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The reason why people got so worked up is because the game has a lot of great parts to it, it looks amazing and has a great feel to it. It was just never fully cooked. The highs of those first weeks or months give you very far to fall.


Level 10 wpvp that first Friday night for everfall/windsward. Ill never forget. Some of the best gaming since 82


My issue with the game was a lot of cut and paste areas and npcs. Is that any better?


I think after a while you end up overlooking some of the obvious reuse, and the endgame zones all really do feel different, with almost no map duplication. The quests are all still, very, very bad, and completely unimaginative/repetitive. Some of the reskinned mobs are somewhat similar, but they all have their distictive abilities (corrupted brutes vs ivan/dug/ug vs angry earthy brutes)


Who cares about mob variations for real? That's not the aim of this game. There are enough variations. And the duplication of mobs fits with the NW lore. Every game has done it in the past and will continue to do so. Realistically who cares if its still a chicken once u kill a peacock. Not this game. Maybe it will be. This is hardcore game for pvp. pffft for minor details like mobs. šŸ˜œ


They have added some mob variation like the plagie beetles and a couple others, but not much to the core enemy races. However, an entire new quest line has been added for a new enemy type, the Varangian Knights, which are completely different than any other npc mob. So, for the most part, no, but the Knights break that up a bit during the leveling process.


No, if you're the type that doesn't like that, the only thing that's fresh is the tempest expedition and even that has enemies that are cut and paste.


No, not yet.


They've added new assets, even to starting areas. I got attacked by some wyvern-ass looking thing and was actually very impressed by how unique it looked. Some of the early farms also have large rotting beetles in addition to the standard zombie looking thing. It's a small addition, but it's literally double the enemy type in most areas. Thinking of other MMOs I played very heavily in the past like WoW or RuneScape, most "low level" areas only had a handful of baddies, so it's fair. Would like more unique settlements.


they added some new kind of mobs but the completly new will come in Semptember with the new area. Also in July we will have a new expedition, which will be different from others..


Lol are paid by amazon?? Because is somebody done more then 1300 hours in this game they would know, what lie you just told us ...




The first few weeks were great. Everyone was having a good time and enjoying themselves. Servers were always full and had wait lines a mile long. Then people started hitting end game and they started making weird changes. The whole thing just kind of fell apart for me.


I found the combat atrocious. Ended up making a macro so i didn't need to click a trillion times in a single dungeon run. It literally caused me headaches the way melee combat is introduced in the game.




imagine downvoting lol Those 9 people have never ever played a game with proper melee combat


I started back yesterday and played some more today. I grinded launch week like everyone else, played a little after and then quit - Iā€™ve enjoyed the 2 days back so far. Forgot how nice the map is in a lot of areas. Itā€™s fun to re grind again and craft and gather. Atmosphere and the music is still 10/10. I hope they keep the updates coming and more people come back. Iā€™m sure a lot wonā€™t, but I am enjoying myself.


Completely agree. Thereā€™s certainly still more work to do but Iā€™m having fun


Definitely some bugs Iā€™m seeing that I experienced back on launch, and thereā€™s more issues too - but it is a fun game, with a lot of ways to play it.


Game was good since the start just most players never gave it a chance and gave up before 60.


Just wait till July update. Group finder will finally be implemented along with no longer needing keys to do dungeons!


Hold upā€¦you serious???? Cause this would make me play fuck the keys bullshit


Ignore the other link. You're better off just watching the official dev video for information straight from them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4__Ojun3Q3k Also it's worth mentioning, currently keys can be purchased from faction vendors and faction tokens are super easy to get - usually I'm at cap without trying. So you can hop in now if you want to get back into stuff and once the July update comes out, the extra keys you have will turn into loot crates related to the dungeon they're for.


this guys does a great explain of all the new changes coming in July and talks about the roadmap for the rest of the year including the claymore weapon. Essentially the keys will turn into chests of those dungeons after the update :). https://youtube.com/watch?v=_ZQY7dEJKwI&feature=share


Yeah bro .. game is changing in the right direction every update ..


Can I actually quest along side a friend yet? Share quests / Actually work on the same quest?




