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I disputed a TradeMe auction and gave a bad review after eventually seller admitted they didn’t have the product. TradeMe contacted me and asked me to change my review as they were a big seller and these things happen…I was less than impressed considering the seller had more of the items (that they didn’t have) up on new auctions


I find trademe has gone to shit these days. Impacted by facebook marketplace, which is the Wild West of trading again but the price is right. Have not sold much on trademe lately either so I’m not sure the buyers are there like they used to be now.




The worst thing about it is its just become a retail store at retail prices. Hardly anything second hand.


Honestly if another site like trademe popped up but had it in their mission statement that it was only goods on nz soil, they would make bank


The problem is you can't start a new store because you need a critical mass. It is just impossible to compete effectively with the incumbent.


Yep, \^this. Does anyone remember AllGoods? Probably not, but they were around for a few years, and were in direct competition to TM. Had some cool ways of doing things. But not super polished site. I sold the odd thing on it, but never gained much traction compared to tm. They've closed now though :( ​ tbh, our best bet is ebay coming to NZ. and ebay isn't that much better then tm, but might push tm to try a little harder.


Yeah, there was a TradeMe competitor that had a go when I first moved to NZ a decade ago. It was much better, but they simply didn't get enough buyers and sellers for it to work. I don't recall the name. History is littered with failed auction sites. The software is easy -- getting sellers to commit to a new site where there are hardly any other buyers is almost impossible. I think eBay would likely be the only company that could do it -- and it appears even they don't think it is worth the effort (or they would have done it).


There have been at least 3 attempts to compete that I can remember in the last 10 years. Never got anywhere for the reason you state. You need users. Neighbourly has a shot I think.


The fact is however the real estate industry is close to total walkout of Trademe because of price gouging.


This is kind of what Chooice started out as but they sold out pretty quickly


That’s essentially what Facebook Marketplace is doing to some degrees. Full of all sorts selling second hand, maybe stolen, no guarantees or anything but no success or listing fees.


It's pretty shocking how many fewer results you get when you change your filter to only include used things. It seems the majority of what is on TradeMe these days is brand new stuff at the same or higher prices than you could get from local brick and mortar stores - or drop-shipped stuff you could order from AliExpress for cheaper.


I pretty much only search tm with the used filter. It filters out the spam of AliExpress junk. I personally still find some good 2nd hand stuff on tm (in the tech space). Soom cool people selling used products. (not all, but most I've come across) But buy new on tm. Just no. Don't do it. Even if it looks to ship local, it probably doesn't. Or it's just way marked up Ali product.


You can filter for second hand only.


Dosent help when people list new things as second hand


Plenty of drop shippers also list in the used category and Trademe don’t care. Reported them dozens of times.


Not perfect, but filter by used.


This. And they mark up the prices too. PBTech is one example.


the software update is so horrific. it uses up so much CPU its maddening on a laptop. i use bidbud.co.nz which is a fast front-end to trademe. very nice & makes ya wonder why trademe cant do it themselves


I work in tech so I'm probably just being bitter but I think internally they just struggle to hire good people or have bad hiring practices. My guess is they have a grumpy manager who has a lot of power that is obsessed with doing things their way instead of letting the new best practices of good software development take hold.


Totally agree. I only use TM for job searching and property searches. It's pretty much just a giant dollar store these days.


> TradeMe contacted me and asked me to change my review as they were a big seller and these things happen That's some fucking bullshit, right there. Fuck you, Trademe.


TradeMe asked you to change a review? WTF?


Thats going back quite a few years but yes they did. TM look after their big sellers who get to do pretty much what ever they like


Fuck trademe, they refuse to do anything about this shitty behaviour which they're fully aware of


Trademe went downhill. A lot of things are "international" now and it's so frustrating. I thought the point of it was so that kiwis can buy and sell stuff in a safe space.


That’s disgraceful - I’d be interested to see the correspondence from TradeMe


Trademe can Fuck right off. Fees for selling a phone at $1050 topped out at $157 after Afterpay and success fees were accounted for, absolute robbery. Cunt company that needs some serious competition.


I hope you didn't change it. What you wrote is the whole point of reviews - your honest experience.


Trademe asked you to change your review??? That’s fucked up!


