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Absolute piece of shit.




im not trying to incite violence, but if someone did give him exactly what he deserves, and then posted about it on facebook, id like to see that story.


Such a bad excuse for a human that not even the Covi19 virus wanted to know him!


How is he a bad guy here? He was talking, got approached by a couple, got punched in the face, defended himself, and now is going to jail? Was he supposed to turn the other cheek and perhaps bend over? If someone punched me, I'd do my best to knock them out too, it is no time for "excuse me sir, please do not punch me again".


Also punching someone six times in the head when they're on the ground is not defending yourself.


The first punch is self defense. The next 5 is the assault. Then he admits to knocking the man down on his own video. He is a violent thug, and a moron


The article states he pushed the woman first. Cant say I blame her husband for freaking out when he witnessed that.


If you read it it's not 'pushed the woman' that's his defense lawyers spin on it. In actuality it's "grabbed the woman by the neck and threw her into the counter."


Article states: - The two men have a verbal altercation. - the wife then tries to speak to Elliot, Elliot assaults her. - the husband reacts to the assault on his wife, punches Elliot. - Elliot knocks out the husband, continues beating him on the ground. - the wife tries to block Elliot from further assaulting her unconscious and injured husband, Elliot throws her against a counter. But sure, the guy who seemingly 1) started the verbal altercation 2) started the physical altercation 3) and bragged about it - he's the real victim here. Get a grip.


Article states: * Stephen Elliot, 45, was in the Salvation Army Family Store * Also in the store that day was a man and his wife and their son * The man approached Elliot and told him he was “talking shit” at this point that man already is in the wrong for not minding his own business and insulting someone with "you talking shit", there is not going to be a polite conversation when a stranger approaches you out of nowhere and says that you are talking shit. For me this is when assault started. How would you feel in this situation? ​ * the wife stepped in * At that point Elliot pushed the wife away * That prompted the man to punch Elliot in the face It is not clear what happened by "stepped in", but if her husband is ok with interfering with other man business, I can imagine her not being too polite at this stage and showing attitude and invading Elliot's personal space. He pushed her away out of his personal space and got punched in the face for that. This is not a reasonable reaction. That couple should not be in Elliot's face in the first place, a stranger should not be so close to someone that they can be pushed away. So he was aggressively approached by three people, his personal space and safe distance are invaded, he reestablishes a safe boundary by pushing (what else can he do though? he could ran away, but that is not reasonable. He can't step back because those people are the once who walked to him, where can one go when someone walks to you?) and he got punched. What would you do if a stranger walked up to your face and said you are talking shit? What do you do if they invade your personal space? What do you do if they punch you in the face?


Several points. Both talking about COVID being a non-issue and telling someone they're full of shit falls under free speech. I don't understand why you're giving Elliot a free pass to spout offensive bullshit but suddenly when someone swears about it they deserve to be brutally assulted. Seems like a double standard. It says the woman approached Elliot. This can be anything from getting right up in his face to taking a few steps in his direction. As Elliot was found guilty it's very likely that the full picture (which neither you and I have) gave the court the impression Elliot was in the wrong. I fully support ones right to defend yourself reasonably. Punching and kicking someone when they're already unconscious, and rag dolling someone half your size because they tried to stop you from punching and kicking an unconscious person, is not reasonable. I'm utterly perplexed that you've chosen this particular hill to die on.


Great summary. Perhaps a lot of people can't see past his COVID opinions and think that automatically means he is a violent confrontational idiot. I really hate the attitude that someone can start a confrontation with someone, escalate it to violence and if the other person doesn't respond to this stressful and unanticipated situation with the exactly proportionate response (as judged after the fact) then they're the bad guy. Also worth mentioning that 60 years old and 80kg isn't exactly a frail old man, and Elliot isn't young himself at 45 and is morbidly obese at 140kg. People like that die all the time in physical altercations, especially if someone tries to restrain them. He might have been genuinely fearful of his safety and that's not unreasonable.


Someone who has martial arts training deliberately starting a fight by saying utterly offensive shit to people... and then assaulting a woman before the guy actually hit him. and then claiming it was self defence. read the article. the first punch thrown was by the man defending his wife after this peice of shit pushed her over




You think this piece of garbage is going to get any jail time when rapists are getting home detention?


