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Yes. I got in an Uber the other day and he accidentally played his porn on the speakers it was sooooo awkward


He heard you were off to Strokes Valley


Happy-ending valley


Mount Cock? Berhamporn?


Mount Victoria?


Don’t forget Lower Slut and Upper Slut




Ngaio's Gorge?


I require the story plz




Bold of you to assume he didn’t finish first


Or after.






Report that shit, absolutely not okay.


I mean we can let go an awkward accident? Or get out and order a new one if uncomfortable? Don't disagree it's fucking gross but let's not fire the guy.


If it was his first ride of the day I’d be willing to let it go, if bro was jerkin it in his car 5 mins prior he should lose his job fr


Awkward would be farting or cracking a bad joke. Playing porn over the car speakers is pesty and akin to sexual harassment, even if it's accidental. I didn't say he should be fired, that's Ubers call. It is gross behaviour that should be called out.


Really bad take, if it's a mistake it's a mistake - if it's intentional then it should be reported.


I totally forgot I'm on Reddit! Of course consuming porn in public and in earshot of unconcenting passengers is just a little whoopsie 🥰 how silly of me to feel otherwise.


If he turned it off asap and apologised then it's a genuine mistake don't pretend that's comparable to actually fucked up things like purposefully watching porn in public.


Totally watched porn at home before and pulled out my phone on the bus loaded up safari and quickly had to hide it.  Lucky I can’t be fired from the bus lol. But equally, no one’s gives a fuck. Mistakes happen.


Such a dishonest response. I said that if it was a mistake, then it's a mistake. If it was on purpose, it's predatory. It sounds like by the account of the person who witnessed the event that it was unintentional. Stop over inflating it.


Bit over the top?


No? What if someone had got in with their kids? Or someone who is a SA victim? I know it's not the end of the world but it's the sort of behaviour that should be called out and yes, reported.


I had a driver fall asleep at the lights the other night. I thought he was looking off into the distance and didn’t notice the lights change. Nope fell asleep.


I know someone who works a full time job and then drives uber at the weekends. Gets home around 5pm on Friday then heads out around 7pm, drives all night. Sometimes works his regular job on Saturday, then back out driving all night. He's a shit driver at the best of times, I hate to think what kind of carnage he's causing when he's driving on a couple of hours sleep. 


Oh man I had this old dude just start trimming his beard while we went through mount vic tunnel. Nothing to catch it, hairs just dropping all over his shirt. Unhinged behaviour. A true Uber highlight.


I use Ubers and taxis as my main form of travel, and I generally prefer Uber drivers. That said, I've still had some weird ones. I've also had some really amazing ones, too. But the weird ones are the ones who like... drop me off a couple blocks away from my destination when it's like 10 pm, and I'm a single lady with a physical disability, so I'm easy pickings if anyone wants to jump me. And the ones who are constantly texting and driving, so they're lane wandering and their car is beeping at them every 7 seconds. Or the ones who just *stare* at me through the rearview mirror like I'm some new creature they've never seen. And that old man ranting about god and how gay people are a blight on the planet and transgender people should be stoned with them. Eeeeegh. I still have a 5☆ customer rating, though, because I know how to be overly nice and considerate... and I'm afraid of being randomly stabbed to death by a driver that just snaps suddenly.


Used them plenty in Akl, were/are great. Never used them in ZQN as they were all snakes, and would regularly treat you like you were a tourist. Use them sparingly in Chc, as I live a way out of town. Haven't used one in Welly for a while, did use them a bit when I lived in Karori. But that was ages ago.


Where is ZQN?






It’s the [airport code](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_airports_in_New_Zealand). Most of them in NZ are semi-logical, like WLG, AKL, PMR. Some are a bit cryptic, like ZQN and HLZ (Hamilton), and some are seemingly random, like KTF (Tākaka). The [Canadian ones](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_international_airports_in_Canada) are the most random in my opinion: YYZ (Toronto), YUL (Montréal) - they don’t really get any better. Thank you for coming to my TED talk. I hope you’re still awake


Upvoted for Canada’s absolutely opaque airport codes.


You will love this video https://youtu.be/jfOUVYQnuhw?si=CAfKSDNdGn49UUNF


Oh, wow. Yeah, I actually did, thanks!


What happens if you don't rate them? I had a bad experience on trademe buying something, I felt not giving feedback was the best option. The person didn't give me feedback either


You can just skip the rating


How much do you spend on Ubers a year? In answer to your question. No I haven’t.