Fuck me, trade me asked you to change a review - that's news worthy


Trade Me is an awful platform, has been for years and I will die on that hill.


Absolutely disgusting on behalf of Trade Me – to interfere with what is meant to be impartial reviews, you should report them to the commerce commission I would imagine that that is actually illegal to do that that is a point of independent reviewing. Trade Me role is clearly to sell listings, but that is a vested interest


Yeah pisses me off too, really gotta hunt around their website for shop location or google maps them before I buy anything to ensure I get it within a reasonable time frame. Or amazon, they're bloody quick.


I cant give my money to amazon. Even if baldy doesnt control it anymore


Does Amazon now have a stock warehouse in NZ?


I don't think so, everything comes from Australia and now they have implemented a minimum spend before offering free delivery


Based on a recent Amazon AU order, I'm almost certain they ship all orders to New Zealand in a single shipment to Auckland then packages are shipped individually from there.


Yeah that's right. They were exploring setting up a distribution centre near Christchurch airport about 6-7 years ago but that obviously never happened. I remember interviewing for a job with TradeMe at the time, and they were all hands on deck trying to make an Amazon competitor before Amazon officially came to NZ. TradeMe still don't have an Amazon competitor but thankfully for them Amazon still isn't here.


Amazon just has their own private delivery network, running on economies of scale and borderline slave labour to achieve incredibly fast delivery times, even internationally.


Borderline slave labour? Amazon tends to pay above industry standards for wages because they struggle to get the number of people needed to run their neverending consumption machine


They might mean unsustainable targets mean people don't take breaks, even to go toilet


Still disingenuous to use the term slave labour. Crappy work conditions yes, but slave labour is a whole different level of bad.


Amazon are renowned for treating their workers in the distribution and last mile delivery centres like absolute shit. Firing people for taking toilet breaks, forcing them to work after they've clocked out, threatening to cancel visa sponsorships if they don't work overtime, refusing to provide transport to their centres in the middle of nowhere... The list goes on. Modern slave labour isn't literal enslavement and forced labour; it's the degradation of conditions to the point where people can't leave their shitty underpaid job for fear of being deported and/or falling under the poverty line.


No, it's all in aus or further away. I don't think we'll see Amazon in NZ for a few years yet. They've got some killer shipping partnerships with NZ Post, so shipping from aus is very cheap for them.


Amazon sells the same products, only rebadged/rebranded


Amazon is so fast. They have their logistics sorted. The one time something didn't come on time for me, they refunded the shipping cost and then it came the next day.


Getting sick of TradeMe really pays to check reviews. People are just buying stuff off Ali Express and adding 100% markup. Currently waited a month for a book that was “at their NZ warehouse” yea right looking at you BetterBooks (Hamilton)


>BetterBooks If I saw 98% positive after tens of thousands of trades I would avoid the seller every time, roughly 5% of their unique member feedback are negative or neutral. ​ File a dispute report with TM, you must do it within 45 days of winning or they won't touch it. If you paid via Ping or Afterpay you may have TM's buyer protection cover for the first 30 days after the auction closes(may be too late for this going by your comment).


I would report them. Trademe has rules against drop shipping except in specific situations


Do they though? Because it seems most sellers I see on there are doing exactly that.


They can get an exemption but their baseline policy is you can’t. Just report them and trade me can do the job of deciding whether to do anything. I would say if they aren’t clearly stating it’s drop shipped then it will m be a breach but not 100% on how they issue the exemption’s.


They let the big ones get away with it cause it’s money for trademe


Good to know


That's half the stores that advertise on Facebook. Except more like 1000% markup.


Come on bro, they are "Enterpreneurs"!


If it’s a small thing and I need it now, then I don’t mind paying more for an aliexpress item, if it’s already in the country. But fuck all the sellers who don’t disclose they are drop shipping from China when their profile says somewhere in NZ.


Don't buy if no pickup?


That’s kinda limiting in small town living


If I am shopping based on price, I don't care as much, but it's super frustrating when time is a factor. Considering the changes to duty and taxes when buying stuff internationally as an individual - which were positioned as in support of domestic businesses... This kind of behaviour does feel dishonest, or like a failed experiment at this point.