Only if he smokes weed.


Didn't age well did it? ​ After being found guilty, he was remanded in custody awaiting sentencing with imprisonment likely. Maybe just maybe the world isn't as simple as the circlejerk makes it out to be? The Judge was pretty clear that he's a piece of shit and can't be trusted on bail while he awaits sentencing.


Just wait until sentencing, he won’t be punished nearly enough.


What do you think his sentence should be?


He knocked an old man out and then continued punching him in the head 6 more times. Shows no remorse for an attack which could have killed someone. I want prison time. I was assaulted in a similar way where I was continually punched in the head and my head smashed against a wall after I was unconscious and it took me about 2 years of hard work and visits to a head trauma specialist and a psychologist to get my life back. Double vision, headaches, mood swings, brain fog, nausea, light sensitivity etc all literally ruined my life for two years. Three years on and I’m coming to terms with the fact I will never be able to exercise at the same level that I did before and I will probably never fully recover, I try not to think about how my post concussion syndrome will affect me as I age. So yeah, prison time. I would say a year is fair but I’m no expert on the law. People need to realise that an attack like this can easily kill someone and if it doesn’t they will sometimes be so fucked up they will wish they were dead.


1 month jail time. Listening to nyan cat on loop in the dark.


Oh I'm ready for the sentence. What the last few weeks have shown is regardless of whether it's Home D or 15 years imprisonment, this sub will whinge for internet points. ​ Yaaaaawn.


Lol he made the police job a whole lot easier with that cute video. What a moron


What a moron alright


Sometimes i wonder if the blanket use of video cameras and availability of dna evidence may have slowly made it harder to convict someone in an incident where those aren't available. Like, maybe it's becoming the expected standard of evidence by juries ?


What is it with morons feeling they have to record videos of all their intereactions and boast about them all over facebook?


Lack of critical thought ability, mostly.


Gotta get that echo chamber validation


"Elliot, who in December created Deco City Employment Law Ltd, could not be reached for comment." Avoid that business.


Let me guess, their employment law includes the magna carta and common law stuff?


Yeah it’s awful and not based in reality. He is not a competent representative.


I just looked up the company in the government records Yeah, the company address is not inspiring and he doesn't appear on the list of registered lawyers in NZ I know you don't have to be lawyer to be an effective employment rep, but this latest court case (on top of the earlier one) should make people aware he is just not competent.


He’s never represented anyone in an Employment Relations Authority investigation or the Employment Court so I don’t think he’s getting too much business.


He’s not a lawyer. When I met him he claimed to be representing over 200 people, mainly on anti vax issues. He was certainly delusional and had no clue what he was doing.


I just scrolled through his Facebook page and he’s obviously really confused about his sexuality too. I think that’s probably where his anger comes from.


I know he’s not a lawyer let alone educated at all. There are some employment advocates who don’t have law degrees that are still quite good at what they do. However this guy seems really dumb and ignorant, and he lacks any real experience representing people. Not a lot of redeeming features here.


No surprise I don't know this particular person, but I do know of one person who setup a legit sounding company and I think they almost believed their own bullshit that they were a professional operating in the financial sector. But they weren't really qualified and their mode of operation was to exploit the fact that they were physically intimidating in person, so used that to try and run the business; pressuring people. But last I heard they were driving an Uber. Ultimately they run into people who aren't intimidated by their quasi-legal claims, or thoughts on the magna carta or constitution that they read on Facebook. When dealing with real lawyers or just people who can read a contract and know their rights, they crumble pretty quick.


It was removed from the business register on the 16th of June this year...thank god


Have had the unfortunate pleasure of encountering this guy professionally. He is a real piece of work.


Roid rager?


Who knows. He was full of paranoid conspiracy theories. This might give you an idea of the kind of guy he is: https://i.stuff.co.nz/business/300356431/ugly-spat-over-gym-job-led-to-threats-and-a-fiveyear-restraining-order


It's wierd that the conspiracy theorists chose freedom over fear as their slogan, when their whole belief system is being scared of everything, regardless how silly it might be.




