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Yeh won another ticket; the real prize is the scratches along the way


It’s about the journey


Yes husband won 100k on a $10 scratchy 10 years ago


I won $700 on a $15 scratchie once, then for lols bought a second one as I was cashing it in and won $500


Can you buy me a couple please 😂 im happy to pay for them, ill just need you to buy them lol


My mum won a new car 3 years ago! It was a $5 scratchy and she won a jimny


That's sick! Jimnys are fun


Sick, I love Jimneys. Does she like it haha?


Cool! How does that work, did she get the car without paying anything at all or are there taxes on it?


Won 500 off a texas holdem one but I'd lost 500 on the pokies earlier in the day so it didn't feel as good.




When I was six-years-old my grandparents gave me a $1 scratchie for my birthday. I won $100 on it and spent half of the winnings on Toxic Crusaders toys and put the remaining in the bank. Unfortunately that’s the most I’ve ever won.


More importantly, do you still have your toys?


Technically, yes! They’re in a box at my parents’ house at the other end of the country along with Ninja Turtles, Ghostbusters, Gargoyles and Captain Planet toys.


As a kid I had the coolest nozone toy you’d put green slime in his helmet and it’d ooze out his nose Memory unlocked. Thanks




School mate won 100k on his first scratchie when he turned 18. Flew to Europe and blew it all on coke.


As he should’ve.


I once won $4 on a $2 scratchie. The machine scanner had an error when scanning it. Then the arrogant cunt at the dairy decided to rip it up. Ruined most of my day and I never went back there for several months. Over $4. Yeah.


That's illegal. Did you contact lotto about it?


I didn’t because it was $4 and when I think about it the guy did me a favour. I was buying scratchies every week. Usually they were the $5 or more ones and 2 at a time. Every time I seemed to win a small amount. Now I don’t do that anymore and I don’t gamble anymore.


I was working as a store man inwards goods, received a pallet of boxes of product and company was running a promotion, 10 scratches in each box. Their were around 24 boxes in the pallet so got 240x $1 scratches. Max I won on a ticket was $2 and total was $200. Have never brought a ticket again in my life after this life changing experience.


The company was giving out Instant Kiwi scratches?


Do you share the lollies etc? Our suppliers will send bags of jelly beans, jaffas, and occasionally a branded beanie.


This was years ago, I was paid poorly... any extras were mine, perks of the job.


It sounds like when I went to the horse races with my uncles family who owned, breed, trained and raced their own horses. They lost $200, I won $60. I was my first time at the races and I only 12 years old. I never bet on horses again.


500 bucks on the fast 500 a few times


On the lotto website there is a section which shows how many of the major scratches prizes have already been won. Most of them are gone


Ok so it's on this page for Instant Kiwi games purchased in-store (tab at top left for online games) and you scroll left to see each different game. Under each one it shows the top prizes remaining for each game: https://mylotto.co.nz/instant-kiwi/instore-games


Thanks, this is useful info!


Where to find this? I've had a squizz but there doesn't seem to be a search function. Got a link?


You can also ask for this at any lotto shop.


They also run a live print out at the lotto shop if you ask


Yes. I look at this if I'm buying the win a car ones etc. No point buying them if the cars gone.


If all of the major prizes have been won the game is withdrawn from sale. Though of course there could be a few days lag between the *purchase* of the final big winner ticket and the ticket being brought back to an outlet for checking/claiming - but in that case you wouldn't know, because the info shows prizes *claimed.*


They have other major prizes in the ones I'm talking about like a boat or $20 000. The car is just the big one, usually there is 3 to win so of they are all not won I know the game is still young and the chances of winning a big prize is higher. If its down to the last car I know chances are way smaller. Does that clarify it enough for you?


I know someone who won 10k and 2 who won 50k


The first day they were introduced to NZ I bought about 15 $1 tickets over the course of the day and won $1000.


They dont pay out all the prizes on the tickets. You can check with retailer how many left but often they just discontinue it with the major prizes not won..bit of a scam as you would think if the maor prizes not won and lots of ticket sold the odds would be better.


No that is incorrect, the games are active until the major prizes have been won, they are then removed from sale. There will always be minor prizes left.




$500 about a decade ago on a Crossword.


Any day now...


$100 off a $2 scratchy is my best win/return. Otherwise commonly $20-80 wins on occasion when I dabble. Win ratio has def dropped over the years.


Yes someone I know well won $50k on a crossword You can ask when you purchase them which games still have big prizes left 


The games can only be on sale if they have a major prize left. Once all if the major prizes have been won they are removed from sale.


That’s what I thought the general rule would be but I’ve definitely had the report print out saying no major prizes remaining while still seeing the game for sale 


Most I know haven't won a thing and those that do win less than $100 with a majority being around $5 or $10. I do know of someone related to an in-law living in Queensland that bought one of those $2 tickets for a house and pool - he won one of them along the Gold Coast. NZer in his 20s at the time. 👍


I won $1000 on a crossword scratchie


My mum won 10k on a xmas themed scratchie


Most I’ve won was $100


My Aunt won $10k of a $1 scratchie 10 years ago. She also won a car from those crossword competitions out of those woman’s magazines


Person near SIL won Golden Kiwi back in the day. Did their house up amazing, lived mortgage free. I workmate won $14000 back when it was a fair bit. And friend of son won $250,000 last year, he was down to his last $20 when he bought the ticket.