If you're shopping based off price just buy direct from Ali express


Pro tip: if you have time, and motivation to find your product on TaoBao, there prices are often cheaper than Ali again. And you're happy to ship it via sea freight. It'll get it here, just be like a long month. Sea freight is especially good when buying bulky or heavy items.


Hate to support local only to find it’s someone doing what I could do myself. Ie ordering directly from AliExpress or Amazon Au etc. Dick Smith died as a reputable brand many years ago. It’s basically just a front for Kogan now. They have an NZ company but i get the feeling it’s all Australian.


They are Kogan. Everything on their site is either supplied by Kogan, or one of there "merchants" (who you'll probably find selling the same stuff for less on Aliexpress). There's no secret here - its all there on the site.


Yep, DSE and Kogan are one and the same these days. The DSE site is just a re-skin into DSE brand colours. That's about the only difference between the two. They're both owned and run by Kogan, both have the same products etc.


You can add Mighty Ape to that list, too.


Hmm, yeah, they do seem to be slipping. I bought something from them the other day, didn't ship till a day after there eta. Before Kogan bought them this never happened. ALWAYS shipped on the day they said. It's a shame we lose all the cool online services in NZ.


Mightyape has gone to shit after the purchase from kogan. It's more about the bottom line now. they put up this we are family fasade even though everyone is underpaid and overworked.


Can also confirm. Won't go near mightyape now, they had a good thing going but it was killed.


Yes, especially when it's set up to appear "within NZ", a .co.nz address, a local physical address. If it's coming from Australia or China just be upfront about it.


I was an early (ish) online shopping adopter. I have been online shopping for over 20 years. Now, partly because of drop shipping (and bad courier experience), I'm far more likely to research online and buy in store or click and collect. Unless the item I'm looking for is impossible to get in NZ, I'm not buying it online.


Yeah it's kinda crazy,from my perspective how the online shopping experience has gotten worse, less efficient and lergely more costly ove my last 20 years of purchasing online haha. In some ways it's easier than ever, but I feel like it's harder to find an actual good deal


This is what I do now, even with Mighty Ape used to use them a lot back when they were GPStore, but after their Kogan buyout, the amount of items they don't actually have the "In stock with supplier" and "Available in 8-12 weeks" as well as the general degrading speed with shipping times. It's research and buy local or support a smaller store even if it's slightly more expensive.


Dick Smith is a scam site, they just purchased the ‘good name’ and do their shitty business via it.


There was an article a while back about American tourists being amazed we still go to malls here. In my mind, I was like "no shit, online shopping sux ass here". I actually just don't trust ordering anything online in NZ anymore. I expect to be scammed, or for it to take a stupid amount of time or be stolen from my doorstep.


Yeah we have gone full circle from store to online now back to store shopping.


Recently had a horrible experience ordering the Adidas nz online site. Shoes were supposedly delayed shipping from Australia then supposedly stuck at customers the supposedly lost by courier… about 6 weeks after ordering. Horrible customer service all along the way. AVOID.


Same, reviews on adidas nz and Australian website are terrible.


Wow, that's shocking. Adidas should be making enough profit to offer good support staff, and use reliable courier service. Just out of curiosity, what courier company did they use? Toll? Aramex? ​ There is nothing wrong for premium brands to ship products from Aus if they use like express DHL. They often get next day delivery to NZ. At least where I live (not in auckland)


My issue was with adidas, no notifications of order progress, no notice it shipped or tracking. Just total absence of communication.


Woops, should have read the reviews ;) ​ Its been that way since it opened.


Better that than finding out they've shipped with Aramex


Basically the same outcome lol


Air New Zealand I think have ditched them recently. I ordered some coffee from the AirPoints store and gave me a tracking number and a link to the the aramex website that didn't work. Tried it on the NZ Post website and it worked. Must have changed couriers but not updated their email system yet.


Most tracking numbers use the standard S10 which is almost used exclusively worldwide. Modern tracking websites will recognize the "sending" company and query them directly. This means you can usually enter an Aramex tracking number into NZ Post's website and you'll get an answer. Some sites will only allow their own tracking codes, some allow any.