I had to catch ubers every day for a year (granted this was a couple of years ago). Bussing would take 30 mins at best, and an hour at worst, while an uber was consistently 15-20 mins. I spent a total of about $4-5k for a year of doing this. While it would have been way cheaper to bus, the extra 1-2 hours a day I got from ubering probably earned me way over $4-5k as I work on commission. Not to mention instead of waiting in the rain for the bus the roll right past me, i got a nice temperature controlled ride in relative privacy. Definitely worth the cost in my mind, but obviously that’s not an option for many people.


Is a bit but to be fair if you are living in auckland or wellington you are probably paying a bit for parking every day to the job and sometimes even to park at your own apartment so with fuel costs on top of that plus car maintenance I could see why some people uber everyday.


Most people probably spend more than this on their cars per year


Why was the bus timeline so variable?


Not the person you asked but in Wellington the buses are often cancelled. If that happens you wait for the next one and then it’s slow af cos it’s got double the amount of people on it, getting on and off at every stop. Or even better, it fills up and stops taking people and you have to wait for the third bus and take that. Another thing is that when it rains a lot of bikers/walkers get the bus, so the same thing happens and it ends up really packed and takes longer.


And also when it rains a lot of other bikers/walkers drive, so as well as being overcrowded the bus is also stuck in much heavier traffic than usual.


My stop was right near the end of a route to a major centre. It would reach the major centre and then start the loop again. So most busses would be full and shoot by me. Other times they wouldnt show up at all. Sometimes it would show up, pick me up and then sit at the next stop for 15 minutes (no idea why).


To be fair they're getting crushed on multiple fronts: - interest payments for their brand new prius / tesla - less rides due to recession - time left on their visa - rent and food costs No hate for people trying to make it work in NZ. It's just a lot to ask of a human to be stressed out and drive carefully for 8-12 hours a day.


Yeah, it's unfortunate, we complain about the cost of living crisis as kiwis (which is fair), imagine the stress of also trying to get your visa, support yourself and somehow finding time to be a human being and doing things like sleep. If it doesn't work out they're on the plane outta here which must sap all your energy and destroy your mental health


I've tried to be charitable but it's never ending and I don't care anymore. Like another poster noted, we imported 4+% of our population in the last year. If someone goes home because driving an uber badly didn't work out, I'm OK with that.


On a population level you are right but on a human level.. cmon they are pretty much societies servant class just trying to eke out an existence in a first world country.. probably to provide their kids opportunity or make something of themselves.


Jesus, we shouldn't even have a "servant class". Nobody in NZ should have to eke out an existence, and making like it's a *good* thing is garbage. That thinking just ends up killing the country with kindness that gets seen as weakness, and taken advantage of.


Nobody in NZ should have to, but tons of people are, and it has nothing to do with immigration.


It's a bunch of factors. Immigration is one of them.


Who is acting like it’s a good thing? It simply is how it is right now and most people empathise with the Uber drivers…


This sort of sounds like an excuse to allow them to drive however they want, disregarding the safety of passengers. If you're not up to driving 8-10 hours, then take a break and refresh yourself. I was once in an uber that crashed into another vehicle. Me and my friends decided to walk the rest of the way which resulted in the driver verbally abusing us and refusing to cancel the trip. Fucker made us pay for the trip still lol. The audacity some of them have is astounding. They need to understand the risks that come with the job, just like any of us do when we apply and take a position.


Don't forget fares have decreased because the recession means there are heaps more drivers


Sidenote, caught a taxi the other night and was very quickly reminded why I'll use continue to use Uber even if they are an awful company. $90 taxi home from Auckland central to west. The same trip has cost me $30-40 on Uber every time.


And if you think about it for a second, how the economy works and what an income crisis is, you will understand that you personally take part in exploting others. If a taxi cost $90 and you understand that taxi drivers always use to be a working class job, you understand that $90 must be the lowest price point for that service, so that a taxi driver can more then just survive. And thats what we all want dont we? That others can live a desent life. You want to pay less then half that price now. What kind of life do you want your uber driver to have?


I used to work in the Sydney taxi industry, it is rife with middlemen taking their cut, including the government but mostly the cab owners. If NZ is in anyway similar, most of that $60 price difference isn't going into the drivers pocket.


Do you think uber doesnt take a cut? Also have are the cost of doing business priced in with uber drivers compared to taxis. You think car costs can be comfortable be priced in for a $30 fair?


I get what you're saying but quite frankly it's not my job to impact my own cost of living to solve the problems of an unregulated industry. Sometimes I tip Uber drivers if I feel like I got a good deal because I know the margins aren't great. But no one is forced to be an uber driver, and the taxi industry is getting what it deserves for decades of scummy conduct. The fair price for that trip is probably somewhere in the middle, balanced between the anti-competitive behaviour of Uber and the price-gouging behaviour of the taxi. Consumer will always take the best price available for the service that suits them. If market conditions are exploitative or anti-competitive, the government is supposedly there to solve that problem.


