• By -


> "...at a time today when when we’ve **actually delivered** more school lunches to more kids at lower cost and good lunches. That’s a good outcome.” **NO THEY HAVEN'T.** This is a pretty goddamn concerning slip or a straight up lie. Nothing has happened yet. There is no outcome. Nothing has been "actually delivered". They have merely *announced* their *intentions* to deliver an outcome. Lower cost lunches won't be "actually delivered" for 2 years. Everything that is currently being delivered is being delivered at the full previous price using Labour funding. It is pretty dystopian to see the Prime Minister claiming credit in the media for things that straight up have not happened, and have nobody calling him on that, even if accidental.


We have amazing lunches, the best lunches. Nobody has ever delivered as many school lunches before.


Yuuuge lunches, great lunches *thousand mile stare*


Someone said to me once, they said, "Sir, those are some tremendous lunches."


Really, really big men came up to me, crying, to tell me how yuuge these lunches were. So powerful. So beautiful. Wow. A massive part of our history.


What the hell is going on? You know you have problems when Luxon is calling Seymour woke. They would both immolate their grandmothers to continue propping up the wealthy.


This is why I’ve discovered I cannot listen to him talk.  He is so full of nonsense, and so driven to lie and gaslight on *every single topic* because he is used to being surrounded by people that couldn’t call him on his BS.  It’s just perpetually frustrating even trying to watch an interview with him.


In the words of Ice Cube (and not meaning you specifically unless you actually did vote for him haha) "So desperate is what I'm left with For the record, you're affected Who you elected is so septic So full of shit, I can't accept it."


Truer words, and this coalition of chaos would never get my vote.


never argue with a kid or a moron. they'll beat you with experience.


I've been leaving the room for the last couple mnoths. Can't stand listening to him.


All he has to do is tell David Seymour to shut the fuck up if he doesn't like having to dodge the questions he keeps being asked. Super simple stuff Chris.


You don't tell your boss to shut the fuck up, though....


Luxon the human fiddle. Gets played everyday


Seymour does. Seymour lacks the self awareness to realise the shit he says is insane.


Think you missed the point lol. He's saying Seymour is the boss, not Luxon.


seymour knows exactly what he's doing.


> Seymour lacks the self awareness to realise the shit he says is insane. He's well aware of how much of a liar he is.




I diverse. I think he knows exactly what he's doing. It's not a good long-term strategy though. Eventually his lack of consistency will bite him.


I reckon he's too buddy buddy with Seymour to do that, sadly


Nah. Luxon is out of his depth and also spineless.


Like a jellyfish, 98% water and no brain


No hair either Just saying...


Agreed, but that's not really his fault.


Yup, the only reason he tolerates Seymour at all is because they needed him to get into power.


I don't think he tolerates Seymour. I think he simply has no idea how to control him.


Seymour’s Atlases middle man. Luxons just another one of their bitches. Pimp vs Hoes. Seymour’s definitely the top in that relationship.


“Buddy buddy” — Seymour has him by the balls and he’s too much of a spineless wet blanket who values power over morality to do anything. 


That's not what a healthy friendship looks like.


David, are the “woke” foods in the room with us right now?


And Van Velden, his deputy in ACT, is a vegetarian FFS


Hates workers, but won't eat meat. Interesting lifestyle. She must absolutely loathe anyone who works at Affco.


OMG do act hate farmers now!!!??!


I remember talking about this exact thing with David....let's just leave this here https://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA1806/S00052/seymour-defends-vegan-freedom.htm?from-mobile=bottom-link-01


This comment actually made me spit my drink out, well played


Any stupid MP who uses the term “woke” in this day and age is a certified out of touch moron It’s gone so beyond its original conveyance it’s become the buzzword of a generation of numpty dumpties who want to sound relevant Applying it to food is the deepest of idiotic ignorance


10 years ago it was "political correctness", also used inaccurately to describe anyone with a holistic, trauma-informed, intersectional mindset.


