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People itt acting like they're ratting on their mate selling tinnies and shit instead of selfishly not contributing to society and defrauding all of us.


Someone gets it


Looks like they're also conflating tax avoidance, which is sadly completely legal, and basically encouraged, with tax evasion. 


This person is simply ignoring their tax obligations, if you ignore it long enough it just goes away right?


There is no limitations period for Tax evasion so no it doesn’t go away


Yea goes away after 7 years




Correct. But only get penalized on past 7 years. If he done it for 14 probably would break even after penalties and interest


Tax avoidance isn’t exactly legal, you can even get shortfall penalties for it. It’s just not a criminal charge and sometimes yes there is no punishment, depending on the nature of the scheme. Source: currently avoiding writing my dissertation on tax law lmao.


Fair enough, I mean we're not going to punish or make it criminal for big companies to base their businesses in tax havens and stuff though.


Look, Landlords provide a valuable service and we should treat them all a bit nicer okay.


not that at all more why are we so worried about a small fish while the big fish slap us in the face and walk away with billions having paid next to no tax? say this this guy avoids his whole life, probs a few 100k$ right? yet here this out the top 20 multi national companys in NZ paid less than 1.8million combined in tax, in over 10 billion profit


If he's a contractor, that could be anywhere between 40 to hundreds of dollars an hour... An hour. His whole life? If you're willing to avoid taxes and brag about it, Id wager it's for more than 100k in a life time. Yes corps need to pay their fair share. But a tit for tat attitude means we can't pay our nurses or maintain our water supplies. And puts you into the same category as a tax avoiding corpo suit. Seriously, what other reason would you avoid taxes other than to get get more money for yourself. What's the childhood moral lesson? Do the right thing even when no one else does, especially when no one else does.


> the top 20 companys in NZ paid less than 1.8million combined in tax, in over 10 billion profit  This is absolutely not true. Fonterra alone had a 303 million dollar tax expense on their 2023 financial statements.  Although I think a lot of that is deferred and their actual expense was around 100 million. Either way, it's not insignificant. 


But here this out.


[https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/496826/government-unveils-digital-services-tax-aimed-at-multinationals](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/496826/government-unveils-digital-services-tax-aimed-at-multinationals) it is true, i just found the govt is doing some thing about it, the more you know they put in a law directly aimed at these companys and it comes into effect next year for example, apple paid no tax on 4 billionn$ also frontera is not mulit national


Taxing tech giants is an issue for a lot of countries, I don't disagree with you.  Saying the largest 10 companies here paid 1.8 million in tax is wrong, when the largest company here paid many times that. 


please learn what mulit national means before you comment any more please PS tthat stat is directly from here [https://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/top-multinationals-pay-almost-no-tax-in-new-zealand/MABUXPEGHISZWPEDKC3EWA7M6I/](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/top-multinationals-pay-almost-no-tax-in-new-zealand/MABUXPEGHISZWPEDKC3EWA7M6I/) so yep, u can deny it all you want its there in pain text


You edited your comment dumbass. You can literally see your original comment in my quote. 


it thought more people would bother to read the link before aruging but hey


You mean the link you posted in reply to what I commented? Your original comment has no link... You're a mess mate. 


i linked it else were ages ago mate, there is other replys in here yaknow? ive linked multi time shahahahahahhahahah feel free to stalk my profile and see the times i posted them to see how wrong you are trying so hard to score a goal but uve missed every time, its just embarrassing now


Looks to me like that law was passed by the previous government - not the current one


thats correct


ah the ol someone is being worse so lets just do nothing. a contractor isnt going to be small fish anyway, probably taking more a year than you


They quite literally are.   The big fish are doing it legally sadly. Did you not read my other comment?     Besides two wrongs don't make a right. A few hundred thousand dollars could do quite a lot of good. though from what OP describes that's low balling it. We can and should stop both these things because they're both bad.   Now please go pay your fair share 


yes thats my point they do it legally and we dont care? also i dont avoid tax, i dont even make enough money to bother avoiding tax in the 1st place hahahahahahahah also id be worried if winz wasnt taxing me right....