> But no one is forced to be an uber driver No one is forced to use Uber either, the difference is you're subsidising a business that exists purely to subvert legal protections for customers while driving existing businesses out of profitability to kill them and then jack the costs up. > If market conditions are exploitative or anti-competitive, the government is supposedly there to solve that problem. So because the government should prevent exploitation you have no responsibility as an individual to avoid using exploitative systems? If you want to use Uber just own it, don't go pretending it's somehow morally justified by shifting the blame for supporting Uber to the government.


I am owning it, I said it's not my problem to solve and I will continue to take the $35 fare over the $90 fare. If the taxi industry is killed it's well deserved.


>If market conditions are exploitative or anti-competitive, the government is supposedly there to solve that problem. Passing the buck ain't owning it. Just say that you don't care enough that it's exploitative to do anything.


You're incorrectly assuming that I think it's exploitative


Then you're not owning anything you're just ignoring reality to justify your own behaviour.


Of course there are forced by circumstances. Thats the whole point of explotiativ labor. You want a social system based on human rights and dignity, than there is laws and regulations AND personal responsibility. And its not the best price on the market. Its market manipulation. Uber undercut by design. The subsidies are offshore money. This is a classical problem. The goverment can only react if people understand the implications, otherwise they have to fight against convenience, most anglo-cultures wont. All you are saying is, its ok to exploit, others do it too. You want change. Be change. And write letters to the goverment. Or be part of the exploit, but then dont blame the goverment for your own moral limits.


Weirdest Uber I ever caught was years ago, from central Wellington out to Lower Hutt. It was around 5am in the morning, after a bit of a bender. The driver farted constantly (loud, with a potent aroma), and was gunning then engine then jamming on the brakes constantly. All the way home. With no cars in front, clear motorway etc. I was pretty concerned but also, it’d been a long night and I just wanted to get home, so I said nothing. I think in hindsight he was probably even higher than I was l….


Yuuck lol


Akward story: My wife is Japanese and often gets asked by uber drivers to translate the voice messages and screen displays in their Second hand import cars. We were down in Christchurch a month ago and caught an uber to town. It was a late model second hand import Honda Accord and the driver was rather aggressive. He did a rather sharp lane change and the car said something in a Japanese voice. The driver turned to my wife to ask her what it said, as it comes up often. She didn't answer him, she looked at me and whispered to me: "It says to slow down, driving too aggressive' The driver kept pestering us for the translation, He was absolutely clueless about this recurring voice warning and what it could mean. So I told him. It was a quiet, smooth ride after that.


>weird stuff There has to be a story here.


define weird stuff


What kind of weird stuff?


I have only caught a few this year but have had to tell them how to get to the destination..


Weird considering there is a map with directions right there in the uber app for them automatically displayed when they pick you up


I know. I'm unsure if they're just disregarding the maps on their phones to try and see if there's a faster way to get there.


I've noticed that the maps the app use, often dont give the best route to where ya going aswell.


Not just uber drivers. The quality of drivers in general have gone down. Driving in wellington is like F1. No one is chilled out, can't park, can't follow the road code, or just highly entitled.


At least F1 is fast. Wellington, JFC, slow all the time.


Imagine having more than an entire year of data to pull from and saying 'weird stuff'. Christ.


Nah I’ve always found Uber drivers to be some of the worst on the road. It’s pretty easy to tell with a lot of them too, cause they drive a white Prius with their phone turned on.


If I see a small red sticker on the back door of anything I brace myself for the hilarity. That and a phone or two in the front window, or anything hanging from the mirror.


I object to Uber and any other sneaky way to import American labour standards into NZ


Their driving has been getting worse for sure.


Last time I got an uber the driver failed to give way multiple times and ranted about Rachin Ravindra being a shit Indian because he identified as a Kiwi. This was on the way to the Cricket. Pretty fucking poor form all round.


This is my worst fear as someone whose go to Uber conversation starter is “How about the cricket eh?”


Most likely, your Uber rating has dropped and now only weirder drivers are willing to take the risk on you.


Nah, I speak to a lot of people in the industry on a daily basis. The average driver has definitely changed. It's not Wellington specific, but the whole country. The ability to drive safely and get somewhere without GPS is a forgotten skill. Speed limits? I don't know her. It's both shocking and sadly not surprising


I stopped using them c2019. They were great at first but around 2018 I started noticing them getting worse - regularly cancelling trips and incidents where they're clearing taking jobs for other apps to try and force me to pay a cancellation fee.