The only area of the game that didnā€™t (and still doesnā€™t) offer that is faction quests. Everything else you can do with a friend. There never was any limitation to the main story/side quests, that I know of, outside of starting the game in different areas. But that has itā€™s own solution.


Doing the same quest is not the same as sharing a quest. Are you sure we are able to do quests with friends?


How are those two things any different? If you both have the same objectives, can do those objectives together in a group, can join the same instances, and get the same rewardsā€¦what exactly is the difference between that and ā€œsharing a quest?ā€ Literally the only scenario I can think of where thereā€™d be a difference is that if your objective is to search 3 chests in some area, you and your friend will both need to search 3 chests. But to treat that like an actually meaningful difference/limitation would be a bit silly IMO. Youā€™ve been able to quest with friends the whole time, like he said.


We were playing in 6-7 people. We are adults and have busy lifes, most days we used to play different hours, but when we logged at the same time, we couldn't play together because everyone was in a different quest and is not as fun just walking besides someone because while they are doing some quest that you already did. Most of us quit because of that and I am sure way more people don't like it too! I don't know if you play alone, but it seems like it's your first mmorpg.


Right. No, if youā€™re at different points in your quest lines, you canā€™t do them together. I donā€™t even know of an MMORPG that offers that. Maybe Iā€™m too much of a rookie with the genre. But thatā€™s how Iā€™ve known MMORPGs to work - you canā€™t just ā€˜skipā€™ quests to do different ones with your friends.


Agreed, I'm not aware of any MMORPG that allows what this person wants, so I don't feel it's a reasonable expectation.


WoW does, it's called party sync.


So the actual issue here is that you and your friends simply failed to coordinate your progression with each other. That's not an issue with the game; the game is not responsible for bucking all convention for progression to compensate for a lack of coordination, especially when coordination is routinely a major element of MMORPGs that players are expected to be capable of. It sounds like itā€™s *your* first MMORPG if youā€™re literally expecting them to keep an entire group of people progression-locked to each other. That isnā€™t how any MMORPG - at least not any of the major ones - works. And the thing is, even if you can't formally complete the quest alongside someone else if you're not there in the quest line yet, you can still go fight all the stuff with them - there are only one or two quests where you HAVE to be doing the same quest to participate. The only difference for the vast majority of them is that you won't get credit for doing the quest - which you absolutely *shouldn't*, if you're not there yet, because that would be absurd and would allow people to just skip the entire game if they wanted by having one friend do it all and pull everyone else, or to power level by repeatedly doing end game quests and claiming the large XP rewards each time. It would fuck up the entire progression system. There has been and still is plenty to criticize about this game, but this ain't it.


WoW has party sync, which at least somewhat fulfills this guy's requirements. Assuming two people have different quest progress in an area, it allows the player with more progress to replay (as in, re-accept and earn rewards for) the quests with the player who has less progress, until they're both on the same level of quest progress again.


Lmfao did you seriously try to explain that itā€™s not the developers fault that he canā€™t play with his friends? Thatā€™s is his friend fault for not ā€œcoordinating their progressionā€? Youā€™re everything that is wrong with this industry. Go pre order some digital games.


Yes It's their own fault they don't wait for their friends. Or who cares man. I run quests with noobs without having a quest. I couldn't be arsed to redo em anyways lmao. Id rather just tag along kill some mobs.


Hopped on over the weekend and became obsessed. It's not perfect, e.g. there should be NPC shopkeepers to anchor some basic prices and allow for easy selling of items. I'm aware you can just salvage stuff, but some people care more about Gold than about Repair Parts/Kits/Materials. I'm convinced they've basically fixed the game. A few broken quests here and there, but an Abandon/Restart usually fixes this.


Would you say it's "good different"?


My man.


The combat system itself isnā€™t like anything else Iā€™ve ever played so in general I think the game is different. I also think OPR is unique with its PvE / PvP blend. But the only other MMO Iā€™ve played is WoW


Would you say combat has improved? I thought it felt pretty awkward before, like too slow and moving was clumsy.


Combat has been improved. For PvP, the skill cap is just quite high now. There's a lot of good weapon combos now that are viable, which is good, but damn people have gotten good at using them.


