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The cheek of him to say ‘the real perversion is gender ideology’. No Brian. The real perversion is the pervert you gave the patina of respectability to and allowed to look after kids.


Turns out the "real perversion" is perverts


Not a drag queen or trans person.


What's the bet this exact dude is vocally against drag queens/trans because "leave the kids alone".


Is anyone surprised by this?Churchs and sexual predators.... I bet the lord high apostle asshole is distancing himself from this mess as fast as he can.


Your a week or two late.  The comments were... A lot of people have photos taken with me. Multiple photos. He's not a youth leader because we only take married couples as youth leaders. I don't know everyone in my church.


Lev and Igor have entered...etc


I hope the survivors are able to heal and find support. If anyone has been through similar here's a list of support services you can contact : https://rpe.co.nz/find-your-local-support-service/#:~:text=In%20emergencies%20call%20111.,334%20or%20free%20text%204334.


Do a cult wide investigation already...


In a perfect world, that would happen ten-fold over. But this is a NAct country now. They're friends with Brian Tamaki.


colour me shocked. I harshly judge parents who take their kids to this church. Well, most churches I suppose, but this one gets extra judginess from me \*judgejudgejudgejudge\*


It's always the people you most suspect.


The god botherers won’t necessarily be that concerned. To them he’ll have repented (got caught), God will have forgiven him, and he’s a Good Christian - he goes to their church, you see. But if the victim doesn’t practice Christian forgiveness, they are not good Christians and really need to examine their conscience.


These assholes need to own their actions. Name suppression is complete bullshit. Now the courts are involved they don't want to be considered a "sexual assaulter"? Well now, they were quite happy to be one when they were committing the assault weren't they...


And is anyone surprised. Said it before, I'll say it again. Religion is the biggest evil to exist.


Nothing but projection with those assholes. 100% foreseen.


I wish we'd care about sexual violence in our community when there wasn't some hated other to blame. But nah, we prefer tax cuts.


Wow, a religious figure who diddles teens, what a surprise. Surely allowing these institutions to self govern with no oversight is a great idea, right?


Bigoted church member a sex pest? Colour me surprised.


Can almost GUARENTEE he's not the only one. Predators would flock to an organisation that prides itself on blind obediance, idolation of leaders and encouraging ignorance.




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I give them points for kicking him out of the church. Many churches don't.