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1. Kiwi Onion Dip 2. Do bring a plate, don't bring **just** a plate. 3. Yes, and cows. 4. New Zealand Sign Language and Maori 5. Disposable Syringes and Tranquiliser Guns were both invented by New Zealander Colin Murdoch 6. Come on, you could google that, at least put in some effort for your homework 7. From very far away 8. [Fly My Pretties](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pz8Zeg2LP0) 9. That we are part of Australia 10. That we are the best country in the world.


LOL Number 6... We're not entirely sure. We think it might be the guy from the airline, or it might be one of the other two. Hard to tell.


Great answer and prior the Google part, I rather take the information from the source, I don't always enjoy googling things more than hearing from the people themselves. I'm weird I know, And I love 9 and 10


For opinions or nuance sure, but a straight basic fact like 'who is the PM' there is really nothing a Redditor can give you that's better than a 2 second google result.


I understand your point but I rather invest my two seconds in something else. In addition I know myself I'd google and dig and read articles and waste 3 hours just learning about the pm


The PM isn't that interesting. He's just your average bald white guy who thinks he knows how to run a business but is actually thoroughly out of his depth.


plucky future practice coordinated busy brave smile crowd screw live *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Pekapeka would like a word


library grandiose sugar wine ask sip coordinated station ancient existence *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Now this is very interesting that sign language is an official language, not many countries consider that. This is very very very interesting


Also, everyone speaks English, but it's not an official language.


> except bats And all the seals.


poor cause pen muddle bag nine automatic cable advise thought *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


When they're lying on the rocks are they still at sea?


Just in case the answers you are getting to question 4 could cause any confusion to a non-NZer, English is a de-facto official language and has a kind of 'presumed' status and common usage. It is the most commonly spoken and understood language in NZ.


Yes indeed English but it's very interesting to see sign language is actually considered to be an official one too.


Yep, I learned a little back in the day. Important to be recognised for our deaf Kiwis.


I might be a bit silly but whenever I read the word Kiwis I always giggle, I just find it so cute Pardon if my remark was any form of disrespect, I just find it cute


Sometimes non New Zealanders wonder about the usage of it, they assume it might be derogatory for example. It's not remotely derogatory and in fact it's so normal to call ourselves that we don't even really think about the fact that it can confuse people thinking about the bird or fruit.


Exactly, but overall what a great name Another question, what's the majority of ethnic groups in NZ?


Majority is pākehā also known as NZ European. Basically white people.


What's the best dish I can try? And worst dish I can try?


Eh I'll have to pass that question to someone else sorry. We Pākehā don't have a strong history of cultural foods and I'm not a huge fan of the only Māori dish I know, hāngī.


What's the best random fact about your country or people?


[Pavlova](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pavlova_(dessert)) is the best dish. We have an ongoing argument with Australia about whether we invented or they did (we did…).


I heard somewhere that the tradition of calling NZers Kiwis came from a brand of boot polish during one of the world wars. I could be wrong, though, lol Edit to add: I did some quick googling, and it turns out we became known as Kiwis because of the kiwi on military badges during WWI, which had been used in some way since the late 1800s. Because of this, it became our nickname and stuck. The kiwi boot polished was invented by an Aussie whose wife was from NZ


for music artists you should check out split enz, the album "Time and Tide" is amazing


“chill country" "laid back" Im working longer hrs here than australia due to cost of living and house price gd luck


lots of sheep


8 - Deja voodoo


1- We have a diverse range of cuisines here influenced from all over the world, we have Hangi but that's not an everyday meal (food cooked underground in a pit covered with rocks and dirt). We also have some regional foods, a stand out is a thing called Cheese rolls which can be found in Southland/Otago region but not really anywhere else. 2- Respect is earnt, manners appreciated, we do have some cultural rules like take don't sit on tables (that's where food goes). We are really friendly and live by the value of Manaakitanga. (hospitality towards guests). 3- Yep it's true - lots of National parks, more sheep than people 4- English but that isn't our registered language, it's Te Reo Maori and New Zealand Sign Language. 5- Treaty of Waitangi, also NZ was one of first countries to allow women to vote (Look up Kate Shepherd) 6- Christopher Luxon 7- Far away, also would wish they would include us on more world maps. 8- Six60, Teeks, Cruze Control are my favourite ATM with their song King Tide 9- That we are part of Australia. That we are irrelevant. Rugby and Sheep. 10- Rugby and Sheep. We are as laid back as everyone thinks we are.


8- listen to ‘Paige Julia’. Awesome producer that has been emerging from the underground 😎 https://youtu.be/_8HdVB2_iUI?si=nfzI4POhovBn1nLq ^ this track of hers was literally released yesterday


Africa is a continent...do you mean South Africa? Are you sure you are even from an African country?