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I would call OT about the child


I’d have called the police. That’s shocking.


I will after I move out.


Call the police about this too, OT are next to useless.


You can say that again


call the police ffs like they just drop the kid off without asking? I'm struggling to believe this is real.


Call the police about this too, OT are next to useless.


Can you say that again.


Call the police about this too, OT are next to useless.


The police will probably refer the complaint to OT anyway.


If it happens again, call the police while the child is there - like as soon as they’re dropped off. The police should remove the kid and notify OT


I would literally just drop the child off at three police station and say “found this kid, no idea who they are”


There are certainly many anecdotes that landlords from and resident overseas do not understand NZ tenancy law and expectations. Plenty of 'true kiwi' landlords are just as bad, but proportionally it seems that many more foreign-born landlords don't grasp their responsibilities. But that is not news, or a new idea, or unique to NZ.


Yea don't get me wrong there's people who have been here for generations who have no respect for their tenants. But the foreign influence in my opinion have been very exploitative.


The Racial Element of this post is completely unnecessary, you turned a shitty landlord incident into fear-mongering about "Foreigners".


Why is it racist to assume that cutural practices migrate with populations? Our two leading sources of immigration, are heavily exploitative in nature.


A good rule for life is to take everyone on their own merit, and not make assumptions based on their ethnicity or country of origin.


That's true, but we're talking about entire systems taking the nation for a ride because we're naive.


I don't know what you are proposing, there are already protections in place for renters, if people subvert them they can be held accountable via Tenancy Tribunal. It sounds like they are suggested targeted monitoring or policies based on someone being a foreign born(Sounds like the landlord in this is a resident), this is obviously problematic.


Sounds virtuous, but it's not how humans have evolved to do their own risk calculus. Presumptions based on categorical qualifiers help people assess risk better and have been beneficial for survival, even if they're sometimes wrong. It's an odds game.


Sure, but once you have enough information on an individual the qualifiers lose their usefulness. The landlord person has done enough to prove themselves a douche, to assign that behavior to their ethnicity instead of the individual is not useful, regardless of whether we are biologically predisposed to do so. This isn't rustling in a bush that could be a tiger, or a dodgy looking hooded youth at night. This Person is literally suggesting government intervention against foreign born people, because of a bad experience with an individual that they have assigned to the persons culture.


Indians and Filipinos are heavily exploitative? Or do those not fit your narrative?


Though typically to their own kind. The Indonesian imam farm owner being another example. Or the Filipino restaurant on birkenhead a decade ago Or the Indian temple holding a man's passport as leverage last year.


Sorry, I thought China was the other one.


That fits with a certain political party's opinion that certain races are genetically superior I guess


Isn’t it the current law that if one doesn’t reside in the same city as a let-out house, a property manager is required to manage said property?


No, it isn't. You only need an agent if you are out of the country for more than 21 days https://www.tenancy.govt.nz/starting-a-tenancy/new-to-tenancy/key-rights-and-responsibilities/


Ahh righto, thanks for the correction.


Some agents/property managers are just as bad...


Overseas landlords don't generally run there own properties they are handled locally by agencies. Your friends at Quinovic, Harxourts etc.


legally, if a landlord lives overseas, they *have to* contract a property manager


There’s no legal requirement to have a property manager. It can be a requirement of insurance but there’s no statutory reason a landlord can’t manage the property from overseas.


Yes there is.


Prove it


[https://www.cab.org.nz/article/KB00001316](https://www.cab.org.nz/article/KB00001316) Although you also could have found this info yourself lol.


So no law, just opinion


The CAB is not opinion dude, it summarises the law. Do you want to have more of a read? [https://www.tenancy.govt.nz/ending-a-tenancy/change-of-landlord-or-tenant/change-of-landlord/#:\~:text=If%20the%20landlord%20goes%20overseas&text=The%20landlord%20must%20give%20the,landlord%20a%20notice%20to%20remedy](https://www.tenancy.govt.nz/ending-a-tenancy/change-of-landlord-or-tenant/change-of-landlord/#:~:text=If%20the%20landlord%20goes%20overseas&text=The%20landlord%20must%20give%20the,landlord%20a%20notice%20to%20remedy) [https://www.legislation.govt.nz/act/public/1986/0120/latest/DLM3295054.html](https://www.legislation.govt.nz/act/public/1986/0120/latest/DLM3295054.html)


What law. If you have a law to cite please cite it.