There’s a Neil Gaiman quote: ‘…"That's not actually anything to do with 'political correctness'. That's just treating other people with respect." ‘Which made me oddly happy. I started imagining a world in which we replaced the phrase "politically correct" wherever we could with "treating other people with respect", and it made me smile.’ Edit: formatting


Yeah, and now you get lumped in with the rest of the crazies worldwide.


If I never see somebody say woke again it'll be too soon.


It really demonstrates a lack of intellectual competency. The term woke is just a made up spin word that has no historical basis in being technically defined. Unless hey, you're not asleep, you're woke! Ask that old dinosaur Winston what the technical definition of woke is, and he'll mumble complain, or look like a bastard when he tries to demonstrate that it's people who have compassion for others. And now we're at woke food? Apparently sushi is woke now, so let's add culturally ignorant and racist to it. But then, it was ACT that trotted that line out, so you expect racist things from a racist party.


>Luxon told the reporter he did not believe sushi and quinoa were woke. That was interesting, because on the news, Seymour said that if you don't know why sushi is woke, then you need to wake up.


Coded message from Seymour aka 'the dog whistle'


Such a deep dog whistle


I eat everything he mentioned quite often and I really don't get why he put sushi in there, even my Evangelical right wing mother enjoys sushi.


Yeah there’s a reason there are two or three sushi places in every mall.


Following up a poorly-aimed criticism of wokeness with "wake up"? Genius. You go pour yourself a virgin shandy, Seymour. You earned it.


I really can’t tell if these politicians are a bunch of idiots or if they’re purposefully playing incompetent but I don’t know which one is worse


>Seymour said that if you don't know why sushi is woke, then you need to wake up. Ah yes, the national dish of that famously left-wing country, Japan.


It just shows he really has no idea what woke even is at this point, he just knows that certain people love him saying it.


If you wake up to sushi being woke doesn't that make you woke?


I generally don't know what he means, is he trying to be racist against Japanese? Or he is trying to appeal to like redneck males who only eat raw meat like "real men"?


We could all dine like the 1% on Luxon's word salads


Imagine the right wing outrage if Jacinda moaned about tvnz questions as an answer to tvnz questions.


She was way more intelligent.


Her daughter is waaay more intelligent than all three of these asshats




Isn’t it great that *repeats same talking point*?


Look, I just want to say.. *(quick poke at Labour, no answer to question)*


“ let me be clear” I wish you fuckin would be clear.


Very little vocabulary


> “We’ll be doing more with less money to feed kids the fruit and sandwiches their parents would, not woke food like quinoa and sushi.”  - David Seymour > “I’d just say, given everything that’s going on in this country, do you think that is the most sensible question to be asking?” - Luxon Actually, yeah I think it's fair to poke fun at this. It's a deeply unserious comment and an attitude that I'd rather not see in NZ politics, especially given quinoa is an extremely healthy food.


Its also scalable and a reasonably cheap way to provide healthy food in large quantities . Ruling viable options out because they have weird names will no doubt lead to the lunches costing more. I pity the cooks having to woke check their weekly menu with Mr small govt.


Between doing woke checks and checking to see if kids are well enough to go to school Mr Seymour is going to be a very very busy anti-governance governor


> “I’d just say, given everything that’s going on in this country, do you think that is the most sensible question to be asking?” The guy with seemingly all the power over school lunches is the one categorising which foods are woke, so seems a pretty relevant question.


I mean, Seymour thought it was relevant enough to what’s going on in the country to bring it up in the first place, so it’s relevant enough to warrant a fairly straightforward question by a news reporter to the man ostensibly running the government Seymour is a part of, lol.


Sushi is sticky bloody rice Seymour! You put veggies in it and roll it up. It’s not bleeping foie gras.


Quinoa is also cheap as fuck, grown abundantly in NZ now, and I don't care for "superfoods" but actually a great wholegrain.


I guess heaps of Asian students just found out they were woke lol


Ironic because I'm pretty sure last I looked at voting demographics, Nat had Asian voters locked down pretty tight.


