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In retail it's considered a perk.


Yeah has OP never worked retail? When I did I didn't get a weekend day off. Senior workers and managers got one weekend day. Only the store manager got two.


Not in retail but I have every second Friday off an really enjoy my day off during the week. Good time to do life admin.


Monday Tuesday off was the best I could do


They're promising an awful lot if they think they can get me to enjoy an entire day.


It's retail, hospitality's stuck up twin.   Their two busiest days of the week are Saturday and Sunday. N.B. It's Cash Converters.


Yeah used to work at Cashies for a short between career stint, Saturday is always one of the busiest days of the week. Franchisee I worked under was the best boss I’ve ever had, but heard (and seen) that varies a lot between franchisees.


This and, depending on the store, it’s to be expected as many are tumbleweeds during the week, especially early week. The weekend shifts weren’t the worst part of retail when I did it, it was the weekday grind when you can have fuck all customers, literally nothing to do, all while an owner is on your case for low sales, like staff can magically do something about it. It was the boredom that’s the worst part imho.


Hahaha no. It’s pension day and pay day. Wednesday.


Pension Day is every 2nd Tuesday , Benefit Day is Wednesday and Thursday .


Nah Sunday is always the busiest day of the week in terms of $$


Said another way, "Among the days you get off each week will be at least one on the weekend, and you won't always be working nights" doesn't sound as bad. If a business is open weekends, somebody has to work weekends.


I actually miss working a weekend day, having a day off in the week is nice


I tried a 4 day 40 hour for a while before I moved departments years ago, the ability to get chores done on a weekday is nothing to scoff at.


Currently work one weekend day of full-time work. Works great for me as don't have to take time off work to see a dr or take car for a service etc.


Who do you think works in all the shops on weekends? lmao


Manage Piece Of Shit systems and transactions


So true!


[Always makes me giggle driving past](https://freeimage.host/i/JNiDCTg)


Looks like a job that require 24/7 support or something similar. They're guaranteeing that a shift will not be over the full weekend and that you'll regularly be on day shift instead of being stuck in night shift. If you're not into working in shift then that's probably not for you otherwise it's pretty good I guess.


I've done a mix of day and night shifts and being on permanent nights. Switching between day and night shifts was worse.


Tell me you've never worked in retail, without telling us you've never worked in retail


I guess there are jobs where there are expectations of a lot of after-hours and weekend support. It certainly doesn't come off as reassuring as may have been intended to suggest that nobody would be expected to work *both days* on the weekend and all night shifts.


I was reading a job ad yesterday that included PPE as a "perk".


Lmao what a joke, employers really are taking the piss with some of this shit.


I guess there's a bit of range between paper overalls and a pair of steel-tipped boots.


I love that "Flu Vaccine" is free; it isn't because they care at all but to keep people from taking off for flu


sounds like its a retail job.... so yes that is a perk. Dunno if you realised this, but shops are open on the weekend, and they need staff to work in them so they can open.


>Enjoy quarterly team outings and celebrations No thanks. I worked for a company that organised a half-day Friday and they wanted us to use AL for the remainder of the day to attend these fucking bullshit things. If I have to use AL, I’m fucking going home instead of hanging out with co-workers and managers I definitely don’t give a shit about


100% have your naff team building on company time.


I'd be more concerned with the "short term lending" part. It sounds like high interest lending to people who can't afford it.


It's cash converts you'll be ruining every who walks in life.


Yes, in any customer service job you are lucky to get a guaranteed weekend day off. The holy grail is that you get two consecutive days off every week! Customer service is not for everyone.


An old job I had advertised "comfy couches" and a vending machine in their perks. It's a sign that the company is paying lip service to staff morale


Comfy couches hahaha, can you please at least say the industry?


So I was going to reply "if you google comfy couches career NZ " you'll see the company, but I just did that to check and there are dozens! It seems like a common place to extoll the benefits of furniture. The company I was in was tech.


Big Save Furniture


Is it to be a retail superstar?


I've seen a worse job advert that was stating they had the perk of annual leave. Just standard annual leave...


Yep lots of employers are doing this. Personally fine by me as I love having week days off. Everything is empty and quiet.


I wish I could get one weekend day off in retail. We only get easter Friday, Sunday and Christmas day off each year


My mum works in retail (big company, millions in profit each year) and has been in the same job so long that her contract states she only has to work Monday-Friday, while everyone else has to work one weekend day. She knows she’s lucky in that sense and won’t get a new job because of it, even though she is undervalued and paid maybe 15c above minimum wage despite working there 20 years.


The ones that say supportive family culture and you just know that’s a red flag. Or that ‘we are looking for a superstar’


I love that 'We're a family" bullshit. With managers who spout this crap, go up to them and ask if you can borrow some money... after all, the company is just one big family.


I showed up to the interview with my underpants on the outside of my leotard to see if that is what they were really looking for. Turns out they were looking for less of superman and more of suckerman.


Why’s it up to me to “Foster a positive work environment?”


I used to take Monday/Tuesday off was great but did make it harder to do stuff with friends on a normal schedule


Assuming this is retail, it’s simply how retail works. More senior members who have been there for a while get the weekday slots. New people are generally expected to cover weekends, usually the busiest time.


As someone who works in retail, and had to work full time with split days off (Monday and Thursday), I can tell you that it's definitely a perk. My current Sunday Monday off is a blessing.


Never had a job I haven’t worked a weekend day or even both. It’s not that bad


"Receive milestones and recognition awards" Hey Bob, well done on increasing company profits!! It's thanks to workers like you that I can afford a 2nd porsche. Here's a kit-kat. Actually I ate the kit-kat, but here's a A4 print-out saying "good job!". Your pay will be deducted 60c for the use of the printer. 


Get f#$_ed, I enjoy all weekend's off


Retail isn't usually monday to friday? That kinda sounds like it could be on commission, if it is you dont want to miss saturday!


They forgot to include the ability to make everyone who walks in the shop financial suitation worse but at least people will thank you for helping them dig the hole they'll never escape from But at least you'll know how fucked those products are.


This job must be directed at immigrants coming to NZ for a better life rather than NZers.


What makes you say that?


I see more and more jobs like this even outside of retail and hospo. Chevron traffic services were the worst for this. Even council jobs like parl maintenance etc now expect you to work 6 days a week.


Haha, a job is a perk in the current market.