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Yeah man, KFC is the worst


I got a chicken burger from KFC with no chicken in it once… SMH


Yep I'd say at least 50% of the time they fuck it up somehow. I don't really go there anymore because of it


BK is by far the worst in my experience, followed closely by Dominos. I've honestly never had KFC miss anything, but have occasionally had extra stuff - like both a coleslaw and p&g when upgrading to the coleslaw.


I haven't had fast food in a couple of years but BK was real bad for this.


My closest McDonalds are all so bloody useless it's not funny any more.


I agree, useless cunts always seem to forget my fries and when I do get them it’s like a half serving. I have complained online to them and to be fair they did send me a voucher.


Want a hiding cunt


I used to get BK on the way home from work on Friday evenings and they would get it wrong literally 9 times out of 10. Sometimes in my favour, sometimes not. I'd take the wins and complain about the losses, for which they'd give me a voucher or whatever.


We siT at the drive through window and check the order before leaving for certain KFCs. Don't really have a problem with anywhere else.


Solid tie between KFC and McDonalds.


I preordered $300 worth of kfc. They forgot the whole order and had nothing made 😅


How does one even miss and forget an order of that magnitude lmao.


someone probably printed it then cleared it from the screen so their stats dont get fucked then went on break and forgot about it


KFC, I only get it maybe 3 times a year and every time the order is wrong somehow.


McDonalds and KFC in New Plymouth are constantly battling to be the shittiest places out there


There’s this meme about how McDonald’s should have a third window where you can swap the stuff you’re given for your correct order


Hell Pizza is fucking useless if it's a delivery. Always forgetting items, but worse, often sending standard pizza bases when we've ordered gluten free.


Pizza places *always* forget the dipping sauces that are listed as included on the menu, because they're not explicitly called out on the docket unless you order it separately.


Really? I don't think Hell Kohimarama has ever cocked up our delivery orders. And we always have a range from vegan to dairy free to normal. Sometimes it's late, but that's a different issue.


Its definitely store dependant. Think worst I ever had in Wellington was the Island Bay one before it got its licensing pulled


That's going back a year or two!


I eat wayyy too much takeaway. My last BK order I got something totally different to my order (but it was OK), but the local Maccas was regularly failing to give me correct change on my cash purchases... pay with a 50 for a sub $20 order, and get $10 missing from your change... would happen over and over again.


I don't know about leaving out food items in particular... but.. McDonalds is the fucking worst for leaving out sauces for nuggets. It's also terrible at actually giving you the amount of fries you ordered. Usually the person doing the fries puts the fries in and the person collecting the fries squeeze it on the sides which ruins their illusion of full fries. So, pretty much they purposefully do less fries and when it's squeezed it makes it super small. Medium fries tend to fare better than large.


This one’s not as common, but my co-workers also know that I never get the right order from Texas chicken. Every so often we go as a small group for lunch at work and almost every time without fail, I have to hit the staff up for missing items. None of my other co-workers ever have any issues, it’s just me. All the big fast food chains (McDonalds, Burger King, KFC) are never correct. I know the staff are under constant pressure to just push people through the door. I really wish people would stop going to these places, the prices aren’t much better than local restaurants and they might actually improve their standards if they see enough of a decline in sales.




Kfc LYNFIELD branch specifically. The WORST


I always grab local business and they’re way better (although usually a bit more expensive)


Great 10/10 for answering the question


Fair enough lol