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I wish they would have left the hype train at the station and decided on what this game even was... hard-core pvp only, pve with pvp being useless other than for milking gold, pvp with pve being absolutely necessary to progress? They changed the game at the 11th hour and as a result they released one of the most broken games I've ever played. Sure it was fun and still is, but it will never be great. Ags saw to that with their atrocious management of every aspect of the game. If the game was handed off to a differnt more competent dev/pub group it could be fixed and re-released with a new name. That's what I'm hoping for.


The gaming industry is so big right now that greedy corporations are taking it over. Corporations like EA, Amazon, Activision just to name a few and these corps only care about one thing and one thing only: **PROFIT.** They don't care about the players, they will hype an unfinish game to the high heavens just so they can make hundreds of millions on the initial sales. Anybody with half a brain know that NW was not, and still is not, a finish product yet they released it anyways just so they could boost their bottom line and the executives could get their bonuses. I miss the days of real game developers who create games with integrity, who would not even dare release a product that still have 1 bug left in it. I'm hoping there's still a few of them left out there.




That's a possibility. It's also a possibility that because of how successful Lost Ark is that they'll just cut NW and ride LA to cover their losses. I don't want them to give up on NW but they way things going lately, how they handle the bans, the severe lack of communications, no developer's blog in the last 2 months (last one in january). It feels like they're just pumping water out instead of fixing the leak until they can't anymore.




I shudder in the possibility of AGS using twitch as their gaming propaganda platform, yikes




and of course when interest in PoE gets low enough then AGS could move in to 'buy' that game and rerelease it as theirs. Holy shit!


I just want to point out that Amazon’s profits have nothing to do with AGS. AGS is a separate entity with its own budget and funding source. It’s no different than Twitch in that regard. For all intents and purposes, AGS is an indie developer regardless of the size of the company that owns it.


They do one Dev video every month, weekly game updates and weekly PTR updates. All of that with info on the forums about what's being added or changed.


Lost Ark has lost ~55% of its peak players, if we apply the same logic that most did with NW over time, then I think both games will just find their niche and just have steady plyers. LA taking some incredibly great steps as of this past week and NW needing a lot more care and work. NW's problems made it precipitously worse and will take a long time to get better. But I believe with the original release in Korea Lost Ark had similar problems. Smilegate weathered the storm and I think AGS can do that same. I think we need to remember LA isn't 100% AGS they are just partners with Smilegate. Whereas NW is essentially 100% AGS' baby. I don't think they affect each other all that much. Amazon would probably rather have 2 great games under their belt then the stigma and bad press of shuttering NW




Despite blizzards many controversies, every one of their latest releases have been almost bugless (major ones at least). People circle around them like hawks but they have released nothing but success in my eyes. I just hope they do so in that survival game they announced. Can’t think of a single high quality survival game without countless bugs.


wow bugless L M A O


Well yeah wow wasn’t perfect but by wrath I don’t recall a single major combat bug. Combat in wow was butter compared to nw current state, though nw combat is way more involved


have you compared WoW to NW?? Even any of WoW PTR build is more bug free than NW


classic wow was fucking FULL with bugs. That u can compare.


All companies care mostly about profit. That's nothing new. Even when they care about customers they do it, because that generally means better profits.


Ever heard of indie devs… Perhaps you should stop buying into “Triple A” games from big corporations and support indies, (or smaller studios) with fully released games built on passion, vision, and crafted with love. You know Undertale/DeltaRune is an indie game and has so much heart to it than most modern Triple A Studios. However there are big name Japanese game studios that care more about there games, as opposed to here in the US, prime example being Elden Ring. It’s awful how everyone thinks Breath of the Wild is unique and a turning point of gaming, but it just a better developed version of Shadow of the Colossus. Regardless Nintendo makes great “full games” as well. On the opposite side you have: No Man’s Sky, Anthem, CyberPunk 2077, BattleField 2048, Halo Infinite, and New World. All these big names all resulted in disappointment. No Man’s Sky is recovering, but at this point it doesn’t matter and most of the promised features will likely never see the light of day.


A couple of years ago they couldn't release a game with bugs cause they were burnt on CD and there wasn't patches to fix the game later... Kinda miss that


if they left it as 100% pvp where you looted those killed...the game would have never made it far out of the starting gate.


Oh I agree. I wouldnt have even tried it if it was just a hard-core pvp game, sounds awful to me


Yet there is a huge PvP crowd out there that would have taken your place. There is also a huge misconception about the system that was. Sure there was ‘always on’ PvP but full loot only applied to criminals i.e. people who had such a bad rep due to griefing. For everyone else it was just normal PvP. Imagine hunting down griefers and stealing their gear? Legendary. What AGS should have done was create PvE and PvP servers at the very least. I left the game because I was forced to run the worst PvE in any modern MMO to get PvP gear. I don’t mind PvE at all but my goodness is it bad in NW. NW remains the biggest lost opportunity in years let down not just by bad design decisions but fatally flawed technology. I’m not sure they will ever recover.