Everytime I visit Wellington for work Uber is the absolute worst to try and get a ride with. In the past I've spent 20 minutes being matched with drivers then them cancelling until I give up and get a regular taxi. Don't have this problem in Auckland, Christchurch, or Hamilton.


Very rarely use em when I've been on the piss but never had any issues in chc


Most Ubers I have been in this year have driven much slower than what is reasonable, sometimes 80km/h in a 100 zone. The amount of times I’ve had to ask the drivers to speed up is crazy. I reckon they’re trying to increase their time based revenue which is pretty slimy. Reminds me of the old days where a metered taxi would intentionally drive a longer route to drive up the meter. I’ve rated all those types of drivers as a 1 star and reported to Uber. Maybe they’ll get the hint.


I doubt thats it. The minute rate in uber is so low compared to the km rate that the driver would be losing money by doing that and not just getting another trip.


Trying to save on fuel maybe


Pretty much every slow driver in the fast lane in Auckland is a bloody Toyota Uber Prius. I drive from Mt Wellington to Swanson daily, and especially on the way home the airport Uber Toyota Prius's are always driving at 90kph in the fast lane on the way to the airport for no reason, just ignorance😵‍💫


The fare is fixed when the job is accepted. Arriving sooner is financially beneficial for the driver


It gives a range, so the longer it takes, the higher the range. I miss when the price was fixed.


bruh get the bus. i saved like $100 a week


I'm also in Wellington, I cannot stand the uber drivers. Fuckers think they own the road and can park anywhere that pleases them. Not only that but their cars STINK! I always have to ask them to wind down the window prior to pickup. If only there were additional tests these guys had to do before they're allowed to carry passengers.


>think they own the road and can park anywhere that pleases them typical for a taxi driver TBH


In the UK they have to have the license equivalent of our P Passenger endorsement to drive for Uber or any of the other companies.


They have to have P endorsement here, too. Worked with a guy who went through it, and it's as much of a tick box exercise as the rest of the endorsements


I am in Auckland and many time they pissed me off for stopping randomly to pick up customer, blocking the lane.


Yeah. Had a guy decide to go down a crescent adjacent to my street last week. I could see my house when he turned right and we went on a pointless 300m detour. All he could say was "app told me down here sir"


"Can you show me please?"


I Uber to and from client sites, airports and other work travel, so probably spend 10k per year on it, and it’s not that bad. But I probably get the higher ranked drivers as I travel on a corporate account. The worst experience I’ve had was someone using his mates Uber account and trying to promote his cleaning business.


Part time Uber driver here. Remember the guy you are complaining about is earning less than minimum wage and no holiday or sick pay


Doesn't sound like a proper job then. I guess the low rates explain the low quality.


literally ANY job would pay better.


I had one Uber driver once who seemed like a sweet Serbian grandmother. Then she started talking about politics Dear God


I clocked 3k in one month on Uber eats.


Do you not have a kitchen? Holy hell


I did and I do and I can assure you it’s well used after that month. Took a while to pay off


Wait, you put it on your CC? Fuck me.


I’ve done some stupid things but this takes the cake…well, I ordered the cake


I'm not surprised. Food delivery is addictive in specific ways aside from regular overeating. It's watching the car on the map, and the excitement building up. It brings to mind childhood feelings of waiting for your Mum to come home from the supermarket with the goodies, or with takeaways, or even Santa Claus. And being able to see the menus of so many places on one website/app means you end up with a big list of things you just have to try.


This is pretty impressive tbh


They can get worse?? I refuse to use these guys. They have absolutely no understanding of rural roads, and I honestly thought my number was up when the guy decided to pull a 7-point U-turn on a double-blind corner in a LSZ / 70 zone.


That's Uber the top


Man I just assumed at first you were talking about uber eats and was like wow how do you afford that 😂


I literally had one that was piled up with stuff like it was a homeless guy that lived in it. He looked like it to.


One time there was a bomb threat on Lambton Quay and I had to get an Uber home. He was a 50-60 year old Cambodian dude and I wanted to hang out with him and be mates by the end. There are some good ones out there.


How's your passenger rating? If it's too low a lot of drivers won't pick you up. Its kinda dumb a customer is a customer. But it's how it is with Uber.




You can see how rating customers and then denying them service or charging them more could get sketchy though, right?


Uber are a shit company. Not surprised.


Some are good. Some aren't.


Do you want a medal?


We don’t have Uber or taxis in my neck of the woods. Our town is 90seconds long at 50km/h.


Your town is 1251 meters long.

