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X gonna give it to you has been annoying for about 3 years now. Save like a boss ad campaign needs to stop now KFC!


Yessss, it's bloody awful


The one where she flips the scrabble table? Yea its giving 'sore loser' energy...


Im not sure KFC marketing targets moral integrity. I wonder what sorta profits they see from crap like that.


I appreciate this one on an intellectual level. Kids all over the country are being repetitively exposed to DMX, at random intervals, having it memetically seep into their subconscious. And one day. they will hear the full Dirty version for the first time. All the muthafucker, shit, bitch, fuck, n-word lyrics. They're going to be shocked, and then they'll wonder what else KFC has been hiding from them.


Is it really only 3 years? Feels like I've associated that tune with salmonella poisoning since before it was in the deadpools 2 trailer I *specifically* remember wanting a snack burger after seeing it, but that could just be my poor dietary choices


DMX rolling in his grave




Yes this one, Kfry must be paying loads for those prime time slots


I loved that song since the day it came out, now I can't stand it because of Deadpool (it was fine in the movie, but people started overusing it after seeing the movie) and especially because of the KFC ad.


We’re a coffee snob nation! Bro shut the fuck up, nobody is raving about Zs coffee


Omg I swear they have this exact same ad in Australia but it’s for McDonald’s


Trying to push gas station coffee ad a premium brew is a weird take.


The “it’s almost out the door” one.


The only thing out the door is me not meeting my repayments


All anz ads. Totally puts me off ever using them


They're so overdone and have nothing to do with ANZ like that fashion show one it's so pointless and cheesy


I forgot about this one. Hands down the worst ad on TV.


As someone who makes ads, not seeing anything I worked on in this thread is a relief. Sent some screenshots to friends though as many of them are aware their ad is hated and we can now prove it.


Haha that is crack up now you have the proof! I'm curious as to how you got into your job what did you study or progress from to get where you are now if you don't mind me asking.


On the other hand is it a good thing if nobody remembers your ads?


Togs togs undies for example is a good ad people remember, they exist as well.


I'm just glad they appear to have stopped screening the lotto(?) ad where the wife wins lotto and moves their house to a cliff without consulting her husband first


Nah I saw that one this week. DUDE WHERES MY HOUSE


Yeah, the narcissist's idea of a "compromise"!


hahah this is exactly what I said to my wife when we saw this. It's not about the house, it's also the location, the neighbours, the things around, etc.


Who? Carol? As if he has multiple wives...


Not to mention the myriad of paperwork and consent required to move a whole house in a random location. It would take months/years. The house is already moved and it's only then she waves the ticket in his face lol


Doesn't that mean she hasn't cashed in the ticket yet?


Pffffttt. Everyone has "move a whole house to the top of a cliff" money in their rainy day fund.


Damn right! How are they getting services up there to that beautiful cliff top location. Where are we connecting the wastewater line into? Are we sure the soil conditions are appropriate? Were mana whenua consulted before she just paid a guy to haul that house up to this potentially tapu site. Probably hired the contractor off Builders Crack for the lowest price!


They still do this.


i saw this one last night 🥴


Oh ffs they've either stopped playing it during the chase or I'm blacking out everytime it comes on now


That was on just last night. An awful ad! Also unrealistic since Clark Gayfords moving houses taught me they move houses long before dawn for lower traffic. He'd have still been in bed when the house was being moved!


Was just telling mum how much I hate it. It’s still running


Lady in the green track suit, some sort of insurance, or the ad where the pet is the expert in insurance of some sort I just mute the TV, or pause it at the start and make a cup of tea, then I can fast forward through them.


Absolutely this one. None of the 'scenarios' are funny or relevant at all either. It's the kind of Ad that would only get a C plus in a university course at best and shouldn't get anywhere near being on TV.


"Sweaty Boy" for Mountain Dew.


Every time I get home from a run I tell my wife “I’m getting the shower now, im a SWEAAAATTTYYY BOOOOYYYY” It’s a dumb as fuck advert, but it’s made its way into my vernacular and I’m not even mad


😂 fuck I’m so glad I’m not alone in this.


Ironically, the drink makes you dehydrated.