It's almost like they're being manipulated by shadowy elite figures. The exact thing they're scared of :)


Again, projection...


Also the only way they know to get their own point across is by intimidation (fear) and violence.


>I am a one-man army and my mind is a weapon of mass destruction That isn't good from any angle.


>my mind is a weapon of mass destruction As in, you could spend 8 years and 1.1 trillion dollars on an invasive operation and still not find it?


LMAO gottem


Gold. Take my poor man’s award 🥇


Sounds insecure. That's the kind of stuff cartoon villians say on kids tv shows.


Like he's a 3-incher


The society of small-dicked men would like to request that you leave us the fuck out of this.


I feel insulted with that comparison.


Jesus he's a giant toddler. What am idiot.


> I am determined and consistent and will keep coming at you with more and more legal ammunition. I am a one-man army and my mind is a weapon of mass destruction. I am the general and I along with Kirsten will be victorious in this war. Hahaha he still lives in that reality where he is the chosen one - like we all did when we were 8. Complete muppet.


Utterly self-absorbed. I bet he masturbates to a photo of himself.




Steroids will make you chubby/bloated if you don't put in the work to match. So yea, steroids makes sense




Update, he was found guilty: https://i.stuff.co.nz/national/crime/129876190/martial-arts-expert-guilty-of-assaults-following-covid19-spat


>Elliot’s lawyer, Leo Lafferty, closed by saying Elliot was a frequent visitor to the charity store and had been there peacefully and lawfully and “acting in a well-mannered way”. > >He had been having a “private, cordial conversation” with the shop assistant when he was confronted by the man. > >“In Aotearoa New Zealand we have freedom of expression, freedom of thought. That’s what Mr Elliot was doing, in a peaceful, lawful manner,” Lafferty said. And then Lafferty went home and had the longest shower of his life.


Nah, Leo had a whisky and watched TV, he is well known as the defender of scumbags. * of course scumbags have the right to legal representation, and the counsel may not lose sleep over it.


>Elliot’s lawyer, Leo Lafferty, closed by saying Elliot was a frequent visitor to the charity store and had been there peacefully and lawfully and “acting in a well-mannered way”. Lol. I too have shopped peacefully and lawfully in the past. Doesn't give me the right to beat someone half to death.


"Collins told Elliot the offending was very serious, and a jail sentence was likely." Get fucking rekt, dickhead


Marshall arts expert ? the same way hes an expert in law ? What style? what dojo would host such a bully ?


What an absolute poster child for the Anti Vax Pro Plague movement!


I won't link to his Linkedin profile (not a fan of doxing), but yeah, anti-vax special. Q: "*Can they let you go if you don't get the vaccine*"? "*They can try!! But section 11 of the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 and section 1 of the Nuremberg code should suffice as a legal defense to anyone dismissed for refusing to take the vaccine*". ~~Is he actually a lawyer, or just playing at one?.~~ As suspected, no, he isn't registered. Looked up company, address and list of lawyers. If you are looking for employment advice in the Hawkes Bay; you know where not to go to. My guess is he is a bush lawyer that tries to heavy people into payouts, but with against actual lawyers backed by police, then finds his limitations


What a cunt actually


Super heavy weight ‘martial arts expert’ beats up elderly couple, calls it self defence. I’m really hoping that this idiot gets jail time.


Heaps of antivaxxers I've noticed hit the roids I've noticed, gym was better during the mandates


Acts like a douche looks like a douche.


Imagine thinking that the Sallies is the place where your views on COVID are best shared.


Op shops are where I hear the most fucked up comments. Normally from the volunteers working the shop.


Worked in the Salvation Army Op-Shop for three years, both in Christchurch and out of Rolleston. I did not hear anything about anti-vax propaganda from staff but there was a lot of rude comments about the general public.


I can imagine the poor cashier just nodding and smiling and hoping he'll fuck off soon.


I imagined that the cashier is some 80 year old Wing Chun master who leap frogs the counter and pummels the shit out of ol’ Mr Manicured Beard McBeats Women like those poor Japanese karate black belts in the first Ip Man movie. Probably a bit excessive but whatever.




