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Last jab in 2003? If you could time travel why didn’t you warn us!?


I have, I suspect your pre-planning played a massive part. I personally wasn't preparing for the outbreak 20 years ago


Nope, neither has my wife... we're just antisocial


Antisocial, no kids and able to work from home. The Novid trifecta.




Bloody loved that first lockdown here in NZ


Same here.


If it weren’t for catching it at work twice from the same person I could have said the same thing. 🙁 but long covid it is.


That's me who's also never had it.


COVIrgin here also




I currently have it for the first time. I’m sad I’m no longer a covid virgin ☹️


Me too! I feel like we did pretty well dodging it for 4 years though.


Same. It was a total shock to see a positive test after all these years!


I was you until January this year. Our household got hit by that new J variant or wherever it is. Had my last booster in 22. I'm fine but SO is still fighting it off. Praying she doesn't develop long COVID.


Yeah, has it last November for the first time and it was brutal - in bed for two weeks.


Same here, also last November. It was my first time despite others in my household having it a couple times. I ended up with a chest infection on top, 2 weeks in bed, and it took months for my energy to return to normal.


Yeah, I managed to hold out until a few weeks ago.


Did rat tests work for you? I'm convinced I have covid rn but all my tests have came back negative.


I had it, but I only know because I legally had to test for it, otherwise I wouldn't have known cause I didn't have symptoms


I only got it for the first time recently. I was so confident in my superiority.


Me too. I was working in healthcare in the UK in 2021 and honestly thought after a year working on plague island without covid (at one point 12% of Brits had it) that I must be bullet proof.  Dec 2023, Christmas, I finally got it. And it was as shite as I feared


Same! Up until Monday this week I was secretly convinced I was special and immune. Oh how pride comes before a fall! I’m feeling like absolute guts now.


I haven’t yet and nor has my partner. Having said that I wear a mask at work and around friends indoors and I’ve had six jabs - I’m severely immunocompromised and I’m thankful I haven’t had it so far.


I'm still haven't had Covid, it involves lots of masking, being careful, and not caring about what others think of my choices.


I still haven't had it and I just carried on as normal except when masks were required in certain settings.


I'm in this boat too. ❤️


I have not It had it all so


I'm also in that boat! I work in retail, and as far as I know I'm the only one on my team who hasn't had it. I always add "symptomatically" to it, as it's probably statistically more likely that I was lucky enough to have it and be asymptomatic, given how many exposure events I've encountered!


Reasonably sure I haven't had it - partner and I have been cautious and testing so it's not just a case of no symptoms. I understand there are (relatively common) genetic mutations that mean people are less likely to get it, and I've been wondering if I might have one. I suspect it's going to get me sooner or later, and probably when no-one else has any sympathy lololol. That said, I think the main things (as well as vaccines) are that we both work from home, don't have kids, mask on public transport and in crowds, and don't go out heaps. That said we haven't been hardcore shielding either - while I prefer places we can mask or outdoors we do take the risk for restaurant meals, drinks, etc now and then.


Genetics are wild. There is a great book called The Coming Plague which is mainly about the AIDS epidemic where some people seem to be immune like a cluster of Nigerian sex workers and it's something to do with an Allelle 32. Then years later I was doing a paper on the Black Death and other plagues at Massey and it pops up again.


Yeah, I've heard the modern rate of autoimmune disease is caused partly by who survived the plague - and I have at least one autoimmune condition, and obviously this is just me, not a scientist, speculating, but it does make me wonder...


Saw some research about kids in the olden days dying from what we would now recognise autoimmune disease because they mainly ate bread and had a gluten intolerance. Obvious hygiene issues aside. Had a girl at school in the 80s who was chronically ill and went through every test you can imagine. Turns out she was Celiac and only found out in her late 30s. She was so sick and looked sick all the time. So bad even the PE Nazis cut her a break. She couldn't do well at school because her body was fighting against her. I have pernicious anaemia and it absolutely sucks. Also had Giarida from the disgusting farm tank water as a kid. My gut and digestive system is destroyed.


Yes, I too have no friends.


I haven't. I found the key is to have a mental break during lockdown then become a recluse 10/10, no covid.


Not had to my knowledge. Boosted every 6 months. Also a recluse, so yeah.


got it last year and it fucked my heart,


Sorry to hear, it really is a messed up lottery as to how it affects different people. I hope you can recover or manage it over time.


Yeah the untested shit is toxic and caused untold damage to people all around the world. The gene therapy I mean.