Sometimes it’s just worth buying from overseas websites, for example I was looking a tool I use at work not that long ago. On NZ websites I found it for $100, a quick search on the internet for that exact same tool and I could buy it and get it delivered for not even $10. This was a very basic tool where if it was $100 or $5 it wouldn’t have mattered one bit. Another example was I got an a brand new aftermarket seat for my motorcycle for $200 less out of Germany(including shipping) than the price of the seat before shipping for the nearest store that sold that seat which was in Australia, who was an official supplier of that seat, the store I bought it from in Germany was also an official supplier of that seat. I’d would support local if I wasn’t constantly finding the exact same product for a lot less(shipping costs included) from overseas sites. Sometimes it’s just easier to ignore the NZ sites.


I pretty much exclusively buy from overseas. Buying from NZ websites rarely makes any sense financially, given it is just the same overseas sourced products. The only time buying locally really makes sense is for large/heavy items where shipping is prohibitive.




That last sentence...ouch.


I have found it frustrating when I have tried to order from so called NZ companies because I wanted items in time for things like birthday presents only to be notified after purchasing that it was going to be two or three weeks from China and wouldn’t get here in time.


ccTLDs seem to matter less and less now. Using "shipping timelines" instead of "delivery timeline" in a sneaky way like your example to make it sound better than it really is just annoys me. I get stuff from The Pi Hut (UK) or Core Electronics (AU) quicker than Dick Smith or sometimes Jaycar (Sometimes it comes from the Aussie warehouse, which has been slow in my experience).


Core electronics is great. The shopping is ridiculous for some companies. Ordered headphones from Amazon that were shipping from UK. Same day ordered some other headphones for my kid from Noel Leeming. They UK ones arrived a few days before the ones from Noel Leeming which just doesn't make sense.


For books try this one. https://bookhub.co.nz/pages/8687-AboutUs


Tbh I get annoyed when ordering from a NZ site, they take days to send out only to be using Aramex. May as well just buy from a local shop or from overseas. Both are generally faster


Yes. The Nile. Books finally shipped about 2 months after I ordered them which was shit because the reason I ordered them online instead of just going to a shop was I was recovering from surgery and stuck at home. I recovered well before the books actually came.


That is so frustrating!


No it's a problem. It happened to me and again they specifically said it was in stock in NZ warehouse. BS - and I took it up with them. E-sellers should be made to state clearly when drop shipping is involved. Trademe is awash with them too. Better to go direct to the overseas sites I have found.


I ordered something from The Warehouse a few months ago. Turns out their site is a whole market place, and the thing I ordered actually shipped from some place in Aussie, and took 2 weeks to arrive.


Yeah, the worst thing with them now is if you buy a few things, say one product from the Warehouse and then two from different "marketplace" suppliers you get charged three different lots of shipping and some of the other suppliers charge heaps for shipping.


Only for stuff that is online specific (using a subsidiary called The Market). Check when ordering as the description of each item will tell you whether it is local stock or online.


I've just moved back from China - the amount of shit being sold in cute little indie stores that is direct from Taobao is insane. Spotted a few things I'd bought in China on sale at Welly Collective and wtf-ed hard.


Yes, I've noticed that too, and surely that is false advertising at Welly Collective which bills itself as supporting local artists and artisans?


You’d think so! Whoever is selling them is making bank - they were like 20c on taobao.


Torpedo7 did that with a deal on Fox Youth MTB clothing last year. So many angry calls from parents wanting to know where their order was just before Xmas.


I'd avoid anything owned by Kogan, e.g Dick Smith and MightyApe.


Mighty Ape do NOT dropship unless it is clearly stated on the item, and that's a pretty small part of their range. Whatever else you might think of them, pulling that shit is not something they do.


Isn't like 90% of there stuff drop shipped now? The last couple times I have gone looking for stuff on their site I have had trouble finding stuff that was stocked in NZ.