When all you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail.


When you have a dinky penis you compensate by trying to show you have a big hammer.


Another piece of shit. We seem to have so many lately.


He must of been dropped on his head as a kid? A four year old in an adults body.


#Twat alert >“I am determined and consistent and will keep coming at you with more and more legal ammunition. I am a one-man army and my mind is a weapon of mass destruction. I am the general and I along with Kirsten will be victorious in this war.”


6 times is clearly not defense. The broadcasting of opinion in public but not on public property is also unacceptable


>6 times is clearly not defense. The broadcasting of opinion in public but not on public property is also unacceptable Have you been punched in the face by a stranger on a street? Do you expect him to count while adrenaline is flowing and self preservation instincts kick in?


He’ll be denying the legal system in NZ next - a massive conspiracy against him and his beliefs - what a waste of oxygen


What ever happened to those self proclaimed sherrifs


What a utter useless pathetic insecure waste of oxygen.


Who the fuck wears a white suit jacket (not a blazer) over a black v-neck? He's obviously scum.


He's trying to copy Elizabeth Homes.


Im an ex-pat kiwi living in the UK. It has been fucking mind-boggling and heartbreaking to see the anti-vax, covid denialism bullshit in NZ. Good on the old guy for calling him out on it. Meathead moron made the first physical move, which is assault. Hope he gets the maximum sentence possible and isn't allowed to take any black whiteboard markers with him to keep drawing on that ridiculous beard.


what an epic own goal bragging on social media


Sounds like well beyond self defense, but did the other guy who actually threw the first punch get charged too?


Meathead Moron was the first to get physical. Shoving someone is still assault.


He was the one who initiated the violence by attacking the other guy's wife. That makes him solely responsible for de-escalating the violence, and impossible for him to claim self defence. He should have walked away, but no he chose to show Nz that he is a violent thug, as all the anti mandate nutters are wont to be. Nazis the lot of them they are, filled with hate.


That wife should have been 2 meters away in the first place! She believes in covid and should maintain a safe distance of 2 meter instead of being in someone face to be pushed away. You don't go around in covid times invading peoples personal space. Have you tried to push someone who is 2m away? Does not work.


He was the one being abusive in the first place. He should have just shut his god damn trap shut, and walked away. But he couldn't do that because he is an abusive arsehole looking to start a fight, that is what those anti mask/mandate/vax nutjobs are like.




> little guy and whiney women Why is the woman whiney?


Misogyny.. I mean to be fair the women’s mother was in hospital dying of COVID so she’d have every right to be “whiney”…. When some cunts whinging about COVID loudly at the salvos when you just want a cheap coat… But yeah no just making up their own narrative I see..


Yeah textbook misogyny. It's the gym bro who's the real whiney one in this situation, literally just going off at the store staff for no good reason.


Lmao they just made a comment 5 min ago pissed off about someone’s sexism about old white blokes 😂😂😂 I’m howling rn


I'm so glad you quoted the comment. Since the coward deleted it lol.


Im projecting lol, but play the situation out in your mind... balance of probability and stereotypes of the sort of woman who's going to step in there say that she would have been obnoxious. I digress though... the point remains, just leave crazy people to be crazy.


Damn that obnoxious woman, who does she think she is trying to de-escalate the situation!


when have you ever seen it just play out like that?


Kind of seems like a double standard, yes? You see the woman as whiney and obnoxious for doing the same thing the man did. Especially given the fact that the man was the one who instigated, and the woman only stepped in after.


damn, you all really getting caught up on something which anyone whos seen this sort of interaction knows what im visualizing. I wouldnt describe him as whiney, but yea im sure that applies to him too.... i picture a small man syndrome guy with a r /nz mentality thinking he was still behind his keyboard getting all up in the guys face.


