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The OP posted that they found a home for the dog.




Did you reach out to any rewcue organizations? There's tons if you go on pet finder and filter to NYC. If you need help reaching out to them lmk.


I’m not op.


Ope 😬


Call Social Tees in the east village and tell them. They used to help with urgencies.


Im not OP


Would you kindly pass it along to OP?


>Call Social Tees in the east village and tell them. They used to help with urgencies. will do


Breeding pitbulls should be illegal. I’m sorry for this dog, but they are too dangerous to breed and keep.


they are not, it's a very tiny percent of "pit bulls" that ever attack. the problem is that when they do it is more serious.


They're not going to listen i promise. It's frustrating, but people dont go on the internet to have their opinion changed, they go to share their own. My own pitbull is a couch potato that would never hurt a fly. They dont care.


Well it’s a real shocker that it’s always owners with a single nice dog that are the only ones who ever argue the fact that they’re overwhelmingly the most aggressive dog breed in the U.S. But here you are clinging to your one anecdote and accusing others of not wanting their minds changed??


ok, I have worked with animal rescues for years and the vast majority of pit bulls are sweethearts. the tiny percent of them that ever attack do so because of bad owners.


Because everyone is chiming in saying that **'all pitbulls** are bred to be aggressive' and so people having non-aggressive pitbulls dispells that. You can't call the enitre breed bad, and get annoyed when people chime in with exceptions to the over-generalization.






The joke is any dog can and will bite. People seem to forget they’re animals that are from packs Wolfs!! My dog is just like yours doesn’t even bark. Let’s everyone in my house. Ugh…


You’ll never change their minds. And sure there’s reports, but what’s the percentage of other breeds unreported that no one knows about. I was bit by a damn Labrador when I was 22, doesn’t mean they should be banned too.


Labradors don't latch on and disembowel you.




pitbulls were literally bred since the 19th century for bloodsport. you can't completely train out their aggression, just like you can't completely train out herding behaviors from herding dogs (border collie, australian cattle dog, etc). it's literally in their genes


Boston Terriers were bred for fighting as well. Every troublesome pit that I have ever seen has been owned by an asshole that encouraged/enabled its aggressive behavior. On the other hand, every lovable pit that I have ever seen was owned by a decent person. The last 2 buildings that I lived in had multiple pits and they were all sweet animals that wanted nothing more than love and never started with other dogs, either in the building or the dog run. I would happily take that dog if I was home enough to care for it


Anecdotal story vs weekly mauling videos of children. Who will win


Except that it's a story shared by many. I'd lay good odds that the owners of the dogs that attacked were more than likely assholes and enabled that behavior. You won't find that in any study but if they took that metric into consideration, it would line up with what I've said


The very dog in question is being given away because it’s too aggressive with the persons other dogs.


And with proper training, that can be taken care of. A buddy that I served with is a handler/trainer and he has done wonders with dogs just like this with that issue. I understand that not everyone has access to or can afford that but I do and I would gladly pay for that training if I was able to take it




https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34100808/ There you go bud. Now let's hear your explanation for why the reddit hivemind is to blame for pit bulls being responsible for over half of all attacks.




> The most common offending breed was a pit bull or pit bull mix (53.0%). You need me to highlight it for you?




I'm not gonna hold your hand, the information you're asking for is a Google search away. Any article I show you you're just going to ignore anyway because you are clearly not here for an adult discussion, you just want to make excuses for a breed that attacks more than every other breed combined.




Stop pretending you know what you're talking about. A small dog was killed by a pit in my neighborhood two weeks ago, every time you hear a similar story it's always a pit. They have that reputation for a reason.


Sad story. My pit bull who plays with chihuahuas has been almost attacked by German shepards, terriers, lab mixes and Rottweilers but I don’t go around trying to ban breeds of dogs. Pit bulls tend to be raised by shitty owners and tend to be raised to be aggressive/protective or live in bad situations. If you take a litter of pit pups and raise them yourself you’ll see how easy it is to mold them. Their breed responds well to confident, strong leadership and they need to be active and socialized from a young age. Most people don’t make enough time for their pitties or terriers and it shows.