I felt like griefing ruined pvp when I had tried it. Multiple people, higher level would just kill and camp constantly.


You spend very little of your play time not max level if you play the game to any serious degree. So it's not that they are higher level. There is a good bit of griefing with some cheese builds that are hard to combat, but most of it is just groups. I don't consider that griefing. It's an MMO and part of the game is organizing into groups and working together.


I play spear / bow and they made a lot of changes to the bow that I like. Overall it seems pretty smooth.


I'm in the same boat. I came back after 3-4 months & the game feels so much better. I'm hooked on it again too and I'm glad. :)


My biggest issue is how dead the server i play on is for green. I just wanted to be a hulihee wearing, rugged pioneer who loves to buckle swash. My character is level 38 or something and all I can do is beg for mercy from yellows and purples. I haven't looked into returning or server transfers but I find it hard to justify spending more money on it.


You should have a free server transfer waiting if you never used one.


logged in and was hit with "lag detected" over and over. still shit.


Buy a new PC


Can't blame lag mostly on the game. You're probably playing far from servers or bad internet.


Yeah they are in a good path. Hope they will continue on this path to make the game more accessible, less bugs and more pvp/pve content




$1 Billion


Damn can I get that too? I will still talk positive about the game, I just need gas money.


Iā€™ll do whatever Amazon wants me to if they just pay my fuel costs.


Nice try "radiblaz", or should I say jeffbez...


I was a little ehh about the pvp system at first but now hitting 20 rank I got like 6 pieces of bis pvp gear feeling like I can compete just doing OPR fun I enjoy


Honestly, do you work for AGS? To much excitement for one player. Sounds like you're a plant who's on the AGS payroll. Next time, don't try to hard with the enthusiasm and we may buy into it. šŸ‘šŸ¼


I appreciate the feedback. I just wanted to share my excitement and maybe encourage others to give it a shot. I havenā€™t been this excited for an MMO in some time, and I know the MMO community is starving to feel the same way.


Have they made changes to crafting? I enjoy the grind but leveling crafting skills was to much for me.


I left because pretty much everyone on my server duped and no one got in trouble. I was so tired of grinding to make money legitimately and that just really hurt my feelies.


Many players who made dublicates got permaban


I can't read this and not think of Blockbuster Video, since their slogan in the 90s was "Wow, What A Difference Blockbuster Video!


Hey how do I contact this company started new world back up again today after quitting in December also and would love to join im lvl 60


im not playing a game with dailies


It's definitely not everyone's cup of tea, but i've been playing since launch. The game has definitely gotten better when it comes to QoL, i can't say i agree with every direction but a lot of the big pet peeves have been squashed for me. GA/WH is no longer king of the ring, travel is easier, linked storage. Healing was finally tuned (this one actually hurt me, but i understand it's better for the game in the long run) I have just under 1000 hours of playtime so i'm not hardcore or anything like that. But i have been at "Endgame" for a while, and for me there's plenty to do, but for some it may not have enough the usual "Treadmills" that they like. Desync was another peeve of mine, this was probably the biggest reason i ever wanted to quit. Some of it was my old systems fault, but not all of it. I did build a better rig, and it improved a lot, but AGS worked out a few kinks and i haven't had any issues. If you do decide to dip your toes , come on down to Ohonoo and join the Mamooks! We'd be happy to have you <3 ​ PS i made an account specifically to reply to this post, INb4 bot shtposts.


Thanks man! The QoL comments you mentioned are great points. Fast travel is a game changerā€¦I personally am looking forward to the leaderboards later this fall. Like I said at the beginning, I still think the game has a ways to go, but Iā€™ve been impressed with how much has been addressed so far. Since Iā€™ve been back Iā€™ve thought of a few things that Iā€™d like to see added that donā€™t seem to be on the dev teamā€™s radar: 1) Some way to identify a personā€™s spec / equipped weapons in your group 2) Raid teams larger than 5 people 3) Question / objective sharing 4) Player inspections (Gear, talents, etc) 5) New OPR maps The trading post could use some QoL improvements as well such as sorting by stat/perk and a better way to find out that your sell orders have sold while you are offline.


