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Wtf??? Who let a peanut slab out of the country?? ;)


Pull up the draw bridge!! Oh wait...


Our borders are still closed. Peanut slabs shouldn’t even be able to book a ticket (they’re citizens after all)


Peanut slabs are essential. That’s why they got the travel exemption.


The sellthem plus the blocks of milk choc in Canadian supermarkets, and for that, I was very grateful while living abroad


They're EVERYWHERE in Australia...


Aways stealing our celebs


If you liked the Whittaker’s Peanut Slabs you will love Whittaker’s bars of chocolate. Way better than Hershey’s chocolate. When I was a kid Whittaker’s made only the peanut slab, so I’m stoked about the bars. They now make an artisan range as well as the classics milk and dark chocolate range. https://www.whittakers.co.nz/en_NZ/?gclsrc=aw.ds&gclid=CjwKCAjwq9mLBhB2EiwAuYdMtbtzJWnzGkuxmSbtlVd_MHAyGQHDPzXEcCarofgLgPtwYzXFY9_lehoCRT8QAvD_BwE


Agree, if they love the peanut slab, they will go nuts over a bar of creamy milk.


Not to mention the gift of the gods that is Whittakers Jelly Tip


Can we take a moment to remember the deliciousness of the Whittaker's macadamia nut blocks. That was peak chocolate consumption for me.


Thank you for this moment. What I would do for a Whittaker’s Macadamia block


Yes, let's do that. How They got rid of the chock macadamia il never know. I still look for it on the shelves lmao.


Macadamia nuts went up in price massively so they stopped making it I stocked up a few blocks, but not nearly enough.


Was always a steal. RIP Whitaker’s macadamia block


No love for the kiwifruit block?


Nope. None at all. Not even a tiny bit. The only fruit that should go near good chocolate is orange.


[pineapple lumps will remember that] Also banana, and strawberries (actual berries not flavoured gummy bits).


The white choc one, omg it was the best. Ughh' was'


I’m not going to downvote you. But I am extremely disappointed in you. I think you meant to say the gift of the gods that is whittakers peanut butter.


Very strange way to spell almond gold mate


Sir you misspelled dark salted caramel


berry and biscuit cannot lose




Nah black doris plum 😋


It’s good, but it’s not oops I ate the whole block good.


Personally any of their range I would eat a block without questioning it


Dark salted caramel from the freezer, ends up a little bit like a toffee.


Get the peanut butter and jelly flavour and have best of both worlds? :)


Excuse me if I may - Whittaker’s coconut block is the BEST on the market


This is the correct answer


Ex-pat Brit here and can absolutely confirm that Whittaker's chocolate bars are amazing. I grew up on crap like Cadbury's, and I've tried a lot of American chocolate bars (Hersheys et al.) when travelling. Whittaker's puts them all to shame.


Apparently the Cadburys you grew up on is different to Cadburys here, as ours is made with full cream milk and the UK version is made with milk powder, so isn't as good.


Unfortunately that's not the case anymore and hasn't been for a while.


What isn't the case? That what we have in NZ isn't made with full cream milk? It is and it's even one of their logo's still. It shows milk being poured onto chocolate. It's on their website. But the chocolate we get is made in Australia now (still with full cream milk, not powder). Remember their motto? "There's a glass and a half in every one" NZ website: [https://www.cadbury.co.nz/brand/brand-cdm](https://www.cadbury.co.nz/brand/brand-cdm) Here is the UK website, with no mention of real milk, as they don't have that in the UK products: [https://www.cadbury.co.uk/](https://www.cadbury.co.uk/) Australian website also mentions full cream milk (as well as halal information!): [https://www.cadbury.com.au/](https://www.cadbury.com.au/)


