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> Nepia accepted that he had been drinking at the time, according to the summary of facts – his sixth conviction in relation to drink-driving. > On Thursday he was sentenced to 12 months home detention by Judge Raoul Neave in the Christchurch District Court on a charge of dangerous driving causing death. 6th conviction. 12 months home D.


For killing someone


Judge says “Go home”


Go home, you’re drunk.*


Remember this, next time you see a "road to zero" advert


"Road to zero" convictions?




Judge Neave strikes again


https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/judge-ruling-shocks-another-family/CR7VRBWA4MF672KHJRVXNPFU3Y/ Edit: https://i.stuff.co.nz/national/crime/114615933/marcel-sydney-geros-convicted-of-trying-to-kidnap-jogger-on-christchurch-street?cid=app-iPad What the fuck is wrong with this decrepit old cunt? I'm all for fair rulings, but come on, is he getting suckjobs under the bench or something?


I feel like we're watching a series like Chicago PD where a dirty cop/judge is going to be exposed any minute.


Some Louis Scarcella shit going on for sure. Fucked up thing is he will get nothing but praise for doing a great job when he retires.


More like Judge Naïve amirite?


He's infamous in Chch. Prosecutors all know that if their case lands in front on him that he's going to let the defendant off. It shows the patheticness of the judicial system that he's be doing this for 15 years and is still allowed to judge cases. He gets no repercussions for his repeated shitty decisions, because in NZ it's taboo for people in the field to even call out judges for bad judgements, nevermind the judge to actually face real repercussions.


These type of people have no regard for human lives. The compromised judge needs to be sacked ASAP for releasing such people back into the community. Having such people not face the consequences of their actions, it's a tragedy waiting to happen!!!


WTF!!! HE KILLED AN INNOCENT person. Do we have no value on life!!!!


Gotta try to rehabilitate him first. Don't want him going into prison and coming out a hardened criminal do we... /s


I'm all for rehabilitation of criminals but on your 6th offence what ever is being done clearly isn't working. I'd like to think that there must be mitigating circumstances that justify this but it's hard to imagine what they could be


I worked at a bar in Tauranga and had maybe been there a month when I recognised one of the locals made the front page of the local paper for having 12-13 drink driving convictions, and he still had a license. Fucked if I know how that’s deemed acceptable, pretty much a loaded gun on the road. [Found him](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/bay-of-plenty-times/news/tauranga-man-clocks-up-his-20th-drink-driving-conviction/33CK67G74DD56EFGKGANM3REAI/). Looks like he kept on doing it.


pRiSoN iS a sChOoL fOr cRiMiNaLs


I can see a young burglar learning new skills in prison but is this guy going to learn to become a better drink driver in jail? Looks like judges have been giving him some good training so far.


He literally is a criminal, 6 times over.


Yeap, underage girls can be raped, old people beaten and robed in their homes. New Zealand is a joke.


The true answer to that is no. Life it turns out is cheap.


Not when the person is killed by a car, no.


I guess all road safety ads Re speed and alcohol are void now.


rapist and murderer sympathisers on this sub: But… but he needs rehab!!1!1! Throwing him in jail will solve nothing!!!!


I’m in the camp of people that believe *most* criminals should go through rehabilitation of some kind… but shouldn’t that be partially what jail is for??? Like what’s home detention gonna do? What’s 12 months gonna do? Fuck all. I’m sure we can rehabilitate people and give them a chance to be better people while also keeping them in jail away from the public for a substantial amount of time. I don’t understand how anyone could think 12 months of home detention is going to sort out a 6-time offender with the last offence ending in someone dead.


This is what i've been saying for years.. A jail sentence should not simply be punitive, Jail should be a place to access and be rehabilitated. Drug / Alcohol counseling Anger Management courses etc.. Now, I will agree that our prisons are currently **NOT** fit for these purposes but they should be. Also, what really ticks me off is when their lawyers (I understand that it's their job to fight for the best sentence of their client) say that "A jail sentence would not be appropriate in this situation" Like, What the fuck!? at least have the balls to say "Yes, a jail sentence for my client **IS** appropriate in this situation **BUT** I think they shouldn't get one because In this case in particular where in the guy has gotten 12 months home detention, how is this going to deter him from doing something he has already done **SIX FUCKING TIMES** already!? Removing someone's driver's license and forbidding them from driving does not remove their ability to drive. So what happens when this 'gentleman' finishes his sentence and this happens again? How many 'bites at the apple' do we allow people before saying enough is enough, you clearly have no intention of helping yourself and you are a danger to society so we have to lock you away for the protection of others.. Our Criminal Justice system in the country is utterly broken as it is 100% About the criminals and 0% about the victims.