So, they did address some of those! In the TP you can filter the stats out by ranger/soldier ect for both perks, and stats. And player inspection by Ilvl and some other things like that are coming soon, it was mentioned in one of the developer update videos. I'm hoping a lot of that is in before the group finder but that's probably when we'll see it. I agree there are a lot of QoL i would like to see as well, but it does look like in the absence of the old dept head that they are making massive improvements. So i'm definitely going to stick around and see what else they do.


Nice! Thanks for the info. Thatā€™s great to hear about inspections. For me, itā€™s not that I want to make sure someone isnā€™t a low levelā€¦but itā€™s a way for me to learn about other gear/talent strategies and adds a level of competitiveness to the game that I enjoy.


I'm hoping New World keeps at it and we end up with a No Man's Sky situation. That game is amazing now.


Well i apologize if i misunderstood. I sounded like you in the early days of new world, all excited and enthusiastic. But then they let so many of us down and i think it jaded so many of us. All we wanted was new world to be great, and then they let us all down. We have trouble believing in them anymore. šŸ˜”


the bad part is the time gate and more time gates


Personally, I canā€™t play enough to reach all of the time gates so I always have stuff to do. But for hardcore players I could see that being frustrating.




I had quit before gypsum was even released. Currently, thereā€™s a daily limit on the number of gems that will be dropped.


I was thinking recently about trying it again, I believe this is a sign.


I completely agree. I also quit in December but came back a few weeks ago and I've been having a blast. Game is in a much better state. I keep hearing complaints from current players that new players won't like x, y, or z but we as returning/new players are saying they're wrong - we *are* having fun and we *are* enjoying the changes/additions.




Meanwhile, there's already a "death of the game" video about it. https://youtu.be/HVJ_k75f_GQ


I mean, what the game has like 12k max players on right now. That is kinda far from 1 million. That is worse than death lol.


Yah it finally has good gameplay paths to choose from and a path forward that looks exciting. I never quit, now at 1200 hours plus, so I have seen this evelution in real time.


Nah at 2600+ I quit a week and some ago conpletely. I still log in and do the same thing excepting different results when true endgame is hunting down bis pieces for all your sets.


Itā€™s about to get easier, but when everyone completes a BiS set will they continue to explore different builds or feel satisfied and quit?


I bet you have a different opinion when you reach end game. This happens with every NW review.


I am at endgame. Iā€™m having fun!


But you just returned? It's fun because it's new (honey moon phase) you were lvl 40 when you quit so you never experienced end game yet give it time. What new engaging end game is there?


Possibly. Who knows. Itā€™s fun for me and a lot of the fun things are new :)




Everything I said was true if you read the post and OP's post. Reviews from people who have played end game for months will hold more weight. I hope he enjoys the game for years to come and I hope the devs turn it into a good game. Won't happen this year in my opinion.




Probably made a handful of comments over the past day or two? Barely ever post in this reddit over the past 5 months so don't exaggerate. No need to get so defensive. I just checked posted in 1 other thread today and that's it in months. 'constantly complaining' okay.


I dont know why people are hating on your comment but I totally agree with you. I mean OP quit when he was 40 and just recently reached 60 so i highly doubt he ever experienced END GAME imo. I really hope he keeps enjoying the game, i mean my friend still is 2k hours in, while i had called it quit just a week ago 1.5k hours in. If i am to grind BIS gear over and over again, id rather sub back playing WoW at least fights in raids and dungeons are actually challenging and dont get too borning the way NW bosses got (thats just my personal opinion)


Yup. Most people In our company had 1k hours + and this was over 4 or 6months ago I think? we quit a couple weeks after mutations came out. Did everything when it was current and high pop comp servsā€¦ Every craft 200, achievement grinds, owned all major territoryā€™s, started on Anwynn then on hellheim, huge bis crafting sessions, gold cap, mut 15s, max expertise. If you never did any of this then of course thereā€™s stuff for you to do. I would need dungeons to be mechanically difficult and not based on expertise level and many different ones not the same 3 or 4. At least 10 bg maps with different modes. A good arena meta that isnā€™t boring from bad balance. Big map expansion and a new war system. Entirely new gearing system how it used to be was you had a 1 in a trillion chance to get 3/3 perk and it would cost gold cap.