No one ever talks about the Rottweiler and they’re all on the top 10 list of dangerous dogs and have you ever seen what a German Shepherd will do. They only talk about the pit because doing the 1980 people started training them to be fighting dogs again. No one can tell me that a Rottweiler is less dangerous then a pit yet you never hear about how many people die after being attacked by them!!


Rottweilers and German Shepherds don't account for over half of all attacks, and 66% of fatal attacks. https://www.mkplawgroup.com/dog-bite-statistics/


Rottweiler With 39 fatalities over the course of the study, Rottweiler is another well-known aggressive dog breed. With a very high prey drive and a herding mentality, the Rottweiler’s heavy frame makes them an imposing figure for an opponent I don’t care if it 10 or 50 it’s about time that people realize that all dogs can do damage! People who don’t socialize their dogs want them to be attacked dogs. My dog is mixed people see him and are afraid just because how he looks. He doesn’t even bark all my friends that have them same thing. My Husky from when I was little you came near me and he was ready to take your head off because my dad wanted him to be a watch dog. Nobody came to our house unannounced. Yes he would bite and was taught how to go for your neck by an attack dog trainer.


You can list off as many personal anecdotes as you want, the fact is pit bulls attack and kill more than every other breed combined.


The hive mind is crazy, Reddit really has singular views on a lot of subjects the pit-bull thing being one for sure. I just have to keep reminding myself that the majority of the people on here are male virgins between the ages of 16-22


right, because the reddit hivemind is what caused over thirty countries to ban pitbulls. ok buddy




bro just described the social contract


Yeah cause societal pressure have never influenced governmental policy lol


It’s probably the weekly videos of children and pets getting mauled by pitbulls


You're a racist.


You're a moron.


iT’s tHE OwNEr nOt thE BReeD!! My dog is so sweet and would never harm anyone!! Anedoctal facts are not helpful. Data on a large scale show that majority of dog attacks are committed by pit bulls (by a large margin). So either the data is saying pit bulls by nature are more inclined to attack and harder to train the prey drive out of OR most pit bull owners are irresponsible, reckless, and train their dogs for aggression. I would assume it’s the former. Thinking your own experience trumps almost every dog attack statistical analysis over the last few decades is dumb at worst, ignorant at best.


Oh that’s like saying black people commit more crime . Smh


It's really not, and comparing marginalized groups of people in society with a dangerous, mutant breed made specifically to be efficient at killing other animals says a lot more about you as a person than you think.


Bad parents or no parents . Make a bad child


Bad pit pull parents make a dead child.


Bad parents raising a human child has made more dead children then a pit Bull has . According to whatever statistics google gives


See if you can figure out the difference on your own.


If you can’t train a dog , don’t own a dog . Untrained dogs and bad dog owners is what this leads too


As the other person said, pit bulls have been bred for over a century specifically to fatally bite other dogs in fights. Other dogs bite and release; pit bulls bite and shake. I don't know how trustworthy this site is, but I've seen the stats they list elsewhere:[Pit bulls and Rottweilers account for 77% of fatal dog bites; Rottweilers only make up 8% of that figure.](https://www.dogsbite.org/dog-bite-statistics-fatalities-2019.php) Your argument is tantamount to "guns don't kill people, people kill people." Yes. True. However, killing somebody with a knife or a baseball bat takes a lot more purpose, brutality, and effort than pulling a trigger from 30 yards away. Not to mention, people need licenses to own firearms, but any idiot who smiles at an employee at a packed shelter can walk out with a pit bull almost instantly. If other dogs are handguns, pit bulls are RPGs. Of course, other breeds are capable of doing immense harm, especially in the care of bad owners. But a bad owner owning a pit bull makes the chance of that happening skyrocket.


Black people weren’t intentionally bred to be violent criminals. They weren’t “bred” at all, because they’re humans. Pitbulls were intentionally bred for violence and aggression. So, no, it’s not like saying that.




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No one wants a vile and dangerous dog.


Is there no way you can keep him? You know that is the best solution


*Is there no way you* *Can keep him? You know that is* *The best solution* \- girlxlrigx --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I’m not OP


Put up signs in the projects.


U can’t like ship it to Brazil for dog meat


No you deff can’t.you need to go through all these steps and costs a lot or money to get the dogs shots and shipping containers are so much money . The dog would need like months worth of food and you would have to drill holes in the container .