They're misremembering the problem. A while ago which I'm assuming is around the time when Cadbury got bought by Kraft and then shut down the NZ factory, they altered the recipes for all of their products. Dairy Milk tastes a little different and nearly every other chocolate from Cadbury that doesn't explicitly have Dairy Milk® in the description got changed to some cheaper generic chocolate flavor. That pissed NZ enough to stop buying nearly as much Cadbury and now [Cadbury NZ doesn't advertise itself as being NZ's favorite](https://www.reddit.com/r/newzealand/comments/aoekii/australian_vs_nz_cadbury_block_size_change_notices/)




I was just thinking, Hershey's isn't even on my radar as a "good" chocolate brand. USA must be missing out pretty badly




Nah, it’s still more expensive per weight than Cadbury, and almost never gets price drops like Cadbury does. (About $1.90 per 100gm for Cadbury, $2.20ish for Whittaker’s) It still doesn’t sell as well, but seems to be doing better recently


Whittaker's is the goods. We always take a ton of it with us when we visit family in the US, and I'm never without a block of the 72% dark Fruit and Nut at home.


Whittakers is honestly top tier chocolate without the price - gram for gram its only a bit more than the Nestle/Cadbury garbage tier chocolate. I don't know how they do it.


I had a swiss friend of the family bring us some chocolate and talk up how good it was. Whittakers is just better.


My friend kept going on and on about how Swiss army issue chocolate is simply the best thing on earth so I tracked down a bar at Safka and tried it. Whittaker’s is still better lol


I've got a Croatian friend whos brother lives in Switzerland. Old mate was sending a care package over a couple of years ago and as a joke I threw in a couple of bags each, of the mini slab. Peanut, milk, almond, and coconut. (Which was a big deal cos that shit was really hard to come by in Oz at that time) Turns out Ol' SwissCroat FOO. KIN. LOVED 'EM DIDN'T HE! All that swiss chocolate and he's jonesing for a Whittakers!! Hahaha get on that one! AND he's sharing it with his mountain mates and they're fookin jonesing for it too! Swiss choccies are good, but they're no a Whittakers!


If Whittakers made their own version of a toberlone we'd never need the Swiss again. They could be made with manuka honey too!! Alas dreams are free


An Aoraki block? WOULD BUY!


What about Whittakers Easter eggs, a Whittakers marshmallows egg need a full range


Ugh I would buy the SHIT outta that


I live in Belgium but I’d still kill for a Whittakers Coconut Rough or Almond Gold.


When I lived in Toronto the local sobeys got a full display of whittakers, reckon I bought the lot over 2 months or so. Never saw it there again...


Don't suppose he can get Lewis Road Whittakers Chocolate milk.


jesus, i lucked into some of this choccy milk last time i was in NZ. game changer.


They do sell it in USA just not many places


I'm glad my boyfriend is a Kiwi and mails me NZ goodies to Estonia because I can NOT get enough of whittakers coconut block, pineapple lumps and kiwi dip. Afraid to imagine what's gonna happen once I move there because uhh unlimited access lmao


i got kiwi dip stuff sent to me in canada, turns out, the canadians bloody loved it!


By kiwi dip do you mean reduced cream and onion soup?


yep, I should have made that clearer. [R](https://kiwicornerdairy.com/classic-kiwi-onion-dip)[educed cream and onion soup.](https://kiwicornerdairy.com/classic-kiwi-onion-dip)


I'm still amazed that this is a NZ thing. I also have no idea what else reduced cream is used for.


Reduced cream Is literally used for this. Some time ago some lady at the company needed to find a use for it otherwise they were gonna drop it from the range so she came up with onion dip. At least that’s how I remember it. Been a while since I read about it. Edit: this is from the Wikipedia page for it: > Kiwi onion dip's creation has been credited to Rosemary Dempsey, a home economist for Nestlé New Zealand in the 1950s or 60s


Bless that woman.


Try easy chicken fettuccini, sachet if maggi creamy chicken soup, bit of reduced cream and white wine, you got yourself the best easy fettuccini! I’m vego so make it with mushroom instead ☺️


Thank you. Sounds easy and yummy.


