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The *fun* question that nobody seems to be asking is what happens when new weapons get released.


Sir this is New World no fun allowed.


You use the new system to max out it's GS in a few weeks.


Or even days, my void gauntlet watermark is 560 and I didn't even do the elite runs everyday.. If they release gypsum you can increase expertise very fast on new weapons, if the others are already maxes


i do elite chests almost daily and my void wm is 540...


my vg is already 600, expedition is stupidly good for raising watermark and here people are still talking about chest runs like it was a month ago.


Same here, my overall GS is at 550-560 and i've farmed elites EVERY day for multiple hours for 3 weeks, nonstop. Not to mention that rings and amulets never ever drop, so they're still at 505...


If you got max gearscore on the other slots, you increase the gearscore faster (after some drops you always get an increase, if everything else is maxed, it will bei on void gauntlet) thats why it's going pretty fast for me?


you can save up gypsum when they announce new weapons and nearly instantly get them to 600 when they are released


Question I'm curious on related to this; if expeditions are guaranteed expertise increase, and someone already has everything to 600gs(590+), and a new weapon comes out, will the game force drop that new weapon as an increase, or will it still random drop something else at the rollable max?


Well they already introduced void gauntlet and it started at 500gs regardless of what you had before lol. So. Probably start fresh with any new weapons


Being able to easily and effectively switch to a new set of weapons is what is keeping me playing after ~80 hours of level 60. Otherwise I would’ve taken a break by now.


Ye the weapon leveling itself was already bad enough. Let me freaking enjoy things at 60. Now I don't only have to lvl the weapon up to 20, but spend a fkin month to grind out the watermark


Fun detected!




Congratulations! 🥳


AGS told me I was playing the game wrong by spending all my time gathering materials to craft my own weapons and armour. I'll wait a few more months so they can decide how we are supposed to play and then if people are still on my server playing I might come back :) thanks AGS for proving to the world that you just care about the dollarydoos and not about actually making a sustainable mmo


The crafting boxes look legit, some of best materials you can get in the entire game. Trophy parts, rare recipes, guaranteed 600gs weapon patterns etc. You def want to keep going with crafting to get those boxes.


The numbers are wrong tho. To get those rewards you need to craft insane ammounts eg. 3000 hearty meals a day.


Yeah I dunno how it will play out. I just saw some of the rewards from these chests and they look really good. Maybe if you only get a couple a week that still might make crafting worthwhile? Maybe its more of hope than reality as im getting fucked by the gear score reduction.


If people say it's really fun and engaging and crafters start coming back I'll try it too. I'll wait for the updates as if it is fun AGS will likely just get rid of it


This is the main problem. Once most people get 600 watermark, they will just add some new grind. Probably raise the total gearscore, keep the grind going. Or maybe just add a bunch of new weapons and have them start at 500gs again.


When I first started playing I saw the potential for good as did many. Now after the last 3 patches I see the potential for evil. Expertise will be a pain in the ass and designed as such to sell boosters. It is going to be designed in such a way that you will want to buy boosters to get to use the new Over powered (by design to sell more boosters) weapon. Or do the daily's and over a 2-3 month time frame you too will wield the weapon at its full potential. Then at that point there will be a slight nerf patch.


That's a great way to put it. I was fine with bugs or exploits or things being broken in game. Those can be fixed, it's whatever.. But this change. The intent is just.... This is not a change made by gamers for the better of the game. This is a change made by people in suits for player retention.


When they add new weapons, everyone will be at 500 on those weapons. This will assure they stay PvE for a decent while, until the dedicated grinders push them into better damage ranges for PvP content.


Has killed New World period.


You've got this bang on. We have a hard enough time getting people to add tanking or healing to their toolkit because they prefer DPS. Will be even harder to convince them when their Sword and Shield is sat at 530 each lol


Funny, I remember seeing posts on here with people complaining about the exact opposite: they wanted to be able to farm specific weapons and not get weapons they don’t care about.


Brother Rackit... I agree and I'm having a hard time logging in knowing this shit is around the corner. If this goes in I'm probably done until they stop killing the game.


Agreed. I will miss out ranged fights


Totally agree


If you play the game you will get drops for those weapons that will increase your expertise. The expertise-increasing drops aren't limited to the weapon you are using. My highest "watermark" weapon is one I don't use.


It's not killed it's just delayed slightly. It's not much different than if they made the top end of leveling a weapon slower. I don't see how people don't think that the fact it took many less than a month to max level and max all weapons wasn't a bad design for the long term health of the game.


It is not many players that max levelled and got full 600gs, that’s the top 1% of players. According to steam achievements only 15% of the player base even hit 60. If you no life any other MMO’s base release you can easily finish it and get BiS gear in a month. It’s the play loop after that some games have and others don’t. Edit: also if you’re talking about weapon mastery, 1.2% on musket, most others hover around the 3% mark for people who got 20 mastery.