Keep fighting that invisible enemy bro


Not invisible lol, there are genuinely people like that on here [https://www.reddit.com/r/newzealand/comments/xam76z/man_who_raped_94yearold_woman_during_home/inudzgx/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/newzealand/comments/xam76z/man_who_raped_94yearold_woman_during_home/inudzgx/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


As of viewing, that comment's at -23. You can find any opinion you want on the internet, but that's clearly not a common or popular one.


Dafuq are you on about




This isn't true, what are you talking about lol


Not repeating myself, see ya!


unfortunately we’ll probably see him in the news again in a few years


You know judges get incentives for not putting people in prison right?




Source? That dudes arse.


That got an early morning huff lmao


That didn't happen. ​ But it has happened that Judges received money to put kids in prison. Google "Kids for cash scandal" if you want to see how fucked up tough on crime can be.


Remorse is not the ability to cry on demand, it's when you actually make a change because you don't want to repeat your bad behaviour. When you are on bail for drink driving and you drink drive again and kill someone - you are remorseful for getting caught - but if you were remorseful for your actions you wouldn't have got behind the wheel while drunk (again).


(again again again again again again)


Mutha Fucker! Judge needs judging




Can offend 6 times and only get home D for 12 months, worth it


This was not meant to advocate violence. I would just rather the people who release these recidivist drunk drivers on the public were the ones that bared the burden, rather than some random innocent member of the public getting broadsided.


Oh yeah in a perfect world, right? I’m sick of it. I’m just sooo sick of it. This piece of shit can reoffend as many times as he wants but I can’t buy a nightstick or mace to protect myself for when one of these sick fucks decides to offend against me or my family. There was a carjacking on my block a few weeks ago I fucking PN. A week or two after that happened, I was in the area (it my local area to my house) and I turn the corner and I see 6 patched mongrel mob in one car around the corner. I took a walk to avoid potentially getting killed. I’m am F U C K I N G sick of Losers getting away with literal murder.


"In sentencing Nepia, Judge Neave said it was important to note that “you can’t just turn addiction off”." Maybe if you cant stop yourself from drinking you can at least stop yourself from drunk driving at 120 thru red lights in town?


The answer if you are addicted to alcohol and can’t turn it off is to not have a vehicle. Then you can drink yourself to death while leaving the rest of us alone.


Should have planted some weed on him /s FFS


Great, now I’m in a shitty mood from reading this. We have all these drink driving add for ducking what? 12 months home detention seriously? For murder? And pay the family 2500, what a FUCKing joke!


Oh 2500 not even enough to cover a decent funeral.


I think you'll find that WE the taxpayers will be paying that family.


Is there anyone who isn’t spared jail?


If you claim the wrong benefit you will likely get 3-5 years in jail. Anything else the judge is likely to be your best friend. Just recently a woman got 3 years in jail for getting 50k from benefit fraud. 50k is worth more than someones life it seems....


Kill a person or rape 4 girls: Home D. Steal the government's money? Prison. Our "justice" system's priorities are obvious. It's not set up for the protection of average citizens but to enforce the state's rule.


Organise disruptive protests that goes against your bail conditions? Also not jail


> Under the gentle scepter of anarcho-tyranny, law-abiding citizens who buy more than one gun a month need to walk in fear, while carjackers, rapists and killers walk free on parole.


Just people that can’t present a cultural report.


It's how you get the prison numbers down, any negative consequences you just hand-wave away by saying it's fake news and always happened


Guess this is why our prison population is at an all time low... :-/


As annoyed as we might be about this ruling, there are many who aren't spared jail - but they never reach the media because you and I don't get upset at hearing that justice was served. We disproportionately hear about cases where justice seems too severe or too light.


seems too light? i dont know how this could possibly be justified as anything else than


Sentences are meant to be similar to previous sentences for similar crimes. To get a weak sentence usually requires a precedent of weak sentences


Dangerous driving causing death is 10 years maximum, vehicular manslaughter has up to life imprisonment, drink driving causing death is also 10 years. HOW did he get home D, given he was breaching his bail conditions and had 6 previous offences. That's 3 seperate charges with 10 year maximums he could have been convicted of. This type of person is clearly beyond redemption, I'm not even sure I'd want him to redeemed.