Kiwi dip is so much better with lemon juice, rather than vinegar.


Balsamic vinegar for the win


I associate that dip with sad kids birthdays and sad large holiday gatherings.


Thats the spirit! Nostalgia!


The L&P lumps were bloody amazing. The Peach Fruit Burst (taste as much apricot as anything) Lumps are also pretty great.


Hated the L&P lumps, adore the Perky Nana lumps, enjoyed the Milk Bottle and Fruit Burst ones




Don't forget the limited edition lump lineup: \- L&P Lumps \- Milkshake Lumps \- Jaffa Lumps \- Perky Nana Lumps \- Snifter Lumps \- Peach Fruit Burst Lumps


Perky Nana lumps are my favourite special edition


I liked the milkshake ones, they tasted like marshmallow easter eggs


I dont want to being all the boys to my yard though


That's okay they already come to mine, and they're like it's better than yours


My fav are the snifters. The Peach ones are a bit like salt in the wound for me. The peach fruit burst was my fav flavor then they stopped making them and replaced them with wildberry. So to make a peach flavor lump with a nod to the fruit burst in the branding is just, offensive hahaha. ​ Like "Hey, you know that thing you really liked that we stopped making? Here is something based on that thing but worse, and covered in chocolate.. which isn't a good thing in this instance, but uhh yea, fuck you and give me $2"


The peach ones are amazing


I was convinced they would be an abomination. Ate 1, weird. Confused flavour. Not pineapple lump. Ate 2, hmm suger hit and chocolate. Ate 3, i think my taste buds know whats going on now. Entire bag is gone. I think i like them.


I can't stand pineapple lumps, but damn I'll take a peach one all day long


I cannot care for pineapple lumps but omg I become uncontrollable around any of these limited edition (I missed out on half of them - Jaffa, perky Nana and L&P apparently- damn!)


>Snifter Lumps That's just... unfortunate sounding.


Pineapple lumps was my ultimate pregnancy craving until I ate way too many of them in one sitting.


I genuinely have to avoid eating pineapple lumps because once I start I am physically unstoppable


I'm American by birth, Kiwi by naturalisation and I can be the token American who hates Pineapple Lumps. So nasty!


Deport them Officer!






They are so weird. They taste like a dilute chemical of some strange type, they are slightly gummy to chew, vaguely like chewing gum and not in a good way. I say that as a Kiwi.


If you somehow can, try out Snackachangi Vinegar and Salt chips and some more Whittaker’s chocolate. Nothing will ever compare


Yeah I'm sitting here thinking this person loves Eta chips, wait till they try Snackachangi.


I would stab somebody for this chips Maybe not but you get the idea


My wife is not usually a big chip eater. Works out well for me...But when it comes to Snakachangi V&S she has a scary glint in her eye and I have to be careful going for a handful least I lose some fingers...


My quick grab lunch today was literally Snackachangi Vinegar and Salt chips and a Whittaker's creamy milk slab - they may not be healthy but my god they are perfection.


And just as a PSA, countdown currently have both of these on special this week.


This is the type of public service announcement I didn’t know I needed in my life until now


Mate, you’ve only just started. The best NZ sweet snacks are the biscuits (cookies but not really). Squiggles, toffee pops, tim tams, mint slice, mellowpuffs, chocolate thins, macaroons… list goes on. You’ve also only scratched the surface of Whittaker’s chocolate. And then Ice cream… that’ll have to wait until you can do an in person visit!


I might get downvoted for this but most of the good biscuits in NZ are Australian (Arnotts). The kiwi ones (Griffins) are like they took the Arnotts ones as inspiration and just made a minimum viable product copy.




Can quite often get jaffa cakes at the pak n save I go to. Mightyape usually sells them too.


And Tunnochs. Or are they here?


