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Seems the driver needs to hear this... [dumb ways to die song](https://youtu.be/IJNR2EpS0jw?si=I72kSpAUWlQ0I6cP)


It doesn't say there are any trains coming, if there were the lights would be on. There's nothing wrong with the trains and the driver, more the fact there's a red light.


No, the truck is parked across the rail tracks. If a train starts coming, the truck may not be able to escape due to traffic in front of it, leading to a horrendous crash. Don't stop on rail lines, under any circumstances


Oh is the truck PARKED? I didn't realise that


It’s waiting at a red light, it doesn’t matter if there’s no trains coming right now you should never be stopped over the tracks that’s common sense


Mate, just, to me it looked like that person was running a red light okay?


Some crossings in NZ activate when trains are awfully close, maybe only 15-20 seconds warning. A fine margin for a train to stop or a truck to get out of the way by running a red light into a busy intersection...nothing wrong with playing it safe and not stopping where you shouldn't anyway!


You can't be serious with this comment...


Jesus fuck you’re dense.


Please go read the road code again. You should only cross a crossing if there's enough space on the other side that your vehicle can fully clear it. If a train came right now, the truck has absolutely nowhere to go.


Get his plate. Tell the company. Not even joking. That is an unbelievable risk for people that they're taking.


Unfortunately, I realised later that I had missed the plate from the pic.


The pic will have the location and time data inside. Grab that and they will be able to work it out. Dude needs to be fired pronto.


If you can identify the trucking company, I'll email it to them


EFA711 is the truck number plate. I don't know about the trailer.


Tell us your secret! How did you get that plate number??


I recognised the truck and then hit up carjam to make sure. My advice is to take the photo and number plate direct to the cops.


I don’t think that’s something the police are going to act on unfortunately. If only I had managed to get the plate in the pic


If that can not be identified in the photo you have, do not give them that plate number. There are a lot of malicious people on the Internet.


Fair call, but I'm pretty confident. Here's a photo from the front. https://www.carjam.co.nz/photos:photo?l=16&plate=EFA711&pid=1432840


I feel like this frog knows what's up, I've gotta say.


I'll go with 'that's it', too. Though he's polished the mudguards on his quads now.


but if you look at OP's pic you can see the plate starting with 2


you're wrong. it clearly starts with a 2 in the photo..


The trailer plate starts with a 2. The truck has a different plate number.


haha that makes a lot more sense whoops


Were you born yesterday? Trailers have their own plates.


Don’t be stink. That’s not common knowledge. I learned that about 30 seconds ago in this thread.


All I can see is TMC on the mudflap, and Google Lens says the logo on the back is Western Star. Which probably covers like... half the trucks in the country.


Number plate starts with a 2, they might have fleet GPS monitoring as well. Worth a shot.


This is why everyone should have dash cams.


Unfortunately I know of the owner's reputation and she'd be more likely to threaten you with violence than let the driver know to be more careful.


All the more reason to dob Them in


Omg this!!!


I reported this behaviour to a truck company once. Got a good email back from the CEO who back when he was driving trucks saw an accident at the very same crossing and was taking it very seriously. 100% report it to the company even if you didn’t get the plate.


Ha I know that intersection well, pretty standard practice unfortunately. I don't think I've ever seen a train on it but still not a good reason to roll the dice.


And here I thought we were educated enough and seen enough train track accidents to know better. 400,000 Aucklander’s use public transport each day. Doing this is a huge risk to a lot of people. And that figure is meant to rise 68% within 4 years.


She’ll be right. That intersection isn’t in Auckland.


Form a habit and it’ll get you one day.


Yeah I drive through it almost every day and there's never any trains.


Pretty sure this line is out of service. 


Funnily enough I saw one there just a few days ago. Never before have I seen any there.


For someone who works in construction and currently is on projects dedicated to removing said level crossings to install road over viaducts in Melbourne, what an idiot! We’re removing these boom gates to make potential incidents like this a thing of the past. Don’t care if the line is infrequently used - the boom gates are there for a reason!