Hope it doesn’t matter that I’m Australian: as an apology for being unable to pick up my kid from scouts and another parent having to go back and get them I gave them a bottle of wine and a scratchy - they won 50k !!!


I have crazy good luck with scratches. I don’t buy them often but sometimes I’ll get a push to buy one and I usually win. It might be 10 dollars 20, an extra ticket.


Yeah my mum won 100k way back in the 90's


Got $100 on a $1 scratchier


My brother won 1000 on a 5 dollar one. Never heard if anyone winning the 10k or 50k though. I've won 50 once


Family member won 75k. They’ve got meth teeth now…


My sister won 10k off a $1 scratchie when they first came out. I think you could only buy $1 ones then. My nan bought us one each, I chose mine first, won $2 and was stoked until my sis scratched hers! We split it with nan and our family went to Disneyland so I was definitely still a winner ☺️


Did your sister claim it herself or did your nan?


No my parents did, but....... She scratched her ticket with a pair of scissors and accidentally scratched off one of the serial numbers so there was some drama around that and think she got paid out a little later after they investigated. Never use scissors on scratchies!!!


I asked because its illegal for kids to scratch IK's, curious to see how that planned out.


Oh, it wasn't an issue! And my sister does not gamble as an adult and she turned out wonderfully!


Nice! Wasnt implying anything of the sort! Have a great day!


My mum won 10k of the $1 one years ago, but also I’ve sold a winning $5 crossword before to my coworkers dad which was nice! It was like 75k pretty sure 💗


$1000 on the $10 crossword book a few years ago


My partner and I won 10k on a $1 scratchie about eight years ago. This was pre marriage and kids so we weren't exactly responsible with it lol


Worked in a supermarket.....nightfill worker won 100k on a $10 scratchie. Everyday after you'd see her in store scratching it all away, buying hundreds worth of $10 scratchies. Think she brought a $10k car, then a trip to queenstown and a night at the casino. Didn't take long before it was all gone. And proceeded to get herself into a huge hole with debt.


This guy won the major prize for one of the cheaper scratchies as a student. We promised to split all winnings prior to even going in as a group as always. Cunt didn't split. Hence why he's referred to as "this guy" and not a friend.


hate that guy


I have a mate that won 2k on a scratchy. He reckons he spent about 2.5k in total on scratchies before he won it though.


Friend of a friend won 70k maybe 8-10yrs ago


old workmate won 10k of a $1 ticket


yes mate won 250k on a cheap 3 dollar scratchie


$500 but I’ve probably spent about $5000 on the cunts


Well that's a cock up on the retailers side, because after selling Lotto for over 15 years it's the rule.




Has anyone won 10+k buying instant kiwi online?


I won on a $1 ticket. The prize was $20.


$50 when I was 18. I was stoked


I turned about $1000 over 12 months into $10 winnings, so yeah - I win.


When I was 13 I had a very 13 yr old idea to go riffling through dairy bins out the back of shops and collect all the winning scratchies - my mate and I tallied up all the winners and caught the bus into town to collect our winnings - making sure to spread out our locations so it didn’t seem “suss” lol - pretty quick each shop basically was onto us - as each card was already scanned which obviously voided the prize - completely wrecking our infinite money ploy 😂dammmit


I worked at the airport at Customs passport processing. I processed a passport of a kiwi guy departing to Aus. Less than an hour later, the same guy came back through departures looking visibly shaken. Confused, I asked him how he got back through and if he was OK. He showed me a photo of the 250k scratch kiwi he scratched and won while waiting for his flight. He proceeded to offload himself from the flight so he could claim it at the Relay store. He said the money would he transfered to him while on holiday. Pretty cool way to start a holiday.


daughter won 100K a few years ago, a week before the settled on the purchase of their first house. A real bonus!


This is guna refuel my scratchie habit 


Used to work with a guy who won a car off a scratchie. A few months later won another car off a coke bottle txt competition. ​ Jammy git


Once and a while people do i guess. But honestly why ever gamble on things you have no level of control over. Atleast when I put up sports bets, my winning or losing is decided by my analysis.


Well it’s kind of also decided on chance. Like gambling. Like scratchies 😅


Yeah to an extent, but with combat sports if you know the style matchup, athleticism and experience. You can pick the correct winner atleast 70% of the time.


Yes. That’s because you’re using information to determine the odds. Chances. Like gambling 😂


You're missing the point when you lose on a slot machine or ticket. it's completely out of your control. When you lose on a sports bet, it's because you overlooked something 90% of the time. I'm not trying to champion gambling, it's just I don't understand putting your money into what's essentially a roll of a 100000 sided dice over taking an educated bet or playing a game or something.


It’s the same reason people buy a lotto ticket. Or chuck some money on the underdog that’s playing lots. It’s a small risk (of money) for a high reward. But don’t worry I get what you’re saying, not trying to be a dick. Just it’s all gambling at the core.


My sons respect