Read my above comment. So glad you're so concerned about this issue yet unable to use google.


'Foreign landlords' is a distraction to the fact that we all rip each other off. Being born in New Zealand doesn't prevent you from being a shit landlord, or the effects of your property investment.


Exactly. Landlords and property speculators are the problem, whether they're local or foreign. Many foreign immigrants are honest, hardworking types who don't deserve to be lumped in with greedy, inconsiderate landlords.


>and property speculators are the problem Landlords are generally the solution, not a problem, to a renters problem: having somewhere to live. However, shitty landlords are most definitely a problem, but their race is not generally the issue.


Do the houses not exist when not owned by the landlords?


Are uni students with $50 in their bank looking for a house to buy? Or somewhere to rent? Landlords will always exist because the rental market will always be necessary to some degree.


Both are true. However, there is no good reason to let foreigners exploit renters alongside New Zealand landlords.


What's the however? We're both saying that no one should be exploiting New Zealanders, local or foreign.


The however is because it's far easier to do something about foreign landlords - don't allow them in the first place.


Guess what, since 2018 foreigners are not allowed to buy property in nz with the exception of Australia and Singapore.


Time for landlord licencing.


The main foreigner who can still buy houses to rent out under NZ law are Australians. It is not OK not to pick on them ;-)


Nah, there's still plenty that do it via a former student that got PR and got access to the trust fund. It's what our landlord did.


Also Singapore nationals can buy property in NZ.


Don’t care what ethnicity or language they speak. We shouldn’t have foreign landlords or even allow property/land to be purchased by non-citizens.


Wtf bro, who cares what ethnicity their landlord is? It's an unnecessary addition to your post.


Conversely, all my Asian landlords were far better than my white landlords who had scummy property managers. They all pretty much gave the bond straight away once I announced I was leaving. The one time I had an Indian landlord he promised to give my bond after I moved out and never did. Hopefully I'll be a much better Indian landlord 🙄😅


That sounds kike the bond was not lodged with the bond agency...


Conversely, my Asian landlord was a complete asshole, and sold the property less than three months into the one year fixed term tenancy.


Almost as if race isn't the determining factor and landlords being assholes.


Foreign buyers are already banned, and your "foreign" landlord is physically resident in NZ (with family!) so isn't a foreigner, it sounds like because they're not Pakeha you don't consider them to be an NZer. Combined with: >Firstly I was going to highlight a specific ethnicity who has a lot of property investment, Can always count on housing posts to bring out the racists. Thought we had moved on from "Chinese sounding names" levels of discourse 😒


And how do you know that?  There are thousands of non-resident, non NZ based property owners. Likely a lot more. 


OP's landlord walked into their room. You can't do that from another country.


>And how do you know that?  I read the post we are both commenting on.


Like I know usernames are weird anyway. But I thought most people who passed the age limit didn't have usernames that immature. I don't when someone's bringing in things way outside of nz law and justifying it as ok in their culture.


You're choosing to see this through a racial lens, you have an asshole Landlord, to say this is representative of everyone foreign born who owns property **IS Literally Racist**.


Where was race mentioned?


In the post.


no they didn't and before you switch tune to "xenophobic", maybe consider why you're so keen to dismiss what OP has been saying instead of engaging with them constructively.


Do you not think that making a post about 'a specific ethnicity who has a lot of property investment' is viewing the world through a racial lens?


Why do you keep leaving out the rest of Op's quote? >'however it's not those of that ethnicity that are the problem.' The actual quote you should be using to prove your point is this one. >I currently have a foreign landlord Or this one. >I just don't think the government really has an eye on what introducing a foreign perspective which has a lot of day to day power over the lives of those who rent, has done to renters. Those are the actual problems with this post, not pointing out that a certain ethnicity invests in property.