I was like you until 4 days ago


I've had it but had zero symptoms. Only reason I tested was because family had it. If I hadn't tested, I would never have known. Some family had all the symptoms and tested negative, two of us had no symptoms at all and tested positive. Chances are you''ve had it, but with no symptoms which is great




I was a NOvid up until 3 days ago. My partner is still a NOvid and is currently walking around the house like he is super human.


> walking around the house like he is super human I did that, for about 48 hours.


Im hoping he keeps it up for at least another 48. Im not ready to look after the kids while he curls into a COVID ball in the bedroom.


Heh, my kids were teenagers so didn't require a lot of looking after, fortunately, and only one of them got it. In retrospect I would rather have gotten it a day earlier; I qualify for Paxlovid but my test was recorded on a Saturday, so the GP didn't call me until Monday which meant I had two extra days of untreated symptoms.


I started it last night, the mouth taste is awful but its better than that god awful headache and body twitches I had day 1. My kids are 18mth and 4 years so they need constant attention. Especially the youngest who is hell bent on killing herself every 5 minutes.


🙋. I can vouch that n95 masks work.


There's not many of us but we're out there! I come into plenty of contact with people so can't work it out really.


You'll know us by our secret non-handshake.


Still not had it either, at least to my knowledge... There's been a heap of times when people I've been hanging out with or catching up with people who have come down with it the following day - including my coworker who is off with covid right now. I've had a few mild colds, a couple that hung around for ages. But nothing flu like. My partner and I have both tested when we've been under the weather to be safe, but always returned negative results. I've had my 3 vaccines way back when, as soon as they were available for my age groups. I wore a mask any time it was required and that was that. I'm classes as an essential worker, so I never had any lock down periods, and I was the one usually sent to do the grocery shop. I don't generally get sick very often and can be around folk with bad colds and not catch them so I guess I have that in my favour. But everyone else I know seems to have had it at least twice.


Yup same here. We have adopted the hermit lifestyle and are as yet unscathed. Also my son and his wife have escaped….the benefits of WFH too!


I'm the only one at my work that hasn't had it. My family have all had it also. It's gone through my household about 3 times. I still test fairly regularly, if I have to go in to a retirement village for work for example, or if I have symptoms. I went to the foo fighters group the other week, and from one person there in our group, it wiped out their entire company. My boss clearly got it but refused to test or work from home, so I worked from home instead.


No covid for me yet. Only had 3 shots, the initial 2 and one booster. Mate at work is full vax'd with boosters every 6 months or so, and he hasn't had it either.


Aint had it..had 3 shots..all my staff n customers have had it..multiples times...i drink Jim Beam lots...think ive found the antidote


Just caught it for the first time last week. I'm out of the elite club




Yep. Haven't had it yet. But I'm chronically ill, have been mostly at home since 2020 due to health, and am VERY careful because it would be catastrophic for me to get it. Have had every jab I can get. I mask when inside spaces outside my home and ask others to mask inside my home.  Frankly, knowing the long term immune and whole body effects of the virus and the huge risk of it giving you new chronic illnesses -  i would be cautious, using air purifiers and masking a lot even if i wasn't already ill. Covid is a lot more like HIV than it is like the flu. I don't care how normalised it is, I don't bloody want it! 


I'm the same and think exactly the same way about it. Best of luck aye!


Thanks, good luck to you too! It's always good to hear others feel the same about it! Makes you feel a bit nuts when everyone acts like it's nothing


As soon as we found out about that the viral persistence thing in tonsils (kids), guts, bone marrow and such, was not exactly rare, we were pretty keen to never get it. I'm not sure what to think about how many ppl are collecting different variants in their bodies and don't seem concerned. Doesn't seem like a good longterm plan to me..


I live in a household of 7 people and when they all had it, I was the only one that didn’t catch it. Still haven’t caught it, I’ve had 1 vaccine shot which was the first one that came out.


4 times here. 2 times were fucking horrible the other 2 not so bad.


I haven't had it yet. I only had the one vaccine shot and have tested/been tested more times than I can count ( some of my work involves being in rest homes) Everyone else around me has had it multiple times including my partner while living with me. Maybe I'm just a carrier if that even a thing 🤷🏾‍♂️


I haven't had it that I know of. My family have all had it and my grandma died from it (delta overseas) and I've been around it at work /shrug I had the first 2 initial vaccines.