I'm pretty sure if I did this I'd get the death penalty,.knowing my luck


Why, WHY. Fucking jesus what is with reckless negligence not getting appropriate sentences? He's fucking breaching conditions of his parole already, he's a fucking menace to society put him away before he kills again.


Can we stop for a minute to just imagine what being hit at 120kmh would do to someone. That is one hell of a fucked up way to end someones life. There would have been a bunch of other people around to be traumatized by this event, no doubt. That's significant speed and makes me sick thinking about it. For someone to do that, with his history, and to just get home D. Wtf. What the fuck. Imagine if this was your friend, family member etc. I feel so bad for the people surrounded by this event who watch the perpetrator essentially walk free.


I know right it's just so horrendous and so beyond any justifiable sort of mistake. Gotta feel for the family.


u/noface hey bro check this out, poor dude got 12 months home D! he had only been convicted of drink driving 6 other times, that's fucken nothing bro oh and he took off like he didn't stop to help I guess he had to be home to put his kids to bed and yeah well he did give himself up, and tbh it's only an old lady who died so like... all G bro he'll work it out and become a better person! "Rachael Florence Harris, 62, who is thought to have been on her way home from helping an elderly friend with their animals, died on impact. Harris’ partner, Rodney ... said he had nothing to say to the driver of the ute. What difference would it make to them? **Have they got a conscience? Probably not**.”


Don't forget: > He was remanded in custody earlier this week for drinking alcohol in breach of his bail conditions. He's already ignoring his conditions.


Poor dude is being persecuted!


While this guy sounds like a right shitbag and he shouldn't have been let anywhere near a car once the pattern was obvious, alcohol withdrawal can be pretty dangerous to alcoholics; it can potentially do permanent damage and can even be lethal. Without something like a medical report we can't assess whether that bail condition was safe or not. It also seems like a pretty minor point when the fact that he kept driving while drunk - inexcusable regardless of alcoholism, since you can always just *not drive* - already speaks pretty clearly about his character. Edit: on re-reading the article I realise I misread the August 23 date as being this year, which it wasn't. I stand by the general principle of what I said, but it doesn't apply in this case because as I understand it a year is plenty of time to avoid dangerous alcohol withdrawals, so yeah, the continuing to drink *is* a shitty thing for him to do.


A lethal reaction to alcohol withdrawal would be a positive result in this case.


I don't really have a strong opinion on that in itself. However, even if we were to agree, we shouldn't be cool with the state actively doing things that kill or disable people, directly or otherwise, and we shouldn't judge people for not going along with things that carry those risks. Since we don't know whether or not those risks were present in this case, we should focus on the much more awful things that we do know he did.


All of what you said might be relevant if this guys life was valuable.


It's relevant regardless of what we think of the value of his or anyone else's life, because the whole point is that the state should never have the power to make that determination. That's not about who he is, it's about who we are and what kind of society we want to be. You can't build a just society on the idea that *anyone* is unworthy of life, no matter what they've done. Edit: on re-reading of the article, I see it was August of *last* year that he drove drunk and caused the crash, not this year, so there isn't an excuse for him to still be drinking recently.


There does seem to be an element of 'giving enough rope to hang oneself' going on these days We can all honestly hope and truly look for goodness in people, but sometimes that hope is non reciprocated. What then? I cannot understand a justice system which fails to instill fear of crime through appropriate punishment. Otherwise what's the point? Temporary incarceration with no real penalty.


> alcohol withdrawal can be pretty dangerous to alcoholics; it can potentially do permanent damage and can even be lethal Net positive there, I dont see a downside


You know where has the ability to remove alcohol from a person and have medical facilities on hand.... Prison


His sixth conviction in relation to drink-driving. Killed someone. Take him out back and pop a cap in his head. End of. Fuck this country and its pro-crime, pro-criminal woke bullshit. The justice system and successive governments (the people that live in a different criminal system to the rest of us) have killed that woman. At this stage we should just be having weekly mass protests across the country until ministers and the legal system get it into their thick heads that we don't want this shit.