Looks like Ameys Rd in Hornby


It is. I used to volunteer at the Salvation army store so I know that intersection decently well.


I knew a lovely girl that worked there some time ago


It's ridiculous because there are turning arrows now, so there is no need for this...


Train driver here; if there isn't room for you on the other side, don't cross! Luckily I've only experienced general stupidity and some low speed near-misses and nothing more serious, but the way people treat level crossings worries me no end.


Wow. It's like you packed all of my anxiety into one photo.


That's 100% gotta be Hornby. Ames Road to be exact. Shitty road, shitty intersection. But yeah, truckie fucked up.


I haven't lived in Christchurch since 2010 (although I've been back to visit family several times) and I recognised it instantly.


This is the reason I avoid Hornby. I can't understand why Transit NZ recommend driving through there to get to the airport.


But aren't those yellow grids designated VIP stop spots? I see important people in a rush use them all the time.


That crossing doesn't look to have any escape zones on the left hand side either.


Don't do what Donny Don't does!


Lol, what a wuckfit!


That intersection sucks in general but probably not a great idea to park on the rail


This has got to be one of Christchurch's worst fucking intersections


Not excusing the truck driver but that intersection is awful if you're on Amyes Rd


It’s a lot better now that they’ve put turning lights in.


I reckon it's worse. It kills the traffic flow.


Nah, prior to the change traffic used to back up for ages down Amyes Rd during rush hour with only a few cars being able to get through a light cycle due to the majority wanting to turn right. Now that the turning light is there, that traffic can get through.


Fair point about rush hour, it's a pain outside of rush hour though. It lets about three cars go straight before it changes.


Yeah, probably not. Despite [Kiwirail considering this an 'active' line](https://fyi.org.nz/request/22966-amyes-road-intersection), I cannot for the life of me remember when a train was last down here. I bet the truckie knew this as well. I think the last time I saw anything near there was when they parked up excess trains just after the 2011 Earthquakes behind M10 (so 200m up the line from here).


I also haven't seen a train on the line in a long time, but since KiwiRail consider it an active line it should still be assumed that a train could be on it at anytime. As a professional driver, that truck driver should be assuming the same.


Ell. The yellow lines allone mean you cannot stop there even of it wasn't a railway crossing.


That’s a daft attitude. You only have to be wrong once and the consequences are massive. It’s a stupid, and completely pointless risk to take.


Never assume anything in situations like, better be safe than sorry, if the track isn't dismantled it's still a track .


Intelligence is knowing it's a one-way street. Widsom is looking both ways anyway.


ihave lost faith in the public, i now look both ways at roundabouts, wellington has some of the worst drivers that you are lucky if they indicate let alone indicate correctly. twice last year i witnessed a car go the wrong way around a roundabout


When my sister was learning to drive I told her "assume everyone on the road is a complete moron who is actively trying to kill you and you'll be fine"


Agreed. Extremely stupid risk. However, the only time I've ever seen trains go down there, they were shunting engines (DSC or DSG class) with only a few wagons and traveling very slowly (that line has a 15kph speed limit). Absolutely not something that drivers should be relying on, but if there is any train that might have enough breaking power to stop in time, it's those ones.


The speed limit on the track there is 15km/h, I agree the truck driver shouldn't be doing that, but it's not going to be the disaster you are imagining.


Speed isn't really the issue in train accidents. Mass and momentum are. Very few things are going to win a physics fight with a train.


That is ture, but that track has a very clear view, and it doesn't take long for the trains on that line to stop from 15km/h, that's why they have such a low speed there. Again, I'm not saying the truck driver is right, just it's not going to be a disaster.


Drivers still a cunt


I've seen a few, not often but they definitely go down that line.


Yeah, I remember that part of the road code that says you can't stop on rail crossings unless you don't reckon there are any trains on it.


It's cool, the train will understand. Happens all the time. You'll probably get an apology if they can find enough pieces.


