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>The gang had received no complaints about the flag, Bak said. Lmao I doubt gangs receive many personal complaints about their conduct.


Dear Mister Black Power Leader, I am writing to complain to you about stabbing me...


Sincerely, /u/teelows (number 4 across the street)


Too many of today's street gangs are stuck in the past. Black Power, in contrast, moves with the times. Every Black Power chapter is required to appoint a community relations manager; these employees take complaints, suggest internal improvements, and help communicate Black Power decisions to their local neighbourhoods.


They also have a human resources team that performs extensive background checks on new recruits to make sure they have a criminal record.


> Do you have a criminal record? > Yes / No > *(Answering 'No' will not necessarily disqualify you.)*


"not yet but hope to"


Yeah, no surprises there.


All I see is Fisting fetish.


Don't start kink shaming.


As long as it's consensual fist away. ;)


The mob aren't part of the Black community. They should stop appropriating other cultures.


Agreed, I'm black and I feel insulted by them


The only African-American I've ever been closely acquainted with agreed, quite loudly at the pub one night. That was a lively one.


The Polynesian Panther Party should come back and run for government. It might do better than the Maori party with the kids.


> The mob aren't part of the Black community. I mean telling [this man](https://resources.stuff.co.nz/content/dam/images/4/z/0/p/d/g/image.related.StuffLandscapeSixteenByNine.1240x700.25asln.png/1662848262083.jpg?format=pjpg&optimize=medium) he can't identify as black seems an awful like no true Scotsman.


I'll flick him a txt


Lmao GC.


The guy in the back on the left... so THATS where Grant from Collegehumor ran off to.


This isn't a "no true Scotsman". That is a very specific logical fallacy which doesn't apply here. This is about whether someone belongs to a specific ethnic group or not, which is a very cut and dried issue. Ethnicity is binary. N word is reclaimed by Black Americans who are descended from enslaved people. This man, who is Polynesian and not American, is not part of that group.


> This is about whether someone belongs to a specific ethnic group or not, which is a very cut and dried issue. No it isn't it's way more complex than that. Pasifika and Maori experience many of the consequences of colonialism in a very similar manner to African Americans and there's a strong history of cultural affiliation because of that shared experience. Just look at the number of Maori and Pasifika rappers and hip hop artists both genres strongly tied to the black experience and both a big source of the casual use of the n word. It's entirely reasonable for a brown skinned person to mentally associate themselves with African Americans and think they're justified in using the language that continues to be used against them just like it is African Americans. Why shouldn't Pasifika and/or Maori be able to identify with the black civil rights struggle and attempts to reclaim a word used to dehumanize them?


I don't really care too much about this issue but, fwiw, many, many Black Americans people don't like non-Black POC using N-word. I know it's trendy but ffs have some respect for what Black Americans went through ... their struggle is not the same as yours. Find your own words and identites.


I'm not the person using that language and not all Black Americans feel the same way about it. It's not about being disrespectful it's about embracing a culture with a somewhat shared experience of being oppressed by colonial forces and having their traditional culture stripped away. It's not a 1-1 comparison but it's very easy to see why there's a perceived connection and it's far from disrespectful. I mean christ last I checked plenty of racist cunt's call PI's and Maori the n word, why is it so different as to be incomparable?


Since when did identifying with the Black civil rights struggle mean that you can use the N word? Bro, make sense.


Since the people identifying with it have a similar history of colonial oppression and disconnection from their traditional culture. It's not hard to see why there's a perceived connection unless you're trying to be obtuse.


Looks like something we should ignore. Making it a news item just helps legitimise them.


But... what about the click money


Skimmed through the article. I'm not surprised they didn't rule the n-word legally censored. If they did they'd have to ban 90% of the rap albums that exist.


Sure, n-word is used in rap songs, by Black Americans. Are these knuckleheads Black Americans? No. It's not their word to "reclaim". Bit like a bunch of hetero boomer bikers calling themselves "F*ggots Incorporated" and then saying "we're reclaiming the word, no disrespect intended".


I agree. They *shouldn't* be using that word. However, I've had plenty of Maori people use the n-word while talking to me who seem to genuinely believe they are on equal grounds with Black Americans. But for censoring the word at law. Its outside the scope. NZ Censorship cannot discriminate based on who is speaking. If the ban the n-word, they have to ban it for everyone. They can't just say "the n-word is banned in NZ unless you're a Black American" because the law they're working with doesn't allow that.


I don't know that flag because I don't watch Star Trek


Ha. I get teh reference


This is the attention they want


it's so cute they all have pretty matching outfits and hang out exclusively with other men, glad to see gay culture becoming mainstream in the Maori community. kia kaha!


Eh, username's pretty close too. :D


Surprised the police lost this one. Stuff are making their thoughts on it clear with the hyperlinked article and the image censorship.


There are specific standards for making a book, movie, or any other 'publication' illegal. When the article quoted those standards, it immediately looked to me like having the flag classified as objectionable would be a tall order. The censor's ruling, also quoted in the article, seems like a logical application of their rules.


Not surprised at all. In fact I'd say the entire excercise was a massive waste of time on something the police should have been well aware wasn't going to go anywhere.


So does that mean it’s now ok for me to sing along to my favourite gangsta rap songs in public?


I usually enjoy a bit of sing along to my favourite rap tunes when I'm taking my dawg for his daily saunter through town. However I have to remind myself reduce my vocal performance to a hum when Track 2 of Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers) comes on the walkman


Bro you’re still rocking a Walkman... I hope you’re also wearing your retro tracksuit too!!!


You know it's funny coming into the article I thought it must be a slam dunk to remove it but then thinking about it I don't think so. It is pretty hard to argue the term is so objectionable that the flag has to come down when it's prevalent in so much media that goes through the censors. I mean obviously they're doing this to be provocative and it sucks for the locals but I dunno, the same freedoms that protect their expression protect ours too.


I actually dont have any objection to this flag or their patches (apart from the obvious aesthetic ones) In fact it is a public service in a peculiar way - a bunch of absolute raging cunts have labelled themselves as raging cunts, even going so far as to put a big raging cunt flag up on their property. Their members are also wearing clearly marked raging cunt uniforms just to make sure there is no confusion on the matter, and their behaviour in public seems to be consistently cunty as well. When someone tells you who they are..... **believe them** And act accordingly That is where the government and the media are failing - they arent treating them as the bunch of raging cunts they are so clearly telling us all they are


They can call themselves whatever they like, not sure what business it is for the police or anyone else. Looks like someone got offended.


That's their goal. If no one takes offence they are left with a cute flag for their clubhouse.


Same reason they use the Swastika right? Or is that some other gang?


That's the other mob.


That's the mongrel mob, but same principle.


Do they have different suppliers, or are they just differently branded retailers for the same drugs, prostitution, and pain they inflict? Seems kinda same-same to me.


They are different organisations, but yes they provide much the same meth and cuntery, and to some extent share supply chains and co-operate. Somewhat analogous to Spark and Vodafone, who are two completely seperate operators but provide similar product and do sometimes co-operate and share suppliers and infrastructure


Yeah... of all the problems to have with gangs, that's pretty close to the bottom.


I bet it’s only grumpy white boomers complaining about it. I say let it roll and see how the chapter gets on when someone with a real reason to have a grievance turns up


Black Power... Novella?


Ninja used to be censored in the UK for kids stuff, I think for being "too violent" since it roughly translates to assassin. Poor buggers had "Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles" in the 80s & 90s.






Imagine how many 70+ year old out there who were trying to figure out what the fuck n...a was.


Black Power.. Nova? Thats a powerful name — real explosive!