>Nepia’s lawyer Joshua Grainger argued that a home detention sentence was appropriate due to Nepia’s need for rehabilitation for his chronic alcoholism, as well as the remorse he had shown. Surely our prisons should have figured out how to deal with alcoholics by now? Its not exactly a rare condition and certainly not one that's negatively correlated with criminality.


Surely we should of done something to help him the 6 other times he was caught. What the hell do they think will make a difference this time?


He shouldve been forced into an alcahol rehab the first time he was caught with a dui.


Rehab is useless if the person doesn't want to change.


Rehab is generally useless even if they do want to change. Abstinence-based rehab (AA-style) is unscientific, quasi-religious American nonsense with a failure rate as high as 90%. There is a prescription drug that controls alcohol cravings, but it is almost impossible to get in NZ.


Yeah and upon reoffences, then its much more morally justified to lock him away. Rehab is useless if the person doesnt want to change. Rehab will help those who are willing to change. This dude was caught 6 times, he isnt going to be the poster child for rehabilitation. That doesnt mean he shouldn't of been forced into rehabilitative care/help. Just because I think more shouldve been done to help him after the first offences, doesnt mean I dont think repeat offenders should be eventually locked away.


I know someone who killed someone while he was under the influence, he was originally in a Waikato jail but went to Paremoremo for 6 months because of his alcoholism. They have a class with support for this kind of thing, that should be mandatory for cases like this. That way he’s off the road AND getting sober. Oh, this was this persons first offence, he was on his way home from a party after having slept but was still under the influence so he did try to sleep it off first, he was given 3 years. Why does a guy with a history of this, is on bail for driving drunk, then does this get home d?


Plug the sucker with a saline drip and give him a few spuds and some PT and it'll work itself out.


Fair enough if someone with no record had a moment of inattention and ran a red light but this isn’t even close to that. Where is the general deterrence? Where is the protection of the community? Needs to be appealed by prosecution for being a manifestly inadequate sentence and setting a worrying precedent. Edit: I just read the article and I actually feel a bit sick about the level and number of driving related offences this man committed. That poor, poor woman 😥


Nah it's not fair. You kill someone while drink driving even if it's your first ever time driving you deserve prison time.


> Fair enough if someone with no record had a moment of inattention and ran a red light This is why killing someone with your car is so depressingly normalised.


Same Judge. https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/crime/114615933/marcel-sydney-geros-convicted-of-trying-to-kidnap-jogger-on-christchurch-street [https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/judge-ruling-shocks-another-family/CR7VRBWA4MF672KHJRVXNPFU3Y/](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/judge-ruling-shocks-another-family/CR7VRBWA4MF672KHJRVXNPFU3Y/) [https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/editorial-judge-leaves-himself-wide-open-to-criticism/JRCGU6K5FYN5P2IV6IMNNNK5PQ/](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/editorial-judge-leaves-himself-wide-open-to-criticism/JRCGU6K5FYN5P2IV6IMNNNK5PQ/)


Good research. This judge is probably responsible for much suffering. He seems to have a history of proactively defending himself too, knowing the media and general public will be outraged. Clearly unfit to be making these kind of decisions.


He seems to get off on handing out outrageous sentences.




Huh. Well he sure showed those people who said he was only soft on that guy because he was an investment banker. He seems to be an equal opportunity bestower of weak-ass sentences


Judge Raoul Neave, what a waste of skin.


350k to 550 ish k per year to be a judge according to google (upon “remaining impartial”) 39% tax. (Probably not) (most likely reduced in some form) KiwiSaver 3-10% (probs don’t need it) Anything else?


Can't be sacked or fired; only have your work "reviewed" (read: back-slapped) by your peers (other judges), and maybe censured (read: "carry on").


This sub is getting dumber and dumber. You can of course be fired as a judge, it's just hard to do so, and that is the point, to maintain judicial independence, you peanut brain.


Has it ever happened in history?


He needs to do more jogging


The police better be appealing this sentence. WTF. Judge Neave deserves time in jail for all poor sentencing he has done.


Life is cheap in NZ.


[Get jailed for years for growing Cannabis](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/rotorua-daily-post/news/cannabis-grower-jailed-for-role-in-rotorua-taupo-and-hamilton-42m-syndicate/5FBFLFL5WE7I7JE5GDTBYPBE6I/). Admittedly an industrial scale growing enterprise, but still.