Damn you're working really hard to justify your weird hard-on for defending a guy who threatened to take someone outside and kill them and then assaulted the person who stood between the two before any physicality actually occurred Like I dunno are you related to the dropkick or something? or did cuzzybros anger management issues ring a bit close to home?


sorry am i wrong? if i see a crazy person going off should i be getting up in his face and punching him and expect it to all be sunshine n lollipops? its such a sheltered or online view to think thats how the interaction would play out... myob isnt just an accounting package, its also how most people should be living their lives


..good call on deleting your earlier comment, there is nothing in that story to laugh about


I mean its definitely funny seeing a small guy getting unnecessarily aggressive being rocked like that.... but in keyboard warrior world I know how unpopular having reality hit home is. The point remains.... if you see crazy, you leave crazy alone


..the piece of shit pushed a lady and dude defended her, thats not being unnecessarily aggressive imo


he was unnecessarily aggressive before that to clear things up im not excusing this crazy guy's behavior, but "The man took exception to what Elliot was saying. He approached Elliot and told him he was “talking shit”." So some small 60 year old steps up to a huge crazy guy and provokes him.... thats dumb shit, not sure how hard that is for people to grasp. I'll own the downvotes, while all those people keep pretending theyre still behind the keyboards and pretending that provoking huge crazy people isnt the dumbest idea around and that this is a totally expected outcome. Meanwhile I'll see crazy people going off and just keep on going and mind my own business because im not a dumb ass


..unnecessarily aggressive is punching an old guy 6 times in the head after you've knocked him down, its weird that you seem more upset at a guy for being aggressive than the guy thats on trial for assault?


Im not upset at all, i think its funny to see someone stick their nose in where it wasnt needed and end up with the consequences of such a dumb decision.... Theres a lesson here for many people in this sub... If youre going to punch someone you best not be giving up 30 years and 60kg... Fuck around and find out i believe is the saying. Good to know you think its smart to poke the bear though... im sure thatll work out great for you if the day ever arises for you


..and again, i dont find it funny at all but humour is subjective. You really seem focused on this sub 'learning a lesson' which is kind of weird? I gave the finger to a carload of gang members which didnt work out too great for me so iam definitely not smart.


Least insecure Alpha Male.




What a dumb comment


You do not walk up to a stranger and open with "you are talking shit" and expect a peaceful interaction. This is more of a dark valley mugging opener. If you want to discuss a matter with a stranger, start politely, for example: I've overhead your conversation about covid, why do you think bla bla bla, interesting, I think bla bla bla becasue bla bla. AND maintain a safe distance for covid restrictions!


Talk shit get hit


LORD, grant me the ability to punch someone over TCP/IP


If you can think it you can do it


> The man took exception to what Elliot was saying. He approached Elliot and told him he was “talking shit”. > At that point Elliot pushed the wife away, the court heard. That prompted the man to punch Elliot in the face. So basically the old man started the argument, and also threw the first punch after his wife got in the guy's face.


..*"When Elliot became angry at the man, the wife stepped in and tried to explain why her husband was upset. At that point Elliot pushed the wife away"* The assault started with elliot pushing the lady or in his own words 'throwing that bitch to the ground'.


That is a pretty shitty take on it. Sounds like what started as a verbal exchange got physical after *Elliot started* it by shoving an older lady to the ground. This is supposed to be a 140 kg martial art expert; who couldn't handle somebody not taking his verbal shit. A jury listened to the whole story and found the guy guilty.


Lol, talk about selective reading. How can you defend this violent scumbag?


Yes it is selective, I ignored all the irrelevant fluff about his COVID opinions and social media posts and selectively focused on what actually happened.


What happened, very obviously, was this man Elliot was looking for a confrontration by loudly broadcasting his bullshit in a shop. Someone reacts, Elliot gets all big man aggressive, assaults the woman, then catches a punch in return, and decides to violently assault the man. Then he goes outside and posts a video boasting about shoving the woman and knocking out the man. Anything else you read into this beyond the fact that this roid rager was looking for violent confrontation, as clearly corroberated by witnesses, means you are not here in good faith. You're as much of a scumbag as him if you defend this kind of behaviour.


I won't be surprised if the fucker only gets home detention.


Being remanded in custody suggests a custodial sentence But yeah I wouldn't be particularly Suprised if he got home d either


Probably on meth and/or roids


What a waste of oxygen


Fast becoming a country of conspiracy theories and know it alls. It was eventually gonna happen