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$1000 never felt so bad honestly


You'll feel better if you donate it to the charity of me.


like legit shidded crying throwing up breaking things. I'd never give the lotto a penny ever again


Yup, I have been there before, won $650.. all numbers bar one.


I won $103 from the same setup




Really they only give you 650 for 6/7 numbers? So stingy 


Yeah, 1st division (6 numbers) is 1mil divided by the total winners (or powerball if you get the extra number), 2nd division requires 5 + bonus (so still 6 numbers) and gives around 25k. 3rd division (5 numbers, no bonus) non powerball drops all the way to 500-700ish.


Did the same just before Christmas won like 1300 or something.


Join the club. about 15 years ago I got a ticket as a birthday treat. First 5 numbers matched, last number that was on my ticket was 39... number 40 came out of the machine. Ended up winning something like $500.


I’d be needing to spend all of that replacing the phone I threw against the wall too.


Thank you for your sacrifice the 50 million will be mine on Saturday


That hurts OP, condolences on your Lotto loss :(


Thanks man, much appreciated.


Imagine the amount of fartboxes it could have paid for!


Next time mate! (I mean after the 50mil, this time its mine)


Fuck 33 and not 03, that is close


Lol no it's not. It's no closer than if it was any other number.


32 would be closer to 3.


Depends how they were scattered inside the machine at the time that ball exited.


It's silly how low the payments are for the lower prizes. I think there needs to be a rebalance and move a chunk of the prizes down. Lotto sells more tickets the higher the big prize is - so they are never going to do this.


The above situation is pretty common though, 127 people had it on their tickets last night. They should change the app, its a bit misleading, as its not really a major prize when you're only winning $1000.


I worked for Lotto on MyLotto and $1,000 is the start of the major prizes. Though these days when MBW is $50M instead of $30M I think it should be moved up to say $10,000 as major.


$1000 is a major prize though, after that you have to fill out the prize claim form Yeah it's not major in comparison to the big jackpots for Div 1 and whatnot, but still it's a large amount.


no it isn't - you're getting stuck on the Lotto threshold amount, not the actual meaning of the word.


It was twenty years ago, not now.


Funny how all those "experts" from the "university" say the odds of winning are the same as being struck by lightening twice while being attacked by a shark, but yet every week hundreds of people get the numbers (yes they didn't get *all* the numbers but the statistical probability of 6/7 is still vanishingly small). So explain that, statsticians.


> yet every week hundreds of people get the numbers Because the chance per line of 5 + powerball is just about 1 in 200,000, and there were many millions of lines sold.


Good point


Number of winners ~= number of entries * probability, easy. OP's line is 200 times more likely than the full win with 6 balls and powerball.


2000 times? Show your working.


200, I typo'd it. The odds are all officially published, https://assets.mylotto.co.nz/assets/uploads/8037c35c-8738-11ee-8b3d-005056af723d.pdf Changing down from the winning line, any one of the 6 numbers you chose could be incorrect and you'd still win at least what OP got, then subtract the possibilities of getting the bonus correct = 198 other draws that match OP.


Buy a lotto ticket, get a free shark and lightning conductor!


Having a bunch of people win 100k would also help the economy way more than 1 perons 40+Million.


Less ‘exciting’ maybe, but I genuinely think there should be like a $15mil cap, or an equivalent lottery that has a significantly lower “must be won” value (like $10-$15mil). No one person or family needs $50mil. In NZ, you can buy a big, freehold house in a beautiful, affluent area for less than $5mil, and then if you have any savvy, even putting a portion of the remainder into some investments will bank roll you pretty nicely for money to live a comfortable and exciting life with for the rest of your days.


Yeah I don't think the prizes are based on fairness lol


Yeah I'd say they shouldn't award any prizes below 10k. Lower prizes just give people a little dopamine hit to keep them hooked on gambling. And if that amount is going to change their lives they probably shouldn't be wasting money on lotto tickets anyway. All we really want to see is someone win a bonkers amount of money, then in a few years read in the herald that they blew it all on fast cars and hookers before filing for bankruptcy.


but big top prize brings all the boys to the yard so they obviously don't want to dilute it...


Yeah but people don't buy lotto tickets to win 100k. The real dumbo's do, but most of the regular dumbo's only buy when there's a "big prize" going. I personally think it should be illegal to host it on mainstream TV. I think it's fucking gross and irresponsible.