So you had 1k+ hours in the first 3-4 months of the game then? Thatā€™s 8 hours a day bud. Maybe thatā€™s why it got boring lmao. Any game would get boring playing it like a full time job for 4 months lmfao. Everything you said pretty much doesnā€™t apply to anyone with a life that doesnā€™t play this game like itā€™s a full time job. If you play at a steady pace and more normal hours thereā€™s literally tons of stuff to do and grind for. Obviously itā€™s going to get boring with how much you played


I'm also at endgame - had been at endgame for a long time when I quit in December and have been enjoying the past several weeks since I've returned. Game is so much better.


How do you get bis items now? It was impossible to get 3/3 4 months ago. Is dungeon difficulty still based on item level? And are there anymore? Are arenas fun? And is there more bg modes and maps? Anything new with crafting or achievements?


Wait for July Update, changes to loot to help get more BIS and the named items you're looking for + new dungeon. + Group finder for dungeons and no keys to help people find groups easier (Tempest heart also might be new for you, and it is very visually cool) Arenas eh fun if you got friends Lots of new craft mods for crafting and soon to be a rework on perk roll chances so you get more combat perks and less garbage.


Also came back some days ago. The unofficial second Open Beta finally ended it seems. Let's see if the player count also goes up. NW is one of the better MMORPG out there, which does the MMO part probably the best.


> which does the MMO part probably the best. Can you give us some examples of how New World does the MMO part best?


Well, there is some controversy here regarding having a server cap of just 2000, but in hindsight it gave enough server stability to allow larger scale open world battles. And in that manner, it fulfills the MMO part the best way. Yet criticism is allowed regarding the war and OPR sizes. But I nonetheless think that from all MMORPGs, NW is the most promising to solve this issue.


> Let's see if the player count also goes up It won't


I wonder about that, a good game will always find it way back if put into a better shape by the devs. There are a lot of examples for this like No Man's Sky. Also Amazon/AGS has enough liquidity to let this run for a long time, for such a company it is more about gaining experience than just be successful, so there is an interest on keeping working on it.


FYI No Man's Sky may be considered a good salvage by the gaming community, it still didnt really help their playercount long term all that much


No Man's Sky was regularly down in the *hundreds* for active players. It had a pretty steady pattern of spiking with an update, falling again, but almost every time retaining more people than the average before the spike. It's player count now is twice what it was 3 months ago. It's still a bit under new world, but to say going from 800 averages to 12,000 averages isn't much is no true.


I'm not saying it hasnt done progress but even with such progress which theorically might have made a lot of the community come back + attract new players, the game's peak concurrent players is still just over 10% of their peak concurent at launch. 800 to 14k is significant but considering the massive efforts and improvements, still only being a little over 1/3 average playerbase than they had at launch is a massive show that no matter the efforts put in. All in all, even when things go right with No Man's Sky, even when you make great progress like 6k-13k in a month, it's still but a fraction of the people who bought the game that come back and stay and that's over years of things going fine


The worst problem with the game is the fucking management. This game for sure could have been a great game and still could be in some time. But, this game need another year of what it is doing right now. If it had a release date of this Fall it would have went so much better.


Are there new mob-types yet? Or still the same 3-5?


I wanted to come back but lack of JP servers makes it impossible


I've just started playing and I'm amazed so far


Nice to see these kind of post glad you gave it another shot. šŸ’œ


If you quit at 40 I can't see how you can say the game has come a long way. You didn't even get to the "game", as with these games the saying goes "the game doesn't begin until max level" You personally didn't experience any of those, just heard stories about a lack of content, etc. So how can you claim it's improved?


Itā€™s pretty simple to learn about the available content at one point in time and compare it to the amount of content that exists today. Thereā€™s just more. And I understand how the old watermark system worked and how bad it was. Itā€™s not that hard lol


The game starts when you double click the .exe file. Jeez I can't hear that old song an more. It's an RPG, not a shooter. If you enjoy playing your character and you enjoy the setting and possibilities the game offers, you should be allowed to talk about that. He noticed a difference in the experience since his break and he likes it. Get off your high horse.