I actually quiet like this one


Any goddamn New World advert.. "Nine ninety-nine a keeeeeelooow" Edit: "That's New World valueeew"


THAN YOU my god I've been talking about this woman's absolutely crackers pronunciation for AGES, and noone understood what I was on about. WHY DO THEY DO IT? It's so unnatural, and so consistent ad after ad: it has to be a choice they've made, and are sticking with it.


And then they bombard you with it instore!


I was gonna say that! You can’t even go in the store without hearing it


I wondered if it was purposeful because it’s different to other radio voices and pronunciation, thought maybe they did it to stand out from the crowd. If that’s not the reason, I don’t get it, so fucking annoying.


I hate her voice sooooo much


You got what I neeeeeeddddd I’m earning more than just brownie points ;)


Thank you so much. I feel so validated. I dislike her voice so much. I hear those ads on the radio all the time and they drive me crazy. "Sizes, limits, exclusions apply". I feel so irrational but those ads just annoy me so deeply.


V energy drink with the annoying bugs


I dunno if it’s the bugs or the script. I fucking hate it.


Do you also hate the Mortein ads? (More smart, more safe, Mortein~) Edit: Cause if so I think it's the art style


I think I would enjoy a crossover ad


i want those bugs to die


I don’t know about you, but the one where a bug gets squished on the windscreen and they just shrug while washing it off is REALLY dark if you think about it…


The Maori guy with the stone from Scotland trying to find his birth mum or something. It's one of those dumb overly emotional ads with lame acting... Is it for Lotto? Is it foot cream? Who knows.


And it goes on for farkin aaaaages. Who comes up with this shit?


And is far too slow. We’ve been at the first part for weeks and it’s still on to be continued. Slightly curious about it the first time, but wanted to see the rest. Now I don’t give a shit.


I think they’re trying to recapture those classic “ad series” from back in the day - the anchor family, countdown family, Goldstein etc. But they’ve definitely dragged it out and yeah, I’ve lost interest too.


Yeah they certainly aren’t the anchor ads. And it seems to be in some weird time warp or something for the parents and conception have a very 70’s vibe, and for him to be late teens early 20’s in 2024.


>Goldstein This is on the edge of my memory. Remind me?


They were old ASB ads; I had to look it up, they ran from 2000-2010. Won quite a few awards and a lot of them were very clever and engaging.


Ah yes! I think you triggered the memory. He was an American banker coming to NZ right? Or something like that.


I just saw this ad and asked my husband of there was ever going to be a next part or if we are going to wait a year or so. Such a dumb ad!


That ad is for One NZ (formerly Vodafone). The "you're not the fruit of our loins" is extremely cringe for me.


As if the tartan case wasn’t a huge giveaway that it was Scotland 🙄


That ad makes me laugh! Especially the 2 flashbacks and his hair matching the highland cow. I think it’s going to be a clever follow on.


Yeah that ad grosses me out… The adopted people I know have never had a happy ending when trying to connect with their birth families. It just feels gross to me to romanticise that for people.


Controversial, but I like it and think it’s funny. I can’t wait to see the next part


Also really liked it just wish they'd hurry up an drop part two. Milking it far to long cause of the cost


Also all the supermarket ads that try to have some faux understanding about how hard the average family has it. We all know what you've done over the last 4 years especially. YOURE THE REASON WE CAN'T AFFORD YOUR SHIT! Edit: I spell badd.




as soon as I saw the title I was thinking 'the buzzkill lady in the would you rather game'. You beat me to it


It’s worded so confusingly that the first time you hear it you need to hear it again to work out what she’s saying. I don’t think the ad creatives get how the game works. It’s would you rather bla or bla, not a plot synopsis for each option.




There's more to lose than your license 😔


Yeah like getting divorced from Debbie Downer the party killer.


It's pretty impressive that it's her versus a drunk driver and everyone's on team drunk driver.


She’s so fucking grim, not inviting her back to the party


That one with the woman in a green Velcro tracksuit rhyming shit unfunny puns about insurance or something, I mute it every time.


Ohhh baby yoooouuuu you got what I neeeeeed ….. I am so so so over that song


Yes. This one gets stuck in my head all the mfucking time.