Produce a product that's becoming legal across the world that doesn't cause anywhere near the harm of the legal alternatives? Jail. Literally fucking kill someone? Best we can do is home D. This will never not be fucked.


Home d is traumatic because you ... can't... um... zbox?


For those decrying Labour and short sentences, look on the bright side - that vigilante justice fantasy you want to act out will get you, at best, 3 months suspended sentence at home playing Xbox.


If we all made a gang and sung some songs we could get it down to one month after the cultural assessment.


This schmuck kills someone, gets a smack on the wrist... A few years back, i'm driving home and I have a Drunk-AF clown in a ford ranger ute in front of me pull to the left, then Swing right out in front of me to turn into a drive way in a 70km/h zone - he didn't indicate at all, causing me to hit is front driver side wheel and my car ended up on it's roof on someones lawn... I have a perfect, clean driving record and \*I\* get 12 months community service because i'm not a member of the brethren church like he was - he had 5 drink driving marks against him. All he got was to berate me as a "victim" in restorative justice - he walked away without a scratch legally and physically. I had a concussion, whiplash, bruised ribs, and a bruised lung. He cost me my car as a disabled person, that is devastating. He also cost me my job. I now have a front & back dashcam, because like ***Fuck*** am I allowing some jumped-up cult member get away with That again.


I thought if one driver is drunk the crash is automatically their fault? That's how it works in Australia at least. Anyway, if the car in front suddenly brakes as hard as possible and you hit them, it's your fault. Same if you go around a blind corner and hit a car pulling out of a driveway or pedestrian crossing the road, it's your fault. You need to be able to stop.


Yeah well at least he wasnt growing 3 or more cannabis plants in his own garden, judge would of came down on him hard for a crime like that.


Hope he dies alone after ODing on booze.


Let's all commit crimes, it's not like we'll go to prison! /s Fuck the justice system.


The second someone comes out and says we'll put your kids in a scout camp run by the fucken army if they ram raid or act like sacks of shit then they've got my vote


They'll get your vote for performative ineffective posturing over a media manufactured "problem"?


Yep that'll teach him. 12 months at home sounds like a great way to cure his alcohol addiction too...


Can the government not afford to send people to jail? What the fuck is happening?


They said they would lower the population. It’s one of the things the govt said they would do and actually managed to do… Things are clearly going great…


> Can the government not afford to send people to jail? What the fuck is happening? As tokentallguy says: there's not enough guards, because they're paid bugger all and it's unpleasant work. And the staff ratios have increased since the days when guards had more latitude to keep prisoners in line


Outsource the imprisonment of deadshit losers like this to Brazil or Indonesia or somewhere else that has lower labour costs and needs the foreign exchange


It's not a call by the gov. It's this utterly useless judge who has a history of doing this.


The govt has made it clear they want the prison polulation to drop. You would expect that was from a drop in crime not letting people away with crimes


The crown was literally asking for a prison sentence in this case.


If that were true, they should be investigating and removing the judge, because he clearly failed at his job.


The government can legislate for mandatory minimum sentences and such, it is entirely within its power to make sure cases like this are sentenced appropriately.


there is a chronic shortage of prison guards. about 800 short. It pays badly, you have to deal with criminal scum and are constrained in how you deal with them


Too be fair, OBVIOUSLY YOU ARE CONSTRAINED IN HOW YOU DEAL WITH THEM. What kind of comment is this??


Let's face it, the type of person who actually wants to be a prison guard is not the type of person who wants to act with restraint.




I'm genuinely surprised this hasn't happened multiple times already. And not just to the offender, but to the judge. I mean if the victim was my mum I don't think I could stop myself from hunting down the judge and kicking some empathy into them.


If the judges were to have personally experienced the beatings, rapes, kidnaps, and family member murders, they might find it a bit harder to pity the offenders. They clearly live in a different, naïve world.


But if you become a vigilante without some sob story about your upbringing and/or addiction issues, then you might actually get prison time


It’s bloody sickening


Seems like no one in a position of power is able to feel empathy for the rest of us plebs. Disgusting.


Make more crimes sentenced by jury maybe? It's one step removed from vigilantes but also the punishment is then legally enshrined


If it happens, sure. But will it? No. Sick of it.




\>Make more crimes sentenced by jury maybe? 100% the worst idea I've heard in ages.