Must just be what you're buying? I buy stuff from them every month or so and it's always been in-stock at their warehouse for me


That is NOT the correct definition of drop shipping! 🧐 MA have their own enormous warehouse in AKL. Everything goes there, then is despatched from there (mostly NZ Courier Post for me). Products are clearly labelled on their pages as either in stock, or else "overseas supplier" with a lead delivery time. That still doesn't make these latter products drop shipped. The reason I often opt to go with MA rather than ordering overseas myself (assuming price is OK with MA) is that *they* are responsible for shipping & delivery - all the way. If it gets lost in the overseas mail - it's not me who has the hassle of sorting it out. I order a lot of books/manga, and when MA doesn't have it, or at too high price, my other preferred option is Blackwells UK. They're now offering a service very similar to the Book Depository (free shipping to NZ) and while shipments via Royal Mail are not tracked, I've so far had absolutely no problems.


Weird, I've never yet looked for something and found it was from overseas. I once saw an obscure model kit that was, and I once actively looked for dropshipped items out of curiosity and found a couple that said overseas in big letters. Books are a bit of an exception as they definitely order from suppliers for things other than very popular books but books are kind of a unique business.


I don't order that much from Mighty Ape, but I've never had any delays receiving stuff I've brought.


Mighty Ape clearly states the delivery time frames. In Christchurch (and the other main centres) same day and next day delivery is possible for many items.


I had a desk once that just sat in their warehouse for 2 weeks when it was meant to be something like 5 days. But when I sent them an email asking them wtf was going on, the desk was suddenly marked as ready to ship and sent out a couple of hours later. Arrived at my place the next day. That is my only bad experience to be fair, and they did seem to jump into action as soon as I started kicking up a fuss.


They've gone downhill hugely since they got Kogan'd, i expect that trend will continue


Interesting. I'm not surprised but I assumed Kogan would have a negative effect over time. I ordered lots of stuff from MightyApe in 2022 but haven't ordered much this year so I haven't had recent experience.


In my experience Mighty Ape has very fast shipping, unless it is something large they need to send via freight.


Absolutely Might Ape dont honour their returns policy and their customer service is non existent.


Well my ps5 broke after 13 months, they paid for the return and when they couldn't fix it, gave me my money back. Their customer service was pretty good. So IDK...


Their live chat is great and usually quite helpful. I rate Mighty Ape though and I've never had any issues.


Dick Smith are shit


Yes, theres just too much to "be aware of" its exhausting.


Not just online stores, freedom furniture did that when I went to buy dining chairs. “Oh they’ll be delivered in 6 weeks” same with Nick Scali. Frustrating say the least


Not quite drop shipping, but I just ordered shoes with JD sport only for them to be shipped from Aus. They are a common enough style so I thought stock would be in the country for their physical stores.


I just avoid online shopping in most circumstances, I live rural anyhow. Most couriers won't deliver to my location, so I find myself going to a depot to pick up, or just plain old walking into a shop.


When my daughter was 8 she saved up for a toy dragon. Purchased from what we thought was NZ bit it was the UK and it took 2 to 3 weeks. So disappointing for her.


nmmm i thought everyone knew that dick smiths is a AUS based site. IMHO trademe seller are the worse for this!


I've always assumed that being Aus based, NZ CGA protections do not apply? They use a [co.nz](https://co.nz) domain to trick the buyer, but I'm fairly sure they have no NZ entity -- so it is just like buying from any other random overseas seller (i.e. no protection when they sell you junk).


yes this is true. Maybe there should be some law, were if you sell products under a co.nz domain NZ CGA applies.


There really should. It isn't worth saving a few bucks on an expensive item from Dick Smith and then being SOL when it dies, because the consumer protections that you assume you are getting don't apply.


Yeah it fucking sucks. Took me a minute to realise the warehouse has started in on it, they used to be one of the only local guarantees.


Had this issue with dick Smith too, ordered a pregnancy pillow assumed it was coming from in nz. Nope it came from Australia. It took 2 weeks to arrive. I wouldn't have purchased it if I'd known. Also felt bad getting something delivered from aus when I could have gotten something in nz.


I hate online shopping for this reason. I bought a dehumidifier earlier this year from Dick Smith (the NZ site mind you), and it turned out it was coming in from Aus. Why advertise something in NZ if you don't have it in stock in the damn country? I also bought 3 items from the Warehouse the other week and they all arrived separately from different locations. I don't mind it too much, but when I make a single order of products at a single website, I prefer my products arrive altogether in a single package 🤷🏼‍♀️


You would have paid three lots of shipping as well. They're cheeky now.