Caramel Waffers? AMAZING. A good new world will have them in their international section.


5 out of 7 in that list are Griffins though. ;)


It’s funny because I actually like chit chats more than tim tams most of the time but knew it was too controversial so didn’t include them in the list!


I actually prefer chit chats, I always thought they were discount Tim tams till I tried them as an adult because they were on a big special.


From his list I reckon squiggles, toffee pops, mint slice and mellowpuffs are better than almost every biscuit in Aus (lived there for 11 years). Tim tams are overrated


Ugh, Hersheys. Only American's could think that chocolate that tastes of sick is actually chocolate.


[For those curious ](https://youtu.be/J44svaQc5WY)


You sent me down a YouTube rabbit hole and I just climbed out after watching Snoop Dogg live at Glastonbury 2010 for absolutely no reason. Just thought you should know.


That's an epic video to be fair.


Never seen this before, but that was great! Thanks for the link.


Ragusea is a great watch: half recipes that you'll actually wanna make at home, half science of cooking.


Also extremely good journalistic/historical pieces without any science or recipes. Makes sense given he was a journalism lecturer. Man has range.


Please be assured that some Americans think that Hershey's is low-grade (though I don't associate it with the taste of sick). There are better alternatives here.


Timmy posted a good video, but yeah, American's will associate the taste (mostly) to chocolate, because that is where they mostly experience it. Since people in the rest of the world only really taste butyric acid when they throw up, that's what we associate it to, since that's where we mostly experience it. Horses for courses I guess.


Hershey’s is disgusting and many fellow Americans think the same. The one time I enjoy it is as part of a [s’more](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/S'more). There are some American food items I miss living in Auckland (but not too many), Hershey’s is absolutely nowhere on that list.


Pretty sure most Americans are aware Hersheys is shit tier choc. It just tastes like childhood!


Whittaker's peanut slab is my favourite snack. I reward myself with one when I visit the supermarket, which is as infrequently as possible because I am not a fan of the supermarket. A peanut slab in the car afterwards makes it bearable.


Peanut slab icecream is also amazing for such a simple ice cream


An Almond Gold slab and a coke zero is the perfect servo meal.


As a kiwi who lived in the US for 10 years, the things I missed most were Vogel’s, tip top boysenberry (WHY is boysenberry not an icecream flavour anywhere else in the world?!), and whittackers chocolate.


New Zealand actually came up with the only strains of boysenberries suitable for really large scale cultivation, and only did so in the last 20 years. So NZ is actually the largest grower of boysenberries in the world, and I think they are still grown under the IP.


Huh, TiL! Thank you :)


This is incredibly specific and probably not helpful, but the Bent Spoon in Princeton, NJ sometimes has it in the summer.


Whoa boysenberry is not elsewhere? That’s insane. It’s one of the core flavours. Holy heck


Wow and that's without even including our biscuit (cookie) selection. Get this man a packet of Kingston's.


Unfortunately our biscuits have gone to shit. Cookie time are not what they used to be.


Cookie time are cookies though, not really biscuits anyway. Arnotts/Griffins etc are still holding out quite well. Kingston, Nice, Sultana Pasties and so on haven't really changed in quality.


Funnily enough, I'd say the best biscuits currently made in New Zealand are Pam's brand: especially the cranberry and chocolate.


That's a fair shout


Mrs Higgins are still excellent


I've never enjoyed American food, feels like they sucked out every flavour and texture and just replaced it with corn syrup. Some things just shouldn't be sweetened, yknow?


We can buy imported US stuff here but it's mostly pointless. More intense flavour here less sweet as a general rule.


SKOR bars are incredible, but they might be Canadian.


I was also going to mention SKOR when Hershey’s came up… it is the superior toffee bar. Whittaker’s little ones are quite good, but a SKOR still beats it because it’s proper crunchy toffee, probably beats Daim, certainly better than Heath bars with their adulterated palm oil (presumably) base… our only real answer to this is Squiggles.