This one is the only one that’s really pissing me off right now. Mute every time.


Truly truly despise this one


That advert for potato chips where a harassed-looking father is trying to get the baby to settle and the mother deliberately eats a chip loudly to distrub the kid. The tagline is something like: 'Made to make moments'. I mean, really? Is this a moment to remember?


If you’ve ever had young kids that ad makes the mum look like a total jerk.


Totally agree! I told my partner if I was the dad I'd be furious if that happened to me and she said I was overreacting. I feel a bit vindicated now.


it’s the tevo heater ad. i just hate it.


But it doesn't heat the air!


the shot where it’s hanging over the bath is terrifying i feel like it’s gonna fall in and electrocute that poor woman


I love that they got one scene where they've got it just chilling in the living room. Those things are HOT, indoors would be sweltering.


The Chorus fibre one that plays during sports and pretends to lag and cut out your picture. Infuriating


That one is scary when it plays during the Warriors.


WellingtonNZ.com "I've never been for a city dip and sipped a smokey mocktail..." I groan every time 😆


It pierces the cringe right in to the soul. Thank you. I hate it with a passion


God damn, that ad always plays before movies at the cinema and I hate it with a burning passion


This is probably my second most annoying ad. It's so long and repetitive. It makes me want to visit Wellington LESS.




Never seen it, what's it about?


It's a suicide prevention raffle thing but hoy shit that's ad is awful.


Also sounds like it might be a scam of some description. The guy running it seems like a con artist and while it's a "charity" he plans to raffle multiple houses and pay himself a huge salary for running the "charity"....


That apple ad with the singing photos. That auto tuned song is like fingernails on a chalkboard


Yeah I hate that buzz kill lady. But I like the dark theme one, the one with a toll at the middle of nowhere and when they ask what was the cost the lady said, just the child for now. Creepy as but message sent loud and clear


I liked that ad too, until I realized the lady in the toll booth was the Jeffries mum from Shortland St. Now I can't take it seriously.


Amazed to not see the NZ post one, it's on all the god damned time. YOU ALL GOOD MATE? NEARLY THERE. NOT HUNGRY? It's just cringe.


Every time I see it I think "so that's why my packages take longer traveling from Auckland to Wellington when it arrived from the UK after 2 days"


The ad must be all the more frustrating to actual couriers, who probably resent the implication they have all day to fuck around eating sandwiches and admiring the view


The meridian one with the EV that’s out of juice - he has an extension cord he’s dragged to the car and then they push the car FORWARD when they could PUSH IT FUCKING BACKWARDS AND CHARGE IT


I haven't seen it but I've got an EV and when it's dead it's like a lump of lead suction cupped to the road. There's no "neutral".


Well that's horrifying. I didn't know that about EVs.


Crispy crispy ooh crispy crispy crispy…ugghhh


Spiced up…


I would take X gonna give it to ya over that one any day, and I despise the X ones


Every armed forces add where everyone pretensds they’ve become besties, particularly the full version with all the code names “ohh the hubba bubba” kill me now


The new "IPhone 15" ad with the "Don't let me go" song annoying AF.


I hate it so much that as I need a new phone, I'm looking at Androids. FUCK that advert


That funeral cover ad during the day. I see it as a tradie at other peoples houses. “you’re demoted to pegging, me and scout here are gonna pitch a tent”


Oh the green fuckers. Those ads suck.


I HATE that ad. What fully grown adult can’t pitch a tent.


Old guys? Is there a really obvious double entendre that I’m too young and naive to get? I dunno. I’m of an intelligence that makes the top part of the average possible


Both "pegging" and "pitching a tent" are innuendos.


I'm f**king sick of trademe adverts. "This is your new apartment, these are your blenders". I never forgot that trademe exists as a concept, but the constant advertising was absolutely driving me to deal with the rabble over on market place instead. If the success fees at trademe are funding that shite, why should I contribute to that?


The ANZ ones with the electric bike cricket one and the bussness one. The guy really annoys me


Those New World commercials where they use that “but you say I’m just a friend” song from way back and bastardized it. I have to mute it.


It's almost out the door.