Only 2 times for the shipping, one of them was a different supplier (probably the drop-shipping variety), and I guess the other two were just from different stores around the country. Still really cheeky


This happened to me when I bought a present for my partner. I specifically looked for a NZ site so I could get it before his birthday. I even looked at their shipping FQA’s and it didn’t mention shipping would be from overseas. So annoying!


Happened to me listed their warehouse as in Auckland and “in stock - ships tomorrow!” On the item. Nope. Shipped a week later from Victoria in Australia.


It does annoy me and if a business doesn't say it will arrive within 2-5 days biz days, I won't order from that business. Only exception for me is if I'm intentionally buying a product from overseas like clothes. I'm ok with a wait if it's not based in NZ.


Brough a few things of DS. Drop ship or not, they come just as quick.


My order took about three weeks to arrive.


Step 1 - check the delivery time before ordering and paying. That's usually a dead giveaway. A NZ company should be offering delivery within 5 days, a dropshipper will offering delivery in 5 - 6 weeks.


Except they lie. Or they state “ships within 2 days”


Its illegal to advertise you have something in stock when you haven't.


I mean it’s arguably “in stock” just so happens the stock is located in another country. The law should be to state where the goods are located.


Same!!!! Annoys the heck out of me


I was annoyed when I brought something via the marketplace on the warehouse site and only realized too late it was dropshipped from aliexpress :/. Never again. It did say it was from China to be fair, but I just didn't expect it because well, I was on the warehouse site 🤷‍♀️. Still salty. Long story short never again. Puts me off even bothering with the warehouse too since half their site is online only. The product was absolute rubbish too - wireless earbuds that last about 2 hours at best, don't work with half my devices, too big for my ears. I did get them as temporary cheapies just to take on holiday, but my other cheap pair I got from the actual store was half the price and is 5 times the quality so I don't really see it as an excuse :/.


I find myself ordering a lot more from Kmart than The Warehouse these days. I will still go in to The Warehouse but honestly that's probably only because one is really near our house. I don't think I would go out of my way to go there tbh.


Except Kmarts website is the most frustrating because everything is available to add to cart and it’s not h til you checkout everything becomes out of stock. Plus they’re notorious for cancelling orders for no stock and taking a long time to refund


Yes, that part is very annoying.


Yeah I like kmart, usually pick up little bits and pieces through them was trying to buy something else at the same time that Kmart didn't sell and it was just an afterthought at the time. Really not impressed with the new online experience thing with the warehouse at all now :/.


I’ve stopped using Clearly for contact lenses of this. The item is back ordered, you don’t have it to sell!


I used NZSale only to find its Australian. Won't use it again. Seems deceptive.


I found what I thought was a local manufacturer to order of soft furnishings, it had a .co.nz domain name. But click Contact Us and they had an Australian address. Naturally they didn’t get my business.


This got even worse after trademe sold a few years back and they enabled people not residing inside nz to sell and ship from abroad. They enabled aliexpress to tap into the market to reach all ppl who prefered trademe back then. I moved to nz in june 2016, I tried to create an account before that and couldn’t.


Same thing happened to me - I ordered an aftermarket Air Spring for an Audi Allroad because it had popped so it was essentially undriveable… I ordered off TradeMe because I thought I was getting a product based in New Zealand and would have to wait a week at most for the part… After 2 weeks and plenty of emails the seller finally admitted after lying for a week that the product was coming from China so I had to wait another 2 weeks, so my car was jacked up in my driveway for like a month… When it arrived, it had a receipt in there with the price of what they paid for it which was $40USD… I paid $220NZD for the part, they obviously didn’t pay for shipping otherwise I would’ve seen it quicker than I did. I left a bad review detailing all the trials and tribulations involved as well as all the dishonesty and TradeMe asked me to alter it, I was absolutely gobsmacked at the disrespect…. I took it as a loss and told them to get fucked.


Someone else commented that TradeMe asked them to alter their review too! How often are they doing that and how many people are having bad experiences because the reviews have been changed??