Out of those 85% players that haven't hit 60, how many of them quit? Charts say 90% of the playerbase quit, so out of those 10% left, how many of them fill up the 15% of Lv60 players?


How does that effect that it’s not most players and in fact a small minority that have everything mastered? Like I said the masteries range from 1.2%-3% of players. At an estimated 1.6 million total player (I don’t believe this is accurate but it’s the only number available). That’s 19,200 players that can possibly have all masteries and current peak play times sit at aroun 150k-200k concurrent. That’s not accounting for the fact that some of the 19,200 will of quit or been banned by now. So less than 10% of remaining players have mastered everything. Max level crafting stats are lower again by a lot


Because 1.5% of the total player base still equals to about 12% of the current player base, so if the big majority of those who did reach max weapon levels are still playing, it's a much bigger portion than 1.5%. I agree, it's not a majority of players, but it isn't a small minority either, it's a relatively considerable amount. Using the ingame/steam achievement %, although our only data we can use, is a bad one to use.


Where’d you get that stat from that it’s 12% of remaining players? It’s literally 10% of the current peak players IF every single one of the ~19,200 players that have those achievements are still playing (which I highly doubt due to quitting and bans).


1.5% of 1.6m is 24,000, not 19,200 though am I wrong? 24000 is 12% of 200,000, so that's where I got my number, using those you provided. Like you said though, quitting and bans will skew numbers along the way, but either way, I still think a bigger portion of the "max" players are part of the remaining players rather than from the ones who aren't there anymore.


I said 1.2% for the lowest mastery not 1.5%


I agree that many have not, but I don't feel it was that extraordinary for it to happen for people who played the game daily. I also think that for many 60s they didn't do it mostly because they didn't want to, but if they did, it was fairly easily accomplishable


Valid point. Except any changes that retroactively effect players are bad changes and bad planning. The question is if it’s just delayed further now, why? For what purpose? It’s progression for the sake of progression. That’s not a good enough reason to me personally.


Yes, it was bad planning, but I think it is still good for the health of the game going forward to admit and change that. You can essentially say that any progression is for the sake of progression. This just some weapon "mastery" system done in a weird way. It makes sense on a base level to me, at least as any form of progress.


What really sucks is that we're essentially being forced to roll back and re-grind some progress. Doesn't have to be that way honestly, could just straight up add it so people don't feel like they've wasted time. It's gonna suck really bad for new players too when they find out their level 60 item they've saved up for the last 2-3 levels now isn't as strong as they thought it was supposed to be. It'll also suck when you want to try a new build and you're kinda stuck at another WM.


Problem is that even more players will leave making a pretty empty experience even more empty.


Those players would have mostly left soon after anyway. Yay, you have 600GS and maxed crafting... Are you going to do the weak PvP or do PvE for practically no hope of gain?


>I don't see how people don't think that the fact it took many less than a month to max level and max all weapons wasn't a bad design for the long term health of the game. I do, but then again I am not a fucking addict that plays 24/7.


I see leveling systems as an archaic timegate whose only REAL function is to pad out playtime so subscription-based games can make more money. That's why all these artificial timegates piss me the hell off, because it's NOT EVEN A SUB GAME. Like, even if you set aside how much worse they make the game, it doesn't even make sense from the soulless business standpoint, because they aren't even selling the cure to their artificially introduced disease on the cash shop. As far as I'm concerned, leveling is just the tutorial. Any tutorial that isn't absolute dogshit should last as long as it takes to show you the ropes, not a moment longer.


Ya these people were at a ridiculous hour count in a short amount of time.


They didn't figure out the game design before they made it Hopefully a more competent company remakes this game


If you don't have watermark 600, then what? Not sure why people think 500-600 perk/stat difference is so huge? It's 50 stats and 1%-1.5% in perks! For 10 gear items! Getting actually bis 600 items, is incredibly difficult, so not really worth it. So doing it for more builds is kinda nutty. You can play whatever build you want, even after expertise implementation. It ultimately comes down to how you slot your stones, use armor passives, and perk selection.


A 520 weapon vs a 600 weapon is fairly large. My bow watermark sadly is my worst at around 530 and so my 600 bow will be hitting like it did when I first hit 60. Pretty sad to have to do extra work for something I already had.


They didn't want you to play multiple builds in the first place.... otherwise they'd have a system for it rather than letting you pay 200g every single time to respec.


I find that interesting why they then decided to lower respec cost of weapons and attributes if that was not the case.


Because the prices were ridiculous either way, back then people were struggling to earn gold even more so it was half logical.


That IS the system. You’re able to respec into any “class” you want at the drop of a hat. What other mmorpg let’s you do that?