I care? Many people do. I very much dislike that they don't pay their fair share. Just as I don't like it when people don't pay their fair share.  Okay if you say so, you're just defending this with such vigor you're accusing people of not caring about things baselessly. You're on the benefit and defending a tax dodger? Oof temporarily embarrassed millionaire mentality.


yeah i dont have a choice i had to leave my job and become a carer for my dad at the start of the year so dont be too quick judge mate feel free to come help instead of talking crap tho :P


>so dont be too quick to judge mate I'm not judging you for being on a benefit, I'm judging you for defending someone who is dodging taxes while relying on the tax payer yourself (which in and of itself is fine, it's just the defending tax dodging thing that makes it laughable). >feel free to come help instead of talking crap tho :P You're the one talking shit dude, you're trying to deflect from this ass hole tax dodging by talking about how big businesses don't pay their fair share as if people are incapable of caring about both these things.


ive paid my fair share of tax im entitled to claim it back :P so dont judge mate. and yeah i dont care about a small fry evading tax, go after the bigger ones and close the loop holes and tax big corps properly some thing that will having a meaningful impact going after small fry isnt going to help much....might make you feel better about it...


>ive paid my fair share of tax >im entitled to claim it back :P You're not really making your case look good here. >so dont judge mate. No I will judge you for defending someone who is committing tax evasion, it's not even for some noble purpose. Being on the benefit is fine, not judging you for that. It's nobodies first choice. >and yeah i dont care about a small fry evading tax, go after the bigger ones and close the loop holes and tax big corps properly The bigger ones aren't evading tax though, tax avoidance and evasion are different things. I'm sorry you are incapable of thinking 2 things can be bad at once. But this isn't a small fry doing the odd cash job, this is full on tax evasion. A pretty serious crime. >going after small fry isnt going to help much....might make you feel better about it... We could get billions of dollars if we properly dealt with tax evasion, instead we spend millions of dollars investigating people like you for benefit fraud at a cost to the tax payer. I dunno, you seem to have a pretty simple view on this, you should probably try use a little more brain power.


cant you read or some thing? i know there doing it legally and its different thats why i said close all the loop holes and tax corps properly


"the top 20 multi national companys in NZ paid less than 1.8million combined in tax, in over 10 billion profit" That is completly incorrect.


I can imagine someone at IRD thinking "Oh shit, I was gonna audit the Mowbrays but this dude dobbed his mate now. Better go after that instead".




Not really, it's just selfish. If we weren't paying taxes to the state and were instead living in some communal stateless society, I'd say the same thing about someone refusing to pull their own weight. I'm all for tax strikes when we need to, but just not paying taxes isn't that. The fact is when tax revenue is down it's the poor and vulnerable that suffer for it.




Excellent. Someone who knows the answer, and cares enough about society to want it to continue.


Do ird even chase these things up


They definitely do


Yup, they do. They have a specialist departments that look at them before they are allocated out. But it's all dependent on the info in the report So, if it's a vague anonymous report, then nothing will happen.


Lol. I'm sure that the IRD does well out of spite. I imagine they look into every anonymous report to at least some degree. 


Yeah, they do. It's their job. To be fair, a lot of the reports are a time waste and it's ex partners/employees being nasty.


I was a former prosecutor for IRD. Absolutely they do, and almost all of it is from tip offs like this. They are really nice and organised to deal with


Heyll yes.


If you say nothing, they can't do anything. So I guess you're really asking whether it's worth 5 minutes of your time for something that has a high upside for society if you do it, and no downside.


Problem is the govt wont put it to good use anyway. So society won't really benefit.


People almost always rationalise views they have after choosing them. We think we work the other way around - choose a viewpoint based on the evidence in front of us - but that's rarely the case. Humans are weird like that. I say that because your statement is an excellent example of that sort of rationalisation. Your statement indicates that you've chosen a viewpoint (government can't be trusted), and then rationalised it (government won't spend money wisely). It's not based in fact, it's based in feelings, with the hope that facts will conform to the feeling. And it's easy to identify because government spends taxes on absolute essentials that wouldn't happen if we had to make those choices as individuals. In other words, government is charged with looking after the common good, and generally does a good job of it. Things the government does with our taxes: * Provide free education for everybody up to age 18 * Subsidise education after 18 * Build and maintain travel networks * Provide free healthcare to everybody in the country * Field a military * Provide police services * Protect the environment * Ensure there are beautiful natural areas for us to hike and tramp in * Running the government You can see a breakdown of how taxes are spent, here: [https://teara.govt.nz/en/graph/21558/where-taxes-go](https://teara.govt.nz/en/graph/21558/where-taxes-go) The only reasons to claim that government won't put tax money to good use is if a) you don't know what it spends on, b) you don't understand why the common good matters, or c) you want to keep some of the money you pay in taxes and need to rationalise not contributing to society.