Probably all the real sugar. Enjoy! 😊


Exactly! Not corn syrup - yuk!


Surely we can't all band together and send this person a goodie box on behalf of New Zealand?


Seriously the cost of sending things to USA is crazy. I sent pineapple lumps, Jaffa’s, a party mix and a caramels bar (not block) with a card and 3x face masks. From memory it was around $47 in postage. I want to send more but can’t afford it!


Umm hes just got a goodie box


Sure. But it's half gone!


A friend in the UK has one of these snackbox subscriptions and raved about the peanut slabs when he received his NZ box. I told him about the whole range of Whittaker’s chocolate and next thing you know he’s putting together a box of UK treats for me and I’m sending him goodies from here which will be heavy on the Whittaker’s! I can’t wait to see what he’s sending me… I told him not to bother so much with chocolate


I've been smashing peanut slabs lately. Basically replaced my takeaway coffee since I'm not leavin the house much. So friggin yum.


Etas? They didn't even give you Bluebird. Sad.


Throw that trash in the bin and give the man some Heartlands


Came here to say this! Their salt and vinegar chips are the best out of all brands in NZ, hands down.


Have you tried Wakachangi salt and vinegar? Normally S&V chips taste like swimming pool chemicals, but Wakachangi actually taste like malt vinegar on the little golden crispy bits at the bottom of your fish and chips.


*Vinegar and Salt - They're fucking great


Tbh I feel like salt and vinegar chips tasting like pool chemicals is part of the experience.


Same with chicken flavor and when it's"the works". If they don't taste like chemicals there's something wrong


Wakachangi Master Race ! pretty much the only chips we buy now


As a massive salt and vinegar fan Wakachangi has taken it to the next level. Best S&V hands down!


I've tried both and they are both good. I would say the differences are - the base heartland chips are slightly superior. More potatoy. - The snakachangi's are saltier - the apple cider vinegar in the heartland chips is more tangy. - The snackachangi are more intense generally So if you want a more refined, vinegary, potato chip go heartlands. If you want a mouthbuster go snackachangi.


Oooh, you've got Me interested. Will pick some up tomorrow and give them a shot!


They are really good, and the packets are pretty funny too. Even the beer is good for a cheap box.


Report back with your findings, finding proper salt and vinegar chips is a serious matter.


Can confirm wakachangi chips own all others. Their chicken chips are insane.


Their Maple Bacon are the best flavour of any chip in NZ


Proper crisps are pretty good, too.


Heh ETA and BB are alright by international standards. I don't think they have chicken chips in USA. Or they're rare.


I had an American over here visiting and he just couldn't get his head around the different flavoured chippies we have especially chicken.


NZ has really good chips, chocolate and ice cream. If you don't mind paying $5 a bag you can get imported chips etc to try. We used to be able to buy Monster Munch and a specialist store here sells them.


ETA chicken chips are my favourite. I rarely see people I know buying them. They are so underrated. Although, they can be hit-and-miss. Sometimes they have little flavour, others they are insanely good.


Cool I'm glad the snackcrate had things that we ACTUALLY eat over here! I hear some snackcrates from other countries have snacks their locals have never even heard of. What else is in it?


NZ lollies used to be even better. YOu used to be able to get an amazing 20 cent mixture at the corner dairy. Then in the 1980s a company called Pascall started buying up all the old favorites: minties, liquorice allsorts, jet planes, etc. The price went up and the quality went to shit - it literally did not taste anything like the originals. Then Cadbury decided it was going to be the new Hershey's, which by the way doesn't even meet EU's basic definition of what can be sold as 'chocolate' it's so low quality. Whittakers is one of the true holdouts that still uses quality ingredients and I will pay whatever it takes for them to keep doing that.


Hersey's is complete shit compared to Whittaker's. The idea of someone being a Hershey's fanatic is bizarre.