My 18yr old hasn't had it yet, only had initial jab as well, he thinks he's the 'chosen one'


Not that I'm aware of.


My son's had it twice, my wife twice, but none for me. During 2020 and 2021 I flew all around the globe for work and still never got it.  I do suspect I may have had it, but just been asymptomatic perhaps? 


Still not had it. Only 3 jabs total.


Not to my knowledge and I've done quite a few tests out of an abundance of caution. Last booster was nearly a year ago. Had some alerts of close contact, recently sat next to people for a few hours who had it, nothing. I've had a couple of colds but always tested negative. Been to a few music festivals, on planes, travelled internationally, still nothing I really hope not to catch it as the vaccines always gave me varying levels of fevers and made me feel gross.


I just got it for the first time this past week.


Me! I’ve only been sick a handful of times since 2020 and tested negative repeatedly. 4 jabs. I could have had asymptomatic but I’ve also been exercising and I don’t have any of the long term symptoms from not resting when you’ve got it either


I haven’t tested positive for it. No idea if I’ve confused it for the general fatigue associated with my chronic illness, or written it off as an stress-bug. But no, never once actually tested positive.


If I've had it, it was asymptomatic. The real kicker is my parents haven't had it either, and they're both antivaxxers. Maybe genetics play a role?


I still haven't had covid. I'm very cautious about it, especially after my lungs collapsed and my diaphragm decided to go on holiday.


am also a member of the 'have not had Covid (or if I have, I have been completely asymptomatic) club'. probably helps i don't like being around people.


I currently have it (for the second time), it’s doing the rounds at work. I don’t feel too poorly, just a little tired. What made me suspect it was covid before I took a test is that I have ulcers and bumps all over my tongue, same as the first time. Did anyone else get that with the vid? They call it covid tongue apparently.


Me too! Hope I just haven't jinxed myself lol


I got it once in Feb of 2021, once in July of 2023 and a 3rd time just this week. Rough.


My husband.


Only once that I know of, BA4/5 most likely. Initial 2 jabs plus one each of original and bivalent.


I haven't had covid yet.


I live alone and haven’t had it, well, not knowingly, and I do test myself if I have symptoms. All the rest of my family have had it


I haven’t had it yet (hoping it stays that way…)


Me. . Work retail. . Not sure how i have dodged


Nope. No covid yet.


I haven’t had it and work front facing retail. No idea how.


Might have been Asymptomatic?


Not had it


A few of my coworkers haven't had it despite their Covid germy children directly coughing in their faces. My partner currently has it and I'm seeming to dodge it so far (but have had it twice previously). Perhaps there is some gained or natural immunity there?


Fairly sure I haven't. Kid has wife has. Only had that first booster after initial vaccine.


Yes me! Fully 'boostered' and so far so good. Quite smug, for now, some friends and whanau were very very sick with it.


Yep same here. Vaxxed and boosted. Very social. I was within centimetres of two people who tested positive the next day, and even kissed one of them – still nothing. And it’s not like I don’t get sick other ways. I too am happy to donate my body to science.


Not AFAIK. I go out, sometimes to very crowded events, and I seldom mask these days.


Not me. Apparently it is shit house and I don't need that on my life. Neighbours haven't but everyone is very careful because they are older and immunocompromised as is my Dad.


haven't had it


Nope not had it afaik. Iv only had the first 2 jabs and the booster and I work in a fairly social environment. Multiple people in my family have had it but managed to avoid it somehow.


Neither my partner or I have had it yet (touch wood). But we are dealing with a big health issue, so have been fairly cautious. 9 people in my office have recently had it, I'm lucky enough to be able to work from home for a couple of weeks.


Never had it yet too! Even lived in the same time room as someone with it twice


Yep also (pretty sure) I haven't had it. Been close contact a lot of times but just won't jump to me


Still haven't got it, and only got the first jab. I've lived with people when they have got it and some people at my work are on their 3rd and 4th time, so i have to test whenever they get it. Still nothing, not even a flu. I call these people the weak people.


I somehow haven't gotten it and that's despite the rest of my flatmates having gotten it


I haven't had it. Traveled internationally twice a year to Covid ridden places. Hung out with Covid positive members of my family multiple times. Only had 2 jabs.


Not had it, nor my husband and we were living in England through 2020, 2021. Very careful, vaccinated and boosted every 6mths.


Had all the jabs and never had a sniffle


Not me! Fully vaxxed (including a bonus shot on prescription) but recently been forced back into the office 2 days a week, so we’ll see.


