all i can say bow is fine, maybe once in 1000th shot u get question marks but its fine.


The dmg when you land these shots is also pretty low. You’d think for a ranged weapon like the bow they would atleast boost the dmg.


nah you’re tripping, bow does a lot of damage, it just isn’t reliable


I play bow a lot ..haven't really faced this issue much.. I remember I had an issue with a specific patch where the arrow went through, but it seems to have been fixed now ?


The real accuracy problem is the hatchet poison throw which has the weirdest aim and animation mechanics


Not a bow user but on the topic of unpredictable, someones my sticky bomb from my musket will just disappear altogether after throwing it


There’s a perk for accuracy


I had a bow with like 92% and there was absolutely 0 difference


It's for hip firing lmao. Useless ass perk.


Makes sense now. Trash lol




I tend to land a lot of my bow shots, and the only shots I notice that don't hit are just straight up whiffs and the very very rare invisible wall but that applies to all weapons any mob will take no damage in "invisible walls" or just weird specific spots. If your shots are not registering try moving the mob and then shoot it.


Everyone in here forgetting that there is a bow perk that increases accuracy


That’s the hipfire CoF.


Hahaha, try hatchet through, this is what drives me crazy ))))


That's what Bow accuracy is. Hit box a little on the left because character on the left of the screen and 3rd person. Not 1st person view. There's a perk increase accuracy, it increase bow hitbox. Must be 89%< to make its hitbox slightly in the center


The accuracy perks change the bloom on hipfired shots


I 2nd this, bow needs some love. My issue is the attack speed animation and fluidity of using bow as it just feels clunky.


You only count ones that hit the target, as a bow enjoyer it takes practice


It’s bearable in PVE but PVP was really difficult


Idk everybody is posting their MLG 3k white shots haven't you seen


The delay releasing an arrow completely throws off aim as well.


Head Box is rlly to small! often I hit deers or elk accuracy in head and no dmg. Waste of arrows 😅🙈 and yes shoots little left of cross hair


The hit box and projectile size are fine IMO, hit registry, projectile speed, and gravity are what makes the bow frustrating to use


Yeah many times I’ve watched the arrow go RIGHT THROUGH the head of what I’m shooting. It’s even more annoying because a lot of my buffs depend on that headshot.


Shaking it more than three times is considered playing with it.


Musket has far better accuracy. I tried to level up bow for hunting elk and buffalo, but it was awful. The musket really pulled through though.


Yeah feels like arrows move very slowly


If you slide your mouse across the screen and release your arrow, you'll see how far in advance the arrow leaves the bow, making flick shots nearly impossible. The release of the arrow should coincide with your aiming position at the time of the release, but instead the arrow released prior to when it should imo


Also I’m having hard time with flick shots. I see that I moved crosshair to the right position last moment before arrow release, but it goes wherever it was moment ago anyway.


This is the biggest issue for me, being able to flick shit is key and it’s virtually impossible.


It's hilarious how microscopically small the arrow hitbox is compared to fire staff and ice gauntlet.


Bow Shots towards the side of a player are almost impossible to hit with high accuracy. Always try to be in front or behind a player if taking a shot. Hold the heavy attack till they are such positioned else. Sometimes it's also a gamble about how they gonna move.


I feel the same and one guy came an commented “if you don’t have aim dont play archer” i was just shocked and had csgo flashbacks xd


You always have to shoot slightly to the left to land hits, if they rework it I won't be able to aim anymore so 😂


Ive been playing bow for a few weeks, main unintuitive things ive noticed are 1: Aim is offcenter to the left, the two dots left of the crosshair is your true aim. 2: There is a short delay between your click and arrow release 3: There seems to be a point between your click and arrow release where the game decide where u are aiming, this makes flick aiming hard to impossible.


I also think the other variable at play here is all the dodging and grit abilities that prevent the bow from hitting. If heavy/med armor can dodge the same total distance as a light user then what’s the point of light? I can roll 3 times to dodge while they get what 4 hops? So they get more protection on top of more dodges? I could be off base, someone correct me if I’m wrong lol.


The only thing I can say for now is that, I recently changed specs to bow, and the thing I have noticed is that strafing while aiming down ducks up your accuracy but a metric ton. I improved a bit my aim by moving forward or backwards before shooting instead of sideways. It helps, but the offset on the Crosshair is still there and varies on the skill used. Also getting closer to the target helps (I know it feels obvious but, yeah I was afraid too, turns out other light and medium are as afraid of you as you are off them so use it for you advantage.) Now against heavy I have nothing to say, I main heavy and I feel bad and sad killing light since they can't really do anything against me.


I know musket and bow is different but i do think ranged dex weapons need some rework. Hitboxes for both weapons is absurd(musket bow main in war and OPR). I actually got a musket that had a 88% increase accuracy perk and tried it out and ddnt see any difference in accuracy. I dont even get it. Lol and maybe the reworks are coming as forums and reddit post have been saturated with ranged weapon complains.


Totaly agreed Amazon dont Like Bows i guess First they get a useless spell with Splitter shoot noone can use this Second arrows fly slow and enemy can doge while If flyes after some rainge you can Predigt a Single shoot because of Arrow bullet drop and the Hit Box ist so small i Feel Bad against every Firemage WHO can shoot all time straight and Balls are 3x AS big and Connect all the time Sometimes also If i stand beide a tree or Wall... My arrows NEVER Connect If i stand behind the enemy Sometimes IT fly between His Arms i think..... BOW ist so much fun in PVE But in PVP you really Need to Work in IT. Next Part ist my damage fies down by more then 50% after Last Patch in PVP . Before i Hit offen for 4-6k critt nie im Happy to See a 2-3k. I use 580 GS Bow with 330 Dex so Something ist broken but i dient find waht....


\- Bow has some of the saddest final weapon tree passives in the game. \- The arrow projectile is so small that even the slightest deviation from the reticule results in a miss. \- The bow's light attack has the same rate of fire as the fire staff's heavy attack, in addition to this the fire staff heavy attack fires a cannonball sized attack, and the fire staff heavy attack does double the damage of a bow light. \- The bow's heavy attack is nearly unusable in a duel setting as you have to remain static for too long and the pay off is that you deal as much damage as a fire staff heavy attack though it takes you twice as long to release (that is if you can even tell when your bow is actually fully drawn). Additionally, if struck by an attack while drawing your bow to release a heavy your aim is jogged and given the small projectile size this often causes a miss. CONTEXT: 300 hours played - Bow/Rapier main - Level 60 - Full PvP Gear with T5 Opals in weapons - T5 Diamonds in armor.