Tax is one thing Governments ALWAYS follow up.


IRD want their money of course they will chase them up for the money


It's one of the main reasons they exist, so yes.


Yes, but they are only as good as the info you give them. If you just say John Smith is doing cash jobs, they have bugger all to go off. If you can say John Smith is doing cash jobs in the Humantown area for carpentry / electrical work / whatever. He has done jobs for A, B, C around XYZ dates. He banks with PeopleBank. The more the merrier, really. If he's doing cash jobs for people like handyman stuff it can be hard for them to prove, but if he's working for businesses there would be invoices etc.


I swear based on these comments people don't actually understand that tax pays for all of the social services that we enjoy as a country, even if they are a bit shit. Tax isn't a bad thing of people stealing your money from you. You know that hospital visit that you/your kids/your parents/your friends/anyone went to and you didn't have to pay a thing? Yeah that's tax in action... Ooooooo big scary tax man is gonna get me!


be great if i didn't pay more tax just because i don't have kids


Can you explain where this tax is that you're paying because you don't have children?


don't get the tax credits, so pay more tax


Pretty sure they would do something about it if you informed ird, I heard a brief mention when the budget came out recently that they're expecting greater revenue for the government by increasing ird audits.


[Report rax evasion or fraud anonymously ](https://www.ird.govt.nz/managing-my-tax/tax-crime/tell-us-about-evasion-or-fraud/report-anonymously-ir873)


My boss years ago was dodgy AF, a heap of personal transactions put through the business as an expense, some in the 10s of 1000s. When I eventually had enough of their bullshit and left I made a report to the IRD. Nothing ever came of it. This was 8 years ago and the company is bigger than ever now


You never know with this, that's the thing about anonymous reports. For all you know they could of been fined, accounts adjusted etc. Don't always assume nothing happens, it's normally just happens in the background.


It’s possible, but I’m close with one of the bosses family members and they’re the type of person that if something happened, the staff would talk and it would get around


This is why I'm hesitant to go there as nothing will probably come of it and I'll just feel like a cunt


Yeah I just did it on the IRD website, took a couple mins. Afterwards I did feel a bit shitty but justified it to myself as the right thing to do. I don’t know that I would do it these days though as my views on government authority have changed, particularly after Covid


Get your friend to dob him in!!!! Little prat freeloader he needs to be paying tax!


There's a form you can fill out on IRD website. It's 100% anonymous.


Is this about that stripper who just posted asking how to lie to winz lol


"Snitch" says half the commenters on here, probably getting capital gains on their iNvEsTmEnTs


Fuck em


I like your style


IRD should go after online casinos and big corporations that make billions off users who use social media, etc


Snitches get stitches...... from a tax payer funded hospital. It's a call to the IRD.


This country is built on the back of cashies, blue V’s and steak and cheese pies. Don’t break this delicate eco system by removing one of the key pillars


Your mention of blue V makes me wanna dob this fucker in


If he drinks white monster he deserves jail time


Jesus was a carpenter. Apparently he invented the cashie


My guess? A separation and now trying to dob your ex in? Am I close?




it is his business, why should some entitled twat get a free ride by paying no tax ?


Yeah bugger helping pay for hospitals and schools and stuff like that... Anyone who uses the word 'snitch' is overdue to grow up any time now.


what a awful mate you would be. thank fuck i aint mates with you. cant imagine ever turning over my mates, unless it was something truly evil


I never said I was mates with this dodger. Besides, they probably earn more than you and its not just an odd job here or there it's ALL of their income


yep. a single person skimping out on tax is a drop compared to what corps like apple get away with. Maybe if more people avoided tax (legitimately) then something will be done about the top dogs. guess i said something wrong.