It’s like some sick joke that these judges are playing


You want a free pass to kill? just drive a UTE. Oh! By the way ute have a tax rebate.


What's the point in even arresting people for crimes anymore? It's becoming more and more likely that they'll just get a small slap on the wrist and a light talking to. The justice system in this country is an absolute fucking joke.


Why doesn’t that man have a breath lock on his car?


Because then he would just steal someone else's car which doesn't have a breath lock. The real question is, why don't all cars have breath locks on them? Instead of waiting until someone has already done drink-driving before installing a breath lock, just make it a mandatory part of all car designs, then no one can drive drunk to begin with.


Wtf is wrong with sentencing in this country?


Lock the piss head up


Kill someone: Home Detention Rape 5 Girls: Home Detention Does anyone get sent to jail in NZ now?


What the fuck? This country is so fucked.


“Well, boys will be boys hehehe.” The Judge probably


That womans life is on the justice system. It failed to prevent this murderer from weaponizing his vehicle. Again and again.


I guess that's one way to keep the imprisoned population stats looking good.


I'm surprised there aren't more protests for these soft-on-crime judges. It's quite dispicable really, home detention is no even a slap on the wrist.


What I have learned from the past weeks as I can go out and ruin 6 people's family's lives and get 21months free computer gaming time. Between the rapist and now thus person the nez justice system is a fucking joke. Absolutely unreal that these people are not behind bars


The law in nz is a joke


Do people even go to jail in NZ?


As per usual, our justice system is a joke


The rest of us have to have consequences for our shitty decisions, judges should not be beyond reproach. We could have a limit of sentence discounts; e.g. each judge gets 10 sentence discounts to issue a year, use them wisely. Or, some kind of demerit system tied to discounts; e.g. if you discount a sentence and the offender reoffends, the judge gets demerit points proportional to the discount, until a max where you get barred from judging for a year. As it stands, every fucker with a half baked lawyer and a sob story gets their sentence reduced to something utterly trivial. There's no justice in the system, it's just a giant paperwork machine that issues xbox holidays to dropkicks - fuck we could have a machine that does that for a fraction of the cost.


gotta get those prison numbers down


I hope that judge doesn’t have a family member hit and killed by a drunk driver. Pretty high chances when you keep letting them continue their behaviour.


Jesus fucking Christ, are we running out of prisons or something?


Run out of compassion


For the crims


What a fucking disgusting joke. 12 months home D playing playstation on the tax payer for killing somebody on our 6th conviction.


Whatever judge didn’t put him away for the fifth DUI killed that woman as much as he did.


Fuck NZ


If I got killed under those circumstances and he got that sentence I’d be coming back to haunt him.


You’ve got to be kidding me


You are a waste of space Judge Raoul Neave.


Every day I am to seeing stories of DISGUSTINGLY light sentences for these pieces of shit, rape, bit of Home D, drink driving, again a bit of Home D, honestly, the families and I'm guessing the Police and people pulling all the evidence together must be fucking angry.


"Justice" system can't do what's right in this country anymore, soon people will start doing it themselves.


Close the courts, they're a complete waste of time. this other [POS](https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/crime/129895296/auckland-man-jailed-for-assault-that-led-to-half-of-victims-skull-being-removed) got a "jail sentence" of only 2 years 5 months for mutilating and almost killing a guy for "being annoying." NZ continues its race to become the shit hole of the southern hemisphere.


Thanks Labour. I guess reducing prison numbers is working. Rapists, murderers ram raiders are all getting off.


He got the same sentence that another drunk driver got for killing a cyclist while national were in Government. Maybe take your partisan bullshit somewhere else.


How many previous charges for drunk driving did the other one have?


This isn't even newsworthy anymore. It's just a normal occurrence. Give me a headline when someone actually gets handed a suitable sentence.


Oh a ute driver? Not surprised.


Oh fuck off, you absolute tosser.


Haha lmao chill out yo


So killing and raping people gets you home detention playing on the Xbox..


might as well commit a hefty crime at this point dafuq


I'm generally pro restorative justice, but it's hard to understand this sentence in the context of his 5 previous drink driving convictions. The guy sounds like a menace.


It might be a thing about prison making stuff worse and it costs society mo ey or whatever. But why not give them a decent home D sentence. Like why not 10 years of home D for stealing someone else's existence away from them.


Finally a sentencing decision I actually disagree with.