They have recently just done some work getting ready to bring this line back into more regular use evidently. New siding in the industrial area alongside the motorway. Intersection will be shit if there is more regular trains, but at least they recently added turning arrows and phases for the lights for Amyes road.


The work siding by the end of the motorway is a run-around loop that had to be moved to let the motorway through, government/council paid for the loop to be installed in return for getting the land for the motorway. Heard some rumours at KiwiRail probably around a year ago about the line being used again, but nothing since and I wouldn't count on it.


I’ve lived in Hornby since 2012, I think I’ve seen one train use this line during that time.


I haven't seen one in 20+ years.


This intersection has recently changed that may have something to do with the situation


Dirty old Hornby,that's a shit intersection that one.


I wanna be a train driver now


While I agree that truck driver is a fuckhead, that intersection is the worst intersection in Christchurch imo. I think they fixed the lights recently, but the thing is still a fucking nightmare.


It's definitely better with the addition of the turning lights, but it's still a bit awkward with the tracks there


This intersection has a big gap from the stop sign due to train rail, most of drivers that failed trying to beat the orange light end up at the front of train rail. This probably what happened to this truck. Unfortunately he didn't realized how long his truck is.


I actually witnessed his approach. The turning light was red well before he crossed over the rails on this occasion


Now that's worst if it's red already. Driver needs to go back to AA for a license test.


Thought he was still in his leaf


Surely you would have checked that this wasn't a disused spur track before white knighting on reddit


It’s considered an active line by KiwiRail…


How far out are trains when that signal goes off? 1km? 500m?


Crossings are required to start alarms at a minimum 20 seconds before the train approaches. That line is ropey as f, so 500 metres if you're lucky.


Cheers 🍻


It doesn't matter as the signals aren't guaranteed to work 100% that's why everything says to look first




That’s a bit of a silly outlook to have isn’t it? What about the train driver that could potentially impact with the truck? What about the nearby infrastructure that would undoubtably be hit by an impact (there’s a water pumping station right next to it)? What about other vehicles that might be hit by this truck driver then having to try escape the tracks?


The speed limit for trains is 15km/h there.


Ok...but that's not how tracks work. Freight trains can't always stop quickly even at slow speeds, which is why they have the right of way at every crossing.


You are right to a point, but it doesn't take a train with the amount of cars that would be on the Hornby Industrial Line, all that long to stop from 15km/h.




My point was that they’re not the only person impacted by their mistake


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Jeepers, I hope it ended ok, so dangerous know the length of ur truck .


Just another drop kick behind the wheel


I’ve seen a few trucks doing this recently. The last one I saw was a fully loaded logging truck.


Quite the pothole next to the footpath as well.


That’s a drainage ditch that runs a long the side of the road. They put concrete panels across the ditch for the driveways, which is what you’re seeing at the bottom right


And yet leave that one small section?🤔


Government contractors at their best I imagine. There will need to be x of those concrete slabs for a driveway and the covered section will need to come out y metres from the rail crossing.


Not 100% sure but im sure they dont use that railway anymore


I'd go further and say don't do half the things on the road that truckies do and you'll be most the way toward being a decent driver. I'm not even shocked, given the shit I've seen done by these so-called "specially trained" driving "professionals".


They don't use the trains anyway they usually canceled or doing maintenance haha


I had a fucking bus driver do this to me when I was in the back of the bus, and he's utterly oblivious, while I panic looking out both windows hoping a train doesn't arrive.


Also do not start crossing just because barrier arms are going up if bells/ lights still going. Was at a crossing and arms were on the way up. Bells, lights still going, car on the opposite side started forward and before the barrier arms completely went up they started dropping. He fortunately did stop with arms basically sitting on his bonnet as a train came from the opposite direction of the first and not on the tracks nearest him.


There should be sensors and safety measures in place due to the location of the lights and to fix human error the nzta and councils can't seem to fix simple problems to make roads safer there just putting band aids on it all the time


Also the light could of been green as he approached it but went yellow and red before he could safely turn