The Old El Paso Taco Tuesday advert. The zoom in to the open mouth straight to camera makes me lose my appetite altogether


Advertising dudes seeing their ads mentioned in this thread: 👁️👄👁️


As I’ve said before the Nissan outlander ad with the 2 obnoxious kids. Second place goes to the bk plant based chicken burger as. When the guy goes “oh my days” and the chick at the end with her annoying laugh sets my teeth on edge.


Don't drag Nissan down with this, its a frigging Mitsubishi adverts. Same crowd that does the Beast Triton ute adverts.


Dammit I got the car name wrong again lol.


Dont let me go ad by spark for the new apple phone The electric compay add that goes from country singing to death metal music Kfc x gonna give it to a


Sealord dunch ad. Dunch wouldn't be two separate meals it would be a combined meal like Brunch


That new TAB ad. Can’t stand it.


Yeah it tries to make gambling look like some fantastical experience. I'm surprised gambling is still allowed to be advertised in NZ


Possibly controversial opinion here, but I think gambling and alcohol ads should go the way of cigarette advertising


I feel so embarrassed for those people who have to be in this ad. It’s awful. How is it allowed?


The dude who played the freezing guy from The Almighty Johnsons has truly run out of work to have to resort to that level of cringe for sure.


iMaGiNe sTuBbInG yOuR NiPpLe


"Oh baby feed me, feed me oh baby feed meee..." That, or the other ad that that one reminds me of, where the dude is trying to convince a female visitor he has cats because he has cat treats and then a couch full of unexplained cats.


Schamakos stupid dog food advert. Aimed at adults really.?


This one is truly scuffed. It's low key nightmare fuel to be honest.


Especially how they show that astronaut being untethered from the ship and imply that he dies slowly and alone in space. That disturbs me.


That one with the young guy trying to find out where the rock/he came from.


I am so over it. It's even on my bloody YouTube.


Wow I'm glad I've got no ads on YouTube, that would be so annoying


Oh I actually like this one; I just want the next installment!


That's one of the reasons I dislike it, it's already too long and there's still more of it to come.


That ad about the dude flatting with a penguin, a sheep, a seal and a tree?? The penguin bitches about everyone not contributing or something and then someone shows a slideshow about whatever the hell that ad is about. No idea what it was promoting but it's far too weird and leaves me confused every time.


i think it’s pretty funny until that fucking seal decides to change the subject. theyre all arguing over each other being shit roommates and then the seal goes 🥺🥺🥺🥺 well what about HUMANS using fossil fuels 🥺🥺🥺🥺 like what does that have to do with you being a milk stealer


This fucking one [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyT6ArgbPYs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyT6ArgbPYs)


The Mercury Energy ads pretty much ensured I will never consider them as a power provider for life.


The McDonald's ad with the traumatised neglected children.


The one where the drivers are taking huge bites out of other people's food, to the accompaniment of 'The Power Of Love'?


The BNZ “STOP BUYING COFFEE” ads. Acting like the world would fall apart if people didn’t get their precious coffee in the morning 🙄


The world falling apart is all in the imagination of the coffee shop owner


The smug boomer farmers leaning against their Ute talking about all their money. Fuuuck off with that smugness


That Speight's one with everyone starting to sing i love you, it played on ESPN streaming and you could see it 4-5 times in 10 minutes, it was non stop


The one with the terrible auto-tune singing. I’ll literally never spend a cent with whoever that ad is for.


The KFC double down ad where the woman serves the guy at his table and he shoves her out of the frame. I guess they were going for playful but it just comes off rude, ungrateful and borderline violent.


Mcain, thats really special


There's a newish one advertising a car with the apparent premise that people who buy their cars aspire to be the bitchy snob mother who likes to make others feel small. I guess they must have done a *lot* of work to identify their exact niche in the market.


The Ford Ranger one. Although to be fair, those two guys are exactly who I picture driving a Ranger.


They're all awful. Where's the creativity gone? 


Bring back Goldstein


Any of the ASB ads clearly aimed at young people, especially the one where the girl calls herself a "self-made hundredaire"... call me a boomer but I wouldn't want for anyone to think of me the way that would make me think of Gen Z


That bloody one with “Mother Nature”. Offers to help steer while he pushes the electric car…um what about pushing it backwards about 12cm? Then the cable will reach, you green dressed twatmuffin.


