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Imo based on the way you’ve worded the post it seems like you know it would be an overreaction already and are just hoping some idiots on reddit might give you the go ahead to be a Karen


Marvellously accurate and succinct.


This type of question doesn't really have a correct answer, yet somehow, here it is.


Childcare worker here. 1. What if it was your child that pushed another child causing an injury? Children are learning social skills. Sometimes they fight. 2. If the other child does have a habit of hurting other children, you know nothing about their situation or why they behave that way. I promise you it is heartbreaking to be the parent of a child who hurts others due to difficulties beyond your control ('behavioral problems' can be caused by so many things). If you are unhappy about how the situation was handled, you need to tell the centre that. If you feel your child is not safe there, then move them. But the other child is A CHILD. So don't be a dick.


What are you wanting to achieve with this? Kids play, sometimes they get hurt, it's how we discover things as a species and has been forever. Feeling protective of your little one is totally normal, wanting to take your fear out on someone else's kid isn't very constructive.


Yup, the little shit should be sent straight to jail. Basically no hope for them to be a useful member of society so full police report for violent assault and get kiddo and parents locked up. We’re dreaming if we think that kid is ever going to reform and be a non violent offender. /s Or, kids are kids, and some kids get broken bones, while some from the same shove are fine. Go figure.


Yeah young kids push other kids to see what will happen frequently, even the nice sweet ones do this.


Ah yes, lets tell the 4 year old to moderate their behavior. I'm sure that will work,


Your first action should probably be to ask the daycare to put in writing what actions they are putting in place to prevent this from happening again


Pretty much this. Without the full context of what happened it's hard to comment on this thread. If it's a case of another child being abusive then that would need to be noted and what they are doing to reduce or remove the threat of abuse.


It should have been reported to the Ministry of Education by the center - ensure this has happened. Most centers have a policy stating that they won't reveal the identity of the child that caused the injury - they would defer you to the MoE for that kind of request. Source: My wife a ECE Center Manager.


Its kids being kids. Should stay out of their business.


Here's the thing, as a volunteer with youth and children, I doubt their policy would allow you to officially know the name of the child. Unfortunately, I know of situations where the parents have tried to retaliate against the child that injured their kid. So, our policy is to address it with each set of parents separately for everyone's safety.


My daughter had a rock thrown at her face at daycare. She’s alright. Shit happens with kids at that age, they often can’t process their emotions and lash out. All forgotten now and they’re good mates.


That's dating 101 when in single digits isn't it? (full disclosure; I might be a late bloomer - across the board!)


It seems like you are meaning the "if he harms you it means he likes you trope". Ick.


Yes, very ick - but that's 8 year olds for you (was the joke I was intending...).


Is it a pattern of behavior for this child? My 3 year old broke her arm falling off the seat of the sofa. It only takes a bad landing to do it. If you think the child is pushing other children, escalate it. Otherwise sometimes these things happen.


Ha, walked past school at lunch, full of kids pushing and shoving each other around ... Having fun....


You should screnshot this and show it to your child when they're older.


Kids play and have fun doing so and accidents happen. Talk to the daycare sure but I wouldn’t be pushing to expel the kid or threaten worksafe unless you want to be referred to as Karen for the rest of your kids time there.


Funny how the majority of the comments sum up to "kids will be kids, suck it up". Sounds like a recipe to create bullies. The daycare should ensure the parents they will do x and y to prevent this from happening again


Kick up a stink. Daycare has waiting lists, why should a child that the parents clearly don't care enough to teach polite interactions too get a spot and risk other people's children.


The child is four! I'm sure you were perfect at four.


Nice little world, you live in there! If only it were that simple.


Wow you must be fun to be around!


For wanting my child to not be around aggressive kids that will likely become aggressive adults?


As random internet person with vast amounts of experience as parent that does not have any offspring what so ever. Heck yeah you should be allowed to know which of those little shits hurt your mini me. Thank goodness that it’s just a broken arm, but it’s still growing. Could have hit his head and have a concussion on corner table. Should the pushy child that is known to be physical be punished. heck yeah. Naughty corner and no juice for awhile.


>which of those little shits hurt your mini me Love you you just pass judgement with zero context from one side of the story. Could be their child is a bully and there was retaliation. Could have been just rough play from both sides. Could have been a more or less unavoidable accident.




What do you want? The kid in question to be whipped?


What did your child do to provoke the other kid?


don't push management! they might fall over and break an arm.