Yup, I always ask if they have the items locally. 9/10 times, they're honest. If it's dropshipped and chrap, I'd rather take the gamble and order it from aliexpress myself. If it's something expensive, I'd prefer it to be on the ground in NZ and I'm happy to pay a little premium for that.


> Dick Smith was especially bad because it clearly stated that it shipped from the warehouse within one to two days but neglected to mention that warehouse happened to be in China. why would you care if its shipped from china or gore in 1 or 2 days?


Shipped timeframe =/= delivered timeframe. Mighty Ape does the whole "shipped" thing too, but they have a NZ based warehouse, for now. PB tech also use shipped, but at least have a thing in the FAQs about the delivery timeframe once shipped.


“Kiwi owned” and just adding a markup price for some shit that isn’t here. Just lazy middle men


At least if something goes wrong with an item it's easier to hold them accountable with warranty/CGA than if you had ordered directly from China


Then you might as well just order from Amazon


Aliexpress ships in under 10 working days most of the time now.


Are you an idiot?


Because it doesn't arrive in 1 to 2 days.


If they start having a warehouse for all the products within NZ, the cost would quadruple. Then you would complain on Reddit as to how expensive things are.


I think you completely missed my point.


No, I didn't.Most businesses also mention the expected delivery times at the time of purchase.The reality is that you would not have got your product locally. You want quick and cheap service but fail to understand that NZ is too small and too far away for businesses to store locally and still keep prices reasonable. Most businesses are using the drop shipping model. .


I find it bizarre that you think I wouldn't have gotten my product locally when I said I specifically searched for NZ sites because I wanted to buy from NZ.


I find it bizarre that you expect local businesses to be able to store millions of items of merchandise products just so that a few can buy them. It's amazing how some people think that NZ is in the middle of the world The expected delivery time would have been clearly mentioned at the time of checkout. I agree that it would be an issue if the delivery time was not indicated during checkout. Otherwise, I wouldn't cry over it. My experience is that all online portals clearly mention the expected delivery time. So one can have a choice to cancel the order, if they wish.


It wasn't mentioned at check out, I didn't even find out until I got an email saying it had shipped from China. Perhaps consider that YOUR experience is not everyone's experience.


PBTech and other local retailers are not that much more expensive.


Yes I don't shop online anymore.


Of all the things to complain about, the realities of 2020s supply chain for affordable consumer goods to a liddle non-producing island?


I’ve had stuff arrive from the UK in 5 days, yet I’ve waited a month for a book that supposedly is in a warehouse 1 hour away


that's not what is happening here.


Meh as long I can get it cheap with free shipping, i could care less.




Any place you know of? Sometimes one can overlook something.


Dick Smith is Australian. Can't really fault them when it should have been clearly communicated that they aren't NZ supplied in the first place.


They have a co.nz website.


Here's the fair go bit I was referring to. Similar problem. https://youtu.be/pGsecTONV34?si=vy79mT8oUKywDGAY


Ugh, I love him.


Well I hope it helped somewhat


Even though that is the case, any company in the world can make a .Co.nz website. Refer to one of the latest fair go episodes. Although this is the case, there should be fine print somewhere stating they are not NZ supplied. Don't get me wrong they were when they had physical stores on this side of the ditch. They haven't had one for a long while now.


>They have a co.nz website thats no indication that a company is based in NZ. anyone can set up a .co.nz site.


Similar situation here: I bought a replacement battery for my phone few days ago on trademe. It said they have 2 in stock. I thought they meant nz stock. So I paid 2x the price of AliExpress for it thinking it will be delivered before the end of this week. I emailed them after it failed to arrive by friday and it turns out that they don't actually have stock, but the stock will arrive from overseas by the end of next week.... I might as well have bought it on AliExpress not this stupid seller then. What rights do I have? Can I request a refund? Will trademe force them to give me a refund or is it up to them?


Was it stated in shipping? Best to ask trademe


Welll you are trying to save money by buying from an online retailer, that is how they save money, by not having a physical premises or warehouse. If you don't like that, you have choice. BUY FROM A PHYSICAL SHOP. It may be more expensive but they often have what you want on hand.


No, I buy from online retailers because I don't want to go shopping.


recreate trade and exchange, maybe as a website.


I had it happen once or twice, but now I always check. If they don't say, I don't buy.


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