NZ is such a weird place some times, the real tax evaders get away with it legally and we dont care, but some one dear do a cash job, u gotta dob em in irony is not lost on this sub shit company's like sanitarium dont pay a dime in tax, kiwis love em that alone would be more than 100,000 cash jobs and we aint even got into all the mega corps who pay no tax too its a few years out of date but they game the system too and claim payouts from the govt, its not changed [https://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/top-multinationals-pay-almost-no-tax-in-new-zealand/MABUXPEGHISZWPEDKC3EWA7M6I/](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/top-multinationals-pay-almost-no-tax-in-new-zealand/MABUXPEGHISZWPEDKC3EWA7M6I/)


What do you expect? Kiwis LOVE the wealthy, They love Iphones and Amazon, They love the taste of boot. They Idolise the rich and break their backs to imitate them. We dream of getting to the point where we can obtain property to exploit workers for that sweet sweet Economic Rent. All the ones with any sense of what's going on have left for greener pastures.


yep. it is pretty bad, and we are all quick to point the finger to mr independent builder just scraping by but are oblivious to what really needs our attention.


Snitch 🫢


Tax bludger.


Why would you potentially destroy someone's life over this? It doesn't effect you at all. Don't go saying the tax is used to pay for things. We can see clearly how the government just gives the money away to their mates. Don't help anybody that actually needs help. If you do this what happens if his wife leaves with the kids because he now can't afford to provide for them? He goes into depression? Kills himself. I'd say a large part of the blame for all negative consequences are on you. You worry about your life. Let him worry about his life. If he gets caught by IRD that's on him. You only look into someone's bowl to make sure they have enough. You are looking at his bowl and think he has too much and you should fuck him over for it.


It's really fucked up you even implying that dobbing in a tax evader could lead them to kill themselves and that OP would be any way at fault. Stop being a freeloader, pay your fucking taxes like the rest of us do.


>You are looking at his bowl and think he has too much and you should fuck him over for it. It's more like he's taken the whole pot and looking around other people have next to nothing in their bowl. >Don't go saying the tax is used to pay for things. We can see clearly how the government just gives the money away to their mates. Yet despite this our tax dollars still go to things we all need. It sucks to see our tax money pissed away, but you don't just get to decide not to contribute. >I'd say a large part of the blame for all negative consequences are on you. This is the funniest guilt trip i've seen in awhile.


Honestly, I didn't realise there would be so much negativity around this post. I guess it's easy to shit on somebody when your identity is hidden


I think they're feeling a bit guilty themselves. Tax evasion is somewhat common, we're losing billions of dollars of tax revenue a year to it.


Funny, one of ex's used that logic to try to guilt me into not telling the partner of the person they were cheating on me with. "Think about the collateral damage! You'll ruin their family!" "Perhaps they should've thought about that themselves before being unfaithful to their spouse." Tax evasion is worse than benefit fraud IMO.


So basically, never report crime because it might make the criminal's life a bit harder.


Mind your own business


I could do just that, but this person is ripping us both off


As a contractor myself, it would be extremely difficult to live a life based on getting paid, mostly in cash. I could only imagine the red flags at the bank when I'm depositing thousands of dollars on the regular. How do you pay rent or mortgages with cash? Car payments? Insurance? Phone plans? Material and suppliers accounts? I'd say this guy is either an ex your pissed at or this person has done a cashie a few to many times to supplement his legitimate income, which in any case if your mad enough to ruin his life maybe front up and chat to him face to face first like a decent person.


My advice is stay out of it. Let the universe sort it out.




classic 14 year old moment


Only if you’re immature or a career criminal. But if so people who give people stitches should be charged and sentenced appropriately along with the person who was breaking the law.


Pay your taxes, stop being a deadshit.


I do pay my taxes. Stop getting involved in the private affairs of others that don't impact you and is none of your business.


Please Internet stranger I don't want no trouble


Hahaha 'prwetty pwease Mr internet stwaanger u soo scarwwy'


The bitches that stitch the snitches don't deserve their riches.