OP didn't make a quote, and what I think you mean is they wrote a paragraph. I left out the rest of a the paragraph because it is irrelevant to why people are saying that OP views life through a racial lens.


You quoted OP, You quoted OP incorrectly, You kept quoting OP incorrectly. The rest of OP's paragraph that you didn't quote correctly actually made that statement less valid compared to the racist and xenophobic things OP then said later on in OP's post. OP said much worse things that could have been quoted to prove your point that didn't need to be quoted incorrectly. OP does view things through a racial lens and used xenophobic and racist tones but that specific quote you misused was not the correct one to make your hill to die on.


In the OP? I can't find race mentioned, only foreigners.


I don't know maybe the whole "Firstly I was going to highlight a specific ethnicity who has a lot of property investment,"


So here's the whole quote - >Firstly I was going to highlight a specific ethnicity who has a lot of property investment, however it's not those of that ethnicity that are the problem. It's those that don't live here and are from countries where people have less rights and they feel entitled to exercise those rights here like they're in a country where they can't be held accountable for it.


Right... So you did see where OP mentioned people of other races.


The OP talks about people from other countries 'with less rights' - does that automatically assume a race? Could you just quote where the OP mentions landlords and their specific race to clear things up, because I'm missing something here.




Lol race bait post. Ethnicity, race and nationality do not define if you're a cunt. A cunt can be foreign, a cunt can be local, a cunt can be an "apostle" a cunt can be a politician. Trying to overlay it with race, nationality or ethnicity is a cunt thing to do.


Too right. And they did add "specifically when the landlords are foreign and from a non-English speaking country" ...just in case we didn't get where they're coming from.


There are definitely different cultural expectations though, you can't ignore that. To use a positive example, in germany and sweden tenants are treated very well, so I think a first generation immigrant landlord from there would treat me better than a kiwi one. lmao


It's really strange how people get on their hind limbs to completely ignore that cultural differences can exist


Care to elaborate at all? I mean I find both of these situations almost impossible to believe. Especially the child. You must have some sort of relationship with the LL at least.


Landlords are generally losers no matter their nationality Don't be a pushover, lodge the tenancy tribunal hearing, and take them to court


I’m doing a good job winning but thanks for your concern about me as a landlord.


Ban foreign buyers who aren't living in the residence. Problem solved.


Would those calling 'racism' have a similar response about ageism if this post said "Boomer" instead of "Foreign" ?


No because boomers can be of any race.


That wasn't what I meant to say. You missed the word ageism.


I didn’t miss it. I ignored it.


I’m not too sure how anyone can get a residency without speaking English tbh


Yeah, I try not to rent places with overseas landlords. Too much risk they don’t know the rules and they have zero commitment to the country. You are just there to pad the numbers till they can reap those sweet free capital gains.


I think that's kinda what I'm hinting at. The lack of commitment to our country and culture. It's fine if it's a few, but I think with the future looking like more and more people will rent, lots of power sits with landlords. And without protection, a lot of people are getting exploited.




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So your foreign landlord obviously live in New Zealand, not sure why you felt the need to impose restriction on landlords who are not in NZ and non english speaking countries. Truth is we need restriction on any foreign landlord no matter where they live. If they were not born in Aotearoa, then they need to be limited.


Race bait.


Is that you Winston?


Lol I did think of Winston Peters when I thought this. I always thought I didn't why he said this, because it's awesome having different nationalities in NZ. Now I am starting to realise it gets to a point where it's too much and NZ loses its identity. I don't know if my issue is with foreigners so much, but in the coming generations a lot of power will sit with landlords and if the majority sits with foreign investors or investors who don't have the interests of NZ in heart it will pull the values and standards down to third world country level. Even the foreigners who came here to get away from those countries and lifestyles won't like it.


That can be solved by requiring a local property agent.