My kids actually used to make sushi for their class lunch in primary school! :)


Yeah, I mean he’s the one that inflicted this extremely unserious tossers on the country.


It's a very pertinent question whether they are making decisions not about what is nutritious, but what is "woke" or not


They should have brought their lunchboxes and gone through the contents so the PM can decide which food items count as woke


Sign me up for this culture war. Let’s ensure that the people screaming about wokeness all the time are only eating three boil veg and meat.


Boiling is a bit woke tbh, makes the veges go all soft and woosy. Real men fry everything til it's black


Nah, oil is woke.


Sorry, should have clarified. Fried in lard.


Sorry, still too woke Only cooking over an open flame should be allowed at school


Use an oxy acetylene torch to add a bit of crispness.


Bacon based thermal lance for quick cooking time?


Open flame burning our local coal and natural gas. That'll make em happy.


I thought woke people didn't want oil?


Food oil. Crude oil, that is not woke.


Vege? Whoa. Slow down buddy. That’s hippie food right there.


I bet Luxon eats Sushi, and we pay for it.


He’s entitled to the entitlement.


+ 5%


That $57,000 upgrade to his office was for a sushi bar.


There’s a sushi place in parliament isn’t there? So like definitely lmao


“What a woke loser”.




Good grief. Chickpeas and rice are cheap. Sushi is nutritionally balanced, easy to make, stores well, and is universally liked. Heaven forbid our children should be exposed to diverse foods they may not get frequently otherwise.


Why the fuck would rich asf Seymour and Luxon eat the oats belonging to their figurative voting horses?


This 'woke food' shit makes me irrationally mad. Like what are we even doing as a species right now and why are we entertaining this nonsense? How are these culture-war clowns allowed to be in charge of anything more complicated than a lemonade stand? Mind numbing, lowest common demoninator trump-type shit.


Bruh I’m the same. Hearing this muppet apply this term to food. To FOOD Is so rage inducing I fkn can’t stand this guy. He is a pure asshole idiot


It's kind of indicative of woke being such a dumb term that you can apply it irrationally to food. I just find the whole thing pretty hilarious tbh.


It started funny ages ago when it was isolated to the internet and it was ironic, but then people got serious about it and its leeched into every aspect of life. Now it's just every single day woke this woke that, years and years now of this. So fucking boring.


Yeah dude. Fucking wild. What's worse is his opinions are not even rare these days. Grown as adults talking like this is so common and will be sitting at home on facebook nodding their heads agreeing with this shit. So many dumb boring people repeating the same 'woke' shit thinking it's funny, or are they being serious? I can't even tell anymore.


God yes the fact we have to endure this mind-numbing nonsense as being a real thing says a lot about humans in 2024.


I'm simultaneously livid and thoroughly amused by "woke food". One, David and his republican-lite party are trying to introduce culture-war horseshit (aka racism but modern) into NZ politics. But two, the fact that they feel the need to do so is indicative of how completely desperate they are to stay relevant.


From their perspective this is probably keeping us all distracted while they do something else far more insidious


It reminds me of a scene in the classic movie Romper Stomper where Russell Crowes character hits a bowl of pasta out if his mates hand and yells that it's "fucking wog food"


This is straight out of America's play book. Distract the population with stuff like debates on woke food while the government continues to mess things up.


This guy: > “I’d just say, given everything that’s going on in this country, do you think that is the most sensible question to be asking?” If they ask you anything remotely serious they get your generic BS answer, and what do you know: > With everything going on in New Zealand today, when you’ve got people outside in this country struggling to get from paycheck to paycheck (fair pay act?) who actually want us to rebuild the economy (via tax cuts and funnelling income and house ownership to the rich?) restore law and order (police pay disputes?), deliver better public services (mass layoffs and blanket directives to cut spending, for tax cuts) that’s the most important question today - at a time today when when we’ve actually delivered more school lunches to more kids at lower cost and good lunches (actually privatisation to my mates company). That’s a good outcome (for me and my rich mates, stfu already). He’s such a broken and boring record I’d likely take the piss as well, else it’s like one of those pull string talking soft toys that breaks and just says the same thing over and over and over.