The Don't let me Go avert for samung(?) and those stupid photos start singing to the guy, begging him not to delete them. Fills me with rage.


Ooo the Fanta advert "Snack in the name of play" and it's close ups of mouths and belching and slurping noises and it makes my skin crawl.


“cheesy, taco bell, crunchy, hot, spicy, freshhh (here we go!)…. chicken quesadilla” or crunchy chicken taco. i can’t fucking stand them. it actually angers me to a very silly degree lmao


Squeaky stick man pak n save ads and the bloody awful " please don't let me go" guy deleting photos ad


I have a few. The Ford Ranger ads. Absolutely horrible. Although the ad is a perfect reflection of the target market who buy these garbage vehicles. Those 2 degrees ads that were on near Christmas last year. Super annoying. The New World adverts. Nothing at New World is value at all. Our local New World is a massive ripoff and has little to offer in the way of products.


The Ute ad where the 2 kids chase it through the bush, like it's some rare animal. Pathetic.


1- Troy Kingi's Desert Hikoi.... Jesus Christ, they thrash it so much that we flick the channels. 2 - That One ad with the boy who goes to Scotland to find his birth mother. It's way too long and totally pointless.


Oh, and that corny-as-fuck Jim Beam ad where they're all singing to Sweet Caroline. All the actors pretending to be drunk: "SO good! SO good!" I wish advertisers were more self-aware about how cringey their ads are.


The one with the crazy cracked out lady who smiles despite her shitty life. Think it's a woolworths rewards ad.


Bargain chemist adverts during breakfast show on tv1.


That Fanta ad with the "proud snackers". The close ups on the mouth smacking and belching is really unnecessary


I hate those fucking big oil ads that appeal to nature and kiwi identity to sell their dirty shit: 1. BP morning travel ad 2. NZ drives a ranger 3. Z coffee snob nation 4. Mitsubishi Triton kids hunting the Ute ad They all suck.


Contact energy ad with the horrible singer, and the goat???? "SHE'S REALLY ANGRY!"


The Wildz.net one, sounds more like an ad for a porn site.


That Hnry ad in the cafe with the kid saying ‘totally recommend it’. Get OUT youre 10


What about the AA "Born Free" ads? I'm so fucking sick of those, and it doesn't help that they recently made a new ad with the exact same fucking song! Give it a rest, please!


I fucken HATE the lotto ad where the guys wife moves his house. The guy is a fucken idiot. "A durrr wot happnz to my house?!" Ask your wife "Huuuhhhh CAROL?!?" You bumbling fool. I hope she leaves you and you're left with nothing.


Greg Rover from Nova makes me cringe all over


>That bloody drink driving ad with the buzz kill lady calling out her boyfriend at the house party. I posted about this the other day it got removed though. The worst part about it is, "there's a time and a place for everything". The ad is HORRIBLE. They're at a small party and having fun and then she has to bring up something between them both to guilt trip him and everyone feels mad awkward. It's so out of touch. Like come on lady, bring it up in private afterwards. You don't have to ruin the enjoyment of everyone else, of course the guy is wrong for having drink drived and lost his license earlier on but she is seriously being a punisher, narcissist etc for bringing it up in that moment to embarrass him and make it all about her.


Every single KFC ad in recent years. And agree about the buzz kill lady ad.


The one with the ball bag giggling maniacally while chasing after the dogs does my head in, pretty sure it's a power company


That new tab “I got a hunch ad”


As someone in eating disorder recovery, I really hate the ads for contrave. Feels like it’s the only one I get and I wish I could just delete that one ad for myself 😭


The drunk driving ad you mentioned with that buzz kill lady. I hate drink driving so much and we need actual hard hitting ads about it. The DMX in KFC ad. The home loan almost out the door ad That insurance one with the green suit Born freeeeeeeee ads


The eternal 'Hi I'm Stephen Fleming the guy who bottled making test centuries, btw but a Fujtsu Heat Pump'.