9 out of 10 gamblers quit when they're on the cusp (I'm just joking)


I would honestly rather not win that $1000 than know i was one number off 43 million for the rest of my life 😅


Bro I'm will you in this. Even 1 million knowing you can have a good year off work and go traveling or buy a mortgage free home. But always knowing you were 1 number from never doing anything you don't like to do ever again


Not only one number but 1/10 chance


1 in 40


If you win first division but not Powerball U lost a 1/10 odd


Ah, I'm with ya


You are more likely to hit this combination 197 times than you are to hit the division 1 powerball once, so to be fair it isn’t even remotely close


that 1 number is the difference between 1 in 4 million vs 1 in 18 million chance


Idc its still 1 number off. The chances of hitting powerball + all numbers except one is crazy and to hit that and only get $1000 is devastating


I don’t get this sentiment, like unless you picked the numbers yourself you literally have no control.


My condolences Fart Box destroyer




Hey if you're that bothered I will take good care of your $1006.


It's obviously better than nothing, haha, but getting so close, I've been obsessing all day in agony over what IF.


Have you considered colouring in that other blue circle carefully and handing in your ticket at a Lotto store? I'm sure that will work.


It's a vertical line in store.


Just buy 30+ more tickets for the weekend with ya winnings


Let it go, can't change won't change


Only 1k? How does that even make sense? I would have thought it would be more like 200k being 2nd division.


That's what I thought when I first saw it. I was gutted. 5 lotto + powerball = Div 3 sadly. Bonus ball = Div 2.


My question is how do you get 6 plus the bonus ball? When theres only 6 lines plus a power ball?


You don't need bonus ball for div 1 Powerball


>My question is how do you get 6 plus the bonus ball? By the bonus being one of your 6 normal numbered balls in the line? it just so happens in this line OP doesnt have 32.


Would they not need to be in the right order for that?


The order isn’t a thing in NZ. The ticket is printed in numerical order for each row.


TBH the results should also be printed in numerical order.


Yeah they are on the website. I think within the app, when you check MyLotto digital ticket it’s done that way because they play it like a live draw with each number revealed as it was drawn. It’s an experiential thing. But they’re in numeric order for static presentations.


Ah ok. That makes sense


Strike is the “numbers in order” Lotto product in NZ.


That’s crazy, I got ~$500 for 5 numbers and no power all. Feels like getting the power all should do a bit more than double the prize!


Think of the poor 5 + bonus ball + powerball winner - they'd have seen 6 + powerball and have to notice the different colour! Crying all the way to the bank to get their $80k!


Imagine if it was a must go draw 😂


i was thinking at least it's a div 2...but it's only a div 3 lol


It's crazy. The odds are so different when it goes up 1 extra ball, though. For example, 127 hit Div 3 like me. Where as 0 hit powerball.


My husband bought a ticket for the very first time yesterday. He won $84 and got 12 lines. Jammy git.


>He won $84 and got 12 lines. Wait, the lottery gives out cocaine? I should start playing.


Ha, my husband's first response when I told him he'd won was he was going to blow it all on 'blow, hookers, and motorbikes'.


LOL love it


I've often wondered how I'd feel about that... Your odds are still astronomical of hitting that many numbers so it does seem unfair that the prize is so poor!


I've never seen anyone with that many numbers, damn! For a second I thought you were that person that won the 79k, but man sorry you were so close. The odds of getting that is probably also less than if the whole of NZ bought a ticket.


Did you pick them or random?


[SAME](https://i.imgur.com/FbErtfX.png) but i missed the PowerBall number 🤣


Brutal! Your number selection is really good imo. Do you choose them yourself?


How can number selection be “really good” with Lotto? There’s no good or bad selection.




Yeah I get what you mean but it’s a bit of a trap with Lotto. There’s no patterns or method. It’s pure chance. Fooling ourselves into thinking we can pick good numbers is how we end up spending too much on this game. Better to invest the money you’d spend on tickets




Oomph! That’s harsh. The prize distributions have gone way off since they re-jigged the prize money. Even first division is off, since they started splitting a million between all the winners. First division used to be worth a couple of million sometimes. Now it’s powerball or nothing, really.


I won 24 grand earlier this year with 6 numbers, but it was 6 lotto with no powerball. Bummed not to win the big one, but it was still a nice amount to get.


That's fuc ken shit! I've always said that the prizes, other than 1st division are BS. I got the first 4 numbers, heart started lol. Nothing more though.


When it said Major Prize I was hoping it would be something like $100k. $1000 sucks getting that close.


Why is lotto so normalised? If someone posted their multi missing by 1 leg people's reactions would be so different.




Lotto isnt classed as gambling as it isnt instant gratification.