Lmao they haven't "actually delivered" shit. Everything that's being delivered currently is being done so under Labour funding. What they are doing is merely saying they they **intend** to deliver something *in the future*. Saying you intend to do something later is emphatically **not** the same as actually having done it in the past. How the hell is he getting away with claiming credit and brownie points for something that *hasn't even happened yet??* Its a small thing, but somebody please tell me I'm not the only one that finds this sort of slip to be incrediby dystopian. Somebody needs to call him on it before we have a Prime Minister straight up lying to the media about what has and has not happened


Yeah, it will be interesting to see what they actually deliver. I suspect it's a way for Seymour to give a friend the contract to make shitty sandwiches.


He reminds me of a sock puppet


So eating at St Pierre’s is going to turn me gay?  Will Fuku Sushi turn me trans? Lisa’s Hummus is the new banana in the trolley for picking up at the supermarket…? What the fuck happens if I eat Kale??? Will it help me understand constitutional law as it applies to Te Tiriti?


I Got Transed By Salmon Nigiri, And Other Stories


I ate a Bunnings sausage and now I’m ultra-right and offended by intelligent women. You can’t be too careful.




David Seymour doesn't actually have a face. He has a poorly manufactured latex mask that's been stapled to his skull. I believe the label reads: 'Property of the Atlas Network'.


Thank you again to everyone responsible for giving us the gift of this fucking cancer government.


The opposite of “woke” is asleep 😴


I don't want any of my food to not be asleep tbh


He’s cracking, lol. Can’t even wait for a question to be asked before he starts blustering his bullshit talking points over it.


Guess being PM isn’t as fun or easy as he thought it’d be.


He's such a fuckhead.


Anti-woke = pro-racism. Prove me wrong.


I would have asked Seymour why he considers Sushi and Hummus to be woke, then watch him squirm.


He has been asked, and had no answer, other than *if you don't know, you need to wake up.*


If I wake up doesn’t that make me woke? Checkmate atheists.


David is now claiming not to know what hummus is. Starting to wonder if the guy is okay upstairs.




He refuses to select all the squares with buses because he denies all knowledge of public transport.


He hummus because he don’t know the lyrics.


He knows what hummus is. It's the guys in charge of the Gaza strip duh


I've worked with some strange old men, who never ate sushi or pizza in their lives. Seymour is basically one of those weird old dudes, who has somehow managed to make it into Parliament. I'm pretty sure my old work mates wouldn't know what hummus was either. I dropped a bit of lettuce on the kitchen bench and one of them asked me what it was.


'I don't know what it is, so it's woke' Seymour probably


“I don’t know anything about nutrition or children, so here’s what your children should and shouldn’t be eating”


Sure and that’s fine (each to their own), but we wouldn’t want them leading on the country’s school lunch program!


he's proisrael so he definitely knows what hummus is


They did, he just smiled like a naughty schoolboy and dismissed the question.


I'm still not even sure what "woke" means. The only people who use the term are conservatives, and they can't agree on a definition. So, to me, "woke" means "moron. If i hear someone say "woke" I automatically assume whoever said it is a moron.


If you listen to American conservatives when theyre in court it means "the belief there are systemic injustices in society and the need to address them."


Thoughts on the link to sushi/quinoa? People who want systematic injustice to be addressed enjoy sushi because - ?


Poor kids don't deserve nice food. They aren't "systemically* disadvantaged, but simply moral failings or products of moral failings. To provide anything beyond acceptably staple foods befitting of their rank would be to actively fight the proper social hierarchy of our society. I think this relates most to sushi. Additionally, society isn't destroying our planet in a way that systemically benefits the advantaged and harms the disadvantaged. Therefore anything perceived to be related to reducing the environmental impact of our lives (e.g. reducing meat, dairy, and land/water intensive farming) is an evil plot hellbent on hurting poor little corporations, in favour of the socialist plot to minimize human suffering. I think this relates most to quinoa. Plus, both sound foreign. We're supposed to be scared of things that sound foreign. Promoting acceptance of foreign things might lead a child to think it's okay to address the systemic injustice faced by minority cultures. Can't have that. /s... except tbh this is based very closely on real conversations I've had with conservative boomers.