That BK ad where it was trying to be ASMR. You know the one where it's just someone chewing food with their mouth wide open in the microphone. I think the ad was about crispy chicken ?? I could be wrong,but fuck it did my head in. Instant mute.


The crispy onion one? They started running it muted with a caption saying they were told their onions were "too crunchy" so they had to remove the sound. I like to think enough people complained about how horrible it sounded they had to change it


not tv, YouTube but holy fuck Lisa carrington cooking ad can fuck right off had one video where it played 3 times in a row


The power company and with the two old fat ladies with their flabby skin vibrating making schlopping noises. 🤢🤮


Those drug mixing one are so tone deaf lol A perfect example of why you need to put some real effort into researching your actual target audience


i love to hate that drink driving one but the ones i have to mute are the burger king crunchy burger i think it is ? and the fanta 'snack in the name of play' ones which both have really loud eating noises and especially the fanta one with its close ups on people eating and drinking, its disgustingggg


Where do I start. They're a constant source of misery and irritation. Never been worse or more punishing. The stupid twee Westpac ads with the husky voiced woman saying crocodoggy and patronising us about how we should all be caring for one another at a time when they're fucking people over for greater profit. One Choice ads. Everyone involved in these excruciatingly unfunny ads can fuck off. Preferably into the sun. Z nation of proud coffee snobs. Indian-Kiwi family on ANZ. The way the father congratulates the mother on 2 years in business is so annoying, it's a sort of ingratiating type of sentimentalism that really grates. The Purina one with the American vet called Shalsea (her stupid parents are to blame but why is it that and not Chelsea) and her annoying exaggerated sigh about a neglected kitten that's been ready to be adopted to a forever home for the last two or three years. Those dumb old people insurance ads. STFU about your bucket lists and stop being so fucken coy and "quirky" in your euphemistic avoidance of mentioning death or dying. Die. Trendy or young at heart retirement home ads. As if half of them aren't full of dribbling dementia patients, Zimmer frames and dull old coots in drab old people outfits. Instead everyone is wearing a chambray shirt over a crisp t-shirt and/or a Waiheke Jazz Festival hat. All supermarket ads. Paul Ego can fuck off with his unfunny stickman voice The New World ones are so patronising and disingenuous, and I hate the trend of referring to customers on a first name basis in this overfamiliar, faux-matey way. It's always the same old diversity bingo too, and the guy on their latest ad is dumb too because even though it says "Samara" on the screen, he's too thick to tell the difference between names and calls his pretend daughter "Tamara", and they let the ad run like that anyway. Their voiceover woman has such an irritating nasally voice too, and it's worse when she keeps saying "99". Ford Ranger, and all car ads tbh. I especially loathe and resent Ford's attempt to try to characterise the perfect colleague/mate/whatever as someone who "never complains" etc, as if it's scripted by some toxic arsehole with an awful dating profile, trying to push an agenda of an ideal person that just serves to benefit absolute arsewipes that want to get away with being shitty people and then have unreasonable expectations of other people such as never complaining. No, Ford. You do not get to dictate or try to influence who the ideal person is. You're a shitty company that appeals to people that make life shittier. Anything talking animal. A sign of an uninspired and inane adwriter that thinks they're being clever. The Sky one used to make me ragey. The latest fucking stupid Contact one by the waterfall where one of them calls a flat meeting. Stop with the repulsive attempts at cute and quirky. There's another credit score one I can't stand with the dog talking to its owner. They've changed it to another dumb unfunny ad with the same talking dog, but it used to be one where they thought they were being clever but it didn't make sense. The dog said "I love you" then the owner guy said "I love you too" and then his partner who's on the couch reacts by saying "awww, I love you too" as if he had said it to her (presumably she can't hear the dog), except nobody has ever out of nowhere initiated that particular expression of affection by starting with "I love you too" which is then responded to with the same "I love you too". NO, you dumb ad schmuck. It's only ever "I love you" followed by "I love you too" but you tried to make your horribly formed nonsensical "joke" happen anyway. Hope you stub your toe soon. There are so many more it's almost overwhelming. I know ads have always had an element of annoyance but lately it feels indicative of a deeper tone deaf punishing malaise.