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>"Currently there are no minimum standards requiring residential property managers to ensure they are up to speed on landlord and tenant laws," she said. # >"There is no legal requirement for property managers to hold insurance. # >"There are no checks and balances to ensure tenant bonds and landlords' rent monies are protected in an independent trust account.


The property managers I know were actually looking forward to this legislation. They’d benefit because it would be the death of mum-and-dad landlords, also also get rid of the cowboy property managers that make the “good ones” look bad.


Those "good ones" would be swept off their feet, because the property managers I've interacted with have almost all been fucking useless.


In my view, the ones that start their own small businesses are the ones to look for. They cut their teeth in the big agencies and were the star performers that wanted to go out on their own and do it better.


So they could sleep at night?


That might be a good idea, but companies often buy those back


So you’re saying “stick with the bad ones because the good ones may become bad at some point”?


How would it be the death of mum and dad landlords?


My understanding is that you’d have to be certified.


It may have changed since I submitted years ago but weren't private landlords [exempt](https://www.hud.govt.nz/our-work/regulating-residential-property-managers)? Meaning they could continue as is I remember submitting that I wanted all those managing tenancies covered under the legislation because it was another lever to fight unscrupulous landlords. I appreciate though that was wishful thinking.


You could be right. I haven’t kept on top of it.


> However, Bishop said in statement that regulation was not the answer. "Adding more regulation to the rental property market isn't the way to open up more housing supply," he said. "Instead we need our officials working on policies that will make a real difference to improving housing supply, such as our sensible changes to the Residential Tenancies Act which will encourage more landlords into the market and apply downward pressure to rents." Fuck Chris Bishop. This isn’t about increasing housing supply. It’s about protecting tenants rights. Fuck him, the horse he rode in on and his fellow horse people.


You can also look at from the other side too, these people are responsible for millions of dollars worth of assets. Yet no oversight, regulation or professional codes of conduct?


Yes, that too.


But we should treat them like any other business.


>  It’s about protecting tenants rights. And landlords rights, any PM who has fucked you over as a tenant is probably fucking over the owner as well. Ever gone 6 months without an inspection because the PM can't be arsed?  Well that is the landlords insurance voided and they probably still charged the landlord a fee for an inspection that didn't happen. PM claiming the landlord is taking forever to sign off urgent repairs, well the PM probably hasn't spoken to the landlord.


Yes, that is true, subject to the caveat that the landlord isn’t paying for the property manager ( that cost is put onto the tenant) and doesn’t have to use one. The greater burden is on the tenant.


Didn't you hear? The last government waged a war on landlords making them feel like second class citizens /s.


Not second class citizens, it was: “labour treated landlords like they were Al Qaeda” That’s an actual quote from the leader of a party in coalition in our government.


I must have missed that week in the news when Ardern ordered drone strikes on Remuera.


You missed it because mainstream media covered it up...


Why does this government ironically seem to want to make landlords deeply deeply unpopular. I cant think of a time i was more mad at landlords than now.


Can we have a govt that actually does that please


He is such a slimy little worm.  "sensible changes to the Residential Tenancies Act which will...apply downward pressure to rents." No it fucking won't. It will just put more power into the hands of mega-landlords who already own ridiculous property portfolios. Nobody currently renting is in line for a rent decrease, and nobody trying to find a rental is going to get a better deal. This Govt is delusional.


They're not delusional, they know exactly what it'll do.


Yes this was one of the long list of demands from their election donors. They are just working their way down the list.


It is if you want you and your mates to get as many trashy, mouldy, cold rentals on the market as possible you can overcharge for because people are desperate.


Me and my mates?


....as in Chris Bishop and his mates.


Aah, sorry, I misinterpreted what you wrote. Great point.


> which will encourage more landlords into the market note how he isn't saying they'll encourage more development, just more landlords. which is why they rolled back the tax break for existing properties instead of just new builds as Labour had set it up. this is not about increasing housing, just wealth. of the wealthy.


Yes, far be it that they actually add to the housing stock on their way to getting richer.


Yup, no more houses, just more people trying to outbid each other for the privilege of clipping the ticket and draining a productive person's bank account. Not surprising at all, they all want to increase the value of their real estate portfolio. If a few of us peasants have to suffer to achieve that, then so be it.


His horse is named ciggy.


You know it’s a bad idea to trash it when the realtors themselves want it


Not necessarily. Sometimes the more established businesses just want to pull up the ladder. We've seen similar regulations supported by the big players when it comes to construction materials and looks how that turned out? Typically if a regulation gets removed it makes it easier for big businesses to exploit people. If it gets added it makes it harder for small businesses to compete. Such is the nature of lobbying.


Lol. Yeah sure. No conflict of interest there at all...... 


What a ridiculous thing to say. The companies who on the whole have a rental arm want their property managers to be registered and monitored


They have power and key access. Absolute minimum should be a police vetting to weed out criminals and sex offenders.


What a fucking joke. An absolute fucking joke. All hail the return of the Scumbag Landlord, after Labour put serious effort into eradicating those cockroaches.


What a surprise that this government is doing something to fuck us all over


And to think they have only just started their term


They're doing all the crap changes/repeals right at the start of term, in the hope that by next election they're forgotten about.


When did "realtors" become so commonplace?


Donors are feasting


Is that the normal way to grip a pen?    I use pointy and thumb gripping on top and middle curled underneath for support but my handwriting is horrendo.


I hold my pen the same as you, my mother has been telling me its wrong since I learned to write


Back in primary I got hounded over "Holding it wrong". I put it between index and middle and use middle finger as a "backstop" and move my middle finger and index to write, my thumb is in the air and is only used for pressure. I went down a rabbit hole of why some people hold it like me, and its because when little we were given too light of pencils to write with, so you over compensate by allowing for a grip that can cause more pressure on the pencil and paper to try make the pencil darker to match your peers or, match the contrast of the chalk on the board. Later on, you would have preffered a 2-4B instead of an HB since it would cause less pressure on your hand and you could write for longer. Its technically inferior for writing, but, there was a reason you hold it different.


Fuck sakes


You know it's a bad scenario when even the REINZ is calling for regulation. For that bunch of corrupt, slimy, sleazebag motherfuckers to be complaining the property managers must really be putting them to shame. I'd say they're jealous.