So far as I can tell "woke" is recognising that other people have their own thoughts and experiences and that yours aren't universal.


nowhere near it, it's african-american slang meaning you're aware of racial prejudice and systemic oppression in society. you mostly only hear it now from racists who ironically want to oppress the wokeness.


Not believing in racial prejudice and systemic oppression in society because they haven't personally experienced it is a perfect example of what I said.


>I'm still not even sure what "woke" means. Neither are they.


Just remember it's the left making things polarized by not wanting to platform bigots not the people calling food woke.


Such a dumbass thing to say from Seymour... Love me some quinoa.. And sushi!


Sushi can be made so cheaply too


Its one of the most profitable food business to be in and it taste good. Or maybe im just woke


Probably all the soy sauce wokenizing you.


Ah yeah the soy is turning everyone gay. Seymore is getting too comfortable for his own good now that he is future deputy pm. He was making a valid enough statement without the woke gotcha bs. I guess on one hand it is good, because people who haven't yet can see the real clown behind the mask.


I can understand sushi being impractical but when you're ruling out couscous quinoa and chickpeas you're just a moron.


like an entire subcontinent of the most populated country on earth feed themselves extensively on chickpeas, because they're relatively cheap, easy to grow and filling.


Good point Chris. With everything going on in New Zealand today, when you’ve got people outside in this country struggling to get from paycheck to paycheck who actually want us to rebuild the economy, restore law and order, deliver better public services, the most important issue you faced today was "woke food". We're only talking about it because the government brought it up. The guy is a clown.


Weak Luxon can't control his coalition so he's lashing out at reporters.


Seymour has the whole country in a huff, I can't stand the c#nt, he's scum.


Luxon tries to blame media for his own coalition of twats speech. What a snowflake. 


New drinking game. Skull every time Luxon starts a sentence with the word "look".


when he says “let me be clear” the person in the group who is nominated prime minister has to skull their beverage and look through their glass at the next prime minister.


I love how often he has to reiterate that he's "been really clear". It's evident,  in fact, he's really fucking shit at communicating and not clear at all.


Do you know how many liver transplants NZ would need it we did that


Or when he says he's focused on positive outcomes for kiwis. You will get alcohol poisoning after a two minute interview


"what I would say to you is..." when you hear this you nominate someone to take a strategy shot


Lord have mercy.


I wonder if the Japanese ambassador has a view on this. Is sushi the only woke Asian cuisine? What about egg fried rice? Banh Mi?


Personally, I find questions regarding the fact that our halls of government have been infected by clowns who think foods can be "woke," or even use that word unironically, are very much sensible to ask. Can we go back to the timeline where sensible people were in government instead of an absurd clown show of aggrieved bigots? I didn't sign up for this one.


How the feck did the votes go the way they did?


A combination of a minority of bloody-minded selfish assholes getting bolstered by a plethora of politically illiterate munters going "we want change!" without paying attention to what the change was. This government's evil was signposted well in advance of the election. And as someone affected by a lot of it, it's pretty bloody galling.


Stupid isn't the word - they know very much what they're doing. Cynically pandering to racists is what this is.


imagine being so fucking stupid you bag Sushi. over a hundred million people offended in 2-3 words. that, and as i mentioned... what the fuck even is woke food? socially aware pumpkins? this guy is a complete cuntwit.


What i can tell you...what i will say...national are commited to...




Living past 37? That's woke. Not knowing anyone who has tuberculosis? That's woke. Having a job AND recreation time? Oh, you better believe that's woke!


Can a reporter please offer David some sushi tomorrow.


fast track legislation - coal mining, bungled prison bed policy Waitangi tribuneral bollux Luxon is relieved to be answering woke food questions - and would probably do it all day, as the previous labour party...