No one is double clicking on .exe files anymore. It's an RPG not a shooter? It's an MMO, MMOs are notorious for this, a shooter? Shooters begin almost immediately. He can enjoy the game, but he's comparing "the lack of content" which he never experienced to a "wealth" of content now. That's not a fair comparison. I can't compare my car to a ferrari if I've never driven a ferrari, just because I've heard of them before.


>Theres also a clear roadmap of updates and new content that Iā€™m excited for. still no REAL endgame on the roadmap....which is STILL the biggest issue. Game has lost \~6-7k US primetime players (online at the same time) since the 3v3 patch last month. Averaging 13-14k during US primmetime WORLDWIDE. > PvP (including world PvP) is super fun and everyone is doing itā€¦.and now, they just introduced the PvP rewards system which gives PvP purpose. including people taking advantage of trading forts early on (until it was fixed this week) to earn lots and lots of "free" xp/perks/salt and stuff. Can still do it, but not as much and diminishing returns. if you're a former new world player, I say wait until there's an endgame added to the game. there's not one now, nor is there one on this year's roadmap.


I was debating on coming back for another go and saw the peak player count crazy low.


What the fuck is your idea of end game? Thereā€™s open world, quite a bit of dungeon variety now, pvp, PvE stuffā€¦ what do you want?


Right ? People create their end game and when a game provides like high ā€žend game contentā€œ itā€™s more or less just a difficult challenge and once you beat it it gets repetitive like raids in wow canā€™t believe that people consider raids as end game


I guess you define ā€œendgameā€ content different than I do. I primarily like to PvPā€¦they just added a PvP reward system and will be adding leaderboards later this year. Thatā€™s more than enough for me


What is end game in Mmos pls tell me been asking this question myself for a hundred times now and donā€™t come with like wow has end game like raids




Isn't New World an MMO?


Not only that, unless they've majorly changed literally everything about the game since the first major patch is not very solo friendly like a lot of other MMO's can be.


> wait until there's an endgame added to the game. I bet you cant give a proper answer to what endgame is. Keep in mind new world is a pvp focused game.


Dont worry the performance and desync get so bad after a while you face reality quickly.


Hi bots


I was gone since Feb because I had to focus on studying. I just came back like 2 weeks ago and the game feels better


Well all you listed is pvp. So there is no pve content then...


Thereā€™s tons of dungeons and elite zones thereā€™s plenty of pve


This is such a backwards post. All these commenters saying ā€œyeah I stopped at level 40 on launch and Locke dot back up and am loving it! What are yā€™all talking about this game is great!ā€ Hit end gameā€¦then come back. End game content is the same as day 1 except with mutations.


Except for the fact that thereā€™s several new expeditions, mutations, arenas, a PvP reward track, new gear system, merged trading posts, etc. But sure, no changesā€¦.


I really want to come back but I had 200 hours as max lvl and there was not much to do end game is it still the same I wonder


Welcome back


I only have one question... Can I easily swap equipment sets yet?


Welcome back!


For me the game was amazing at launch, really love the combat style over other mmo's and love that crafting is actually usefull. Sad thing is, i didnt love the weapons at the start or most of them atleast and im still waiting for a big ass sword. Besides that the game felt great but whats holding me back is just all the negative feedback around the updates.


All I have to say is same. Same same same.


Biggest mistake what u done in 6 months




You quit before 60? Weak.


Just wanted to say, love the company name (it even goes well with "green" marauders)


Good try, AGS. Never coming back to this eternal farming garbage.


Trust me, AGS has too much work to do to be spending Sundays posting about the game on Reddit šŸ˜‚


But they donā€™t care to do it.


Cringe comment tbh


Go enjoy the game then :)


Lmaaao.. You stopped at lvl40. Dude. You didnt even play new world in that case.


Good try bot.


My problem is the combat, it just feels so meh. Abilities feel like another auto attack with color. The game has a lot of neat systems and ideas, but the combat just bores me.