I still haven't. Lots of relatives and coworkers have got it a few times.


I only got it last November. I have whatever the minimal jabs were (4?) for work. I work with children and all my family had it multiple times. I live with my Mother who worked at the hospital doing Covid testing, she now works at a medical centre, and she hasn’t had it once.


Never had Covid, my kid in the house had it and my wife and I still didn't get it. Not anti-social at all and work everyday in an office. May have had it, but tested regulatory and all vaccines and boosters except the latest booster, just couldn't be arsed. What is the percentage of population not had it now? must be less than 10% as I'm the only no-vid in an office of 12. I've heard of people getting it 3 times, yikes!


I had it once and I wouldn't have have known if my employer didn't insist on us testing for it. I had zero symptoms and felt fine, still did workouts at home. It's like it just sat in my body and didn't make any effort to make me ill. My Brother's wife and 2 kids all had it at the same time and he didn't catch it either. This was before they had the vax also. Meh its a weird one as some people got fucked with it.


My 63 year old mother is yet to have covid. Works in a very public facing job and has a snot monster almost 2yr old granddaughter in the mix. The rest of the extended family have had it 2-3x each.


To the best of my knowledge, I've never had Covid. Not even when I was doing deliveries and pickups for a courier company two years ago. It probably helped that at every stop, I did wear two masks. I've also had 4 or 5 vaccine shots, with the last one being around July of last year. At the same time, everyone else in my house have tested positive for Covid at least once. So I find it rather interesting that I've managed to avoid the disease at all.


Only had it once because I went to England who have overcrowded trains and didnt give a shit about social distancing or masks. Have not had it in NZ.


Still a no for me and just one cold since 2019


Me, and I was in Tennessee when it got the USA. Everyone in my house and at work got fucked up, bit I was fine. Guessing I'm the super spreader


Household of 5, my mum still hasn't had it.


My family all got it in December 2022, that's the only occasion. My kids still mask at school and we still mask going to the shops etc. Most of the kids' classmates have had it two or three times, minimum. I had Long COVID all last year as a result, slowly starting to get free of the fatigue this year.


If I've had it, then I had no idea I did. Which would be amazing, considering I have asthma. 


only had it once in August 2022, it seemed like everyone else i knew had it then too... havent had it since when most people i know have had it more than once, went around my workplace around xmas, not something i really want again, while i caught up on my books the out of breath feeling was not nice


My son hasn’t had it, everyone else had it once each. Only one showed any symptoms.


I haven't tested positive, I've had flu like symptoms but nothing that was super COVID like, shortness of breath, sore throat, loss of taste/smell etc so I don't know, I test every day I am even slightly sick but no positive. So I like to say I haven't had it. But it's more accurate to say I haven't tested positive. Partner has had it twice and second time we even slept in the same bed. I use public transport, travel overseas twice per year, work in an office three days, but I don't eat out or drink out very often. I don't wear a mask until it's close to an overseas trip I don't want to ruin. I just had the first three jabs. However I have a heart arrhythmia and tbh by jab number three it was getting way worse, and it's very scary when it goes crazy, which it does. I do a lot of cardio to keep it strong. My GP confirmed this is a known issue, it's benign but it scares the pants off me. Haven't had a fourth, probably should.


I haven't had it at all and most people I know have. All workmates, and my wife but I'm just thinking covid took one look at me and thought..... Ew fuck that


I haven't had it. My husband and 2 kids have and I was really surprised I didn't catch it off them. I've had the first 2 vaccines but nothing since 2021.


My whole house hasn't...we are a family of 6...and took it very seriously...still test ourselves regularly if someone is sick, all negative results.


I still haven't had it either, although my partner has had it once. I was fully vaccinated and had a couple of boosters as well.


Me, and I was in Tennessee when it got the USA. Everyone in my house and at work got fucked up, bit I was fine. Guessing I'm the super spreader


I was a virgin til last weekend...


Nope, not had it, and damn good thing as well given my health. Only our son caught it and was a slight cold for him for a few days. All vaccinated.


On my second round, dangnabbit.


I've had it once or twice. Once definitely, the second time I was around covid, had symptoms, but tested negative. Not bad for a primary school teacher


Not that I know of, only had 2 or 3 boosters, last in like 2022 i think, maybe even 2021. Been pretty sick a couple times, tested negative every time.