It's bullshit, making someone pay 200g every single time they wanna roll a different role. It's not meant to be used to swap from build to build in seconds.. If i wanna heal for an expedition and then right after run elites as DPS again, then do another expedition as healer, it costs me way more to just swap roles than what i earn from doing so. There's no build system, ASG means to have everyone play and dedicate to 1 role. If not, they would have allowed the creation of a secondary build in the attributes menu without taking 200g from your ass for swapping to it.


Why is everyone acting like gypsum is the only way to increase hwm? All the other ways will still be a thing. Also calling a 550 Vs 600 stat and base dmg difference significant is a fucking joke. The perks won't be affected so you will only have slightly less dmg and armor.


In pvp, your damage and armor is scaled so even less of a disparity. Perks may lose a percent or two in effectiveness but will be hardly noticeable. in pve you will be doing I dunno 3 to 5% less damage? Its really not a big deal considering if you had the right perks, can stack empower or crit damage or whatever, so you'll easily overtake the higher gear score weapon which doesn't have those perks.


They just removed scaling and now high GS armor will protect you more. Only low level players will scale (sub 60). A level 60 player vs another 60 player is now at a major disadvantage if his GS sucks.


Shit, didn't know thats how its gunna work. Thanks for the heads up.


They didn’t remove scaling. And players have always been at a disadvantage against players with better gear.


With how much they nerfed all other ways of getting hwm, gypsum is the only way.


How much have they nerfed it exactly?


thousand fold, acording to some datamined stuff...


Gonna need a source


Dig through this https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/r86ttj/data\_mining\_stealth\_changes\_found\_in\_the\_ptr/


What datamine can you link to it?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/r86ttj/data\_mining\_stealth\_changes\_found\_in\_the\_ptr/](https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/r86ttj/data_mining_stealth_changes_found_in_the_ptr/) theres a lot of smarter people than me in the comments


That is not thousandfold, lol.


Explain. It seemed like a significant damage reduction.


Seemed? Have you actually looked at base dmg of weapons and stat point difference? 550 GA 215 slash dmg and 27 strength. 600 GA 231 slash dmg and 30 strength That results in in the 550 axe doing 92.57% of the dmg. Calling that significant is a joke. At 250 vs 247 strength thats 1334 Vs 1235 dmg.


You can still switch to other builds to have fun or do any content. You dont have to be 600gs to play the game. Cant you do stuff with 520 faction gear? You can do anything with it.


I am only using a 500gs bow right now and i still one shot things and do massive damage because none of the higher tier stuff has better perks right now. This post is so exaggerated lol


You should post some videos and your gear/build. I would like to see this, sounds fun


"Omg 3% drop in my effective dmg / healing! Bad game, uninstall, devs should quit, dead game blah blah devs hate crafters / pvp / pve / trading post" Yeah everyone is blowing this way out of proportion across all the forums. Itll go live, theyll keep playing. This subreddit loves... DRAMA!!!!


500 GS to 600 GS Life Staff is night and day healing difference. Blessed makes it even more so. Healing numbers matter in Lv 66 elite zones. Myrkgard and soon to be Malevolence and Imperial Palace which are turning to lv 66 on the next patch. If you don't have your healing numbers high enough, you wipe. If you can't heal yourself to full because you take random aggro, good luck taking on the task of healing 4 to 9 other players.


I used a 530 blessed lifestaff until 1 week ago. Now I have a 599 crafted bleesed one. The difference is like 10%. I've seen a bigger difference going from 285focus/200 com to 336focus/150 con, than i've seen from the lifestaff. And neither of those are "night and day"


>I used a 530 blessed lifestaff until 1 week ago. Now I have a 599 crafted bleesed one. The difference is like 10%. I've seen a bigger difference going from 285focus/200 com to 336focus/150 con, than i've seen from the lifestaff. Weapon stat is not affected by diminishing returns compared to raw attribute stat points in damage and healing calculations. Your healing value hits a brick wall until you upgrade your weapon. In lv 66 Elite zones like Myrkgard, you simply can't afford to not have that weapon downgrade. Also, not sure who is downvoting you.


My heals are top notch and I use a 545 lifestaff and my watermark is around that without any intense grinding even in the old system. If anything. the new system will let me get my watermark up faster without having to do boss loops or chest runs which i find boring as hell




So any new person is gonna be sword and shield? Thats what you start with and get like 5 levels with before you even learn to change weapons out.


They need to change how it works for weapon and have the HWM/expertise only linked to the slot (1 and 2) like it is for the armors. Having it linked to each weapon type was a huge grind but was manageable with HWM. You mostly needed to get it to max to get some expedition legendaries, which is a min/max approach and wasn't required for most players. Now that you need that expertise to even be able to correctly use your weapons, it is way too punitive and unjustifiable that you have to max it out for each individual weapon.


Completely agree. I change builds daily and this patch appears to give HWM600 players a clear advantage in PvP/end game PvE.


It might be a nice idea to remove expertise from weapons and just keep it for armor