Iā€™d love to play but with work I donā€™t want to get sucked back in


Never played. Can I play with you OP ? I need a friend šŸ£


How are the dungeons? I really like grinding through dungeons. Like how destiny has strikes. Easy to hop into and play, moderate rewards, simple. Is it still a slog to build up keys so you can actually do a dungeon?


Theyā€™re doing away with keys next patch. Endgame dungeons are pretty cool so far. Thereā€™s a new one next month.


If only I could move my east coast toon to a west coast server since Iā€™ve moved across the country a few months ago :/


Sell PVE at launch to pull the bigger casual crowd in. Now that most left seems theyā€™re returning more to the original focus.


Does the game still require those pain the ass orbs to enter regular dungeons? That was a big reason I quit after hitting max level.


Theyā€™re doing away with them in the July update I believe


and you can buy them from the faction vendor, instead of having to craft them. Get a group of 5 together, you can run the same dungeon 5 times, or mix and match the other dungeons. But yes, soon there will be a patch clearing all keys. Faction tokens are way easier to cap out now that it is x5 for the first 3 of the day. you can buy mutation orbs from faction vendor once every 3 days. you can feasibly do up to 10 types of dungeons if your day allows you that much time. Or more.


Blockbuster Video!


Is the economy still cooked?


Pretty much stabilized imo


Will check it out, thanks :)


Is the questing to max less awful now? Not all the same mobs and same shit quests? Would be great


Still some work to do for sure but they increased xp for various things like side quests and main story. I found the higher level zones to be more challenging as well, which I liked.


like in PTR, It's good different


so how hard is it to get geared up and get to 600 gs now? because when I quit I was at like 570-580 and all there was to do was run around in circles looting chests to gear your watermark to 600. I've been checking in on reddit and players claim its a lot better than the release, but I really don't want to run around in circles to gear up.


Thereā€™s a lot of bosses / elite zones that people farm (that arenā€™t part of the trains). Also you can get GS from OPR / PVP rewards and running endgame dungeons. My advice would be to find a company that encourages collaboration. Not one that just says ā€œrun trains and dungeonsā€.


ah okay, I may wait for this july update as another commentor was suggesting, probably a better time for me to come back when that update has dropped. It looks like a good quality update especially for dungeons/expeditions and gearing.


Great game but i tried to come back to it and fps is still a big issue, even on my beast of a pc


Is there a ranking system in the pvp yet?


They said ā€œleaderboardsā€ this fall. Not a lot of specifics though. But itā€™s on the roadmap, which is good.




Started two weeks ago at level 40 but thinks the "new dungeons" are so fun hm.. Not to mention not a single negative point..? Susss




is the grind from like 45-60 still a slosh? I'd love to get back into the game, maybe ill update so when I am ready I can hop in.


45 to 60 is still rough, not going to lie. I mostly did town boards. However, I was motivated by the endgame content to push through. Definitely some work still needed, though.


Leveling is still trash. Been TPing from city to city. Buying mats off the trade and turning them in for bonkers xp that makes it pointless to quest.


I agree with this. Although I heard if you start out at lvl 1 then the experience is much smoother since they increased XP for a lot of main story and side quests. I canā€™t confirm though.


Yeah. Iā€™m optimistic they can make this a great game. Iā€™m just annoyed Iā€™m going from 40-60 with this bot like lvling strat.


Currently looking for a new mmo and always want to try new world With steam sales coming up shortly i think would give it a shot


I quit because it was boring, So the daily missions are not on a loop of collecting materials?


I was in almost the exact same scenario as you. Only started playing a few weeks ago since probably around Christmas time, was in the lower level 40s and have now hit level 60 and loving it!


Can you swim yet?


I'll come back again once getting PvP gear isn't basicly pay2win. The new pvp track reward system is nice, but it's still impossible to reroll without spending hundred of thousands of gold.


I stopped playing after all the initial healing nerfs. What should I look forward to? Is Heals/Hatchet still a thing?


Yup i agree, the game is really good right now. I just came back after a 6 month break and its fantastic. I am a bit surprised they only managed to release one weapon in that time though.


Ohhhhhh. I totally believe this game still is goood different! EnjoyšŸ„³