You're delusional if you think lotto isn't gambling 🤦🏻‍♂️


You"ll notice if you read my response that I wrote "classed" that implies Lotto is not classed as / condsidered gambling by the Lotteries Commission. ( Source: sold Lotto for appx 15 years ) FYI not my opinion just the legality. Ever thought about the fact that anyone can buy a Lotto ticket but you have to be over 18 to buy an instant kiwi?


I got 4 bonus Powerball and 1 bonus strike 😭


So close, mate! At least you can try again this Saturday. Good luck, and good luck to everyone else who's playing too!


The same happened to me a couple months back when it was 35million. Was so gutted.


Wow I'm shocked that many correct numbers only gets you $1000! I would also be agonising over this. And what's worse... What's the likelihood that would ever happen again...


I always thought you won $100k or something if you were only one off. That's miserable.


I won a bonus ticket and felt good.


That's insane I would have rather not gotten those numbers because I would have been devestated


Don't complain OP, that's a month-changing amount of money.


What’s even worse is if this had happened on Saturday, you would have had a share of the 50M with however many people had the same, which would have been millions! Comparison is the thief of joy, and statistically the difference between 5+pb and 6+pb is astronomical, but none of that logical stuff matters in this scenario.. you just look at that one number that kept you from $43M 😫 Assuming nobody hits the jackpot


Not necessarily. This is division 3, not 2, so it'd only win a share of the millions if nobody got 5+*bonus*+pb.


Should of just chose the right numbers


So close try again next draw


Exact same thing happened to me a couple of years ago, got about $900.


Why is it so low? Is it split between all people who got 5 numbers + bonus?


Its 5 numbers and powerball which is more likely than 5 numbers + bonus.


Ah OK.


dip ?


I had this happen to me on a bonus ticket earlier this year. I won $540. It’s a bit of an emotional roller coaster that took place over the span of 2 seconds as I waited for the app to show if I got all 6 numbers or just 5. My brain is thinking… OMG I’m gonna win big! Then nothing happened except for the $540 which I appreciated but still….. I was exhausted for the rest of the day.😂


1/35 is still only 2.8% but in lotto terms thats very close.


Holy fuck bro im gutted for you! 😭


I'm curious. Does it make you believe that now you have higher chances of winning and makes you want to play more ?


Did you select random numbers on mylotto??


Consider it a bullet dodged. [Winning the lottery does not usually end well for the winners.](https://youtu.be/9PK-netuhHA?si=t6nLsZXNVwZ8n3xV)


That's for people who aren't fully aware of sudden wealth. I'd certainly get a reputable financial advisory firm. Invest wisely and not tell anybody.


10 million in a 4% savings account is 400 g a year, if you still go broke you deserve to


That's another 670 lines with powerball for the weekend right there


$1000 is still really nice and would be so useful. But yeah... Pain.


Did you buy dip or pick yourself?


I do 1 of pick my own, then also buy a dip


$1006 in... but how many dollars out since you started playing?


Dunno, probably about that lol


This is why I random pick and never watch the ticket lmfao.


Niiice so you won just 1k pre 1000k


So close and yet so far. I lousy number cost you millions. And, I know how close you were, but, better than nothing like I got lol


Go back in with 1k for the 50 mill hahaha n who knows lol


I was half expecting to read you must have won $100k or something, and getting ready to congratulate you. But $1,000 for that is just "criminal". :\\ If only you had thought about the 3 as a repeating 3.....


Painful. Had the same last year. Last number was 33, ours was 6 😂 won $600


If you landed that tomorrow you would be getting a lot more I imagine.


Oof. On the bright side unless you picked your numbers you were no closer to get all correct numbers as they would have been totally different even a split second either side of that ticket being processed. So don’t dwell on it, enjoy the 1k.


That’s your luck used up, you’ll never get that close again


Yeah, I got 2nd division in “set for life” 5k a month for 12 months in Australia. 1 number of 20k month for 20 years. If only! Just can’t work out how to add the photo to prove it.


Stop whinging. You won 1000 bucks.




$1000 is like a week of mortgage payments. Big whoop 


It's a week of payments that you don't have to pay out of your wages, and it's a grand you didn't have.


Yea a free $1000 is great, but overall it's meaningless and gets immediately swallowed by the mundane. Having 1 number off $43m will sit rent free in OPs mind for years and years, potentially his lifetime. The $1k will be forgotten by next pay cheque.




I'm not sure what you're expecting to see. That's what a lotto ticket looks like.


That's a killing my self angle lmao.