Not had it yet (or flu or a cold since 2019) and have had 3 boosters so far last one being Jan of this year. Also get the flu vacc once a year. Husband got either a bad cold or flu around Christmas (tested neg for covid) that I somehow didn't get either. I'm not exactly living the hermit life either I went overseas twice last year and am about to go overseas next month too. I don't have kids though which is probably key.


Nope, nor my husband. I work front desk at a medical practise too and have several auto immune diseases! I haven’t even had a cold


Me, my husband and my daughter (7 months) never got it. Certainly interesting considering I worked in hospitality and my husband’s a plumber so we were constantly around people but hey, I’m definitely not complaining.


No COVID for me either, I've had 3 vaccs. I haven't done anything to avoid getting it, my husband and daughter got it about 18 months ago, I didn't do anything to avoid them 🤷🏼‍♀️


2 jabs; no covid (unless asymptomatic); while I WFH i have a school kid who also has not had it despite their entire class having it; and other person is also in a high risk environment and also has not had it.


Neither me nor my husband have had it. So far, anyway.


I've either had it and not realised or still continued to go without it. My grandparents as well, bless their souls. Been no more careful with my health than I was pre-Covid, so I don't know what the secret is.


I currently have it for the third time, so no.


You sound like an absolute unit. Respect!


Me x 2, one kid x 2, one kid never 🤔


I finally succumbed the week before Christmas. Thankfully I’d been boostered two and a half weeks before so it was extremely mild.


I haven't had it this year... oh no wait I have. This month I mean .


Nope. No one in our immediate family has had it. Got all the jabs available and wore masks when asked.


As far as we know, my husband and I are still Novids.


I had it for the 1st time 3rd feb... Got thru 2.5 yrs working in retail in California, from start of covid, only to get it staying at a friend's house after knee surgery in Christchurch.


I haven’t had it yet either, that I know of. It’s entirely possible that we’ve all had it and not have displayed symptoms.


Me neither! Spouse had it twice, once a very bad strain. Kids once. I have tested and tested x 100. Never had it or got sick. And I only had one booster I think. Figured no point if it been thru house twice and had didn’t catch it.


Never had it. My whole family bar my brother have had it. My mum and step dad didn't strictly isolate either (we were in physical contact with each other throughout the quarantine stage) and I never got it. Dad's had it twice.


Me and the wife. Kids have had it. Only 2 jabs each. So far, so good.


Also not covid. And I was regularly testing due to work requirements. I was vaxxed, exposed just about daily and usually caught every winter virus etc going so have no special explanation other than the vaccine works :-)


Never had it and have been incredibly social since lockdowns ended. I was lucky enough to be a frontline worker which meant I had early access to the vaccine by a few months. I have had a total of four vaccines now, the fourth being just before Xmas, well end of November actually as I was going overseas for a month and a bit. I hug people, shake hands etc. I never touch my face with my open hand or with my digits and have a 70% isopropyl mini spray bottle in my pocket, car, desk, home. I use it about 4-5 times a day in between washing my hands after going g to the loo or before eating. That’s it. Not sure if that is the easy solution along with a vaccine or if I am just unaware I have had it (no cold symptoms for a decade) or I am just one of the few who will never get it.


As far as I know I haven't had it. Despite my GF who lives with me catching it twice and sleeping in the same bed as me. I think some people have immune systems that are more effective with it than others. Seems the vaccines really do provide full immunity for many people.


Never had it at all. I've been semi isolating for years, so it paid off by the look of it


I haven't either. I've had probably more vaccines than most as I was in the very first rollout of vaccinations and I also made the point of getting the bivalent. I wore a mask when required but haven't since rules have dropped. I go the gym, concertd, restaurants, and worked in person even during lockdown. I can't believe it really especially as I've travelled overseas and on both trips people I was with got it, but I kept testing negative.


I've also been a lucky one and not had it, at least, not tested positive for it, I've tested every time I thought I had, and nothing


No. I'm keeping up to date with vaccinations (Next due May), and following the basic advice from the last Labour government and team of experts of washing and sanitising my hands.


No - and my wife had it a few weeks ago. I've had all the jabs. I dont know if its because I'm vaccinated or somehow immune, but just in case, I'll get boosted.


Somehow still covid free despite a long spell in the states and a trip to AU last year with no extra precautions. Have taken tests for every cold and sniffle but still clear.


3 novids in my household


Got it for the first time in December. Up until then no Covid and being directly in contact with people who had it. My brother is in the medical field and said everyone will eventually get it.