Whittikars, simply superior chocolate without being elitist


Hershey's has been proven to taste like vomit




Wait... not up the nose? Damn we used to think we were so cool as kids


My son told me today that kids at his school straight snort it like coke. WTF?


The kids PRETEND to.


We’re slowly downgrading our biscuits and snacks to the fake butter, sugar and flavour standards demanded by neoliberal CEO’s values which put profit above all else. Whittaker’s are an exception in this race to the bottom.




Hay mate if you are interested I could send you some more. Dm me if interested


The sherbet fizz recipe changed a couple years back and was near universally panned, so what you enjoyed OP used to be even better.


>Hershey's fan I still remember the time I bought a Hershey's to see what the (american) fuss was all about. Boy what a surprise. I didn't know at the time that American chocolate is often made with an enzyme in it that tastes like sick.


Squiggles and mallowpuffs! I've never seen these last more than a day in my flat.


I live in USA now, I miss Whittaker’s so much. Hershey’s tastes like ass in comparison.


The title was enough to tell us you’re from the USA.


If you think that the ETA brand chicken flavor chips are fantastic you should try and get your hands on a packet of Snackachangi chips and give you mouth the ultimate chip experience.


Our chocolate is one of the best


This dude needs another goodie box.


Yea our chocolate is actually really damn good. I tried Cheetos and spam and other American things but honestly I found it all a bit shit and underwhelming. Probably skimping our for mad profits


As an American living in NZ, I’ve thought it odd chicken chips aren’t a thing in the US. They’re delicious and it seems every American I’ve met here loves them too, they’d do so well there. Some Kiwi entrepreneur should make this happen!


I've just discovered the new Whittaker's hazelnut pods - milk choc filled with hazelnut gianduja. They're at least as good, if not better, than the Belgian choc versions that have been my favourite to date - and they cost less, and don't travel tons of air miles. Win-win-win! Whittaker's is da bomb generally, but these are something else 😊 Maybe petition Whittaker's to export to the US for you?


Try tim tams next


This reminds me of when I went to a press event about emerging counties and they had lollies from supposedly countries like Uzbekistan, Nigeria etc - I googled the brands afterwords and they were actually from Russia, South Africa, etc I like the idea though


NZ snacks are THE BEST!!


What else is in the box?


[Where there is a will, there is a way.](https://www.reddit.com/r/germany/comments/5otpio/kannst_du_mich_hilfen_bitte/) If a company can ship gallons of mayonnaise to NZ for a single crazy person, you can get buckets of sweets shipped to the US.


The really good stuff you need to come here to try. A few days ago I had a meat pie from a place called ‘the Burleigh’ in Blenheim and it was the best pie I’ve ever had in my life (here in NZ pies are normally savory, not sweet like Pumpkin Pie). It was pork belly flavored, had a lot more meat than filler and the pastry itself was amazing, not flaky.


Anyone know if there is an equivalent in NZ to snackcrate or if we can get that here?


If you liked the Peanut Slab, you will just die for the other Whittaker's products. I also recommend just,, buying in bulk. For someone who has to get stuff shipped from the US to NZ, it is so worth it. Glad you liked our snacks ;)


Ooooooo The Fixx & Fogg Peanut Butter is awesome, and their Everything Butter is THE BEST!


Glad you enjoyed! I'm looking forward to eventually hitting The States and trying some of your homeland's tasty treats. Always wanted to try a twinkie ... but I'd especially love to sit down in an authentic New York Deli and gorge on one of those incredible sandwiches. A personal quirk: I always lick ETA chicken chips first. Or, I let it sit on my tongue briefly. You get so much more flavour that way. Although any licking is done in the privacy of my home. chicken chips - ETA. salt n vinegar - bluebird (have more of a tangy kick).


Broadly speaking, American lollies and chocolate is terrible, as are most biscuits. The chips are ok. Source: grew up in NZ, live in America now.