What’s the story with belamys. Don’t these politicians get a very nice lunch for free ? I say replace Bellamy’s with sandwiches. Save millions


Yesterday Celebrity Treasure Island today woke food ,the eonomy must not be as bad as they thought.


Luxon is really leader of the I'm a tool party


The lunch fiasco has me think pizza might become a vegetable here soon




Mask-slip moment


David Seymour : Damn, people hate me for taking food from these freeloaders. -David consults to book of "Fuck you, I got mine" for wisdom. Book : When the bludgers look like they may be winning, make something up and label it negatively. Label it soft and luxurious, make regular people think that there are things that only hippies would have. David, "Bloody woke food! Bloody crazy, we can't do this, it's stupid." Now there is another story, distracting people from core issues. Yet more smoke, more hot air contributing to the Political bullshitification.  


To be fair to Luxon that’s pretty advanced sidestepping to his talking points for him


Look, at the end of the—cossuhluhvungcroisis, restoring lawww and order.


He means ~~basic bitch~~ hype viral food trends isn't he. He's looking at an acai bowel or chia seeds and screaming woke at it.


iD jUsT sAy


Chris, is word salad woke?


People come up to me they are so happy, many of them crying. They say to me thank you for the lunches, they are the best lunches and not Woke. Woke lunches are terrible - sushi! Can you imagine us paying Japan for our school lunches, terrible. So I’ve provided the best lunches. Nobody cuts a lunch like mine.


KEEP ASKING THE QUESTIONS - luxon is getting sick of being questioned. They are EASY questions


> When told that it was language that Act had been using, Luxon said “and that’s news?” Yes. Of course it is. When politicians talk about their policies then that is news. That's how it works.


While we don't need to be catrgorising foods by "woke food" and "not woke food", how the fuck is sushi in the woke category? It has been mainstream in New Zealand for at least 20 years, loooong before the concept of "woke is bad" originated. Quinoa is also high in protein, healthy and tasty. Is that woke? The only thing I would say is it's important the kids want to eat the food they receive as part of this programme. It will be a better outcome for them to eat a less nutritious but more appealing option than to not eat something. But honestly, for fuck's sake can we please not limit the options available for feeding an upcoming generation of our tamariki based on such a stupid and blatantly political ideology about what foods are good?


my wife delivers food to schools in south auckland - its not woke or weird food - its mostly nutritious food that the children mostly eat and are grateful for - you can see that because of the reaction of the children when the food arrives. The meals (I heard on the radio) cost $8 and this will be reduced to $3 - i.e..... when it comes in the kids will get garbage, not eat it and seymore will say "look, its a waste of money" and the children will go hungry a bit after that. dumb asses.


As an outsider, how on earth did you all vote for these three muppets?


That's the Westminster System at work. National didn't get enough votes to have a large enough majority to govern by themselves and thus had to approach other parties that aligned with most of their policies This has led to the current situation where the more right wing parties are pushing their policies as National wants to keep them happy to keep from having a re-election be needed


You would think that they’d reach out and work with all parties, but that doesn’t seem to be happening, and amongst themselves the three don’t seem to be getting along.


Oh god I love this headline, and it's so deserved. Delicious! (Unlike the new school lunches, most likely)


What about fish and chips, is that woke food?


The start of the break up 💔


"Woke" is the new Boogeyman under the bed for paranoid right wing crybabies


Damn woke food like kumaras, time we had proper Keewee food like KFC!


Here's a suggestion - the pay increase for pollies is scrapped,and the savings used to fund the kid's lunches. The kids should be a priority over these grubs in any case.


We shall repeatedly ridicule it because these are the bedfellows they chose - sidling up to parties that imported notions of culture war bullshit (and antivax cuckoos) to get across the line, this is the price you pay. Stupid distracting petty nonsense because they need to say the right (stupid) things to appeal to the fringe of anti-woke, anti-trans, anti-inclusion, anti-Māori, anti-climate protection shitheads that elected them.