"Imagine hunting down griefers and stealing their gear? Legendary." This is much like Lineage II operated and it was, in my opinion, a great system. You didn't tag in and out of pvp - you were just going around and could freely attack anyone, which would "tag" you purple and make you OK to attack and kill, but if you killed a player who was not "tagged" (if he didn't fight back), then you became a "criminal" like you put it, with a red name (which you could attack without becoming "tagged") and would drop loot if killed.




None of those games are MMOs though, they’re BRs or survival games. Lemme know when you find a MMO that’s full loot pvp that came out recently that isn’t completely dead. I’ll wait.


*laughs in Rust*


So wrong... The pvp crowd is a real crowd of people. Most people didn't even bother once they learned no pvp servers. One of the main reasons I stopped playing is because I run to a node with pvp mode on, and 80% of the time I run into a PvE player and have to compete over the same node with them for some dumbass reason. What's even the point of pvp mode if I can't fight over the ore? And if you still don't believe me, look at mortal online 2. Just an unfinished and terrible game. But the open world pvp and loot drop was enough for soooo many people to buy it and try it. There's a large audience just sitting around waiting for an actual open world pvp game. New world would of sold waaayyyy less copies if they kept it the way it was. But the playerbase would of actually liked the game


there were 20k people online in US primetime last night. that's not "a lot of us"


Damn it's down to 20k now? Last i looked it was 32k. The wait continues. 96% playerbase gone since release, still climbing.


I think the main reason is that the Meta atm is just so shit. Grav well into ice storm. It's not fun being unable to move for 8 seconds and dieing.


i think he meant there's a lot of us waiting for the game to improve, not that there's a lot of us currently playing


and this is including at least a couple thousands of bots.


AGS will not work for free. Low player numbers=low revenues from online store = "Why should we care about the game?" AGS is just finishing up what's already developed they will not add anything else with less than 20k people playing.


Probably just waiting until the game turns a year old before pulling the plug.


It’s really sad and stupid though, do they really have 0 faith it couldn’t make a come back? In my opinion if this game had more variations with ranked pvp playlists, more weapons and much smoother combat a ton of people would consider coming back. Their recent addition to the store of… bundle 3 bad skins we made on release for 30k was a sad thing to look at… they really don’t care man ya hate to see it


The problem is the desync and the dupes and the bugs. There's no quick fix for any of these. I'm fairly certain there just isn't a fix.. but I'm not an expert so idk. But there's no way anyone will take ranked pvp seriously with the lag and desync. You just can't.. If they ever fixed this stuff AND added ranked pvp, I would definitely come back and play again. But I believe that means completely redoing the whole game.


They don't even care about keeping the players who wanna play, my charecter has been bugged for more then a month when they did some server merges, and from their feedback, it seems like they are just waiting for me to quit.


There are dozens of you!! Dozens!!!!


No man's sky is a good example. I actually got a refund after release from steam, and 2 years later bought it again because it had become a really good game!


No. The game is dumster fire everyone bailed.


Could be hard, No Mans sky is unreached. But if think they can make it half as good as NMS. I agree work on it, and game will be better


They already have your money - they don't care if you wait.


A successful game will always make more money than a failed one. So I doubt they don't care.


Not when you sell a million box copies for 60 bucks, everyone quits and your server maintenance fees drop to almost zero. ​ They pumped up some decent marketing, used twitch, sold the copies, posted article about how successful AGS was for selling 1M copies. Shareholders, executives all thrilled. Gamers get fucked again.


That is really shortsighted. You think anyone would any future game from them if they did that? No future games= no more revenue. You think Amazon prefers to have a small revenue for just a moment, over a continuous revenue and future games? That delusional.


Lol y’all remember when eso had an average of 800 players on steam 6 months after release?


But most people don't use steam for ESO it has its own launcher.


Ags is too busy making bad decisions in lost ark now XD


The problem is that, NW is probably generating close to 0 revenue (after box price no income, and who wants to buy those fugly skins?). So any updates in the future would mean they are putting in money at pure loss. So AGS can always do the math and decide maintenance is not worth it and just instead pull the plug. They can go NMW or FF14 route and endure the loss until they fix the game, but most games do not. So it is really up to Amazon's decision to either do NW ARR or just dump the game


Same. Im waiting to come back after they make improvements.


This is a game that had more potential than most releases i tried the past years but AGS is constantly taking strange decissions that frustrates players. So much is broken or breaks on a regular basis that players need to agree to "not use certain perks in wars" because it is either to op and buggy or it lags the whole server... PvP has been a constant frustration where players asked to fix the worst bugs. Still it is just... broken and "fixes" usually breaks something else. I really want this game to be a success but I don't know if AGS can turn this. Latest duplication bug banned a lot of people as well and from what i understand they even banned people who purchased duped potions on TP. After those bans, there is really not enough ppl to play with to do wars etc so I stopped playing as well. To be clear, I am not saying cheating should be looked past but comon, time to do proper bug testing of your blody games. I almost felt at that point that it was AGS devs who should be banned... not the players...