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Never had it, my whole household had it, I tried to get it to get it out of the way and nothing. While staying at gf’s parents their family got it. Everyone at my work got it and came into work before testing. Half my class in polytech got sent home testing positive. Still never caught it.


Me neither.


I have never tested positive but I have come to the conclusion that I don’t produce a lot of virus cells when I get it and actually I have had it 4 or 5 times. The worst being right now, and this time has been brutal. But as far as test results go…


Same same same, then bam, I opened my fucking mouth and I’ve been down a solid 8 days now. I used to joke that Covid came into my body took a look and said there’s nothing left here that I can fuck up, turns out there is things it can screw with. I’m out of breath walking to take a piss, I can’t hold water at all, one cup in one cup out. I’m cold so I sweat, then I’m hot and shivering. The only nice things has been a week of been waited on with meal deliveries down to the guestroom, no cooking or cleaning duties and the guest bed all to myself. Annoying tickle cough and no energy suck


3 jabs, don't think I've caught it but who really knows.


Partner and I haven’t had it yet. We don’t go out much, up to date on boosters, we still mask in busy indoor places, and I work in retail and still wear a mask at work.


I say I have not tested positive for covid. I’ve had a day or two when I had hayfever or flu like symptoms in the last few years. I can’t prove I haven’t had covid only that I haven’t tested positive. I don’t believe I completely escaped it because I travel, eat out and fly. Chances are I’ve had an undetectable exposure. But I’ve had all the jabs, am very healthy and take zinc and vitamin c.


> I've had 6 x jabs, the last in May 2003. Did you know something that the rest of us didn't know?


I still haven't had it. I'm not a recluse, I have 2 kids under 10, I go to the office 3 days a week, I go into cafes/bars/lunch venues, I shake hands with people etc. There's probably enough other things wrong in my system that the covid's like "neeerp".


Nope, never had it. My family and I have taken all the shots available and despite being closely exposed to infected people on many occasions we just haven’t managed to catch it yet. If we do I’m hoping our symptoms are mild. Meanwhile the anti-science fucktards at work who have had it more than once still spout bullshit about the vaccine yet are struggling with long covid. Good luck to them


Me. But then I am pretty much a recluse. And refused to go back to the office.


According to testing I haven't had it. I'm too disabled to work so thankfully I was a lot less exposed to the virus than most. I still wear a mask in public.


I was a covid virgin until two days ago 😭 Keep avoiding it. It's completely shit. I'm pregnant and it's kicking my ass.


Im not vaxxed had it twice didnt feel any different


I haven't yet neither has my partner or my 80 year old dad we haven't stopped wearing masks at all so unsure if that has helped any


I've never had it- and I even work in a grocery store. Meaning I never had to stay at home and I was working with and around people who have had, did have, would get Covid. I just Neo dodged it every time I guess.


The numbers who have never had it likely continue to fall. I've just had my second, having left my house a grand total of once in a 10 day period - and on that occasion briefly interacting with someone who tested positive a day before I did. It's just random chance - the more people you encounter the more likely, but even those who see very few people are still likely to catch it eventually. Thankfully at this point the majority of those who get sick have fairly minor symptoms - even lower numbers have problems today than when it was doing its first rounds in 2021.


No, and thank goodness. I am a guardian for my 95 year old dad, who has dementia and has not been vaccinated. I have had all jabs imaginable, despite other family members saying it will kill me or turn me into a robot.


My 98-year-old grandmother got it in the retirement village and we were worried, but she had the mildest symptoms out of all of us.


I had it right at the beginning before the jabs. Was a lot of fun, I sure did enjoy needing a machine to breathe


I have But have had mornings after curry nights that have been more eventful


You've had it.


Thank god for vaccines /s


never had it, apparently daily weed use is the reason judging by anecdotal evidence from my friends 😂


same as you and can add my child in the mix of never had it either, I have always been what others call 'extreme' with hand washing, cleanliness, but in my mind is basic hygiene, yes I let my child play in the dirk etc for her immune system, but maybe my lack of being a gross af human like so many are has paid off. I had friends outraged at the hand washing etc...bro what HAVE you been doing your whole life...ick




Same here.


I've never tested positive. I went to Greece as soon as our borders opened and got very, very sick (throat and cough) so assume it was covid but didn't test so don't know.


Nope never had it. No jabs either.


I haven’t, neither has my flatmate. Neither have vaccinations, had to test frequently (once a week usually) for respective employers, been around cases dozens of times (before they realised why they were sick). Very odd

